The Factors Affecting Recruitment

Selecting the right person for the right job is the very important for every organization. Nowadays this has become more critical in IT firms as there is very high demand for IT professionals in the industry, hence the turnover is very high. HR management principles include the following aspects –

Staff management is putting the workforce in a place like recruitment.

It is developing that workforce so that staff can meet the changing demands of patient care by role redesign and personal development.

It is assuring staff of job satisfaction.

Human resources management (HRM) is the logical and strategic focus to managing the most valuable assets of an organization – the people working there who individually and collectively contributing to the achievement of business objectives. The terms “human resource management” and “human resources” (HR) have largely supplanted the term “personnel management” as a description of the processes involved in the management of people in organizations. Simply put, human resources management means the employment of people, the development of their capabilities, using the maintenance and compensation of their services in line with the work and the requirement of the organization.

HRM strategy

A human resources management strategy refers to the media about how to apply the specific functions of human resource management. The function of a human resources organization may have policies for recruitment and selection, disciplinary procedures, policies, reward / recognition, a human resource plan, or policy learning and development, yet all these functional areas of resource management humans must be aligned and correlated to correspond with the overall business strategy. A strategy for human resources management is therefore a general plan on the implementation of specific areas of human resource management functions.

Human resource management involves three processes. They are:

Organizational planning – Planning process is involving identifying an organization’s short term and long term objectives, formulating and monitoring specific strategies to achieve their goals

Staff acquisition – The process of staff acquisition is getting the needed personnel assigned to and working on the project.

Team development – Team development can be defined as the process of building skills individually and group for project performance.

Human Resource practices

Workplace safe, healthy and happy – Creating a safe work environment, healthy and happy will ensure that your employees feel comfortable and stay with your organization for a very long time. Capturing their pulse through staff surveys.

Open book management style – Exchange of information on contracts, sales, new customers, management objectives, company policies, etc. employee personal data ensures that employees are as enthusiastic about the company and the management. Through this process of open book, which can gradually create a culture of participative management and ignite the creative efforts of its workforce.. This is making people an interested party to strategic decisions, allowing them to align their business objectives. Be as open as possible. It helps in building confidence and motivates employees. Employee self-service portal, Manager Online, etc. are the tools currently available to management practice of this style.

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Performance bonds linked – to pay the premiums, or have any type of variable compensation plan can be an incentive and disappointment, on the basis of how to manage and communicate. Bono must be designed so that people understand that there is no payment unless the company hits a certain level of profitability. Additional criteria could be the team success and individual performance. Never pay with bonus without measuring performance, unless a legal obligation.

360-Degree Performance Management Feedback System – this system, which seeks the views of older people (including the boss), peers and subordinates, has been increasingly adopted as the best of all available methods to collect performance information. Gone are the days of hard work to impress one person, now the opinions of all matter, especially if you are in a leadership role (at any level). Each person on the team is responsible for giving relevant feedback, positive and constructive. Such systems also help in identifying leaders for higher level positions in the organization. Senior managers can use this information for their own development.

Develop a system of evaluation that clearly links the performance of individual with business goals and priorities. Each employee must have clearly defined information relationships. Self-rating as part of the assessment process enables employees. The assessment is more righteous if it relies on records of regular counseling and accomplishments of employees, monitoring throughout the year. For a more objective, besides the immediate supervisor, all employees must be evaluated by the next higher level (often called a guard). Cross – functional feedback, if obtained by the immediate superior of another manager (for whom the work of this employee is also important), will add to the fairness of the system. A relative ranking of all subordinates reporting to the same manager is another tool for assessing equity. The standardization of the evaluation is another dimension of improvement of fairness.

Knowledge Exchange – Adopt a systematic approach to ensure that knowledge management supports strategy. Knowledge of the store in databases to provide greater access to information published by the company or employees at the gates of knowledge of the company. When an employee returns after attending the competencies or skills development program, sharing essential knowledge with others may be required. Innovative ideas (implemented in the workplace) are good for publication in these knowledge sharing platforms. However, what to store and how to maintain a knowledge base requires deep thinking to avoid disorder.

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The performers’ landmark – Create profiles of top performers and make these visible through the intranet, bulletin boards, etc. It will encourage others to put on their best, creating a competitive landscape inside the company. If a systems approach is the high performance flat can surely prevent disgruntlements.

Open discussions and feedback mechanism – Ideas rule the world. Large organizations recognize, promote and implement the great ideas. Employees are the greatest source of ideas. The only thing that can stop great ideas flooding your organization is the lack of an appropriate mechanism to capture ideas. Open discussions of the house, staff management meets, suggestion boxes and ideas capture tools such as critical incident diaries are the building blocks that can help administrators identify and develop talent.

• Ceremonies reward – just recognize talent does not work; you must combine it with ceremonies where recognition is broadcast. As for the dollar check is often less important than listening to the applause of his colleagues in a public forum.

• Employees with the Unexpected Delight – The last but not least way to delight your employees from time to time with unexpected things that may come as a reward, a gift certificate or well done. Reward not only the best performers, but also some others who are in need of motivation to showcase its potential.

Recruitment procedures

Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and selects them to apply for jobs in the organization. Careful Recruitment process of an employee is very important. If we select unsuitable employee then it will give problem to our organization. Badly selected employees do not usually stay long with the organization. Sometime they leave themselves from the organization or else we have to discharge them from the organization. So a good recruitment procedure will influence the successful candidate in his future attitude to the firm.

Factors Affecting Recruitment

The recruitment function of the organizations is affected by internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the factors that can be controlled by the organization. And the external factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organization.

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Factors affecting Recruitment:

Working conditions, salary and benefit packages offered by the organization

The employment conditions in the community where the organization is located.

Cultural, economic and legal factors

Rate of growth of the organization.

The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the organization’s ability to locate and retain the good performing people.

The future expansion and production programs.

The size of the organization.

Internal Factors Affecting Recruitment

The internal factors which affecting recruitment and can be controlled by the organization.

Recruitment policy

Human resource planning

Size of the firm


Growth and expansion

External Factors Affecting Recruitment

The external factors that are affecting recruitment are the forces which cannot be controlled by the organization.

Supply and demand

Labour market

Image / goodwill

Political-social- legal environment

Unemployment rate


Selection Procedure

The term ‘selection ‘denotes a choice of one or many from amongst the candidates. It is very importance of making the right selection of staffThe main purpose of a screening procedure is to establish whether the applicant has the qualifications for a particular job, and then choose which candidate who is more likely to do well in that occupation.The advertisement for recruitment should be such that it can attract maximum applications from a number of suitable candidates.

The entire selection process starts with a initial screening interview and ends with a final employment choice.

Steps in selection procedure:

response of applications or groundwork monitoring

Application bank that gives a detail about the applicant’s background

A well mannered interview to explore the applicant’s history life

The physical examination

Psychological testing that gives an aim gaze at a candidate’s suitability for that job

A reference check

Final Selection approved by the manager

Communication of the decision to the candidate.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria describe the qualifications, knowledge, and capabilities and undergo that a person requires in order making a job successfully. They are divided into:

necessary criteria

Desirable criteria.

Selection criteria are used to help select the most capable, effective, suited, experienced, qualified, person for the job. Applicants must demonstrate and prove the ways in which they will be of value for the job and the organization.

Examples of selection criteria

ability to maintain confidentiality

ability to work as part of a team

ability to work independently

ability to work under pressure

attention to detail

flexible and adaptable approach to work


keyboard skills

knowledge of University organization, policy and procedures

organizational/planning skills

problem-solving ability


supervisory skills

verbal communication/interpersonal skills

Written communication skills.

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