The Great Gatsby And Corruption English Literature Essay

Corruption has its own motivations, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist. This quotation by Eduard Shevardnadze precisely captures the inherent nature of all men: corruption is present in everyone, and it will eventually take over each of us by manifesting itself into our malicious, greedy thoughts and actions. Since this quality is intrinsic in every person, no one, even the most benevolent of men, can avoid corruption. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the corruption of people and society is one of the major themes. Several characters in the novel clearly have corrupt aspects, such as Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Ultimately, each character’s corruptness is evident in their perspectives and actions, and each one’s flaws directly reflect the corruptness of society as a whole in the 1920s. Consequently, some characters’ corrupt natures eventually crush their dreams and lead to their downfalls.

Tom Buchanan is, without a doubt, a truly corrupt individual, and his personality mirrors the high classes of America in the 1920s. For example, Tom is an arrogant and greedy man. When Nick Carraway comes to visit the Buchanan family at their East Egg home, Tom blatantly explains to Nick, ‘I’ve got a nice place here,’ showing off his opulent estate (7). Nick also describes Tom as utterly conceited by saying, ‘Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward’ you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat’ (7). Obviously, from this detailed description of his personality, Tom is a haughty man with an elitist swagger in his step. His attitude and his house are both symbols for the arrogant and elite class in society. Moreover, Tom conceitedly declares to Nick, ‘Now, don’t think my opinion on these matters is final’just because I’m stronger and more of a man than you are’ (7). Tom is clearly a jerk, and he has a condescending view of West Egg residents such as Nick. Tom’s arrogant point-of-view of the people around him reflects the high-flying, haughty attitudes of East Coast residents living in the 1920s, especially those wealthy individuals residing in New York City.

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In addition, one can plainly see that Tom does not completely love his wife, Daisy Buchanan, since he commits adultery and displays moral corruptness. Tom cheats on his spouse with Myrtle Wilson, his mistress. Jordan Baker, Daisy’s longtime friend, hesitantly reveals to Nick, ‘Why’Tom’s got some woman in New York’ (15). Tom apparently does not wholeheartedly care for his wife, and, according to Daisy herself, Tom was not even there to stay at his wife’s side when she gave birth to their first child, a baby girl; he was most likely with his mistress at that time (17). Clearly, Tom is an inconsiderate husband, and understandably, Daisy is not satisfied with her marriage. She sarcastically exclaims that girls are slaves to the wills of men. It is clear that Gatsby is the one who actually loves and cares for Daisy, not Tom. As a result, Tom suffers a pseudo-fall from grace because he discovers that Daisy truly loves Gatsby; she flirts with and kisses Gatsby on the face, whereas she responds with sarcastic remarks to Tom’s demands. Tom has, in a sense, lost his wife, Daisy, to another man in eternal love, even though that man, Gatsby, dies. For these reasons, Tom is unquestionably a hypocrite since he acts as if he is flawless but is, in reality, conceited and an adulterer. These characteristics illustrate why Tom, and the elitist class he reflects, are corrupt.

Next, even the ‘Great’ Jay Gatsby himself has corruptness in his blood, just like the people who were involved in illegal activities in the United States during the 1920s. For instance, Gatsby has ‘business connections’ with shady characters, including Meyer Wolfsheim. Wolfsheim, mistaking Nick for another man, says to Carraway, ‘I understand you’re looking for a business gonnegtion’ (70). Evidently, Wolfsheim is an underground, mafia-like man who deals with the illegal transfer and sale of alcohol, or ‘bootlegging.’ Meyer Wolfsheim even fixed the 1919 World Series, further demonstrating his corruptness (73). Since Gatsby is Wolfsheim’s close business partner, Jay is also involved in these secret and unlawful alcohol sales. Furthermore, Tom essentially accuses Gatsby of being a bootlegger at drugstores when Tom shouts, ‘Who is this Gatsby anyhow’Some big bootlegger?’ (107). It is evident to the reader that Gatsby acquired his vast amount of wealth from illegal activities, namely alcohol smuggling and selling. The reader can clearly see that Jay Gatsby is not ‘Great’ since he used illegal means to reach his opulence, therefore demonstrating that he manifests corruptness.

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Moreover, Gatsby and his activities in life clearly reflect the corrupt bootlegging business in 1920s America. During this time period, the sale of alcohol was against the law, but many Americans were so determined to obtain their liquor that they would lower themselves to such corrupt actions; essentially, alcohol corrupted these individuals. In Gatsby’s case, his corrupt nature ultimately brings about his downfall. Gatsby was determined to do whatever he could to get rich and be with Daisy, but his greedy, corrupt, and evil ways ultimately led to his death. His ambition and greed for wealth eventually crushed his dreams of being with his lover, Daisy. As one can see through his actions and decisions, Gatsby, although likeable at first, is a corrupt man, and he suffers a tragic fall from his high status, eventually culminating in his death.

To conclude, the demeanors and actions of the characters in The Great Gatsby, including Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby, show that they are corrupt individuals. Each person’s innate faults echo the corruptness of American society in the 1920s, especially in the East. Unfortunately for them, a few characters, mainly Gatsby, suffer a downfall in their status due to their greed. As opposed to these corrupt Easterners, Nick Carraway possesses good values of the Midwest. He is honest, careful, considerate, and humble, whereas the East Coast dwellers are mostly dishonest, hasty, cruel, and arrogant. By moving back to Minnesota in the Midwest, Nick effectively rejects the corrupt principles of the East. However, there is no denying that the majority of people, especially those obsessed with wealth, greed, power, and arrogance, will stay corrupt.

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