The Concept Of E Recruitment

E-recruitment Issues and Challenges in HRM has become a buzz word and is being used in various contexts the world over especially in HRM E-recruitment has changed the way in which recruitment is conducted. In this paper these changes are analyzed for specific human resource management (HRM) functions: job analysis and job design, recruitment and selection. The kind of changes witnessed in India due to globalization has been dramatic and resulted in proliferation of HRM and services of E-recruitment across the country. Online recruiting is changing the way employers think about finding good employees and the way employees think about their jobs and their employers. Indeed, the Internet may completely change the way companies manage human resources

All these functions are affected by changes in the Business Environment, Technology, and potential Labor force of E-commerce. These changes create challenges for Human Resource professionals who must recognize the inherent differences between E-recruitment and traditional brick-and-mortar process. HR professionals must adapt to these changes quickly in order to maximize the performance of employees. This challenges has a direct link to globalization by virtue of various activities covered in E-recruitment. This paper looks at the impact of issues and challenges in E-recruitment in HRM to expose the effects and develop solutions. The company can contact some experts in this field to solve the problems like Rajesh Siddesh Hiremath experts in erecruitment

Keywords: E-recruitment, challenges, techniques, brick-and-mortar


1]. Introduction and to understand the concept of E-recruitment

Online recruitment uses the power of the internet to match people to jobs. Fundamentally, it is about advertising vacancies on either job sites or corporate websites. At this very basic level it is particularly effective at getting a high level of response. While it may generate hundreds more applications than traditional print advertising, simply attracting more candidates is only part of the job. The buzz word and the latest trends in recruitment is the “E-recruitment”. Also known as “On line -recruitment”, it is the use of technology or the web based tools to assist the recruitment process. “We are witnessing a change in the nature of jobs. Muscle jobs are disappearing, finger and brain jobs are growing or, to put it more formally, labor-based industries have been displaced by skill-based industries and these in turn will have to be replaced by knowledge-based industries.” -Charles Handy (1984)

The tool can be either a job website like, the organization‘s corporate web site or its own intranet. Many big and small organizations are using Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employers depending upon their requirements

2]. To study the kinds of E-recruitment

1. Recruitment Sites : It is a site that the job websites linked to apply directly to the company.

2. Recruitment Agencies:- This is a Agencyare need people to fill their vacancies, the candidates can register their CV and get the information about the jobs

3. Websites Links :- through the websites links a candidate can search the jobs

a]. browse general recruitment sites

b]. find vacation work and placements

c]. look at sector specific recruitment

d]. search the local councils vacancies

e]. search the graduate schemes and closing dates

4. By approaching companies and offering candidates from their own files

5. Advertising jobs on behalf of companies and producing a shortlist of candidates for interview

6. Job portals – i.e. posting the position with the job description and the job specification on the job portal and also searching for the suitable resumes posted on the site corresponding to the opening in the organization.

7. Resume scanner:- Resume scanner is one major benefit provided by the job portals to the organizations. It enables the employees to screen and filter the resumes through pre-defined criteria’s and requirements (skills, qualifications, experience, payroll etc.) of the job. Creating a complete E-recruitment / Application section in the companies own website. –

Companies have added an application system to its website, where the ‘passive’ job seekers can submit their resumes into the database of the organization for consideration in future, as and when the roles become available.

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Job sites provide a 24*7 access to the database of the resumes to the employees facilitating the just-in-time hiring by the organizations. Also, the jobs can be posted on the site almost immediately and is also cheaper than advertising in the employment newspapers. Sometimes companies can get valuable references through the “passers-by” applicants. E-recruitment helps the organizations to automate the recruitment process, save their time and costs on E-recruitments.

8. The erecruitment different three strategies are

(a) email recruitment through 2 types 1]. emailing lists and 2]. email snowballing

(b)website recruitment through 2 types 1]. notices placed on websites and 2]. postings on online forums.

(c) Internet advertising through 2 types 1]. keyword search and 2]. content-related placements.

3]. To study the need and importance of E-recruitment.

The aim of this research is to examine the impact of the e-recruitment on the quality of

applicants, cost and time involved in acquiring applications, wider choice of applicants

and employees job search behavior and the development of the resulting conceptual


Lower costs to the organization. Also, posting jobs is cheaper than advertising in the newspapers.

No intermediaries.

Reduction in the time for recruitment (over 65 percent of the hiring time).

Facilitates the recruitment of right type of people with the required skills.

Improved efficiency of recruitment process.

Gives a 24*7 access to an e-collection of resumes.

E-recruitment helps the organizations to weed out the unqualified candidates in an automated way.

Recruitment websites also provide valuable data and information regarding the compensation offered by the competitors etc. which helps the HR managers to take various HR decisions like promotions, salary trends in industry etc.

To support the organization such that it is able to get, maintain and improve the best talent and skills.

To be certain about the present and future manpower needs of the organization in relation with planning & job evaluation activities.

To recruit competent employees who can achieve organizational goals & objectives

4]. To understand the process techniques of E-recruitment

Giving a detailed job description and job specifications in the job postings to attract candidates with the right skill sets and qualifications at the first stage.

E-recruitment should be incorporated into the overall recruitment strategy of the organization.

A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be integrated and the system should have a back-end support.

Along with the back-office support a comprehensive website to receive and process job applications (through direct or e-advertising) should be developed.

5]. To study the Statistics on E-recruitment in HRM

Statistics between 2003 and 2005 indicate the progressive adoption of online recruitment.

For ease of review, the statistics have been divided into

1]. International research

Borrell Associates found that online recruitment advertising revenues hit $3.1 billion in 2003 and IDC forecasts that the world market will be worth $13 billion by 2005. Year on year the value of online recruitment is growing as both job seekers and recruitment agencies continue to adopt this method of recruitment.

iLogos Research investigated the Global 500 companies with corporate Web sites and found that, in 1998, 29% recruited online (with 14% having no Web site) in comparison to 2003 where 94% of the Global 500 recruited online.

According to the UK National Online Recruitment Survey (Winter 2004), 45% of job seekers use the Internet as their preferred method of looking for a job, 75% have applied for a job online and 59% have obtained an interview as a result. 44% of these have actually obtained a job through the Internet.

2]. Local findings.

A Local trends from Career Junction between September 2003 and September 2004, show that over 1,5 million unique (new) career seekers have searched for jobs on Career Junction’s web site, with an average of 5,500 new resumes entered each month. There were 160,000 jobs advertised during the same period, generating over 700,000 online job applications. World Wide research indicated that by the end of 2004, more than a quarter of all Internet users will be seeking jobs online.

The Sunday Times Business Times Work In Life Survey of September 2004 reported that 34% of respondents use online job sites to look for jobs, while 46% will go directly to a recruitment agency, 77% look for jobs in newspaper recruitment pages, 36% through trade and other magazines, 57% have found jobs through word of mouth and 33% approach companies directly.

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Local findings indicate that while job seekers continue to use the Net, but this has not cut into the newspaper employment pages niche. Alliances between sites and newspapers have resulted in extended reach where companies and recruitment agencies still place ads in newspapers but give the Web address of a job advert rather than requiring an e-mail or written response

Career Junction concluded a survey in March 2005, of just over 10% of the recruitment agents that use their Web site.. Part of the focus was on the relative importance of online recruitment as a medium for advertising job vacancies. The survey was conducted telephonically with a balanced mix of small, medium and large agencies.

Key findings show that the main reasons for agencies using online recruitment is they view it as the most effective medium (between 25-30% of respondents). The second highest rating indicated that they saw online recruitment as successful and targeted at their needs (also between 25-30%). The third highest factor was that online recruitment is seen as the most cost-effective medium (between 20-25%).

According to the respondents, online recruitment is used by agencies to equally search the resume database (between 40-50%) and place job ads (also between 40-50%)

6. To study the Advantages and Disadvantages of the topic

1. it will spread to whole Geographical Area

2. it will reach Larger Audience

3. it gives Greater chance to find right candidate quicker/with greater effectiveness

4. it access for 24/7 – no waiting for issue dates

5. it access in Quicker turn-around time/cost saving

6. it Relatively cheap

7. it gives Higher quality of applicants

8. it gives Better match of workers – vacancies

9. it Shift from manual screening to using ‘HRM expertise’

10. it gives Positive effect on corporate image/up-to-date image

11. it is Efficiency gain work

12. it is Cost saving/saving personnel costs

13. it Access for passive jobseekers

14. it target candidates/ Address niche markets

15. it reduce the unqualified candidates

16. it gives more opportunities for smaller companies

17. Automating the application process also gives a level playing field to all candidates

Disadvantages of erecruitment

1. it needs a higher expectations regarding relocation costs .

2. the Development fees will effect for small companies

3. Name recognition required (buy banner space etc.)

4. it creates outdated résumés

5. it crosses discrimination/privacy factors

6. Internet is the first option for applicants

7. it gives overwhelming number of candidates

8. it gives huge number of unqualified candidates

9. it is a time consuming sifting of application forms

10. it gives poor segmentation of the market

11. the transparency of data will damage

7]. To find the problems in E-recruitment process

Apart from the various benefits, E-recruitment has its own share of shortcomings and disadvantages. Some of them are:

Screening and checking the skill mapping and authenticity of million of resumes is a problem and time consuming exercise for organizations.

There is low Internet penetration and no access and lack of awareness of internet in many locations across India.

Organizations cannot be dependant solely and totally on the E- recruitment methods.

In India, the employers and the employees still prefer a face-to- face interaction rather than sending e-mails

With the convergence of greater connectivity, more cost effective software solutions and ever more competitive business environments, HR departments face a new challenge.

The proliferation of Internet job-hunting resources makes finding, attracting & retaining the best people more difficult than ever. The operational imperative in leading organizations today is to improve performance and reduce costs whilst staying abreast of world’s best practice.

Whether your organization currently takes applications electronically or not, the stream of candidate emails, endless agency prospecting, and the need to stay abreast of competitors make E-recruitment a challenge for every organization.

To succeed in this environment, organizations must go beyond brochure ware websites and outdated software.

Best of breed application forms, back office recruitment systems and insightful reporting tools are needed to cope with the volume of electronically submitted job applications

“The growth in the E-recruitment industry has been fuelled with the adoption of technology by prospective employers and Internet penetration. Organizations have cut costs by almost 80 percent over traditional recruitment modes by moving over to the E-recruitment process.” – Dhruvakanth B Shenoy, Vice President-Marketing, Asia,, India

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Now-a-days, people often talk of E-recruitment, e-ticketing, e-voting, e-teaching and so on .

8]. To suggest the solutions to overcome the problems of E-recruitment

The cost of software for E-recruitment solutions has to be economically

There is a necessity of screening and filtering of the data by different job groups which helps the employees to select easily and economically

The employees have to learn the process of Internet and uses

The brochures, invitation and tools of E-recruitment must be advanced and easily understandable

The performance has to improve

The greater connectivity of software are has to develop

Individual organizations has to develop the website with different types of job groups for different qualifications, experience etc

The employees has to get the advanced training for this

To solve the various problems in erecruitment by various specialist in this field like

Rajesh Siddesh Hiremath

Rajesh Siddesh Hiremath experience in erecruitment

• Around 11.5 years of industry experience including 7.5 years in SAP HR.

• More than 4 years of sound onsite experience at United Kingdom engaged with multiple projects on e-Recruitment and Nakisa

• Excellent understanding of the critical business processes coupled with exceptional functional experience

• Possess sound analytical and problem solving skills enhanced with excellent communication and presentation techniques

• Passionate attitude towards work with good interpersonal skills

• Possess exceptional ability to independently conduct business blueprint workshops, solution demos, review sessions, application testing, acceptance testing, business users training and process management to potential customers

• Currently employed with Wipro Technologies, Bangalore as a Project Manager – e-Recruiting and Nakisa

• Positions Held: Project Manager, Consulting Manager, Senior Architect, Solution Consultant, Project Engineer.

• Core competence: SAP HCM E-Recruiting, Talent Management and Succession Planning.

• Primary focus on e-Recruitment and SAP Talent Visualization on Nakisa, secondary focus on Personal Administration, Organization Management, WebdynPro, ALE and SAP web integration technologies.

• Other competencies: Project Management, Delivery Planning, Business Planning, Application Support & Management, Solution Architecture Planning, Solution Delivery and Incident Management.

• Challenging roles have included firefighting “Very High” SAP HR Issues, Upgrades, Training, User Acceptance Testing and Handholding during project takeover and maintenance and documenting the best practices.

• Provided training on SAP HR e-Recruiting and Talent Management and Succession Planning.

• Ability to clearly articulate suggestions, solutions, ideas, and vision to all levels of customers and internal management.

9. Conclusion

“Recruiting e-would ideally be more focused, fast paced, effective and give a higher RoI (Return on Investment)” Raghuveer Sakuru, Managing Director Kenexa Technologies

The objective of any recruitment is to recruit the right candidate for the right slot. The means of recruitment is also equally important. Keeping the current trends in view, emphasizing on E-recruitment is essential and ideal for effective and efficient recruitment.

The days of manual recruitment are fading away gradually as organizations are moving to E-recruitment. E-recruitment is here to stay. As change is the only thing constant in this world, there is need to change the strategies in recruitment as well for maximizing the accuracy of right person for the right slot as it minimizes employee dissatisfaction and attrition. When we look at both problems and prospects, we can comfortably conclude that prospects outweigh problems in E-recruitment. The organizations must emphasize on E-recruitment for hiring better talent and must reinvent as per the needs in the 21st century.

Globally online recruitment has shown consistent growth, in terms of commercial value as well as adoption by job seekers and recruitment agencies. Companies are also beginning to use their Web sites as part of the solution to recruit staff. Local findings show that there has been a consistent and growing move to use online recruitment, one that echoes international trends. However, jobseekers are using all resources, including newspapers, rather than adopting one approach over another. South African recruitment agencies are finding online recruitment as the most effective approach to finding candidates, and one that is targeted to their needs and cost effective.

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