Technological Progress in Science, Arts and Literature



Technology has an influence on the existence of human beings because it brings new risks as well as improving our lives. Technology has impacted a vast range of sectors ranging from health, sports, communication, and entertainment among other parameters. For instance, today individuals are anticipated to live longer as compared to the olden days due to the impacts of new technology in the medical sector. Scientific discoveries are made day by day thereby changing our world.


 Just like any other sectors, literature and arts field has also been significantly affected by the advancement in science and technological aspects in our world today. The manner in which art and literature works are presented has become completely different as compared to the early days before technological developments. Some of the rapidly growing art and literature aspects that have been affected by the advancement of science and technology include art application, graphic design; computer generated paintings, art blogs, Photoshop, 3D hacking, E-book, digitally created music, 3D scanning among others (Garcia & Calantone, 2002).

To begin, one of the literature industries that scientific and technological development has impacted significantly is the film and movie sector. Both digital and mechanical innovations have affected everything from production, distribution, and exhibition of film products. For instance, under production, the advanced technology has changed the manner in which films are shot especially with the use of some special effects. For example, the Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is a technology that which implicates the computer graphics to unique effects. It is mainly used for visual effects since it makes the scenes controllable. For example, instead of employing the use of thousands of extras in a given scene as before, today CGI would be used for easier and simpler control.

Also, many technologies today affect the distribution of films. For example, it is possible for individuals to view movies on portable devices in every location across the world. It is also possible to upload films on small devices and watch them at your discretion. The use of the internet has also simplified the viewing process of films both in legal and illegal means. For instance, an individual can download and view pirated copies free of charge on the internet. Finally, under film industry, the exhibition process of videos has been influenced as well. For instance, special effects have affected the manner in which videos are exhibited through the creation of new motives for the audience due to the special effects that are provided by the CGI technology. Besides, the digital technology has facilitated the creation of bigger and better films with numerous scenes which result into visceral pleasure for the viewers.

 Another key area in literature that has been transformed by the technological and scientific advancement is our reading and publishing of books. In this sector, self-publishing has been developed, and it has changed the world of books in various ways. For example, today, there is a broader understanding of publishing as compared to before. For an extended period, the publishing industry has suffered the irony that there is the only evidence of publishing when it is invisible. Today, since it is possible to publish brochures for fundraising or sports or even school cookbooks, individuals have learned the steps that are involved in publishing.

Besides, due to the emergence of science and technological skills, the role of an author has continuously changed. As a result of media fragmentation in the recent years, publishers were dependent on the authors for marketing reasons, and this is a way of empowering. Because authors can meet their readers during the marketing process more so at literary festivals, or by tweeting or running blogs, they get to know their readers well and do not have to rely on publishers for relationship mediation purposes.

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The duty of agents has as well changed due to this type of advancement. Initially, the role of agents was to introduce the ingenuine authors to potential investors then associating with them in building long-term careers. However, due to the emergence of many self-publishing authors, agents have found it difficult since the self-publishing authors interact with the readers themselves and therefore agents are expected to identify other areas in which to direct their efforts.

Finally, as a result of technological and scientific improvements, the issue is not only about making money. Self-publishing means that an individual assumes a personal responsibility to manage and produce their content which can be effectively achieved through one copy which is kept at home as the sale of many copies online. In other words, self-publishing means that a person recognizes and preserves the content which has value for another person; however, the process does not have to result in earning an income solely.

Technological and scientific advancements have also altered the manner in which authors of various items do their work. According to Nietzsche, our writing instruments also work on our thoughts (Carr, 2008). Therefore, Nietzsche acquired a writing ball which compensated for his failed eyesight. This is one instance in which technology changed the manner in which literature works can be presented. The emergence of writing tools and machines has transformed writing to a great extent. Technology has not only changed an individual’s styles of writing, but it also has pronunciation on literary establishment entirely.

Style can be something that is tangible, but it is built from an individual’s words and phrases with academic specialization of stylometry which is intended to its study and elusively associates with the author’s unique feel and voice of their prose. With the invention of computers, word processing programs have entirely changed everything. For example, revision has become a considerably easy task. In fact, the difference between composition and revision has completely eroded. For example, today there are writing devices which direct the user through a draft without any stoppage for revision.

Word processors have as well found their way to settings and plots in a similar way that typewriters did. Also, literary production circumstances have also changed. For example, in 1983, John Updike dismissed his secretary since he got a word processor (Kirschenbaum, 2014). Apart from style, the sense of the text has also changed due to technological advancement. For example, word processing has enabled writers to grasp manuscripts wholly. Initially, the manuscript was available through search functions. In fact, entire passages could be moved at the user’s will thereby reordering chapters and sections.

The advancement in technology and science has also led to the development of modern literature. There has been an evolution from the gramophone and telegraph to cyberspace and cinema due to technological changes. Each technological breakthrough is accompanied by its changes in literature. Tablet computers, TV and Smartphone have threatened the cultural authority of books thereby shattering the attention or destroying reading.

New communication technologies always produce new frameworks that often adjust the appearance of literature i.e. file window, website or even the screen and page. For example, with the help of technology, Walter Benjamin, a commentator, incorporated a technique of rapid intercutting g and jump cuts into a particular form of writing. This was a way in which traffic literature absorbed the film technologies.

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Concerning art, technology has redefined it in a strange and new ways. Individuals have created works by moving through laser beams or common data that has been gathered from the air pollution. Technology has improvised new ways through which artists express themselves. For instance, the lasers i.e. which are brush strokes, particularly in London one, is known as Assemblance whose design is aimed at encouraging visitors to create light structures and drawings of the floor through the use of colored lasers beams together with smokes.

An experience known as Petting Zoo is another favorite digital revolution in the art arena. This involves the snake-like tubes which hung from the ceiling. These tubes may bend move and change colors depending on the way that they have read your sound, movement, and touch. If an individual is simply standing, the tubes will also stand bored. This artwork was developed by Minimaforms which is a design group with the aim of providing a glimpse of future when robots will be capable of reading our moods and react with kindness (Pschera, 2016).

The progression of science and technology has also remarkably changed film animation. Several years back, the only way in which an individual would come up with cartoons was hand making frame by frame. However, today many cartoons are made with flash after some software which has interpolation features. In other words, this would mean that an individual doesn’t have to draw all the frames for the production of movement illusion.

The invention of zoetrope and the current technology has enabled the creation of graphic animation and the evolution of cartoons from 2D to the 3D format and stereoscopic 3D (Adar, Dontcheva, Fogarty & Weld, 2008). It is possible to release animated movies across the globe which has become the top-grossing movies over the years. Technological advancement has brought massive changes in this sector, and if a comparison is made between the first cartoon that was made and the current animation, an individual would be convinced that a period is coming when everything would be possible.

Technology continuously continues their development, and it has created the movement on a flat screen by making flat images to constantly and rapidly pass on the screen one after the other so that illusion is created. It is possible for a person to catch their favorite cartoons online in their laptops, Smartphone or iPad in high quality due to this technology.

Many new cartoons are also made with the 3D software. However, creativity and studies and psychology character definition are required to achieve this. Technology has also improved the difference between modern and classical animated cartoons. For instance, a person who was born in the past century can evidently notice the difference and the unique nature between the old and new cartoons.

However, the characters and features of cartoons are almost similar only that those for today are fancy as compared to those for the olden days. Animators and the animation studios continuously combine the latest technological and scientific advances with the naturally born and creative talents to push and raise the levels of possibilities especially to ensure that they come up with the most recent versions of cartoons which are fancier as compared to cartoons of the earlier generations.

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The final area that has been considerably impacted by the new scientific and technological advancement methodology is writing literary works. Some literary techniques have been improvised to deepen the fiction that an individual has and also to facilitate adequate communication of the intended meaning. The writer is free to use as many techniques as they would want to their literature work as long as they effectively relay their intended information or message.

First, there is the use of allegory in which the writer comes up with a story whereby the characters and events bring out a system of symbolic meaning. Symbolism is another technique that can be used in presenting literary work by authors. In this instance, the writer is free to use n action, object, character or word within the story to suggest something but it’s not its actual dictionary meaning. Irony can also be used, and it has three types. First is verbal irony in which the intended meaning of a statement varies from the actual meaning. It is in most instances referred to as sarcasm. Secondly is the situational irony which occurs when the intended outcome of a particular action is different from the real result. The final type of irony is dramatic. In this case, the audience is more aware of the situation of the character than the characters does.

Finally, due to advancement in today’s literary works, there is also use of figurative language which creates a meaningful and exciting story. This type of language makes a comparison between different things. The figurative language includes simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole. The use of figurative language is essential since it gives the audience a clear image of what is being referred to by the performer or the author of an article. This, therefore, makes it easier for the public to synthesize and visualize what the author is talking about.


It is evident that science and technological advancement has not left out any sector when it comes to its application in various fields. Just like all other areas, art and literary has experienced a vast impact as a result of technological advancements. As the research paper has provided, numerous changes have been noticed especially in the video and film industries. The processes of production, distribution, and exhibition of a video film have substantially improved due to the introduction of CGI which has made it easier to combine many effects easier and more quickly as compared to the initial days. I think that technological advancement is a good thing since it has enhanced innovation and creativity thereby simplifying tasks to be much easier as opposed to olden days when it could take long before completing a particular task.


Adar, E., Dontcheva, M., Fogarty, J., & Weld, D. S. (2008, October). Zoetrope: interacting with the ephemeral web. In Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (pp. 239-248). ACM.

Carr, N. (2008). Is Google making us stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains (Vol. 1). July.

Garcia, R., & Calantone, R. (2002). A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review. Journal of product innovation management, 19(2), 110-132.

Kirschenbaum, M. (2014). Operating Systems of the Mind: Bibliography After Word Processing (The Example of Updike). The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 108(4), 380-412.

Pschera, A. (2016). Animal Internet: Nature and the Digital Revolution. New Vessel Press.

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