The Effectiveness Of Business Communication In Vodafone

This is my assignment regarding business communication. In this assignment I will have to select a business and then I have to give my views on that regarding to the needs of this assignment so now I will explain the following things which are given in the assignment, but before that I will start with a short summery about my given business.

Company’s information:

This report is all about the Vodafone Group of Communication. This is one into the world’s leading mobile companies. This is a UK based company and was established in 1983 in UK. The company acquired so many companies all over the world, same as in New Zealand. The previous company was known as Bellsouth New Zealand, Vodafone acquired its business in 1998. Bellsouth had only 138,000 customers at that time but now Vodafone has around 3 million customers in New Zealand. Vodafone had around 1400 employees in 2007. They provide 70 kinds of services like video calling, conferencing, GPS, internet etc. Vodafone is known for its good communication and services. It is running under CEO Russell Stanners.

Why I selected this business:

The main reason of choosing this business is that the company is one into the most famous organisations in New Zealand, and also the second biggest communication provider all over the world. The other thing is that business I have chosen because of my experiences also. I have worked in the call centre in India so that I could write better on this topic. There are some other reasons also as I have done my assignment in Applied management, that was also regarding to Vodafone and I did very well in that assignment and the presentation too. The other thing of interest is that one of my room mates is working with Vodafone New Zealand so that it is very easy for me to collect some information with his help. So that I chosen Vodafone as my business for the assignment. But there was another reason for choosing this topic was that this organisation really relates to the communication sector so that I can gain some knowledge out of it. And one other thing that I have also interest in telecommunication sector.

Business Demographics:

Vodafone has a very good range of demographics all over the world well we can first start with the global network of Vodafone and we can give the following example:

Global Network:

Vodafone Group Plc extends across five continents, with interests in the UK, USA, India, Ireland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Hungary, Albania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Australia, Fiji, China, South Africa, Kenya, Egypt and of course, New Zealand. Vodafone Group also has partner networks in Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Austria, Luxembourg, Bahrain, Cyprus, Kuwait, Singapore and Hong Kong. Vodafone Asia pacific provides wireless telecommunication and information service to more than5.84 million customers in New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. The Vodafone group of communication is an international market and we can say that New Zealand is a multicultural nation. Here the people from different nations, cultures and ethnicities live. So we can say that for a multicultural nation it’s hard to communicate and understand everyone with their demands. So the business demographics could be as following.


In the local business we can say that only in New Zealand there are many people from different ethnicities. So for the company it’s hard to communicate and make everyone understand according to their own language. So in such areas many companies feel problems with their customers. So the main key point in the business is communication but if your communication is not that strong which can make people get attracted to you than its hard for you to run an effective organisation. New Zealand is like a mother for many children some of them are known to it and some of them are unknown. So it’s hard for an organisation to pull them under a line and make them happy. Well Vodafone is trying to do that because it is coming to the area of people’s interest and Vodafone has around 92% of mobile holders of all population of New Zealand.

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Internationally Vodafone is a very huge and a large company because the company is the second largest communication provider. So the company gives the service in the 32 countries all over the world. For company it’s very important to provide a better communication. Everywhere in other countries Vodafone has managed good communication demography. Well the communication takes a very important place in international business as well because the communicational problem is the main problem in business. So the people will try to adopt that organisation which can understand them so that communication has a very important place in that.

Organisational goals:

Well at the every level of organisation communication process is very important. Communication not just used to deliver your ideas but it is also used in making an effect on a group of people. Like when the company sets any goals then these goals all delivered to all levels of organisation. Like an example that if the top management has planned to set an objective of becoming the biggest company in the area then they have to set the targets. Oral meetings and presentations will be done, and then the lower level will start working on that so that it could be done. It is not as easier as it is taken in thinking, a planning is very important for that. As I have said that all companies have some goals same as in Vodafone, there goals is to become the biggest communication provider in the New Zealand which really they are. But for the purpose of keeping this place remain the good communication skills can be helpful which can only work under the good communicational process which is helpful for the organisation. Pre planning isvery important for such ideas.

Organisational culture and ethics:

Well if we talk about the ethics in the different organisations then Vodafone NZ could be a very good example of that like Vodafone is an international organisation. But for managing the ethnic script of the organisation there can be some steps taken which could help them to get improved like if Vodafone will promote their offer and values to promote honest and ethnic conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest. The communication levels should be used to promote equal and relevant customer’s handlings, like all the staff should be properly trained and given proper instruction for behaving and handling those customers which are from other ethnicity or groups. Communication can be managed like some of the persons could be hired which can understand the other people’s culture and traditions or could be hired from their culture as well. It will promote the organisation because people will find it easier to communicate with your organisation. Every organisation has some cultural values, not all of them but some of them can de defined as their Corporate Responsibilities. Well communication also becomes a part of being ethical for an organisation. I.e. if a company is good and fair with his customers and the communication process is taken properly then it can be also included as their part of being ethical.

Management of knowledge resources:

Well New Zealand is a very privacy loving country. As I have read before that there is a law that is called 1995 privacy act that means that any company or organisations or persons any kind of knowledge can not be passed without their permission first of all this could be the biggest reason for that. The communication at the management level should be very strong because if the management level is quite good then only the lower level will work properly. And the upper level should try to make the good communicative link with the small management. All the level should be linked with each other so that the company can improve there criteria of customers.

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After that we can acknowledge some things that could help company to save their knowledge and not passed to others these could be following:

Meeting should take place in the official places only so that it will be easier for the company that the process will be done through the systematic way.

Vodafone can try to take views from all the volunteers but not in front of each other it could be done via emails or written so that everyone won’t know that what were others view so he could not try to steal the idea of other persons.

Company can manage the verbal and face to meetings and those meetings could be recorded.

Company can give chance to persons to speak on the behalf of groups so that the meetings won’t get passed to all of them.

Group dynamics:

Well effective communication is very helpful in group dynamics like when the people in group discuss on a time with sitting together in a group, there main motive is to achieve any goals or objectives which could help them to get their vision. Well effective communication helps a lot to fulfil the goals in the group like when the group is filled with the persons form the different works in the group then they can pass their ideas to the group and sometimes these ideas could be very helpful for the group to grow. Same in Vodafone, It is a multinational company. In such company there are many workers and some of them could be form the different raise and cultures. So it could be helpful for the company that when they want to come with any new idea then they can take help form those volunteers and they can ask them about the choice of the people according to the group so that the company can easily achieve their goals.

Group communication can be helpful for the company, like if the company will provide the good service to every ethnic group. For this purpose they can hire the staff from different ethnic groups. Like if we talk about New Zealand then there are many people living from other countries, like Asians, Indians etc, so if the company will provide them service in their language then they must be more happier.

Meeting management:

Meeting management process can be run effectively in a team, like as I have specified before that Vodafone is a multinational company and New Zealand is a multicultural company in such company the management process is run through the top level managements. Well time to time meetings take place in the organisation. To ensure the effectiveness of the organisation we can put some ideas by our own knowledge these can be as following:

Plan the meeting: for an effective meeting process it is very important that you should plan the meeting first. In such organisations like Vodafone all employees can not be called for the meeting? So every group should send a volunteer for the meetings which can take bring the developments in front.

Appropriate participation of workers: every person should be given chance for the appropriate participation so that everyone can get the proper participation to present their ideas.

Listen to everyone: well everyone has their own point of view so they should listen to everyone so that the idea of productivity could bring forward.

All these options are available in Vodafone because just of these values Mr. Russell Stanners who is the current CEO of Vodafone took the company forward than others.

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Vodafone is very fare to their stake holders. There stakeholders are their business partners, investors, employees and suppliers. They focus on the specific and relevant issues. Focused dialogues help them to identify solutions for the new issues. Well the organisation manages to communicate with the stakeholders or to the persons who have interest in the organisation via meetings, memos, texting or calling them. Like for the customers it manages them by sending text messages and by promotions and other offers. There experts comment that they continuously challenge their selves to set the high standard of transparency and service. They include their sustainability report and Corporate Responsibility report to identify that.

Vodafone can also try some other options to make their stakeholders happy like if you give time to time promotions to your employees and try to give some discounts to suppliers then that must be one of an ideal purpose for that. If the company is fair to all stakeholders then the stakeholders too will be interested in company. And the good communication skill can help in this. Only professionals should be dealing with the customers.


Well the Vodafone is the biggest communication provider in New Zealand they have the largest number of customers in New Zealand rather than any other company. They have around 92% customers of total population. There are some methods I am explaining which could be helpful to interact with them like:

Promotions: A promotion is one into the biggest methods of interacting with customers. Like if any one of customers see any promotion then like it he definitely tell people about it so that the company can let others know as well.

Advertisements: advertising something values a lot for the company because sometimes one add can put a change on many peoples this is also one of the good ways.

Value adding’s: well sometime companies add some values to customers like now Vodafone did the free weekend schemes for 4 weeks after every recharge..

Texting and calling: sometimes company gives details to customers by texting them or calling them.

What does the company do to make sure all the communication systems work effectively?

The company took the following steps to ensure that the company’s communication system work properly:

Align the structure: well first of all if you think that any organisation is perfect then its not. Because there isn’t any explanation of perfect in business. First of all establishing a good communication system first of all we need to align the structure. We have to look and the qualities and the demerits of the company then we can try to fix everything.

Try to compete: well try to compete with the other companies and give them a better competition and try to learn something from their qualities of communication too.

Proper training: well proper training is very important for the every organisation that can help the organisation to deal better with their customers.

Basic customer handling skills: this is also one of the most important parts of the organisational communication. Not only the communication is important but behaving and attracting customers is also an important fact.

Manage persons according to their qualities: if the company wants to get more benefit then it has to manage it employees according to their qualities like if a person is good in deals then he should be dealing and if other is good in promotions then he should be given that.


These are the all factors which were given me to fulfil the needs of assignment, and i think that I have done my best according to my knowledge.

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