The Dowry By Guy De Maupassant English Literature Essay

In The Dowry, the action of Maitre Simon Lebrument was married Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier is because he want the dowry to pay for the practice of Maitre Papillon. The practice is already buy but he had no money to pay for it. Then, the purpose of that marriage is state clearly in the text. This statement show that the story is textually explicit.

Story Structure


In “The Dowry” by Guy de Maupassant, raised the story with related to the money. Three hundred thousand francs be as an expansion story. The theme established in this story is thematic patterning which distribute the concept of a story and a moralistic motif among the various incidents happens as a frame of a story.

“MaitreLebrument had bought out the practice of MaitrePapillon; naturally, he had to have money to pay for it; and Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier had three hundred thousand francs clear in currency, and in bonds payable to bearer.”(pg 1, line 1)

The explicit theme around the story make the reader easily relates the flow of story and can determine the causes incidents happen. The minor theme we can found in this story is about love betrayed. Love betrayed is proved when a husband just leave his wife in the trip for the honeymoon, the true love can’t do this thing during honeymoon time.

“I say that he has disappeared with your–your capital–that’s all!”

She stood there, a prey to conflicting emotions, sobbing.

“Then he is–he is–he is a villain!”

And,faint from excitement, she leaned her head on her cousin’s shoulder and wept


Character developed by the author in this story is flat because each character is drawn through the exterior appearance. The main character for this story is Maitre Simon Lebrument and Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier. Maitre Simon Lebrument is a man with a pleasant appearance level. Have a high charm and style. He used his good appearance to get what he needs in his life. His character plays a role to expend the story.

“MaitreLebrument was a handsome man. He was stylish, although in a provincial way; but, nevertheless, he was stylish–a rare thing at Boutigny-le-Rebours.” (pg 1, line 5)

Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier, known as Jeanne is honest and innocent girl. Her character was describe “was graceful and fresh-looking, although a trifle awkward; nevertheless, she was a handsome girl, and one to be desired.” (pg 1, line 7) She is a caring women where she treat her husband in gently and romantic way. “She would sit on his knees, and taking him by the ears she would say: “Open your mouth and shut your eyes.” (pg 1, line 16)

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Starting with the wedding ceremony as an initiating event attract the reader to explore and continues the reading. The wedding ceremonies with young couple and the message for the first paragraph give the big question marked to reader to continue the reading and to aims what the story is talked about. “The marriage of Maitre Simon Lebrument with Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier was a surprise to no one.” (pg 1, line 1)

A rising action develop when the couple on trip to honeymoon in chronological order to give flow to the story. When the couple at the middle of their trip in front of the Saint-Lazare Station, his husband starts his agenda to trick his wife.

“Oh! yes. Let’s eat at the restaurant. Is it far?”

He answered:

“Yes, it’s quite a distance, but we will take the omnibus.” (pg 2, line 24)

The point of climax show when the bus conductor cry out to Jeanne whether she want to stop at Vaugirard or not. It’s make Jeanne realize that only herself who is left on the bus.

“Little by little all the passengers left. She was left alone, all alone. The conductor cried:


Seeing that she did not move, he repeated:

“Vaugirard!” (pg 4, line 4)

Resolution part created when Henry, Jeanne’s cousins analyze the problem and make his conclusion that make it cleared to Jeanne what was happen to herself.

“Well, my dear cousin, by this time your husband must be well on his way to Belgium.”

She could not understand. She kept repeating:

“My husband–you say–“

“I say that he has disappeared with your–your capital–that’s all!”

She stood there, a prey to conflicting emotions, sobbing.” (pg 6, line 13)


The language is a classical language where there is evident as there are a few words such as”tete-a-tete”, “to-morrow”and writer describe Jeanne as handsome girl “she was a handsome girl”.

A proverb was used as a motto. “Everything comes to him who waits.” (pg 1, line 13) MaitreLebrument was described as men who will get what he wants and do not give up easily. There is also have some figurative language and simile word describe by conductor such as “You can find ten men for every one that you lose. Now run along. You’ll find another one somewhere.”. (pg 4, line 27)

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Literary Criticism 1 (Plot)

In “The Dowry”, Guy de Maupassant uses the climax to make this story interesting. Is it the climax is interesting? So, based on our reading, the climax makes people who read this story will continue read until the end. “On the top! There hasn’t been anybody there for a long time” (pg 4, line 23) will makes people shocked during read this story. A lot of questions will have in mind. Why Maitre Lebrument left his wife? Did he forget about his wife? What will happen to Jeanne? All the questions make we cannot wait to know the ending of this story. We want to know what happened actually. So, we think that the climax is interesting. It can make our emotions change suddenly. Especially when the conductor said, “A big portfolio! Oh, yes! He got off at the Madeleine. He got rid of you, all right! Ha! Ha! Ha!” (pg 5, line 6). This part makes our heart beats so fast. Why? Why? Why? This questions have always in our mind. Then, we will start making an assumptions. In positive thinking, maybe Maitre Lebrument have emergency that make him had to leave his wife. In negative thinking, maybe Maitre Lebrument are forced to married with Jeanne. Maybe he does not love Jeanne and already have woman that he really loves.

But, how about the ending of this story. Is it interesting? Is it makes people who read this story satisfied? We do not think so. The ending is bored. It makes our emotions fall down. When we read the climax, we become so excited, but when we read the ending, we will said, “That’s it only? How about Maitre Lebrument?” The ending does not answer all the questions when we read the climax. It only tells about Jeanne who was very sad and disappointed when she knows that her husband is villain. “And, faint from excitement, she learned her head on her cousin’s shoulder and wept” (pg 6, line 19). It does not tells us about Maitre Lebrument. What happened to him when he left his wife? Maybe, the author should extend slightly the ending of this story. Maybe, Maitre Lebrument also has been cheated by the person who sell the practice to him. This will show the reciprocation to him for the bad things that he does to his wife. So, people who read this story will more satisfied with this ending eventhough it is cliche but it is want by people.

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Literary Criticism 2 (Character)

In this short story, we would like to criticize some of the main characters who is Maitre Simon Lebrument (husband). According to the motto of his life “Everything Come to him who waits” could describe her attitude which he will do anything for pleasure in his life; he did not emphasize the values ​​needed in life as a husband and wife, even with his wife. As a husband and wife, must have the spirit of love and affection among each other. We also think that her husband is a cruel who was willing to exploit the wife for her pleasure and solve the problems faced by it. Supposed occurrence of a marriage based on love is not as an evil agenda. At the beginning of their marriage her husband has not shown the good attitude as her husband to his wife where the wife should expect from a husband. How are the bad husband who planned the honeymoon with his where it is a beautiful dream of a married couple, but it became something bad and sadness for Jeanne Cordier Modemoiselle which abandoned on the bus alone by her husband.

Maitre Simon is useless husband because she dared to leave her unattended and go with “The Dowry” 300 thousand France. He takes advantage of the softness and weakness Modemoiselle Jeanne Cordier who have never protested and complained about her husband’s behaviours bothered. For me he is a coward and a husband should not be eligible to become a husband who should have been the role of a husband is to protect his wife, but not for exploit it. He is no humanitarian nature in himself, his life were to him only, not for anybody else. He is very greedy and selfish people without thinking others who always thinks of himself and love himself.


In conclusion, the story telling about an honest wife was cheated by her own husband. At the beginning, she did not realized her husband have another purpose in their married. After all the things happened, she know that her husband not honest in their relationship because that man only want her money. The moral of the story is, do not believed other person fully although he or she is very close to you.

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