The Extension Or Continuing Education Education Essay

There are a few schools these days which have begun offering degree programs through their university colleges. This can get very confusing for students, who sometimes believe that they are getting a regular degree from the university, only to find that their diploma clearly says “University College” on it and that it is usually not accepted in the same way as a regular degree would be. University college programs are generally excluded from accreditation in the various disciplines, so they may be seen as being of lesser quality (and they often are) by graduate schools, employers, etc.

There are a few schools that have developed their university colleges for specific purposes. For example, the University of Maryland has extensive online educational programs which they offer to military personnel, including many deployed military. My sense of these is that they are of better quality than most extension programs, but are still not fully integrated into the rest of the university.

For establishing a university college in Srilanka we require certain entities to be involved like the government, teachers, students, cost, teaching methodologies, degrees, image, courses, culture, management, infrastructure, IT infrastructure, funds, jobs etc. to broadly explain all the functions of feasibility of an university college in Srilanka certain functions like education, management, infrastructure and faculty will explained briefly covering all the entities.

Management is the main entity of establishing a university college; the management are comprised of certain corresponding support which runs a college like a university when we look at the structure below which clearly states the responsibility of the respective people to run the college like an university, Each college is led by a President of College who also acts as a Pro-Vice Chancellor and sits on the University Executive Board and he leads the vice Presidents who in turn lead the various aspects of a university college . The collaborative nature of the college structure means that there are fewer administrative boundaries between disciplines and working relationships between diverse areas of research have been strengthened.

The image of the college is built on the reputation of the students, administration and the faculty without image there would be no students willing to come to the college, as there are strikes in Srilankan universities this spoils the image of the university and many student seek the private institution where the college body should be independent of such activities and maintain the standards of the universities to develop the image of the university; when there is a culture to the college spontaneously the image get affixed to it to express wide attraction to students as the best college. A culture in a college only can be formed by the President or the dean of the college, as students come directly from school they will be regulated accordingly to the culture of the college which brightens the appearance of the college.

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Cost and funds are a vital component for a university college without which a college cannot be run; as this is an affiliate of an government university, if it is governed by the government university itself the funds for starting the college and till the operation stability the college it would be funded by the university itself but if it’s a private sector and education system government affiliate they whole capital to start till the stability of the business should be taken care by the private body. Cost structure for the courses should be fixed according to the strength of the cost and a proper cost structure should be formulated to run the college for a year and to increase profits to update the infrastructure of the college.


Infrastructure is one of the essential elements in the establishment of a college, in general there are two types of infrastructure in a college they are movable and immovable where the immovable are the building structures like labs, classrooms, library, sport complex etc. in a college there should always be specific setup for the corresponding course available in the college. Premises of the college should at least contain the minimum carpet area request by the government of Srilanka; Furniture & Fixtures should contain 100 seats per class room in a galleria structure and should contain microphones and speakers for the audibility of the speaker. Basic facility like Conference room, Staff room, etc. must be available. Air-conditioning is ought to be Mandatory for information technology labs and it is must by the college to have Training Aids like LCD/OHP etc. for interactive studies and the most important aspect of the college is the Library which should contain a minimum of 10000 Books mainly subjected to the courses available in the college. I.T. infrastructure required for the college are Administrative Equipment like Fax, Computer, Telephone, and Furniture. Telecommunicate resources for Internet Connection & Type Broadband connection, Modems, Printers & Copiers, Genset and UPS Systems. Manpower requirements or staffing is one of the main gears of a college where there should be an acceptable number of counsellors and teaching staffs with adequate experience required for lecturing the lectures. According to the education law of the government of Srilanka a sport complex is compulsory structure to be in any educational institutions under the government of Srilanka.


A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. The choice of teaching method or methods to be used depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students ; Every university or college have different teaching methods which is sub divided into the teaching methods of the professors or the lectures which are distinctive. Teaching methods depend on the course or the subject itself where majorly in a college lecture form of teaching is a principally followed but this can be combined with the demonstrative style of teaching with live examples. The lab form of teaching is collaborative and the final thesis would be thought by the method of learning by teaching where the students would be instructed to undergo an internship in a real environment.

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a course is a unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one or more instructors (teachers or professors), and has a fixed roster of students. It usually describes an individual subject taken. Students may receive a grade and academic credit after completion of the course. Courses are made up of individual sessions, typically on a fixed weekly schedule.

There are different formats of course in universities: the lecture course, where the instructor gives lectures with minimal interaction; the seminar, where students prepare and present their original written work for discussion and critique; the colloquium or reading course, where the instructor assigns readings for each session which are then discussed by the members; the tutorial course, where one or a small number of students work on a topic and meet with the instructor weekly for discussion and guidance. It is directed under a tenured faculty member and approved by a department chair or possibly the dean within that specific college; the laboratory course, where most work takes place in a laboratory. All the courses are fixed by the university regarding the aspect the college is mainly focussing on.

An academic degree is a college or university diploma, often associated with a title and sometimes associated with an academic position, which is usually awarded in recognition of the recipient having either satisfactorily completed a prescribed course of study or having conducted a scholarly endeavour deemed worthy of his or her admission to the degree. The most common degrees awarded today are associates, bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees which would be awarded to the student who has completed all the credits taken by him in the start of the course and these degrees would be awarded under the name of the affiliated university.

A job is a regular activity performed in exchange for payment. A person usually begins a job by becoming an employee, volunteering, or starting a business. The duration of a job may range from an hour to a lifetime . If a person is trained or studied in a university or a college for a certain type of job, they may have a profession. The series of jobs a person holds in their life is their career. Companies would select students for jobs in the last university year the college reputation is important for companies to come for campus interview.

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Faculty is the academic staff of a university: senior teachers, lecturers, and/or researchers, generally includes professors of various rank: assistant professors, associate professors, and professors, usually tenured in terms of their contract of employment. Members of university are often called as faculty members, in some universities, the distinction between ‘academic faculties’ and ‘administrative faculty’ is made explicit by the purpose they are employed for. Most university faculty members hold a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate degree. Some professionals or instructors from other institutions who are associated with a particular university but do not hold professorships may be appointed as adjunct faculty.

“Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.”

– Og Mandino

A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. They form an essential part of this business where they are the primary resource, attracting them to the university college is the primary objective of the university college. The college is formed keeping the students in the centre; they are the main part of the culture of the college. People going to a school of higher education to prepare them for real world work life. Education is the main driving factor to bring people in and become students. Traditionally they study a lot and are sometimes consumed by the work load. They can either be happy with their major or dissatisfied but they still work hard. Students can meet lifelong friends here and they are let to survive by themselves which is the first time in their lives they take responsibility of themselves.

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through auto didacticism. Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts, in turn Educational institutions are defined as entities that provide instructional services to individuals or education-related services to individuals and other educational institutions. Whether or not an entity qualifies as an educational institution is not contingent upon which public authority has responsibility for it. For example, tertiary institutions are classified as educational institutions regardless of which ministry or other authority may have ultimate responsibility for them.

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