The Best Effective Classroom Management English Language Essay

Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching, where 36% of teachers said in 1981 that they would probably no go into teaching if they had to decide again. The main reason was “negative students’ attitude”

Research talked about classroom management and some techniques for better classroom management were mentioned and adapted from an article called “A Primer on Classroom Discipline” principles old and new, by Thomas R.Mc Daniel Phi Delta Kappan September 1986. The techniques are:


The teacher has to be sure to have the attention of everyone in his / her classroom before starting his/her lesson and not to attempt to teach over the chatter of students who are not paying attention.

Direct Instruction:

Direct instruction usually increases the level of excitement in the classroom. The technique of direct instruction is to begin each class by telling the students exactly what will be happening. The teacher outlines what he/she and the student will be doing during the period and he/she may also set time limit for some tasks.


The key to this technique is the circulate, get up and get around the room. By the time students are working, teacher makes the round and check on their progress.


MC. Daniel tells of a saying that goes: “values are caught, not taught”. Teachers who are courteous, prompt enthusiastic, in control patient and organized provide examples for their students through their own behavior. The “do as I say, not as I do” teachers send mixed messages that confuse students and invite misbehavior. If the teacher wants students to use quiet voices in his/her classroom while the students are working, he/she too has to use a quiet voice as he/she moves through the room helping youngsters.

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Non Verbal Cuing:

Teachers have shown a lot of ingenuity over the years in making use of non-verbal cues in the classroom. Some flip light switches; others keep clickers in their pockets.

Nonverbal cues also are facial expressions, body postures and hand signals. Care should be given in choosing the types of cues the teacher use in his/her classroom.

Environmental Control:

A classroom can be warm cheery place students enjoy an environment that changes periodically. Study centers with pictures and color can invite enthusiasm for the teacher’s subject.

Low Profile Invention.

Teacher’s intervention has to be quiet and calm in order to avoid sending students to the principal’s office. An effective teacher takes care that the student is not rewarded for misbehavior by becoming the focus of attention he/she monitors the activity in his/her classroom, moving around the room, he/she anticipates problems before they occur. His/her approach to a misbehaving student is inconspicuous. Others in class are not distracted.

While lecturing to his/her class, this teacher makes effective use of name dropping. If he/she sees a student talking or off task, he/she simply drops the youngsters name into her dialogue in a natural way.

Assertive Discipline:

It is a traditional limit setting authoritarianism. The teacher is the boss and no child has the right to interfere with the learning of any student. Clear rules are laid out and consistently enforced.

Assertive I Message:

These I messages are statements that the teacher uses when confronting a student who is misbehaving. They are intended to be clear descriptions of what the student is supposed to do. The teacher who makes good use of this technique will focus the child’s attention first and foremost on the behavior he wants, not on the misbehavior.

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I want to …. Or I need to…. Or I expect you to….

Humanistic I Messages:

These I messages are expressions of feelings; they should be structured in three parts. First, include a description of the child’s behavior “when you talk while I talk….” Second relate the effect this behavior has on the teacher, “I have to stop my teaching…… and the third, let the student know the feeling that it generate in the teacher. “Which frustrates me?”

Positive Discipline:

Teacher must use classroom rules that describe the behaviors he/she wants instead of listing things the student can’t do.

Instead of “no fighting” use settle conflicts appropriately. Instead of “no gum chewing” use leave gum at home.

The teacher has to let his/ her students know that this is how he/she expects them to behave in his/her classroom.

The entire above are considered effective techniques a good teacher may use for her classroom management. But a good teacher is the one who knows which one to use at the exact time and how he/she should balance between them, so that he/she will have a model classroom environment.

A good teacher is the one who knows his/her students, how would they be motivated to learn, how would they react with him/her inside the classroom. Everything a teacher does in the class help him/her in classroom management, how well the teacher is prepared, how he/she is managing his/her time, how much the activities are appropriate for the students’ level, how much the objectives are clear for the students, and how much the students are ready and motivated to learn. All these conditions are effective for managing the classroom.

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Teacher can also use his/her voice tune as a tool to get the learner’s attention, not only this, but also switching the light off in a sudden may also help the teacher to get the students’ attention.

Students are smart enough to know when to be noisy and when to disturb the teacher, but the teacher has to be smarter to know how to get the students involved in the lesson. And I do agree that once the student is motivated to learn and knows why he is there, he won’t misbehave and a calm quiet environment for teaching and learning will exist.

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