Swot analysis on indian national congress


The Indian national congress is also known as the congress party and abbreviations INC. Indian national congerss is a major political party in India.INC founded in 1885 by allan octvian hume, dadabhai naroji, dinshaw bacha,womesh Chandra banerjee,surendranath banerjee,manmohan ghosh and William wedderburn. The Indian national congress became the leader of india independent movement, with over 15 million member and over 70 million participation in its struggle against british rule in india after independence in 1947. National congress became the nations dominant political party, lead by the NEHERU-GANDHI family for most of the party, challenged for leadership only in more recent decades, the party is currently the chief member of the ruling united progressive alliance coalition. It is the only party to get more than 100 million votes in three general election.

     The Indian national association was the first avowed nationalist organization founded in British India by surendranath banerjee and anand mohan bose in 1876. The objectives of this association were “promoting by every legitimate means the political, intellectual and material advancement of the people”. The association attracted more educated Indians and civic leaders from all parts of the country and became an important forum for Indians aspirants for independence. It later merged with Indian national congress. Its origin from the zamindari sabha (association) founded by DWARIKANATH TAGORE and his cousin PRASANNO TAGORE In 1831. In 1857 the association support the east india company in the sepoy munity, calling the stem punishment for the rebels.

     In 1866 pandit navin Chandra roy was appointed asa secretary of the association a post which he held for 4 years before he finally moved to Lahore in the course of his employment. Ramnath tagore was the president from 1867 to 1877 after a stormy meeting in 1870 a resolution moved by nationalist adi dharma faction of baboo hemendra nath tagore was approved to voice the concern of educated Indians to the british authorities on issue of discrimination, participation of Indian in the Indian civil sercice and political empowerment and representation of Indian. This result in a split, whereby freemason crown loyalist formed a breakway association called the Indian reform association under keshab Chandra sen to “unlift the common people but only give them political representation when they ready for it”. 1871 a branch was established by the adi dharma faction in oudh by dakshinarajan mukherjee for demanding Indian elected representation in legislatures.

     The reform association faction on july 26th 1876 established a bharat sabha with Bengali leaders like surendranath banerjee sastri, anand mohan bose etc. And held its first annual conference in culcutta, from 1880 till 1890 a bitter battle for control of the reform association ensued between the prosen and anti-sen factions.


Nationalist on salt march

The fag adopted in 1931 and used by the provision government of free India during the second world war.

From the foundation of national congress 28 dec 1885 till the time of independence of india 15 august 1947, the national congress was the largest and most prominent india public organization, which influence of the Indian independence movement.


Allan Octavian hume is the of Indian national congress.

Founded upon the suggestion of british civil servant named allan Octavian hume. After the first war of Indian independence and the transfer of india from the east india company to the british empire, it was the goal of the raj to support and justify its governance of india with the aid of English-educated Indians, who would be familiar and friendly to british culture and political thining. On 12 oct 1885, hume and a group of educated Indians also published “ an appeal from the people of india to the electors of great Britain and Ireland” to ask british voters in 1885 british general election to help support candidates sympathetic to Indian public opinion,which included opposition to the levying of taxes on india to finance the british Indian campaigns in afganistan and support for legislative reform in india.

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     On 28 december 1885,the Indian national congress was founded at gokuldas tejpal Sanskrit college in Bombay, with 72 delegates in attendance. hume assumed office as the general secretary, and womesh Chandra banerjee of Calcutta was elected president besides hume two additional british members(both Scottish civil servants) were members of the founding group, William wedderburn and justice(later,sir) john jardine. The other members were mostly hindus from the Bombay and madras presidencies.


The first session of Indian national congress was held on 28-31 december 1885 at Bombay. Lokmanya tilak was the first to embrace swaraj as the national goal. The first spurts of nationalist sentiment that rose amongst congress members were when the desire to be represented in the bodies of government, to have a say, a vote in the law making and issues of administration of India.


Annie besant was by far the most prominently involved European in the Indian struggle when british entered into the british Indian army into world war I, it provoked the first definitive, nationwide political debate of its kind in india. The divided congress re- united in the pivotal lucknow session in 1916, with bal gangadhar tilak and gopal Krishna gokhle adorning the stage together once again.


Mohandas Gandhi gave rise to a whole new generation of nationalists, and a whole new form of revolution. In the year after the world war, the membership of the congress expanded considerably, owing to public excitement after gandhi’s in champaran and kheda. A whole new ganaration of leaders arose from different part of india who were commited gandhians-sardar vallabhbhai patel, jawarharlal neheru, rajendra Prasad, chakravarti Rajagopalachari, narhari parikh, mahadev desai- as well as hot -blooded nationalist aroused by gandhi’s active leadership- chittaranjan das, subhas Chandra bose,srinivasa lyengar.

     Gandhi transformed the congress from an elitist party based in the cities, to an organization of the people.



Within the congress, the partition of India was opposed by khan abdul gaffar, saifuddin kitchlew, Dr. Khan sahib and congressmen from the provinces that would inevitably become part of Pakistan. Maulana azad was opposed to partition in principle, but did not wish to impede the national leadership.


In 1947, the congress presidency passed upon jivatram gresskripalani, a veteran gandhian and ally of both Nehru and patel. Indian’s duumvirate expressed neutrality and full support to the elected winner of the 1947,1948 and 1949 presidential races.

However, a tug of war began between Nehru and his socialist wing, and patel and congress traditionalists broke out in 1950’s race. Nehru lobbied intensely to oppose the candidacy purushottam das tondon, whom he perceived as a hindu-muslim relations. Nehru openly backed kripalani to oppose tondon, but neglected courtesy to patel upon the question.


GANDHI was born on nov 19, 1917 in Allahabad, India, to Jawaharlal and kamala Nehru. Her life was drastically changed in 1919 when her wealthy and prominent family was visited by Mohandas Gandhi, the pacifist leader of the Indian freedom movement. Recently returned from South Africa, he converts her parents to the cause of Indian independence constant meetings and the frequent absence of Gandhi’s parents derived her of normal childhood. Because of the insecurities of her childhood Gandhi hardened herself and resolved not to hurt, as her mother had been, she grew up as a solemn, precocious child whose games were related to the fight against Britain.

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     Indira Gandhi is a symbol for the women and the third world. The ascension of a woman, indira Gandhi, to the highest position in the world’s most populous democracy was especially significant for the Indian women, who had traditionally been subservient to men, in addition, she was also an inspiration to people in other third world nation.


Rahul Gandhi was born on June 19, 1970 and he is an Indian Politician cum member of the Indian National Congress. He is the son of Shri Rajiv Gandhi and Smt. Sonia Gandhi, he is young and dynamic political leader seem his entire family struggling and sacrificing lives for India. Indira Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India was assassinated by a Sikh Militant in 1984. Shri Rahul Gandhi’s great grandfather Late Shri. Jawahar lal Nehru and the first Prime Minister of India has also sacrificed a lot during the freedom movement of India against the British.


The entire Gandhi family is known for its unparalleled educational Background. Shri Rahul Gandhi is no different. He completed his schooling from modern school in New Delhi. He was enrolled for History (Hons) at St. Stephen’s college, New Delhi. He successfully accomplished a four-year AB course in Economics at Harvard University.

Political Career:

Shri Rahul Gandhi stayed away from politics up to 2004. In May 2004, rahul Gandhi ran for the lower house of parliament from his constituency of Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. The state helped him to win by a wide margin and offered on opportunity to Shri Rahul Gandhi to become the second member of the fifth generation of the Nehru-Gandhi family to enter into active politics.

The campaign for this parliamentary Election from Amethi in Uttar Pradesh was directed by his younger sister Smt. Priyanka Vadra. His victory was widely commemorated by the media many enthusiasts, specially the younger citizens of India.

This victory offered Shri Rahul Gandhi an opportunity to make his mark in the political career. Thereafter, he was sought to cultivate support from his admirers. However, this has not been an easy journey as he strived hard to work up his profile through the media and stay away from the scandals of coalition politics. Shri Rahul Gandhi is currently concentrating on the political and other major issues of Uttar Pradesh.


Sonia Gandhi is the leader of the Congress Party in India.Although Sonia could have become the first foreign-born Indian Prime Minister, she declined the opportunity. In the May 2005 Parliamentary Elections to the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Indian Parliament, Sonia led the Congress Party to victory over the ruling BJP.Sonia’s victory was aided by anti-incumbency sentiments as well as the large-scale disenchantment of millions of people belonging to the lower classes, who have been mostly left behind in the economic reforms exercise of the BJP.

Sonia’s rapid rise in the political arena highlights two interesting aspects of Indian politics – In a country, where Hindus account for a majority of the population, Indian voters have not hesitated to embrace a Roman Catholic Videshi (Hindi word for foreigner).Sonia’s quick rise to the top of the Congress party illustrates the weakness of the Congress party and indeed the Indian political system. As political scientists like Samuel Huntington have written, in mature political systems the path to the top often takes decades during which time the leader gains experience in lesser positions and learns the art of governance in the process.

     Sonia has so far had very limited experience in the rough and tumble of politics and almost no experience in the art of governance. This raises questions of how effective Sonia can be as head of the ruling party of a complex nation like India with its myriad castes and religions and multitude of problems.If Sonia had become Prime Minister, she would have been the fourth member of the Nehru-Gandhi family to become Prime Minister of India following in the footsteps of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.

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The SWOT this one of several strategic planning tools that are utilized by businesses and other organization to ensure that there is a clear objective defined for the project or venture, and that all factors related to the effort, both positive and negative, are identified and addressed. In order to accomplish this task, the processes of swot involves four areas of consideration:-

  1. Strength
  2. Weaknesses
  3. Opportunities and
  4. threats


attributes of the person or company that are helpful to achieving the objective.


Attributes of the person or company that are harmful to achieving the objective.


External conditions that is helpful to achieving the objective.


External conditions which could do damage to the objective.



  1. Indian army is an excellent strength of Indian national congress.
  2. The Indian national congress is the oldest surviving political political organisation in india, and national congress is also the largest political parties.
  3. In lok sabha (2004-2009), it is the single largest party with 145 members.
  4. Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast is a system by which airplanes constantly broadcast their current location, speed, flight plan, size and type of craft, and other information. This information is received by other airplanes.this is the strength of Indian national congress
  5. There is a presence of many uniqueness personality named mohan das karamchand Gandhi, bal gangadhar tilak,gopal Krishna gokhle, Jawaharlal Nehru.
  6. currently people is the very strong strength of Indian national congress. National congress party is in a very strong position or any other political party.


  1. currently Indian national congress weakness is in the structural of fiscal finance and verily affected by shocks, current account balance is going to shock position.
  2. There is a lacking in youth leader in the congress party.
  3. there is a various schemes that are provided by the national congress, but they are lacking to fulfil the some schemes.
  4. in party there are many disputes arise that advantage can take another party and block the national congress.
  5. They are lacking in to provide equity benefit to the different sector of the Indian sector.


  1. their oppurtinities in uttar Pradesh because their power is not lead as they want to power to generate. Mayawati is going to be low power as compare to another politics.
  2. Another opportunities is in the Andhra Pradesh. Indian national congress party is not have any power in the state of Andhra Pradesh. So there is a opportunities to national congress party to expand their politics towards Andhra Pradesh.


  1. there is a threats of other parties for example BJP,BJD,BSP,CPM,NCP And CPI etc.
  2. the Indian national congress could not claim to be the true representative of the party which is still reflected in the preamble to the current iww constitution. So there is another threats to the Indian national congress.
  3. NCAI Leader examines threats to tribes due to neglect of federal government (Indian national congress).
  4. The Indian national congress coagulation united progressive due to politicians. Such politician no doubt serious threats to Indian national congress.
  5. threats to generic drugs:- as current AIDS drugs become ineffective, India will be asked to make cheap and easy to take AIDS drugs.
  6. Another threats for Indian national congress is Maoist and naxalites.










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