The Effect Of Advanced Educational Tools English Language Essay

The report is about advanced education tools with learning skills of students. A smart phone which is an advanced education tool is helpless for student learning. The advanced education tools are the important caused of bad learning skills such as bad writing skill, reading skill and spelling skill and the report will point to the real caused.

The aim of the report is finding the real caused for understanding the real problem of students learning. The problem is a chronic education problem that students can’t read, write and spell.

There are two details of advanced education tools that are tools and effects. The tools such as a smart phone, spell check tools, dictionary tools, thesauruses tools and word processing tools are a cause of worse learning. The effects such as short attention span, low scores, bad writing skill and solid writing skill cause by the advanced educational tools and internet.

Although students have the benefit of advanced education tools on their computers and smart phones, their learning skills such as reading skill, writing skill and spelling skill are worse. The advanced education tools such as a smart phone is helpless for better scores. However, bad learning skills cause by improper used. Nowadays young people’s attention span has become increasingly shorter because they spend most of times on the internet and their electronic gadgets. On the other hand, however, their scores and learning skills won’t be worse if they use the tools for real education.

The effect of advanced educational tools

short attention span

Students use most of times with playing games on the internet, chatting on Face book and Twitter. Electronic gadget such as a smart phone is the best advanced educational tools. At the same time, the tool makes students have become short attention span to learn in a classroom because they use it in improper way.

low score

Although most students benefit from advanced education tools on their computers or smart phones, their scores aren’t better and it seems to be worse. The low score caused maybe comes from the students who don’t care about their scores and learning, and sometimes it maybe comes from the teachers who don’t concentrate on their students as well as they should. However students use the tools for real education, it won’t have the problem.

bad writing skill

The most youngsters like to use many slang words. When they talk or communicate to other people, they will use a short word that it looks like their speaking identity. Moreover, they use the most times with chatting on the internet that it is a cause of the slang words used. The most writing for communication on the internet isn’t proper syntax use that it becomes familiar and leads to bad writing skill.

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Solid writing skills

Nowadays wring skill of a student is not more increasing or decrease than then because most students already use such technology as spell-check, internet, smart phone etc on a daily basis. Students pay attention to them more than interest in their lesson. When they are free in a class, they are more playing games and playing electronic gadgets than study and practice. This reason can explain why most students have solid wring skill.

Wring skill of Asian is better than U.S.

It’s said that there is a learning strategy in Asia different from U.S. Asian English learning is often to study reading, writing and speaking which differ from American that allowed students to use spell-check, computer word processing tools and others. The Asian who more read and write so, they better wring skill than American.

Can’t read

At present educational tools have been developed greatly. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages too. Can’t read is one of the disadvantages that decreased reading skills of students. There are many causes for example students prefer to use Education tools instead of try to learn by themselves and low quality educational technique of teachers. How to solution? Students should read with a purpose, so focus on that purpose and the material. This simple technique helps students focus and increase their concentration and high score.

Internet Meaning.

Is the largest computer network in the world, which is caused by a variety of computer systems, networks, sub-networks together into a larger network. That two or more computers. Can communicate with each other via telephone lines, Cable or Satellite, etc. will exchange contact information. Or mechanical joint such as Printer or CD-Rom together, we call this the behavior of a computer network (Network), which has a number of computers on the network. And is connected to the world. Into a larger network. We call this the Internet itself.

Advantage of the Internet.

1. Ability to communicate with others around the world.

2. Could not find any information as to sit in the library with a huge wealth of information from all over the world.

3. Compared to the West’s comment in a chat room and message boards is open wide and interesting vision.

4. Could track the movement of information quickly.

5. Opening trade on their own. Without the need to set up a shop or service. It can be made by myself alone.

6. Electronic mail (E-mail) sent a letter to request and receive mail within and outside the country. The message is the message. Send a greeting card to a different country.

7. Reading magazine and newspaper articles as well as our stories for free then buy the book to read.

8. Posting messages that others have posted to a tracker. Jobs. Announcement assistance.

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9. A lot of available free from the Internet, such as images, music, TV programs, computer games.

Disadvantage of the Internet.

1. The Internet is a large network with many people used the service. As a forum for open and free to anyone who writes. Or posted without moderation are good. The information obtained can not be sure that is true or not.

2. An infringement of copyright for a song to download. Collected or sold. It is a problem. Editing to become a famous pornographic images or corrupted.

3. Causing the crime. Because of the internet, such as the temptation to advance women in a bad way. The crime of rape. The porn site.

4. Creates problems for autistic youth at the site. Cause disease via the Internet. Cause harm to their social undertakings.

The meaning of dictionary

A dictionary (also called a wordbook, lexicon, or vocabulary) is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often listed alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographic languages), with usage information, definitions, etymologies, phonetics, pronunciations, and other information or a book of words in one language with their equivalents in another, also known as a lexicon. According to Nielsen (2008) a dictionary may be regarded as a lexicographical product that is characterized by three significant features: (1) it has been prepared for one or more functions; (2) it contains data that have been selected for the purpose of fulfilling those functions; and (3) its lexicographic structures link and establish relationships between the data so that they can meet the needs of users and fulfill the functions of the dictionary.

Advantages of dictionary

There are many definitions.




Disadvantages of dictionary

It is expensive for someone.

Some words wrong definitions.

There is a little vocabulary.

The meaning of thesauruses

A thesaurus is a reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms), in contrast to a dictionary, which contains definitions and pronunciations. The largest thesaurus in the world is the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains more than 920,000 entries.

Advantages of thesauruses

Containing synonyms

Containing antonyms

The meaning of word processing

Word processing is the creation of documents using a word processor. It can also refer to advanced shorthand techniques, sometimes used in specialized contexts with a specially modified typewriter.

Advantages of word processing

1. Most people can type faster than they can write

2. word-processed documents are always legible

3. Documents can easily be sending electronically

4. Can use certain features like hyperlinks

5. Spell /grammar check easy to erase and fix mistakes and edit text

6. It is easier to make changes to your document. You can move, change, delete, save, and format all your ideas in one handy file.

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7. It frees you to express ideas more clearly and to let your thoughts flow because anything can be changed or deleted later.

8. It allows you to organize all your work or ideas together in a file. Instead of deleting paragraphs that do not seem to fit an assignment, you can move them to the end of the file where they can be used later or in another project.

9. It is easy to share and store word processing files electronically

Disadvantages of word processing

requires a computer (and electrical power) to write

data can be lost by a computer malfunction

requires a computer or printer to view document

certain languages (esp. Asian languages) require hundreds of symbols not easily accessed on a keyboard

symbols and equations are easier to write than create on a computer

The meaning spell check

Spell check (or spell check) is an application program that flags words in a document that may not be spelled correctly. Spell checkers may be stand-alone capable of operating on a block of text, or as part of a larger application, such as a word processor, email client, electronic dictionary, or search engine.

Advantages of spell checks

1. Allows the ready checking of one’s spelling, giving suggestions as to which word you may have meant to type.

2. Better word processors spell checkers also check for grammar and sentence structure.

3. It may tell you the voice of a given phrase / sentence / paragraph i.e. passive (tentative) voice you have possibly said “if you hit him he may fall and hurt himself.” instead of something like “knock him to the ground and see him bleed”. This can allow a document to the tightened up were needed to give a very concise paper.

Disadvantages of spell checks

1. As most word processors only use an abridged dictionary many of the words one may use will not be in the dictionary already installed

2. Although by parsing the document the grammar can be checked, there is nothing to validate the semantics, i.e. whether it makes sense or not.

3. In many cases the voice of a document is of no consequence and feature just proves to be an annoyance


Although students have the benefit of advanced education tools on their computers and smart phones, their learning skills such as reading skill, writing skill and spelling skill are worse. The advanced education tools such as a smart phone is helpless for better scores. However, bad learning skills cause by improper used. Nowadays young people’s attention span has become increasingly shorter because they spend most times on the internet and their electronic gadgets. On the other hand, however, their scores and learning skills won’t be worse if they use the tools for real education.

Tak, Bow, Olef, Bim

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