The goals of the marketing department

THE MARKETING DEPARTMENT was the department where I did my internship. I spent six weeks in this department. In these six weeks I came to know that what are the practical consequences of marketing n how to make it more impressive. In Gondal Group of Industries the Marketing department was established in Nov 1999. I worked under Marketing and sales officer Mr. Khalid Rohail.

There are mainly three departments in Gondal Group Industries

Fiber Glass



These three departments are working at their best .I did my internship in fiber glass department n as far as I concerned to only this department so I got a little look of others..

In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Let’s talk about them one by one.

2.2- Hierarchy of Marketing Department


Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in goods or services. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development.throug marketing the relationship between customer and company and it makes the customer satisfied by the products.

Gondal industry offers that in order to satisfy its organizational objectives, Gondal industry should anticipate the needs and wants of consumers and satisfy these more efficiently than competitors. In the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. No strategy is pursued until it passes the test of consumer

Objectives of Marketing Department

The objectives of marketing department in gondal group of industry are the identification, anticipation and satisfaction of customer or consumer. so marketing department is responsible for the analysis of needs and demands of the consumer and then fulfill their requirement process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements by the products the company is offering and also take feedback of the product to ensure that the main objective is achieved or not.

To understand and work in the marketing department, it is very important that one should know about the marketing research process. After learning all the steps of the Marketing Research Process, marketing can be possible.

Marketing strategy

It is a process by which a firm or an organization concentrates on its resources available and its limitations and the opportunities available for them so that the sale can be increased and the advantage of it can be taken according to needs and according to desire. A marketing strategy should be centered on the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal.

Key part of the general corporate strategy

Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organization’s energies and resources on a course of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance of a targeted market niche. A marketing strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management and other elements; identifies the firm’s marketing goals, and explains how they will be achieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines the choice of target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most effective when it is an integral component of overall firm strategy, defining how the organization will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena, corporate strategies, corporate missions, and corporate goals. As the customer constitutes the source of a company’s revenue, marketing strategy is closely linked with sales. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company’s overarching mission statement.

Basic theory:

Target Audience

Proposition/Key Element


Tactics and actions

A marketing strategy can serve as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a marketing strategy. For example:

“Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our organization, via our low cost product, has established a relationship with consumers, our organization will sell additional, higher-margin products and services that enhance the consumer’s interaction with the low-cost product or service.”

A strategy consists of a well thought out series of tactics to make a marketing plan more effective. Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally tested for measurable results.

A marketing strategy often integrates an organization’s marketing goals, policies, and action sequences (tactics) into a cohesive whole. Similarly, the various strands of the strategy, which might include advertising, channel marketing, promotion and public relations can be orchestrated.

Many companies cascade a strategy throughout an organization, by creating strategy tactics that then become strategy goals for the next level or group. Each one group is expected to take that strategy goal and develop a set of tactics to achieve that goal. This is why it is important to make each strategy goal measurable.

Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned.

Types of strategies

Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business. However there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description of the most common categorizing schemes is presented below:

Strategies based on market dominance – In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies:





Organizational Structure: – strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to the firm’s sustainable competitive advantage. The generic strategy framework (porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each with two alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-cost leadership each with a dimension of Focus-broad or narrow.

Product differentiation (broad)

Cost leadership (broad)

Market segmentation (narrow)

Organizational Structure- This deals with the firm’s rate of the new product development and business model innovation. It asks whether the company is on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation. There are three types:

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Close followers

Late followers

Organizational Structure- In this scheme we ask the question, “How should the firm grow?” There are a number of different ways of answering that question, but the most common gives four answers:

Horizontal integration

Vertical integration



A more detailed scheme uses the categories





Marketing warfare strategies – This scheme draws parallels between marketing strategies and military strategies.

Strategic models

Marketing participants often employ strategic models and tools to analyze marketing decisions. When beginning a strategic analysis, the 3Cs can be employed to get a broad understanding of the strategic environment. An Ansoff Matrix is also often used to convey an organization’s strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy.

There are many companies especially those in the Consumer Package Goods (CPG) market that adopt the theory of running their business centred on Consumer, Shopper & Retailer needs. Their Marketing departments spend quality time looking for “Growth Opportunities” in their categories by identifying relevant insights (both mindsets and behaviours) on their target Consumers, Shoppers and retail partners. These Growth Opportunities emerge from changes in market trends, segment dynamics changing and also internal brand or operational business challenges. The Marketing team can then prioritize these Growth Opportunities and begin to develop strategies to exploit the opportunities that could include new or adapted products, services as well as changes to the 7Ps.

Real-life marketing

Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-sense; dealing with a limited number of factors, in an environment of imperfect information and limited resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical marketing techniques, in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and uneven.

Thus, for example, many new products will emerge from irrational processes and the rational development process may be used (if at all) to screen out the worst non-runners. The design of the advertising, and the packaging, will be the output of the creative minds employed; which management will then screen, often by ‘gut-reaction’, to ensure that it is reasonable.

For most of their time, marketing managers use intuition and experience to analyze and handle the complex, and unique, situations being faced; without easy reference to theory. This will often be ‘flying by the seat of the pants’, or ‘gut-reaction’; where the overall strategy, coupled with the knowledge of the customer which has been absorbed almost by a process of osmosis, will determine the quality of the marketing employed. This, almost instinctive management, is what is sometimes called ‘coarse marketing’; to distinguish it from the refined, aesthetically pleasing, form favoured by the theorists.


3.0- SWOT Analysis of Marketing Department

Strengths in the SWOT Analysis are attributes or characteristics within the organization that are considered to be important to the execution and ultimate success of the project. Examples of strengths that are often cited are factors such as experienced management, state of the art manufacturing facilities, and a solid profit line already in place.

Weaknesses in the SWOT Analysis formula have to do with internal factors that could prevent the achievement of a successful result to the project. Factors such as a weak internal communication system, unhealthy levels of rivalry between departments, lack of raw materials, and inadequate funding for the project are often cited as weaknesses that can threaten to derail a project before it even begins.

The third classification of factors in the SWOT analysis is Opportunities. This classification has to do with external elements that will prove helpful in achieving the goals set for the project. Factors of this type could be the positive perception of the company by the general public, a network of vendors who are willing to work with the company to achieve success with the project, and market conditions that will help to make the project desirable to the market at large, or at least a significant segment.

Last, the final essential component for the SWOT Analysis is Threats. Here, external factors that could threaten the success of the business venture or project are listed and addressed. Among the possible threats that will be critical to any SWOT analysis is a negative public image, the lack of vendors who can supply raw materials for the project, and no readymade market for the final product of the project.


The company has a very well balanced and realistic incentive program. It also focuses on giving additional benefits to its employees apart from the basic remuneration. This results in employees giving their “Heart and Soul” in working for their employer.

The Marketing practices greatly enhance its image as a company that wants to contribute towards the society in every possible way. As the main focus is on developing better image not just to sale its products. Description of every product is written in its manual whereas the competitors don’t do so this thing results in increase of customer loyalty and also profits.


Marketing department lacks staff and it is very difficult for the Marketing Manager to do the right things for their organization and it takes much time for normal working of the organization.

The Marketing Department is not up to the mark for the proper marketing system and implementation of that system. Gondal Group of Industries uses old methods of marketing practices.

Gondal Group of Industries don’t properly advertise their products on popular TV channels. Due to lack of advertisement activities most of the consumers don’t know what to buy from Gondal and how to buy and also where to buy. These all things should be told in the advertisement and the advertisement should be played on popular TV channels and on radio F.M. the latest technology of media should be used to advertising the products of Gondal Group of Industries.

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Marketing Department has not functioning products packing program. All the products are delivered to the customers without proper packaging. There should be a proper packaging for all the products and that should be attractive so that it could increase attractiveness and also the customers. The employees are working along with their concise and conservative knowledge. There are no refresher courses for their training. Due to this employees feel difficult to set their working environment.

Employees have developed a psychology that promotion criteria & procedures of the Marketing Department of the company are not justified.

Here is a lack of reward and proper incentives for the manual workers. The employees working more efficiently and effectively are receiving the same rewards as the others. These efficient employees are also not obliged with some appreciation.

Employees are leaving the jobs, so that is why there is a lack of experienced employees in the organization, which leads to a shortfall in production.

The working hours for the labor are not right and accurate. The working hours are so much awkward that the labor force feels so much exertion, after continuously working.

There are frequent conflicts among the laborers which causes stoppage of work and which ultimately lead to shortfall in production.

The authorities assigned to the workers are being misused by them. Perhaps the employees are using the company’s resources for their own interest and misusing the authority assigned to them.

There is a lack of co-ordination among employees. Employees are not in well exchanging their ideas, methods of production and their skill among each other so that their ideas are reserved to only a single person and the whole system is not enjoying it.

There is an incorrect assignment of work in the organization. The jobs assigned to the workers do not match with their skills, mental as well as physical capabilities , which ultimately leads to short fall in production.

The employees have adopted the satisfying behavior due to which they are not working as planning, and are just deceiving the management.


There are a number of opportunities that are available in areas of Marketing for Gondal Group of Industries during the course of their future activities. These are:

The company can discover great potential through the future graduates as every generation is being taught in more effective manner that leads to better growth. Being a growing company in the employment rankings of Pakistan Gondal Group of Industries can recruit the “cream of graduates” every year and utilize their improved knowledge and abilities.

There is an opportunity to create the best image of the company in the mind of customers by adding the value added services.

The company should also use billboards for their advertising which is a very popular and common way of advertising now a days and the company should use it.

With the expansion in the company business in Pakistan, the Marketing department can be expended in order to manage diversity of workforce.


There are also many threats that can b faces to Gondal Group of Industries Marketing department. Which are given below?

Due to entering of new companies in industry the competition has been enhanced. Like other areas marketing departments is facing the threat of customers switching from Gondal Group of Industries to other companies. The big and regular customers are being attracted by the other companies & multinational companies. This is all due to proper marketing, the company with proper marketing department practicing all the marketing rules and regulations not only attracts the customer but also creates loyal customers for itself which is a very good sign for that company.

The company is currently acting upon the policy of downsizing which threaten the environment of the bank Employees feel insecurity in doing their jobs and work, hence affecting the overall performance of employees negatively.



Following are some recommendations for Gondal Group of Industries, which I personally feel can be useful for the organization, its employees and the customers. And which helps the organization to improve its effectiveness and efficiency in highly competitive world.

The Marketing department should be vast.

There should be training centers for employees and workers. In training refreshing courses should be adequate and more frequent. Advanced training should b given to employees which enhance their skills. Marketing Department may advice and train employees for one window operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources. Executives and employees should be trained on continuous basis to give them knowledge about the current market trends and new marketing concepts.

The promotional criteria by the Marketing Department should be defined and be as per rules.

The proper and competitive evaluation of the methods and procedures adopted by other competitors will enhance the performance of Marketing Department. Gondal Group of Industries should use all the techniques and methods that are required by a big firm like that to handle all its Marketing activities in an efficient manner.

This is the era of Information Technology. The functions and procedures of the Company should be converted from manual to the automatic. It will enhance the performance of the Marketing Department and ultimately of the company Marketing Department should allocate resources for this purpose.

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Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by the organization.

Gondal Group of Industries has a formal environment which can be changed to more relax and friendly environment.

To establish core competence and to bring competitiveness, Gondal Group of Industries should implement numerous effective marketing plans to improve the performance of its various departments. Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for Gondal Group of Industries to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals.

There should be effective communication system .Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each Employee not only requires good oral and written communications Skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working Relationships. To communicate effectively with employees, Supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open Door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes.

When the Marketing manager is going to prepare the Marketing Plan he must get information about work to employees that will it be easy for employees to do work effectively.

Employees should be known that what is expected to them and how it will be measured. So KPA’s and performance measures should be well communicated to employees.

Credible measures of performance that employees understand and accept are critical for achieving high level performance. Measuring employee accomplishments, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, provides the information that supervisors and employees need in order to monitor performance.

Feedback should inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees regarding their performance. Supervisors should describe specific work related behavior or results they observe as close to the event as possible.

Using their coaching skills, supervisors evaluate and address the developmental needs of their employees and help them select diverse experiences to gain necessary skills. Supervisors and employees create development plans that might include training, new assignment, job enrichment, self study or work details

Competencies should be observable, measurable Patterns of skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors and other Characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or Occupational functions successfully.

Gondal Group of Industries must allocate high budget for marketing activities.

For online Resume submission time to time to have excellent application pool not only at the time of Job position

Give detail for every advertisement of job opportunities along with detail about job description and career path, status of advertised job opportunities along with compensation packages to manifest potential candidates because this all not possible through newspaper advertisement and we have competitive edge of offering excellent compensation package to Mgt. Trainees so we should get benefit of this strength.

There should be complete pre-defined program along with orientations modules and contents supposed to be highlighted and discussed by every department. Marketing department require to develop Orientation program and specific course contents for every department along with department managers, discussed and highlighted during orientation training and upgraded with the passage of time as for as changes takes place. And should be handover to every department and its one copy will remain to Marketing department orientation program file


The six weeks spent in Gondal Group of Industries, (By-pass) Gujrat were, no doubt a source of great learning for me. It’s my quite first experience to do work practically in some organization. This practical training program did not only help me to acquire loads of knowledge about the predominant functions performed by company, but also imparted a lot of training as regards the set of behavioral traits which distinguish a particular person from the rest of the lot in a professional environment. All from the above discussion I conclude that Gondal Group of Industries Company is facing direct competition with many brands assembled by different companies.

No doubt Gondal Group of Industries is a hi tech company but the working substances are the human being .It goes without saying that Marketing are the most important in the organization and so does the Marketing Department .It integrate all the activities and functions of the company like product manufacturing, packaging, advertising, customer feedback, designing attractive packing of the product, continuous improvement in the product according to the needs and wants of customers. Marketing Department plays the key role in the product, place, innovation, price of the product and promotion of the employees actually it assign the specified duties to the specified persons in this age of specialization. Marketing manager should be well versed and confident in his field. He should be humanize, well natured and have go face reading capabilities .All this ensures his success .He should be of the notion “victory is not everything but the way of fighting is”.

Another famous marketing quotation is

“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”

All departments are working together and they want to create a work environment in which employees can improve their minds, continuously learn, gain professional growth and feel inspired by similarly motivated individuals. Gondal Group of Industries takes pride in providing the best possible working environment. Especially the marketing department is being improved at a very fast speed and soon it will be best in business. The company is hiring more professional and hardworking marketing experts to improve their marketing department and their marketing plan, so that the company could get some more fame and popularity among customers and become a solid treat for its competitors. They take a constant interest in ones progress by conducting evaluations and offering the support and resources one needs.

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