The Effects Of Uniforms On Students Behaviors Education Essay

School uniforms requirements can have a substantial amount of influence on students behaviors. There are benefits and also down falls to implementing uniform requirements in schools. Uniforms make students look more presentable and makes the educational institution look more presentable. What someone wears says a large amount about them. Instilling great dress values into students early helps prepare them for hardworking individuals society needs. Uniforms have a psychological effect on students. Students who attend educational institutions where uniforms dress codes are implemented can expect to gain a skill that is essential in today’s business world.

Today there are many who will argue that uniforms in schools have effects on students behaviors. They would argue that students who wear uniforms to school tend to be more focused and more available to learn. This could be because the less fortunate don’t have the worries of being the target of bullies or do they? Many will say that uniforms help students to become closer and form bonds as peers, which keeps down violence gangs and other distracting behaviors.

According to facts on file .com many students disapprove of mandatory dress codes and school uniform policies. Though some accept the dress codes implemented by there schools they don’t fully agree with them. Some may argue that uniforms don’t allow students to express themselves through fashion. This could lead to many behavioral problems. When there is a rebellious student who wants to stretch the rules he or she will do whatever they can that will go against the schools policies for many reasons.

Some students will not follow the rules sometimes just for attention, some may rebel just because they see a friend or another student do it. To blame students behavior on the uniform policies that have been set in place by their school, could be considered ignorant especially if the argument is not sound. These arguments cant be fully supported, this makes them invalid. It mainly depends on the person being ask and there personal views and opinions.

Uniform dress code have become increasingly common since the mid-1900s according to An argument was once presented that schools with uniforms dress codes students tend to sore higher on state administered test. After this argument being aired many educational institutions began to adopt uniform policies. It was in the 1980s that the uniform movement gained momentum and became more popular in schools. The uniform movement boosted when President Bill Clinton implemented it into his annual State of the union speech in 1996 according to

Some school implemented and still do this day implement very strict dress codes.

This could give students discipline that can prepare them for a bright future. Uniforms can sometimes serve as an equalizing force in educational institutions. One of the biggest arguments is how uniforms keep down the distractions of the way students dress. In public schools in which dress codes are not required students can really wear whatever they choose. This means that there will be children who have a both parents at home who have a decent income, those who are being raised in a single parent home is barely making ends meet, who don’t have funds to purchase name brand and the latest trends. Students who come from families where they cant afford the latest, I believe sometimes feel unaccepted and tend to keep to themselves and have less friends.

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These students are considered to be the ” lames” or the targets for bullies because of the clothing they wear. Sad to say there are students who have all the latest brands of clothing and are always recognized and considered to be amongst the more popular students. Usually when a student feels the need to talk down on other students its because of there own insecurities and the lack of love, or attention they don’t get at home.

This led me to my next point. Implementing dress codes can keep students from suffering emotionally, which can help them focus more on their studies, which means more successful adults will be added to society. In April 1999 there was a shooting in a Colorado in which two students brought guns to school killed 12 students and a teacher. When the story aired, it was discovered that the two gun men were students who had been previously treated like social outcast by their peers. After this many school began to adopt dress codes. They figured this could be another preventative measure to keep violence down in the schools.

Shortly following this critics began to say that uniforms do not improve student learning. Catholic schools were first to and have almost always implemented uniform dress codes. The students who attended catholic schools seem to score higher on state mandated test than those who went to public schools. People argued that this was because of uniform dress code. Although there is no real information that supports this argument to make it sound. Many people still argue this point and believe it.

Because I was a student who attended a public school with no dress codes all the way up to my junior year in high school and then, to convert to a charter school who strictly enforced a uniform dress code. I experienced first hand how students behave in school with and without uniform dress codes. I’m not sure if it were because of my culture or if uniforms do improve or effect students behavior but I don’t agree with the stereo type.

The students who attend school with uniforms act no differently from the one who don’t wear uniforms to school. The students in both schools were disrespectful, they fought, they cursed, they almost made it pointless to attend school because they made it so difficult to learn. Even with the uniform dress codes students made, it look bad. The males would sag their pants, wear clothes twice there size. The females would wear the tightest short and shortest skirts they could find. Thankfully I was one of the students who was well rounded and known by just about everyone in the school including the teaching staff. I also was one of those who was fortunate enough to come from a family in which we lived decently and my mother made sure I had a new car and the latest shoes and clothing.

I never had to worry about being picked on but it bothered me that some of the students would criticize the less fortunate, I even had a friend wowing as fortunate as I that I tried to help and became offended because I offered to buy him new shoes. I’ve now people who have dropped out of school just because they felt as if they didn’t fit in. Students all over suffer from bullying and depression of not being accepted. Whether there are uniform dress codes or not students will behave the way they want. Usually students act on there surroundings and what they see their friends do. It bothers me how students pleasure in making other students feel bad or hurting there feelings.

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Uniforms honestly could make student rebel more than anything else. Another down fall to implementing uniform dress codes makes students stand out amongst crowds and easy to identify. This also makes it easy for bullying and fights to break out amongst different students from other rivaling schools as they travel to and from school.

I am a graduate of a suburban city right outside of Detroit. Most of the student s utilized the public transportation system, our uniform colors were brown and yellow unifroms looked horrible. We had an incident when a gang decided they would attack a group of my fellow schoolmates at the bus stop. They beat one guy so bad he ended up in the hospital. Feeling the need to retaliate almost every junior and senior student went over to the gangs school and attacked students and teachers.

Keep in mind these are the students who dress in the same colors five days a week. So as one could see uniforms have no type of effect on students behaviors. All behavioral problems start at home. Emotionally stable students tend to grow up to be hardworking individuals who complement the society they work in and live in.

Although this argument can go many ways the response solely depend on who’s being asked. Many people believe that uniforms have an influence on students behaviors honestly there is no real information to support this argument. I’ve experienced first hand the way students behave in both type of educational environments. I must say that uniforms don’t change the way students behave in school or outside of school.

According to the Journal of Educational Research public school administrators are considering implementing uniform dress codes to improve the school environment and academic achievement of students. One point that stood out most to me that I never heard before but have witnessed was uniforms help differentiate students from strangers that can enter the building. While attending a public high school I’ve seen neighborhood teenagers enter my school and create problems and no one ever knew who really caused it because these intruders blended right in with the urban wear of the students.

There are many arguments that are and can be discussed on this topic however no opinion can be considered wrong on this topic until one can prove that uniforms really do have an effect on the behaviors of students whether they be good or bad.


Brunsma, David L., Rockquemore, Kerry A. (09/10 1998) Effects of student uniforms on attendance, behavior problems, substance use, and academic, 92 Issue 1. Retrieved from

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School Uniforms.” Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 20 Oct. 2006. Web. 26 Jan. 2010.<>.

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