The dangers and problems of illegal immigration

America is the most unique country in the world. It is a nation of immigrants who came from various countries and it contains almost every ethnic group in the world. In the early 1600s, the first European immigrants arrived in New England for the freedom of religious beliefs (“U.S. Immigration: Sanctuary and Controversy.”). Until the middle of 1900s, most of immigrants were Europeans. In 1900, 96% of immigrants were from European countries, especially from Germany, Ireland, and Italy. However, in the 1990s, 48% of immigrants were Hispanics and 38% of them were Asians while only 9.6% of them were Europeans. The government estimated that the population of Hispanics and Asians will be increased continuously (“Americans”). As this statistic shows, the immigration is ongoing process of America. America is very generous country to immigrants. Because of that, a lot of people have moved to America, and still many people want to move to here with hope and dream. However, America is facing a lot of problems with immigration. This is because of a lot of immigrants are coming to country by illegal. These are making a lot of problems in America. Illegal immigration is a danger to the United States economy and security.

Before we get to know the problem that America faces that illegal immigration, we have to know what definition of “Illegal immigration” is. Illegal immigration is the act of emigrating to a country without that county’s government permission illegally (Head). People are crossing to America for many different reasons. Some of them are to escape from corrupted government in their countries and some are looking for better opportunity for money or to get better education.

Some want a safer place for their children to grow up in. Others are trying to escape from their crime. The most important reason of immigration for parents is better education for their children. That is the only reason why they abandon high-level jobs in their country and come to America. Many of illegal immigrants are highly educated. About 25 percent of them graduated from colleges in their countries. However, because of their status, they can only get low-level jobs in America. According to the chart “Occupations with the Highest Shares of Illegal Immigrants”, 25% of workers in agriculture, 19% in building & grounds maintenance, 17% in construction, 12% in food preparation & service, and 10% in manufacturing are illegal immigrants. Like this, there are many reasons to immigrate illegally to America.

There are also so many different ways to immigrate illegally to get country. One of the most obvious ways is to be smuggling. There are two ways to be smuggling, depending on where you live. If you live in country that connected by land, then you would immigrate by land. If ocean separates you, then you would immigrate by sea. One example of be smuggling by land, it can be founded in a case in Phoenix, Arizona. Here, the people are smuggling by the smugglers and left in places called “drop houses.” The smugglers hold the immigrants hostages in the houses until they can pay for their freedom. Then they let out into America (Cosgrove-Mather). The other example of be smuggling by ocean, it can be founded in a case in Florida. There are people from Bahamas, Jamaica and Haiti is trying to escape from their countries (Caribbean). The Cubans are also trying to move the illegally. That is because they are close from Florida. Many the Cuban people make the rafts and try to sail from the Cuba to the America.

Many of the people who try to do the illegal immigration die along the journey. The ones who cross over the land, they are cramped together many of them in small car or house. Sickness spread easily and often heat makes them die too. The ones who the illegal immigrate by ocean they also risk dying. They obviously can drowned or they get lost in the ocean. It is dangerous for the illegal immigrants to do the illegal immigration.

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Another way that immigrants cross over to the other country is overstaying visas. An example of this can be found when Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a 19-year-old Jordanian who had overstayed his tourist visa, was accused in court of plotting to blow up a Dallas skyscraper. Over all, the officials said, about 40 percent of the estimated almost eleven million illegal immigrants came on legal visas and overstayed in the United States (McKinley & Preston). This is because the United States does not system that is reliable enough to for verify that the foreigners who have visa overstay and do not leave country (McKinley & Preston).

The number 12 million is used a lot when the talk about the illegal immigrants. This number is inaccurate because they use an old 2000 Census. But immigrants stay away from census so the number is inaccurate. Bear Stern and his team of analysts used different ways to find number. They got almost twenty million illegal immigrants in the United States (Number). According to the Asa Hutchinson, who is the Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, she said that “in June, 2004, that arrests of illegal immigrants in Arizona had increased to 3,000 daily.” (Elbel). And that is just the ones arrested. Senator John McCain said in the 2004 that “almost 4 million illegal aliens crossed our borders illegally in 2002. If one out of four were apprehended, that would mean in the year 2002, 3 million illegals entered and evaded apprehension.” (Elbel). The illegal immigrants are coming from many countries all over the world. They want the freedom of America. The Cenus says though that about 90% of all the illegal immigrants in the United States are from the Latin America countries. (Elbel) They also say that the 70% of the illegals are from Mexico alone (Elbel). We see that the problem main comes from the Latin America but mostly Mexico.

The illegal immigrants cause many problems for the people of the United States. One of that is crime rates problem. Many illegal immigrants in America have been arrested and prisoned to the illegal immigrants cause many problems for the people of the United States. One of that is crime rates problem. A lot of illegal immigrants in America have been arrested and prisoned to federal and state prisons and local jails (Kouri). In the population study of a sample of 55,322 illegal immigrants, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Almost all had more than 1 arrest. Thirty-eight percent had between 2 and 5 arrests, 32 percent had between 6 and 10 arrests, and 26 percent had 11 or more arrests. Most of the arrests occurred after 1990 (Kouri).They were arrested for a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses, averaging about 13 offenses per illegal immigrants. One arresting incident can include multiple offenses, a fact that explains why there are almost one and half times more offenses than arrests. Almost all of these illegal aliens were arrested for more than 1 offense. Slightly more than half of the 55,322 illegal aliens had between 2 and 10 offenses. (Kouri)

The second problem of illegal immigrants is affecting employment. Employment is one the biggest problem cause by illegal immigrant. Illegal immigrants are competing with the other American for job. Here is problem that a most of illegal immigrants are ready to do any hard of job at very low wages. This means the illegal immigrants are great demand of cheap labor (What). Through this happening, United States get hurt their economic. Employers prefer illegal immigrants more than American. The result is that American are losing job in their own country. In past nine years, money of immigrant send to their home country has almost doubled. Of course they made all money in America. The report of survey by 3,800 South American living in America said that legal and illegal immigrants send a combined $30 billion annually to their home countries (Human). Mexico received the most 13.3 billion a year. And 34% of the people who make money from United States to Mexico were illegal immigrants (Human).

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The another problem of illegal immigrants is that threating national security. It can be founded in case in Lebanon. Salim Boughader Mucharrafille who is cafe owner, he smuggled about 200 Lebanese compatriots into the United States, including sympathizers of Hezbollah, designated a terrorist organization by U.S. Authorities (Terror). A reaserch released by the Sept. 11 commission staff last year examining how terrorists travel the world cited Boughader as the only “human smuggler with suspected links to terrorists” convicted to date in the United States (Terror). But after Boughader was locked up, other smugglers operating in Lebanon, Mexico and the United States continued to help Hezbollah-affiliated migrants in their effort to illicitly enter from Tijuana (Terror). Another smuggling network that is controlled by Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tiger rebel group – a U.S.-designated terror organization – tried sneaking four Tigers over the California-Mexico border en route to Canada not long after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

investigator Steven Schultz said. The four were caught along with 17 other Sri Lankans, all posing as Mexicans, attempting to enter ports at San Ysidro and Otay Mesa (Terror). Even when caught, illegal immigrants from those countries and other nations are sometimes released while awaiting deportation hearings, then miss those court dates, according to the AP’s investigation, which also documented deep concerns about security threats along the lightly patrolled, 4,000-mile U.S.-Canada border (Terror). At least one Al Qaeda-linked man smuggled himself over the border. Nabil al-Marabh, a now-deported Syrian citizen once No. 27 on the FBI’s list of terror suspects and accused by Canadian authorities of having connections to Usama bin Laden’s network, was caught sneaking from Canada into New York in the back of a tractor-trailer in June 2001 with a fake Canadian passport (Terror). Like this, illegal immigrants can be expand to international problem. If there is still illegal immigrant happen, that means there is serious security problem which also can be cause of Terror.

Also health care can be serious problem. Many diseases like AIDS, SARS, tuberculosis, Ebola are wide spread across all over the world because of illegal alien (What). Not everywhere of Latin America, some place are still unsanitary. So illegal immigrants who come from this place can spread out that kinds of diseases in United States. So if we prevent illegal immigrants, we can avoid by bad diseases and through that government can save money.

The last problem of illegal immigration is damaging right on economic. The united states of America usually are spending millions of thousands of dollars to treating illegal immigrants. The government are getting this money from tax through collecting tax. Apart from this the U.S. spends money on deploying additional patrolmen to guard its borders so that illegal immigration reduces to a certain extent (What). Impact of illegal house are turning out to be inaccurate ate. In terms of welfare use, receipt of cash assistance programs are tending to be very bad, Also, contrary to the perceptions that illegal immigrants are not paying their income taxes, we estimate that more than half of illegals work “on the books.” in normally, illegal households pay more than $4,200 a year in all forms of their duty taxes. Unfortunately, they are imposing costs of $6,950 per household (Camarota). we find that the effect of illegal households is negative at the federal level, the same is not true for Social Security and Medicare. We estimate that illegal households are creating a combined net benefit for these two programs in excess of $7 billion in one year, accounting for about 4 percent of the total annual surplus in these two programs. However, they create a net deficit of $17.4 billion in the rest of the budget, for a total net loss of $10.4 billion. Before we look through impact of legalization, we are facing two different situation. In this your first example, we surmise that legalized illegal immigrants would use services and pay taxes like all same people headed by legal immigrants with the same characteristics. In this simulation, we would control for the education level of the household head and whether the head is from Mexico. The first simulation shows that the net fiscal deficit grows from about $2,700 to more than $6,000 per household. In the second simulation, we again control for education and whether the household head is Mexican and also assume that illegals would become like post-1986 legal immigrants, excluding refugees. Because illegals are much more like recently arrived non-refugees than legal immigrants in general, the second simulation is the more make sense. The second simulation shows that the net fiscal deficit per household would climb to $7,700 (Camarota). As I already mentioned before, through my research shows that admitting illegal immigrants self-registering would greatly increase tax revenue. Unfortunately, we find that costs would increasing more than that. Costs would rise dramatically because illegals immigrants would be able to contact many programs that are currently off limits to them. Moreover, even if legalized illegal immigrants continued to be barred from using some means-tested programs, they would still be much more likely to sign their U.S.-citizen children up for them because they would lose whatever fear they had of the government. We know this because immigrants with legal condition, who had same education but get low wage, sign their U.S.-citizen children up for programs like Medicaid at higher rates than illegal aliens with U.S.-citizen children. In addition, direct costs for programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit would also grow dramatically with legalization. Right now, illegals immigrants need a Social Security number and have to file a tax return to get the credit. As a result, relatively few actually get it. We estimate that once legalized, payments to illegals under this program would grow more than ten-fold. From a purely fiscal point of view, the main problem with legalization is that illegals would, the most part is becoming not educated legal immigrants. And non-educated illegal immigrants are more serious problem more than elite illegal immigrants. Through this happening, United States of America’s labor market are asking very low limited chance to labor which is worker. It matter no what, it will change the united state’s basic of industrial develop point that benefits from low income-worker. Today, in America there are happening like large fiscal costs are very unavoidable for uneducated and unskilled illegal immigrants.

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Like this, we could see a lot of problem in economy and security by Illegal immigration. To prevent those bad happening, United States Government has to watch their border and smuggling. I think this illegal immigrants issue will be more serious problem as time is passing. We need to more recognize this issue’s seriousness. To prevent this is issue, United state has to keep tougher their borders and make the return law.

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