Study On Self Reflection Business Essay

This chapter deals with the researcher’s experience during the dissertation. Reflection is important for the self development of an individual. Refection plays a major role in developing as it helps in learning from experience. Reflection helps in reviewing the work constantly from the learning and the experiences. Moon (2004, p.82) defines reflection as “Reflection is a form of mental processing- like a form of thinking – that we may use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome or we may simply “be reflective” and then an outcome can be unexpected”.

Reflection can also be related to problems which does not have any possible solution which are based on the knowledge and the understanding that we already have.

6.2 Kolb’s reflective learning theory:

A model for an experimental learning was developed by Kolb (1984b) called as Kolb’s learning cycle. This model is very useful in understanding and it helps in developing reflective learning. Kolb says that learning can be of two ways one is “abstract- concrete” and “active-reflective”. There are four stages in a cyclic manner in the Kolb cycle. They are “abstract conceptualization”, “active experimentation”, “concrete experience” and “reflective observation”. This is shown in the diagram below

Entry into one of the four stages can be made at anytime and the model helps in developing when all the stages are fallowed in a sequence manner to learn effectively. Experience alone does not account in the Kolb’s learning cycle but it is highly essential how the reflection is made from the experience to form generalizations. These generalisations help to formulate new concepts that will be very useful a concept in a new situation. The theory can be related to the action by proper planning and acting out and reflecting on it and then relating back to the theory. This completes the cyclic process. The cyclic begins when the individual relates the experience which he has gained and relates to other things, and this experience forms the starting point for reflective observation.

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6.3 Learning achievement from research:

The researcher did his undergraduate in India where the teaching system is completely different. Initially the researcher faced lots of problem with the teaching system and the examination system at Liverpool John Moores University. The assignment system are new in the Liverpool John Moores University. Initially faced many problems while doing the assignments because it was new to do this sort of assignments. The experience which is gained by submitting assignments from the first and second semester has helped in improving the writing skills and thus the experiences which are gained while submitting the assignments helped in writing the dissertation.

The research methods module which attended for almost three months in the second semester has helped in getting a clear knowledge about how to do proceed with the dissertation. It helped in knowing the concept of the research, how to do research, what are the different ways in conducting the research, how to frame the questionnaire, how to collect the data. The methodology module helped in gaining a theoretical idea about how the dissertation can be done in different ways. But when it comes to practical it was different and faced problem with the questionnaire and the tutor has helped in correcting the questionnaire.

Time management is very important because things which are not done on time will be waste. While doing dissertation the researcher learned how to use time effectively and how to plan the things in the given period of time.

Communication plays a main role in order to be a successful in professional life. Communication skills has been increased when it comes speaking English fluently. Without proper communication it is difficult to convey the message clearly. Group work and regularly meeting with tutor has helped in increasing communication skills.

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Group work has taught so many things especially confidence and motivation. While interacting with colleagues when doing group work and pointing out the mistakes and appreciating the best work has increased lot of confidence.

The topic of analysing the performance appraisal of employee at KFC has been chosen because of the interest in Human Resource Management. The idea to do research on this topic came in second semester while attending human resource management classes as one of core modules in the second semester. The human resource management module helped in critically think and evaluating the issues surrounding on this topic. Because of the experience gained while working in this organisation it helped in understanding that the issues the employees faces when it comes to the performance appraisal. This is an attempt to look at one of the problems which the employee faces when it comes to performance appraisal.

The process of research began with the literature review. Literature review is very helpful and it is beneficial to the researcher as it helped to identify the possible causes and issue pertaining to the performance appraisal of employee in the organisation. The researcher work is to identify the most and the least significant factors for this study. From the literature review the researcher came to know that from a proper training the performance of the employee can be increased

While doing the dissertation the researcher faced many problems. Dr. Karim Menacere helped in clearing all the doubts patiently and advised how to write the dissertation. With the good guidance from tutor the researcher gained knowledge on how to write the dissertation. Continuously meeting with the tutor helped in improving the communication skills. Effective communication played a key role in completing the dissertation.

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6.4 Reflection on MBA:

The modules in the first and the second semester helped in gaining the knowledge on the subject. By doing the group assignments in the first semester with the colleagues who are from different cultural, social background helped in critically thinking on the topic. When it comes to second semester while reflecting from the experience gained from the first semester, the researcher writing skills and critical thinking has improved a lot.

6.5 Conclusion:

In depth has been gained on the subject of the performance appraisal while doing research. How the employee perception towards the feedback, pay and training process will alter the effectiveness of the performance appraisal in the organisation. Communication skills which are developed while interacting with professors, colleagues and friends will help in career. Referring to many text book and journals had helped in critical thinking on the performance appraisal and helped to develop an in depth knowledge on the subject and the analytical skill which were developed during the research will help in the future professional life. This theoretical and practical knowledge will help the researcher in the future.

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