The Airline Organization In Malaysia Commerce Essay

This essay reviews and examines the management operations in organizations, using the airline organization in Malaysia; Air Asia as our case study. In assessing or reading this essay, one will definitely come across certain terminologies which are not frequently used and not suitably applicable to our everyday lives, and therefore one may find it difficult to absorb and concur the real point of the essay. Such terminologies may include work organization, management, unemployment, management operations Etc.

This concerns a part of the business or organization operations whereby they try to increase or maximize customer satisfaction by using the minimum amount of resources possible, e.g. in the case of an organization like Air Asia, they have being ranked as one of the top low-cost airlines world-wide. Their Low-price compared to other Airlines helps in motivating people to opt for Air Asia over others. Thereby, they increase the customer satisfaction while the try to expend the list amount of resources possible for this to be economically efficient for the organization.


Motivation is like an action which triggers or helps in the activation of a kind of behavior which is set for higher standards (goal-oriented behavior).

When a manager motivates his/her workers, it is usually in most cases with the aim of achieving a higher set of goals for the organization. This motivation may take place under various circumstances and also in a variety of formalities, which include;

Increasing Job satisfaction of the employees

This can be achieved through things like increasing the workers’ salaries, upgrading their working conditions, better benefits and pension allowances and so on and so forth.

First of all, a goal is an objective which a person intends to achieve in most cases, within a stipulated amount of time.

Goals are set for various purposes. For example, some people set goals and then intend to strive to achieve that it within a stated period of time. The limited acts a form of motivation and pushes them to strive harder in achieving the goal.

One of the most notable of the methods of goal settings is the ”SMART” plan. ”SMART” represents;


The goals should be specified for easy rectification.


They should be quantifiable not uncertain.


They should be things that can be reached or attained within the stated period of time.


They should be somewhat as a fantasy or a dream but should be achievable.


There should be a stipulated period of time within which one should be able to achieve the goal.



Conflict is a state of opposition between persons, ideas or interest. Whenever we want to work with people conflict is inevitable because we all come from different background, culture generation and we all have different believes and value. Each of us brings with us different views on about everything

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1 Accommodating: This is whereby you allow the other party to certify there consign and neglect your own

2 Collaborating: This means cooperating with the other party to understand there consign and effort to find a mutually satisfying solution.

3. Compromising: Attempting to resolve conflict by identifying solution that is partially satisfactory to both parties both completely satisfactory to neither.

4. Avoiding: Not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it.

5. Forcing: using your formal authority to satisfy your own consign without regard to the other parties consign


1. Arbitration: This is process whereby a third party is involved who has being invited by the conflict parties to propose the solution

2.Seek Mediation : Is a process whereby a third party consults with those involved in a conflict to see if the problem can be presenting in a way which facilitates a resolution, the mediator may simply listen and ask questions

3. Apply authority or force: If mediation, conciliation and arbitration do not work or the parties are not willing to try them, conflict can be resolved in a fashion by one party imposing his solution through authority.(I.e. Manager) this settlement will resentment amongst the workers at the receiving end both sometimes this is the only way to resolve conflict and save time.


Organizational structure depicts how jobs and official endeavors are formally broken down, grouped and carried out cord natively. Here are the types of organization structures;

Simple Structure

This is more commonly associated with smaller business such as the sole proprietorship and others like that. This is because; it is more functional when applied in an organizational setting with few workers. It is fast and flexible and also relatively cheaply applicable. Its major demerit involves the fact that it is relatively unsuccessful with other organizations with a larger workforce.


It is mainly characterized by a strong standardization technique such as highly formalized rules, strong hierarchal system and chain of command.

The Matrix Structure

This is departmentalized into 2; functional and product. The most outstanding and easily recognized structural feature of the matrix is that it breaks the unity-of-command concept.

How people are managed

Directing making decisions embodying decision in instruction and serving as the leader of the enterprise

Organizing establishing structures and system through which activities are arranged

Planning out ling the policy, objectives and resultant things to be accomplished.

Time management is the process of monitoring, analysing and revising, you plan unit it work, effectively planning as a skill that takes time to acquire.

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Prepare tomorrow ‘s schedule before you get to the office in morning

Coordinating this is important stage consists of interacting the various part of work .it involves coordinating the various job, roles and responsibilities of yourself and others staff.


The Internet, especially that of the 21st Century is super-fast, has a very high flexibility and can be used for the efficient conduction of all kinds of transactions that goes on between suppliers, consumers and even multinational companies. These characteristics of the internet enable it to bring heavy positive returns to these organizations. For example, things like purchase orders, transportation of goods notifications, requisition letters Etc. which were initially sent and received through post-mail can now be accessed online via electronic mail through the internet.

A customer-oriented organization, favors and elevates the customer above other things, it believes that the customer is always right.

A production-oriented organization focuses mainly on production as their primary driving force and that is their top priority.



Leadership is the power to influence a meeting towards the success of destination.


Management is the functions of authority underlying in assigned formal rate to receive compliance from organizational members.

People should be managed using a type of management method known as ”Management by consensus”. Consensus as we all know has to do with mutual agreement involving everyone therefore, management by consensus is a type of management whereby everyone’s opinion is taken in for consideration and then a decision is taken based on everybody’s consensus. This help’s in giving people a feeling of importance and also gives them a role to play.


Autocratic leadership

Bureaucratic leadership

Democratic leadership

Cultural leadership

Strategic leadership

Situational leadership

Participative leadership


Management by information system

Management by organizational development

Management by exception

Management by walking around

Management by performance

Management by consensus

Management by decision models


Widening their network looking for mutual benefit or helping others selflessly.

An appraisal system using performance indicators and objectives as the basis of appraisal.

Information control keeping people informed about issues which affect them.

Possessing good negotiating skills aiming for win/win outcomes

Resources control allocated on the basis of business priority.

Job seniority giving clear instruction for tasks .

Having and ability to get people to communicate by offering confidential support

Giving personal praise on the basis of good performance

Involving others welcoming and utilising others ideas

Managing access to people on the basis of need and business priority .

Rewards and punishment using fairly and transparently based on an objective criteria.

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Group entails any number of persons who interrelate with one another, who are mentally conscious of one another and recognize themselves as a group (Mullins, L.J. 2005). While teams denote groups that have familiar objective and identify that their individual achievement is hanged on the others.

A group consists of all kinds of persons. The way individuals interact and interrelate shapes their success.

The manners in which persons behave in groups differ. Some individuals are helpful and supportive, others are more worried about getting the task done, and yet others can initiate friction or dissonance inside the team.

Managing a project team has various parts. One of the most vital is organizing and setting up that project team. If one makes the right decisions when organizing his/her project team, he/she will be steps away from achieving the group project.

Make a list of the tasks that required to be completed to make the project a achievement. If you aren’t certain exactly what wants to be done to complete the task, now is the moment to go to your manager and get that explained.

Step 2

Place a timeline for your task. If you have not been given a cut-off date, then you will require to put one, cum any erstwhile landmark inside the task. You will also want to set timelines for the responsibilities inside the mission, making certain that you are finishing the tasks in chronological command.

Step 3

Locate the inputs that you want to make your task occur. Ensure that you will have entrance to any apparatus you want to compose your task an actuality. You have to converse this as soon as achievable with administration so you will have all that you want by the moment the task is ready to commence.

Step 4

Generate a catalogue of responsibilities that you will want to fill inside your group. For example, you may want two sales persons and a marketing supervisor to produce your team. Again, each of the responsibilities, catalogue the tasks that this individual will be working on during the task.

Step 5

Decide who in your business will labour best on your mission team given the responsibilities that you want to fill and the tasks that must be completed. Get the best individuals on board with you, keeping in mind who works well together when your team form.

Step 6

Converse the arrangement amid your project team as soon as feasible. This is the last step in institute of a flourishing project team. Ensure each individual recognizes what they will do independently and what the team is trying to achieve as a whole.

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