The Family Engagement Assignment Education Essay

After analyzing the responses of interview questions from both the parents, it has analyzed that the parents plays significant role in promoting children’s academic performance and personal development. Parents are found to be agreed with the fact that the child’s growth and development is influenced with their involvement in their child’s day to day activities and functions. There is also a considerable correlation between the family’s culture, background, income, education with the child’s positive development and growth in terms of academics outcomes or personal growth as the children’s first learning summit is their family and parents.

During the duration of interview, the parent’s perception are found to vary in context to different questions but they appreciate their involvement with the schools and agree with the information that it would enhance the abilities, interest, skills and knowledge of children. Previously, parents believe that child’s academic performance is depend only on the schools and teacher’s teaching style and they are responsible only for the behavioral aspects but now a days the time underwent major changes and it has highlighted that parents involvement with the schools is also important for the academic success of children.

Although family involvement is considered as important but not always translate into the implementation level. However, it is highly recommended that the schools, parents and families must corporate and work collectively in order to enhance the learning experience of all children. Children failure does not address child’s issues and weakness but represents their parental involvement in their activities and academic performance with schools.

In today’s context, parents get involves with schools in order to enhance their positive growth and development but at the same time they are not aware with the degree and ways to get involved. Therefore, many societies and foundations organize different programs and functions to spread awareness about the strategies and ways to develop parents and school partnership. The parents can gain more knowledge with attending such programs, reading article and surfing websites related to the “family engagement”. These programs would help in enhancing the child’s growth and development and adopting strategic planning to make involvement with schools.

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One of the interview questions plays significant role in determining the role of parental involvement with schools and teacher that “what type of support teacher is seeking from the parents and children need only physical involvement or needs any moral support”. Sometimes, parents misunderstand the requirements of their involvement; they consider it as physical involvement only and attend each and every meeting, try to attend all session and start asking routine of children in the school. However, the children and parents school partnership requires physical as well as moral support from the parents in order to enhance the academic performance and personal development of children.

During the conduction of interview it has also found that parent or family involvement has more significant impact rather than their involvement restricted at home only because parents can develop most promising opportunity with teachers and can develop strategic moral and social competencies to enhance skills and knowledge of children as well as their academic performance.

Newsletter: Parents!!!

Children needs your involvement to grow, develop, perform better, earn better grades and in enrolling high level programs. The newsletter aims to focus on the family engagement, its understanding and its benefits. After the detailed studies form decades proves significant impact of the parent’s school partnership on children positive development and academic performance. Children’s success at school is highly interlinked with the parental contribution in the growth and development. It has been proven that home and school environment supports and encouraging the learning rather than other factors family’s income and cultural background. Parents participation in can positively affect the child performance in the school results in reduction in absenteeism and remarkable progress their self esteem and confidence, strongly impacting the child’s academic success. It has been emphasized that the family engagements is a crucial constituent for the improvements in the academics career. Family plays significant role in providing the directions and guidance to the teacher as per the special needs of the child.

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Child’s brain development thoroughly depends extremely on the prior learning experience with their family environment. Parents influences in the development of his cognitive behavior and communication skills tremendously. Through creating the literacy rich environment, visiting the libraries stimulate the learning in order to developing the healthy, intense and successful future for the child. Family environment enhance the development of child, Family shares the cherished and enduring relationship sustain for boost up the self esteem of the child. Though it is important for communities and schools to involve the families of the child, this helps to gain innovative perspective about life for the children.

Family engagement is not just getting families or parents to attend meeting session of parents teachers meetings. It is more than signing the report card, monitor homework and if it is more than the physical involvement it results in results in enhancing the potential of children’s performance, attitudes, attendance as well as their personal growth.

To determine the degree of family engagement, parental involvement, schools and teachers involvement many studies has been conducted such as FCHD study that states that the academic success of the children depends on the extent of their parents plays with them. This relationship has positive impact on the academic outcomes and plays a major role in the academic achievements of children’s. During play, parent and teach their children to present activities in sequential orders and also taught them to recognize images, things and their uses. This study reveals the important aspects that children are not influenced only by their mothers but their fathers also impacts positively during the initial development stage of children parents activities and their healthy relationship plays a crucial role in attaining academic achievements of children. However, the correlation the family’s culture, income, background and child’s education has been found very low. The study highlights the fact that parents who restricts television viewing and time accounts for vast difference in an average mathematics test and by providing reading materials in home helps to improve child’s performance and his reading ability.

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Family engagement is important for achieving the academic’s achievements but child with disability requires greater degree of parental involvement and needs to be similarly motivated as the other children. Children with disability face many challenges in class and in their studies. Therefore, they require more attention and more involvement of their parents as well as family members. In such cases it is often difficult to maintain ideal parent’s school partnership as there is restriction of Law’s complexity which makes difficult to understand the role and degree of parent’s involvement. Educators also understand the values of family engagement but facing the challenge to enhance and increase the parental involvement with their child.

Child’s cradle to career depends on the parent’s school partnership or the parent’s involvement in the activities of children in the schools. It is impossible to decide the extent of the involvement of parents but it has proved that the Child’s growth and development is initially based on the Family engagement with the schools.

Reflection of Feedback:

It was great experience conducting the interviews and collecting the feedback in context to the distribution of the newsletter. The question is designed in order to determine the effectiveness of school and parents involvement on child’s growth and development and it has analyzed that parents involvement in school activities plays effective role in child’s development and growth. Many studies are also illustrated in order to strengthen the facts and to highlight the efficiency. The Newsletter would help to spread awareness and educate parents for the role of Family Engagement. It has recommended to parents to get deep understanding of their roles and involvement as it enhances the child’s growth and development from cradle to career.

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