The Analytical Section Of Metropolitan Museum History Essay

This paper researches about Museum exhibition and provides the general experiences of the person in that Museum. In the case of United States, various popular Museums are there and those popular Museums are having the different types of artifacts, objects of scientific, artistic, cultural and the history elements are also placed in that museums. The one of popular museums is Metropolitan Museum of Art. This is the very large museum in United States and that is located in New York City. This is the largest art museum and it is located with most significant art collections.

The main building of this museum is located on the eastern edge of Central Park along the Manhattan’s Museum mile. This museum is also the home of music instruments, costumes and collection of accessories around the world. This Metropolitan Museum occupies more than 2 lakhs square feet. The museum collections are ancient Eastern art, arts of Africa, Oceania and United States. The major collection of this Metropolitan Museum is Egyptian art. In the case of Egyptian, The Temple of Dendur is a famous temple and this temple was built Roman Governor. This Temple of Dendur is now located in the Metropolitan Museum.

This temple exhibition is the most enjoyable part in that Metropolitan Museum. I was amazing when exhibiting about the temple of Dendur and it was the ancient temple. I was really enjoyed during the exhibition. The artwork of this temple was really excellent and the temple infrastructure is very effective. The temple surely made by the efficient workers and the designing of the temple was very excellence.

Analytical section of Metropolitan Museum

Egyptian temples were not simply provided and there artificial sections are very effective. Their design and the decoration shows about variety of religious concepts and mythological concepts. The significant symbolic aspect was based upon the understanding of the natural world and that can be known by Egyptians. The Temple of Dendur is the popular temple in Egypt and the designing was excellently provided. The Temple of Dendur is the highlight of Metropolitan Museum.

The bases of the temple were carvings and the lotus plants seem to go the ground water and they are symbolised by Nile god hapy. The entrance and gate of the Metropolitan Museum are the images of sun disk and that are flanked by the outspread wings of Horus. In the case of Metropolitan Museum, the representations of the sky by the vultures and outspread as well as those are appeared on the ceiling of the entrance porch. The crowns identified the Isis, Osiris, and their son Horus, other deities. In this temple, the king was identified by his regalia and by the king’s name that appear close to the head of king in elongated oval shapes called as cartouches and also many of the touches simply read Pharaoh.

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The king was the ruler of Egypt and he had himself depicted in the traditional regalia of the Pharaoh. In the first room of temple of Dendur, the reliefs show the Pharaoh praying and offering to the gods and but the relief here is increased from the background hence the figures can be seen easily in the more indirect light. From the first room, the person can look into the temple past the center room that can used for offering ceremonies and they are into the sanctuary of the goddess Isis. The only carvings in these rooms of this temple are around the door frame for leading into the sanctuary.

The left show of this temple is partially merged and the temple of 50 miles South of Aswan and 600 miles South of Cairo. The dam was around this temple originally built at Aswan in 1900 and it was raised number of times and this temple was merged for part of each year. The Temple of Dendur was built on the rocky ridge and the ridge was irregular shaped. The rocky ridge was strewed with detached masse of stone, intermixed with broken battery, indicating that a small town stood there. The interior and the exterior of this temple were sculptured. The decoration of the temple of Dendur was excellent and the temple was painted very neatly.

The whole thing of the Dendur temple was built admirable and the temple was provided the new looking with the covered sculptures. The rosy halflight of an Egyptian afterglow covered a multiple of sins, and steeps the entire in an atmosphere of romance. The Dendur temple then relocated to American museum. The temple had been removed from Egypt and then located to the American museum in 1963 in order to save it from being merged by the construction of the Aswan High Dam. United States recognised in saving various other monuments that are threatened by the constructions of dam.

Then the Temple of Dendur was packed in 661 crates and transported to the America by the freighters S.S. Concordia Star. At that time in United States, the various types of institutions were made bids for housing the temple, in a competition the Temple was nick named as Dendur Derby by the United State’s press. Then they were concentrated in protecting the Dendur temple from the external conditions and for that they were dismissed the unwanted suggestions of the political members. On 1967, the Dendur temple was awarded to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and that was installed in the Sackler Wing in 1968. This is the relocations details of the Dendur temple.

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Then Dendur temple was the major popular one and the Americans were proud of Dendur temple that is relocated in Metropolitan Museum. Then United States Museum members were concentrating the prevention of this temple among the society. This temple is having the proud of Museum members as well as the public. They are protecting that Temple like a social property and this temple is also having the romantic view to the audiences currently. The audiences are amazed by looking the designing, way of building, attractive models in the walls and so on. They designers were providing the very big role in building the Dendur temple they were taking the more time to finish this building work and this can be seen after exhibiting this temple.

Supporting Research

This exhibition was the useful one and the various datas were collected from that Metropolitan Museum. The buildings and the surroundings of the buildings in the temple cannot build very easily and the lot of effort must be needed for this designing. The Metropolitan museum also having the elaborate entrance way in which would lead the visitor to believe that once inside the same grandeur will continue. The oil painting is the tremendous art amount of notion from the horse running to the forward direction the sky and the ground flow.

The designing is the responsible for giving the attraction, new looking, effective to the audiences. The reproduction of the Dendur temple allows the people to see something in new version and they allow the artists to gain more exposure and so on. The physical appearance of the Dendur temple was made effectively and the upper room of the Dendur temple was from concrete with inlayed stone and the glass mosaic. The dynamic utilization of the artist also can give an inviting aura to the people or audience.

The work of art is giving the satisfaction in achieving this Dendur temple to the modern viewer and the temple was executed for single purpose of the people and the purpose is that of drawing a visitor into the real prayer room. The audience will demonstrate in exploring the form of this extraordinary temple. The Temple of Dendur was the one of the most remarkable works of art found within museum’s love. The temple dated from Nubia and that was composed predominantly of carved sandstone blocks that form the two individual pieces. The first piece of this art work was an entrance portal that is approximately eighteen feet in height. The second piece was a temple including of an anteroom and a rear chamber.

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The length of the two pieces when it was first discovered was eighty two feet from the entrance portal to the rear of the temple. The Metropolitan Museum had faithfully reproduced the remarkable masterpiece in a large and glass encased room. If once the people exhibit the Dendur temple then they will never forget about Dendur temple and the designing of the temple from their memory. This temple is the most sculptures of the Egyptians by the artist around the world. The most obvious elements were utilized for the designing of the Dendur temple.

The cultural and the society issues are directly impacting the work of arts. The society is the one that is the major responsible for the development of the artificial infrastructure and they can make the full protection to arts development. The society must be the one in handling the artificial structure. The artificial structure needs to have the enough finance, designer involvement, protected location, and so on. The society must give these requirements to the artificial structures and then only the structure of arts can able to improve among the society.

For example in United States, the Schiller collection helped to create one of the most significant bodies of art and that are concerned with social commentary in their nation. The society works can be the useful one for addressing the problems in the case of arts and they can resolve the complex problems that are occurred in United States. The social website is intended to the promotion of the dialogue and learning about these critical issues utilizing work of art from the American Museum of Art.

Responses of the artists about social issues

The executive director of the one American Museum is Anderson and according to himself with the current social issues of the war, the environment and cultural prejudice on everyone’s mind

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