Tears In Heaven And My Father Eyes English Literature Essay

In this study the writer will discuss about Eric Claptons song lyric, those are Tears in Heaven and My Father Eyes. The lyrics of Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes are categorized as narrative poem because those lyric tell about a story, those songs are very touching because the words in the stories behind the songs are very painful.

Eric Clapton is a popular singer, he is known as a ballad singer and a songwriter. Eric Clapton was born in Ripley, Surey, England March 30th 1945. In this study there are two lyrics from Eric Claptons album, Unplugged and Pilgrim. Unplugged was released in 1992 and Pilgrim was released in 1998. He always creates ballad songs with unique lyrics in every verse of those songs. Tears in Heaven and My fathers Eyes are songs based on his life story.

Ballad is a popular song that often tells story. Erics songs have a ballad characteristic especially Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes because the writer believes that the meaning of those songs described what the ballads is.

Both lyrics have the similar tone in which Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes were written because of his four-years-old son, Conor who fell from the window of the 53th floor New York apartment of his mothers friend, on March 20th, 1991. Clapton, who arrived at the apartment shortly after the accident, was visibly distraught for months afterwards. Conors death left a deep pain for Eric Clapton. He felt sad and when he came back to the stage his music had changed to become smooth, powerful and more reflective. In addition, he also used a form of simple statement and figurative language used for his song lyric.

The lyrics embody grief. Grieving is a personal and unique process. There are no rights or wrong ways to grieve, but there are ways of getting support and taking care of yourself that can ease the feeling of loss ( Guide, 2001, p.5 ).

The writer will use psychological approach to analyze those lyric because from this study we can learn more about grief and the way to face grief in our life. When Eric Clapton sons past away, he broke off for a while from music stages because he was very sad and does not believe that his son is gone. After coming back to the music stage his genre of music changed to become very mellow and a little painful. This happened to Eric because of the effect of grief and bereavement in his own life. Grief is also a common problem for almost all people in the world. It makes everyone feel sad, lonely, meaningless and even broken hearted. Depression, denial, and anger also become the effect of grief ( Attig, 2000, p.9 ). After considering the background of the study, the writer decides to propose a study entitled The bereavement analysis by using Kubler Ross theory on grief in Eric Claptons Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes.

Field of The Study

The field of the study is focused on literature, especially lyrics (poems).

Scope of The Study

The scope of study focuses on the lyric of Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes. In this case, the writer tries to analyze the type and effects of grief in them.

Problem Formulation

What kinds of grief do the two lyrics embody?

How are grieves figuratively described?

Objective of The Study

To find out what kinds of grief embody to the lyrics Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes.

To know what are griefs figurative languages affects in Eric Claptons life.

Significance of The Study

The writer expects that the readers may better understand the condition of grief in Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes lyrics. The writer also hopes the readers have a new insight about the study of lyrics. By understanding this study, the study of poetry could be more interesting because poetry can also be related to songs.

Definition of Term

Psychological : characterizing any event as within the domain of psychology (Chaplin, 1988, p.366 ).

Grief : a strongly unpleasant emotional state associated with loss or deprivation and often accompanied by sobbing or weeping ( Chaplin, 1988, p. 199 ).

Bereavement : the death of a close relation or friend ( Crowther, 1995, p.100).

Loss : the action or an instance of losing or failing to keep something or somebody;the state of no longer having something or somebody (Crowther, 1995, p.698).



The writer chooses Kubler-Ross theory in using psychological approach, especially theory stages of grief. The theory will be used to explain the kinds of grief and effects in accepting the reality which happened in Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes. In this chapter the writer will be divide into two category as follows:

2.1 Theory of Stages of Grief

In this study the writer focuses in the bereavement theory of Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief. Ross has some characteristics of grief which can help the writer analyze the grief in those lyrics. The writer finds there are five Stages of Grief according to Ross ( 1969 ) :

Denial : Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of situations and individuals that will be left behind after death ( On Death and Dying, 1969)

Anger : in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Any individual that symbolizes life or energy is subject to projected resentment and jealousy ( Ibid ).

Bargaining : The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle ( Ibid).

Depression : During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect oneself from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed ( Ibid ).

Acceptance : In this last stage, the individual begins to come to terms with their mortality or that of their loved one ( Ibid ).

Grief in Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes lyrics is very clear. The lyrics shows that there is an inability to accept the fact that people passed away, and also in this lyrics there is a deep longing feeling. The writer has chosen this theory because to analyze grief in Eric Claptons lyrics need a support that can give a result to know what kind of grief and how effect of grief in the lyrics. in addition, the five stages of grief has another argument from Morrow ( 2009) :

The five stages of the Kubler-Ross stage model are the best-known description of the emotional and psychological responses that many people experience when faced with a life-threatening illness or life-changing situation. These stages do not only apply to loss as a result of death but may also occur in someone who experiences a different life-changing event such as a divorce or loss of a job. These stages are not meant to be complete or chronological. Not everyone who experiences a life-threatening or life-changing event feels all five of the responses nor will everyone who does experience them do so in the order that is written. Reactions to illness, death, and loss are as unique as the person experiencing them ( Morrow, 2009, ¶ 1 )

The writer believes that theory stages of grief by Ross are connected to Claptons Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes lyrics. Both lyrics show that grief has a meaning about how to accept and face the loss in life.

2.2 Figurative Language

Furthermore, as mentioned that this study of lyrics is identical to that of poetry. Perrine (1987, p. 553) stated that poetry is as universal as language and almost as ancient. The most primitive peoples have used it, and the most civilized have cultivated it. In all ages, and in all countries, poetry has been written-and eagerly read or listening to-by all kinds and conditions of people, by soldiers, statesmen, lawyers, farmers, doctors, scientist, clergymen, philosophers, kings, and queens.

In addition, poetry is a language which can be explain more specific about condition of people by using a unique words or different with ordinary language by using a symbol or imagery to explain the condition of people feelings. In order to understand this fully, the readers need to understand what poetry says, because language is employed on different occasion to say quite different kinds of things. In other words, language has different usages.

Figurative language has an important role to analyze poetry. This analyze provides an addition about analyzing poetry, and looks specifically at how poets paint pictures with their language.

According to Perrine (1987, p.616-617)

Figurative language often provides a more effective means of telling the meaning than does direct statement. First, figurative language affords everyones imaginative pleasure. Imagination might be described in one sense as that faculty or ability of the mind that proceeds by sudden leaps from one point to another that goes up a stair by leaping in one jump from the bottom to the top rather than by climbing up one step at a time. Second, figures of speech are a way of bringing additional imagery into verse, of making the abstract concrete, of making poetry more sensuous. Third, figures of speech are a way of adding emotional intensity to otherwise merely informative statements and of conveying attitudes along with information. Fourth, figures of speech are means of concentration, a way of saying much in brief compass. Like words, they may be multidimensional.

Some figurative languages found and used in this study are:

Imagery: The word image perhaps most often suggests a mental picture, something seen in the minds eye-and visual imagery is the most frequently occurring kind of imagery in poetry. It may be defined as the representation through language of sense experience. Poetry appeals directly to our senses, of course, through its music and rhythm, which we actually hear when it is read aloud. An image may also represent a sound, a smell, a taste, a tactile experience such as hardness, wetness, or cold; an internal sensation such as hunger, thirsty, or nausea; or movement or tension in the muscles or joints (Perrine, 1987, p.599).

Simile: Simile is also used as a means of comparing things that are essentially unlike. The only distinction between simile and metaphor is that in simile the comparison is expressed by the use of some word or phrase, such as like, as, than, similar to, resembles, or seems (Ibid, p.610).

Personification: It consists in giving the attributes of human being to an animal, an object, or an idea. It is really a subtype of metaphor, an implied comparison in which the figurative term of the comparison is always a human being. Personifications differ in the degree to which they ask the reader actually to visualize the literal term in human form (Ibid, p.612).

Synecdoche and Metonymy: Synecdoche (the use of the part for the whole) and Metonymy (the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant) are alike in hat both substitute some significant details or aspect of an experience the experience itself. Many synecdoche and metonymies, of course, like many metaphors, have become so much a part of the language that they no longer strike us as figurative; such is the case with redskin for Indian, paleface for white man, and salt and tar for sailor. Such figures are referred to as dead metaphors or dead figures. Synecdoche and metonymy are so much alike that it is hardly worthwhile to distinguish between them, and the letter term is increasingly coming to be used for both (Ibid, p.615)

Paradox: paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless somehow true. It may be either a situation or a statement. In a paradoxical statement the contradiction usually stems from one of the words being used figuratively or in more than sense. The value of paradox is its shock value. Its seeming impossibility startles the reader into attention and, thus, by the fact of its apparent absurdity, it underscores the truth of what is being said (Ibid,p.649)

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Irony: Like paradox, irony has meanings that extend beyond its use merely as a figure of speech. Irony may be used without either sarcastic or satirical intent, and sarcasm and satire may exist ( though they do not usually ) without irony. Verbal irony, saying the opposite of what one means, is often confused with sarcasm and with satire, and for that reason it may be well to look at the meanings of all three terms. Sarcasm and satire both imply ridicule, one on the colloquial level, the other on the literary level. Sarcasm is simply bitter or cutting speech, intended to wound the feelings. Satire is more formal term, usually applied to written literature rather than to speech. Irony, on the other hand, is a literary device or figure that may be used in the service of sarcasm of ridicule or may not. The term irony always implies some sort of discrepancy or incongruity (Ibid, p.652-653)

They are many kinds of figurative language but to analyze those lyric perhaps the writer will not use all of figurative language but the figurative used have a connection with the tone and meaning in Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes lyrics. Ross has specification of grief, she analyzes that grief has a different stages in order to know people ability to face the dying people. The writer believes that the theory and those lyrics are connected and also figurative language has important role to support the analysis those lyrics.



The nature of this study is a qualitative research making use of library research method. In collecting the data needed, generally the writer has collected more related data from the library and internet. The writer uses library research because library research can help the writer get many data in understanding the analysis of lyrics.

3.1 Data Collection

In the beginning, the writer searched the materials after deciding what to study or to research. In this case, it is a study of psychological approach. The next step the writer will be collecting Eric Claptons lyrics those are Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes. A finding some of Eric Claptons lyrics data, the writer will continue to search the theory of bereavement especially the theory which described about grief that can be supported to analyze those lyrics. The writer will use psychological approach and find the theory of bereavement, theory stages of grief by Ross. To complete the analysis of grief in Erics songs in doing this study, the writer will also use figurative language to know the meaning of those lyrics. Those lyrics will reveal the meanings of figurative languages and judgments from the speaker in each lyric.

3.1.1 Instrument

Since there is no book containing the fixed form of the lyrics, the writer downloaded from internet.

Genre : Poetry/ Lyric

Author: Eric Clapton

Taken from: http://lirik.kapanlagi.com/artis/eric_clapton/tears_in_heaven


Date: May 29th, 2012.

3.2 Data analysis

In analyzing the study, especially in explaining more about the research question from the problem formulation. Blaxter (2001, p.92) says that :

Anything which you, as a researcher, may do to data such as these in the course of your analysis will further refine and select from the words given. Thus, you may choose ( as we have) particular quotes or phrase as significant or illustrative, and will almost certainly in the end ignore the great bulk of the written texts available.

The writer uses the psychological approach by choosing Ross Stages of grief. The writer find the data of Ross and theories that are very useful to connect and explain the idea about grief in the lyrics of Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes by Eric Clapton. To complete the analysis of those lyrics the writer searched the explanation of psychological approach for this study at the library. After the writer believes that the theories are suitable for connecting the idea in this study, the next step is to connect each of Ross theories to answer the questions in the problem formulation. The writer finds that those lyrics have some figurative languages which indicate irony and acceptance stage as a figure of speech. Here, the irony and acceptance stage used is for example, I must be strong, and carry on, cause I know I dont belong here in heaven shows that the speaker tries to face his loss and tries to understand that this happens for some reason and he is willing to accept the fact that someone that he loves is already gone.



In this chapter, the writer will analyze the lyrics based on problem formulation. This chapter will divide in three subtitle, first the writer will analyze the intrinsic elements of Tears in Heaven and My Fathers Eyes lyrics. second, the writer will answer the first research question about kinds of grief in those lyrics. Last, the writer will analyze and answer the second research question about how grieve figuratively describes in those lyrics.

4.1 Intrinsic Analysis of Lyrics

4.1.1 Analysis of Tears in Heaven

The Speaker

The speaker in Tears in Heaven is a father who tried to face the separation with his son who has an important role in his life. His son passed away due to accident and its became a moment that gave a big effect in his life. The speaker is speaking in this lyric to himself by shows his grief through this lyric. Emotionally speaking is what the speaker does in delivering his regret and loss too. The writer thinks that the speaker in this lyric tried to release all things that happened in his life especially about his grief because of his son death. At the middle of lyric, the speaker tells that he tries to face his grief and accept the loss that happening through his life.


In this lyric, the audience is the speaker itself. He is not speaking to anyone but he speaks to himself about the things he has been through and the reality which actually he does not want to have it. This lyric expressing the process how to understanding the reality that happened in the speaker life. The speaker uses you, it does mean that there is someone who described as the person that separated from him.

Diction and Sound effect

In Tears in Heaven, the word of lyric are simple to understand and quite easy to be read by the readers. Each verse is related to others and its description is clear. The readers can understand what the speaker would like to deliver. The tone in Tears is Heaven is lower in every verse and also on chorus part, and the others verse is strong to explain what the speakers feeling that he must be accept the reality of the loss.

In each line on Tears in Heaven lyric, the sound effect shows the blues feeling side of the speaker who is still has a deep feeling of his loss. The writer stated that Clapton when he wrote this lyric he tried to face the reality that his son is passed away. By the sound effects, the speaker would like to show his emotion while he is trying to accept his loss.

Structure and Form

Tears in Heaven has a clear description of the speakers feeling and mind. The first, third, fifth verses are clearly described about the feeling of regret and sadness from the speakers. Moreover, the second, fourth and sixth verses are described that even the speaker feel regret and sad he have to accept his loss and believe that his sadness will pass as time goes by. the lyric structure, which all verses are related each other, five general verses and chorus and one conclusion statement verse in the end of lyric, shows that speaker want to delivering his feeling. This form gives such an easy understanding on what things that happened to the speaker.

The main verse and chorus part, has a very close relation with other verses. The last verse show on how the speakers accept the fact of his condition.

Centre of Interest and Theme

First, the lyric in Tears in Heaven is described of the speakers grief or bereavement. Here, the speaker tried to delivered his feeling of sadness, regret, shock through the lyric. Actually, the speaker also tells about an acceptance process about his grief that happened in his life. Its grief can be seen at all verses in the lyric, when the speaker tell that would you now my name, if I saw you in heaven, would you help me stand, if I saw you in heaven. The speaker trying to accepts the grief by saying it through opposing between the real condition and whole lyric. Moreover, the using I must be strong and carry on, cause I know I dont belong, here in heaven becomes the speakers first statement, which continue with a very last statement beyond the door, there peace Im sure and I know therell be no more, tears in heaven. By then, the speaker in this lyric is clearly described his grief feeling and tries to accept it. Finally the main theme in Tears in Heaven lyric is a accepetence process of loss at the speakers life.

4.1.2 Analysis of My Fathers Eyes

The Speaker

The speaker in My Fathers Eyes is a man who recalls his memory of the first time he became a father, and also in this lyric the speaker described the feeling of losing his children as a father. The speaker speaks to himself at first, but he also tries to tell his feeling to his beloved. In this lyric, the speaker tried to explained how his feeling when he became a father then loss his son suddenly. In My Fathers Eyes lyric the speaker uses a complex meaningful word in every verse. The speaker uses repeating word such as my fathers eyes to repeat and explaining his feeling. As well as tears in Heaven, this lyric has a similar ending form. By then, the speaker tries to accept the condition whereas he has to accept the reality that his beloved was separated from him. Moreover, the using of my fathers eyes is a description of what the speaker feels.


In this lyric is speaks for himself and he also tries to deliver it to his beloved. He speaks to his beloved on what things he feel when he first met his beloved son. In the beginning of the lyric, the speaker tells about how was great his feeling when he became a father then he felt shock and down because of his beloved son passed away. Delivering his feeling is what the speaker does to send his objection of the effect that he gets after the separation came through his life. The speaker uses him, it means the speaker tries to show his feeling about his beloved and to make the one knows about his condition of himself.

Diction and Sound effects

The lyric words are quite difficult to understand by the readers. Each verse is related to others and its description is obvious, but there is a verse that uses meaningful words to explain the speaker feeling. The readers could get the point easily of what the speaker would like to deliver but this lyric the readers must be understand the meaning in each verse. The tone is getting higher and full of spirit in this lyric, in every part and also on chorus part the tone are quite high and strong to state the speakers feeling that he really feel amazed when he became a father then he feels shock due to the loss of his beloved son.

The sound effect is more powerful, strong and full of emotion. This is the side of the speaker who tries to force himself to be able to continue his life after the loss. By the sound effect, the speaker would like to express and ask his feeling to be able to release and accept the loss which happened in his life.

Structure and Form

My Fathers Eyes has a unique description of the speakers feeling and condition. In the beginning of the lyric, the speaker described about his feeling how to being a father. The speaker tried to deliver his feeling and condition in this lyric. Feeling of losing is clearly described in this lyric. Moreover, the other verses are the speakers statement of his condition and feeling that he has a different condition through this lyric. The speaker also understand how to being strong to face his life without his beloved and accept his loss also. The lyric structure, which all verses are related to each other, eight general verses and chorus, shows the speaker idea to wrote this lyric more powerful and meaningful on telling his feeling. This form gives such understanding on how the condition of the speaker is.

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In this lyric, first verse has a very close relation with the fourth, fifth and sixth verse. The conclusion in this lyric is on seventh and eight verse show the effect of the speakers loss and the speakers tried to face and accept the loss that happened in his life. Every verse in this lyric shows the speakers feeling.

Centre of Interest and Theme

The lyric described about the speakers feeling. In My Fathers Eyes lyric, the speakers shows the complex of his feeling. Each verses described about his happiness when he first met when his beloved, but in others verses he tells about grief and an acceptance the reality, which might be caused by his grief. Its grief can be seen at some verses in the lyric, when the speaker feel that then the jagged edge appears, through the distant clouds of tears, im like a bridge that was washed away, my foundation were made of clay.

The speaker tries to accept the grief by saying bit by bit, Ive realize that he was here with me, I looked into my fathers eyes. By then, it obviously the speakers real condition, and whole of the lyrics much more tells about how are complicated the speakers feeling when he faced his grief. Moreover, the using my fathers eyes become the speakers key to make people who listen his song can feel his how deep is his grief when he losing his beloved. Finally, the speaker stands on himself, a side that the speaker tries to accept it. The main theme in My Fathers Eyes lyric is the feeling being grateful when we met our beloved and also the hard feeling when we losing our beloved, grief and acceptance process of the condition of the speakers personal life obviously described in this lyric.

4.2 Kinds of Grief in Tears in Heaven

The author in Tears in Heaven is a famous singer who loss his son and want to face the separation with someone who has an important role in his life. The author is expressed his grief by made this song to rememorizing the moment that gave a big effect through his life. Emotionally author is what the author does in delivering his regret, loss and especially grief. The writer thinks that the author has tried to accepting his loss and also tried to reveal his grief that happened in his life. At the middle of the lyrics, the author realize that every time he remembering his loss he must be strong and realize that he must be accept the separation that happened through his life.

Grief in Tears in Heaven are very clear, the author show how much he feel regret, sad, and finally tried to understand what happened in his life after his son dead. The author in Tears in Heaven speaks to himself on what things he has been through and the reality which actually he doesnt want to have it. This lyrics release about the grieving process, what we feel if someone we loved is died.

Tears in Heaven has a clear description of the authors mind. Every verse in this lyric are describe the main topic. Feel of regret, grief, lonely and sorrow is clearly described on those verses. The writer find some meaning in the lyric that tell how much grief happened to the author and statement of sadness because of losing one of the special things in his life. The author also used a technique on delivering his feeling in this lyric; this form gives such an easy understanding on how grief happened to the author.

The lyric in Tears in Heaven are simple to understand and quite easy to be read by the readers. The readers can easily understand how griefs embody in the lyric itself. Retrieved July 4th, 2012 from http://whereseric.com/eric-clapton-faq/song-information/tears-heaven the author said that

The timing was perfect, because they needed a song about loss and I had plenty of them. ‘Tears was actually in a very embryonic stage when I was approached and I completed it for Rush. I needed the film to finish it, because otherwise, I probably would have let it go. It was also a good opportunity for me to write about the loss of my son and have somewhere to put it, to channel it, because it didnt look like I was going into the studio in the near future. I really wanted to be able to say something about what happened to me and the opportunity that this movie presented me was excellent, because it meant that I could write this song and express my feelings and have it come out quickly. After the song was done, I thought that it would be nice to put it out as a single as well.

The statement above prove that the author wrote Tears in Heaven as the expression of his grief is very influence his career especially when his son past away. Besides that, grief in Tears in Heaven also described how the author obtains after his loss happened.

4.2.1 Analysis Stages of Grief in Tears in Heaven

The writer chooses Kubler-Rosss theory about bereavement in using psychological approach, especially analysis about stages of grief. The theory is very useful to explain effect of grief happened in the lyric. Based on Kubler-Ross stages of grief analysis the writer found stages of grief in the Tears in Heaven lyric. The writer will only give the point below that relate to those lyric and the theory:

Shock and Denial

First, in the Tears in Heaven lyric there is verse that tells about the difficulty of believed what happened in the authors life. Shock and denial stages can be seen in the first verses would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven and would it be the same if I saw you in heaven, this verse explained that the speaker does not believe and always wondering about his loss. Moreover, shock and denial stages also can be seen in the third verse of the lyrics, which are would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven, would you help me stand, if I saw you in heaven. The word hold and stand described that how the author shock and feel sad when his beloved past away, the lyrics reveal that in this stages shock and denial are very clear. The speaker tried to deny what happened to his life with always wondering that it is just a dream actually. In the beginning of the verses Tears in Heaven we all know that the lyrics are more painful and there are denial feeling, unbelievable and sadness.

Pain and Guilt

This second stage that the author realizes that the loss has happened is true. The pain feeling can be seen in the verse Ill find my way, through night and day, cause I know I just cant stay, here in heaven and time can bring you down, time can bend your knee, time can break your heart, have you begging please. The pain feeling are very clear from that verses in the lyric, the speaker realize that he already loss his beloved son, his heart felt broken and his life changed into sorrow, there is no hope and totally disappointed also hopeless. The word time, break, begging, down and please actually is expression that the speaker is feel guilt and painful. This stage is very difficult when we tried to understand what the meaning of losing in our life is.


The last stages that the author uses in this lyric are acceptance stages. We can see from this verse I must be strong, and carry on, cause I know I dont belong, here in heaven and beyond the door, theres peace Im sure, and I know therell be no more, tears in heaven. The speaker realizes that finally he cannot stay to being upset and sad anymore. So, the speaker deserve to being accept his loss and believe this is the best way to face his loss with the best way. The speaker describe that grief is not only painful feeling but the way how to face in the different way to accept and to being strong. Finally, this acceptance stage in the lyric explained how the process of acceptance itself of the condition the speaker when he loss someone special in his personal life. The word strong, carry on are very clear statements that the speaker tried to release his grief.

4.3 Kinds of Grief in My Fathers Eyes

The author made My Fathers Eyes when his grief for losing his son has been reached its peak. My Fathers Eyes has a clear description of the authors tell the feelings of having a son and losing him. In first and second verses he tells about the happiness and the confused of being a father for the first time, for example the happiness feeling described on the light begins to shine and the confused feeling described on how did I get here?. Besides, telling the story of happiness, the lyric also tell about the authors grief when losing his son. Feeling of losing is clearly described on those parts. Retrieved July 4th, 2012 from http://whereseric.com/eric-clapton-faq/song-information/eric-claptons-songs-backstories stated that

This intimate song was first performed at the taping for MTVs Unplugged on 16 January 1992. It did not make it onto the official album. Eric Clapton has said the song expresses the up side of losing his son. He gave me something … what it might have been like to look in my fathers eyes … because I looked in his eyes. He continued, I had a kind of revelation about my son. Its a very personal matter but I never met my father and I realized that the closest I ever came to looking into my fathers eyes was when I looked into my sons eyes. So I wrote this song about that. Its a strange kind of cycle thing that occurred to me and another thing I felt I would like to share. Eric Clapton has also said that at the time he wrote My Fathers Eyes and Circus he didnt have the guts to record them and thought it may have been an inappropriate thing to do. On top of that, he said couldn’t find a way to arrange My Fathers Eyes – to put it into the proper setting – so it took him several years to believe that it was okay to present this song in a way that wasn’t going to embarrass anybody. This was the hardest song to record on that album (Pilgrim). It was the last one that I could let go of. I found ‘Circus a lot easier to let go of. ‘My Fathers Eyes went through five incarnations and I would veto it each time because at the time it was purely from an artistic point of view that I said, ‘It’s too fast. It’s too jolly. Or its too sad. Now I actually think, subconsciously, I just wasn’t ready to let go, because it meant – on some level – letting go of my son.”

In My Fathers Eyes lyric, the writer found the needed of sharing the grief feeling from the author. From My fathers Eyes lyric the writer knows that the author never met his father since he was a kid. But the gaze from his sons eyes somehow kind of reminds him of his fathers eyes.

The authors grieves in this lyric are different from when he made Tears in Heaven. The writer analyze in every verses from My Fathers Eyes lyric there are a feeling that it is difficult to understand the condition when we losing the closest person in our life especially if we losing our father and son that happened in the authors life.

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4.3.1 Analysis Stages of grief in My fathers Eyes

The writer chooses Kubler-Rosss theory about bereavement in using psychological approach, especially analysis about stages of grief. The theory is very useful to explain effect of grief happened in the lyric. Based on Kubler-Ross stages of grief analysis the writer found stages of grief in the Tears in Heaven lyric. The writer will only give the point below that relate to those lyric and the theory:

Shock and Denial

First, in the My Fathers Eyes lyric the writer find that the lyric embody stages of grief especially shock and denial stages. The authors feeling in this lyric is quite different when he made Tears in Heaven. The writer analyze that the authors grief more specific in My Fathers Eyes lyric. Shock stages can be seen in the verse seven Im like a bridge that was washed away, the author tried to explain before his son passed away his life was colorful, full of happiness, powerful and full of spirit. Nevertheless, when he know that his son passes away his life suddenly changed, his spirit to life became sadness, cold, and he felt very disappointed and he always suffering about his loss. Moreover, denial stages also can be seen in the eight verse how could I lose him?, it is very clear that the author does not ready to loss his son. Grieves in this lyric are very clear shock and denial stages which explained the authors feeling is clearly described his condition when he remind that his son already gone. The word bride, washed away and loss are description what the authors feels.

Pain and Guilt

In this second stages the authors described how difficult he face his loss when he is in a condition that he can not expected before. The pain and guilt feeling can be seen in the verse the jagged edge appears, my foundation were made of clay and what did I try?, the author totally described he is too sad to face his feeling, he tries to speak to his beloved son on what things he feels after his son past away and the situation he gets after his separation happened. Feeling of guilty and pain obviously described in this part of My Fathers Eyes lyric, when the author losing his beloved son. This is the difficult part of the authors life, the writer find that grief gives a big influence in the authors life. The word try is a description of his guilt; the author started to blame himself for his son death.


In this stage the writer find that there is verse which is embody grief, it can be seen in last verses as my soul slide down to die, in this case the authors described that he has depression feeling when his beloved son passed away. The word soul, slides down and die the author actually tries to deliver his real condition that depression is have relationship with his grief. The author is shown disappointment and sadness in these stages. The sentence as my soul slides down to die sounds like a sadness and depression of the author that he wants to meet his beloved son but the present condition is not same as before.


The last stages of grief in My Fathers Eyes is acceptance, the writer find that the author finally can accepted his loss in eight verses bit by bit, Ive realize that he was here with me, the word realize sounds like he already letting go his son and accepting his real life without his beloved anymore. This is the important parts of this lyric, when the author feel too sad with his reality that happened in his life he still tried to be strong and realize the reality that his beloved was separated from him. In this stage the author tried to understand to learn to be strong to face his life without his beloved son.

4.4 Figurative language in Tears in Heaven

Tears in Heaven is the ballad song that in the every verses of the lyric have a figurative language as expression about the authors experiences. The lyric has some figurative language which indicates irony. Laurence (p.652-653, 1987) said that irony has meanings that extend beyond its use merely as a figure of speech. Irony may be used without either sarcastic or satirical intent. Verbal irony, saying the opposite of what one means, is often confused with sarcasm and with satire, and for that reason it may be well to look at the meanings of all three them.

Here, the irony used on would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven and Ill find my way, through night and day, cause I know I just cant stay, here in heaven showed that the author is always desire to meet his son who already passed away even though he is realize that he could not fulfill his desire to meet his son because in fact his lovely son already gone. I must be strong, and carry on and cause I know, I dont belong, here in heaven told that the speaker must be accepted the fact that he already loss someone that he loves even though his mind, heart and soul still felt regret, sad, and also in the condition where is his grief still on fire in his life. Moreover, in the last verse there is also irony statement, it is beyond the door, theres peace Im sure and I know therell be no more, tears in heaven The grieving people like the speaker tried to explained that in the bad condition because of losing someone that he loves forever are very difficult way to accept but it is important to believe and also fight for his life in the future.

The figurative languages in this lyric are very clear, the writer found some fact that figuratively the lyrics have affect in the speakers life. The writer finds that the meaning in every verse showed an irony that in a condition that the speaker loss someone he loves because of passed away it is important to still believe that how difficult it is happened in the speaker life he must be accepted and although the speakers grief changed the speakers a lot he still have another way to have a better life after his loss.

The lyric described most of the authors bereavement. His son passed away because of the accident that suddenly happened without he expected. This lyric also figuratively tells about process to face, feel and acceptance his grief process in the reality.

4.2 Analysis of My Fathers Eyes

The author made My Fathers Eyes when his grief for losing his son has been reached its peak. My Fathers Eyes has a clear description of the authors tell the feelings of having a son and losing him. In first and second verses he tells about the happiness and the confused of being a father for the first time, for example the happiness feeling described on the light begins to shine and the confused feeling described on how did I get here?. Besides, telling the story of happiness, the lyric also tell about the authors grief when losing his son. Feeling of losing is clearly described on those parts. Retrieved July 4th, 2012 from http://whereseric.com/eric-clapton-faq/song-information/eric-claptons-songs-backstories stated that

This intimate song was first performed at the taping for MTVs Unplugged on 16 January 1992. It did not make it onto the official album. Eric Clapton has said the song expresses the up side of losing his son. He gave me something … what it might have been like to look in my fathers eyes … because I looked in his eyes. He continued, I had a kind of revelation about my son. Its a very personal matter but I never met my father and I realized that the closest I ever came to looking into my fathers eyes was when I looked into my sons eyes. So I wrote this song about that. Its a strange kind of cycle thing that occurred to me and another thing I felt I would like to share. Eric Clapton has also said that at the time he wrote My Fathers Eyes and Circus he didnt have the guts to record them and thought it may have been an inappropriate thing to do. On top of that, he said couldn’t find a way to arrange My Fathers Eyes – to put it into the proper setting – so it took him several years to believe that it was okay to present this song in a way that wasn’t going to embarrass anybody. This was the hardest song to record on that album (Pilgrim). It was the last one that I could let go of. I found ‘Circus a lot easier to let go of. ‘My Fathers Eyes went through five incarnations and I would veto it each time because at the time it was purely from an artistic point of view that I said, ‘It’s too fast. It’s too jolly. Or its too sad. Now I actually think, subconsciously, I just wasn’t ready to let go, because it meant – on some level – letting go of my son.”

In My Fathers Eyes lyric, the writer found the needed of sharing the grief feeling from the author. From My fathers Eyes lyric the writer knows that the author never met his father since he was a kid. But the gaze from his sons eyes somehow kind of reminds him of his fathers eyes.

The authors grieves in this lyric are different from when he made Tears in Heaven. The writer analyze in every verses from My Fathers Eyes lyric there are a feeling that it is difficult to understand the condition when we losing the closest person in our life especially if we losing our father and son that happened in the authors life.

4.2 Figurative Language in My Fathers Eyes

The writer finds that this My Fathers Eyes lyric is unique, because the author obviously described about the process when he memorize his grief that happens in his life, recalls the effect of that loss, and struggles to face his life after his loss, the author also tries to described his process to accept the reality through his mind and he tries to continue his life no matter what happened.

To analyze more specific grief in this lyric the writer also analyzes the figurative language in My Fathers Eyes lyric verses. The lyric has figurative language which described grief they are simile and personification, according to Laurence (1987, p.610) some simile is the comparison is expressed by the use of some word or phrase, such as like, as, than, similar to, resembles, or seems. Simile are found in this lyric, in verse seven Im like a bridge that was away, and verse eight as my soul slides down to die, showed that his grief changed his life a lot, his soul feels empty and he cannot accept the reality about his son death. The writer analyze that this is the difficult part when the author memorize when his son passed away.

Furthermore, beside its simile, there is also other figurative language which used in this lyric. The writer find a personification, according to Laurence (1987, p.612) personification consist in giving the attributes of human being to animal, an object, or an idea, personification can be seen in verse seven my foundation were made of clay, the word foundation and clay sounds like the authors condition is not same as before, the author delivered his feeling with his figurative language in My Fathers Eyes it is very unique because in this lyric figurative language become a main idea of his grief feeling. The lyric figuratively described most of the authors feeling especially when he feels his bereavement. By then, the author stands on himself, a side that the author tries to accept the reality and move on.

It is difficult when we losing our beloved, the authors My Fathers Eyes expressed his feeling through verse by verse and figuratively described his grief with a touching lyric in every verse. In My Fathers Eyes lyric grief is figuratively described that grief had a big influence in the authors life, some simile and personification in this lyric has a meaning of missing and feeling of losing.

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