The Human Resources Planning And Development Methods

In this report, mainly I am presenting about the the human resources planning and development methods of TESCO DIRECT in specific and the overall human resources strategy in general.

Human resources are one of the important and needed for any organization. In other words we can say that without human resources no business can run. Secondly, human resources are the biggest asset for any company. The important thing is that if and only if the comapny thinks this point then the company/organization will have the highest chances of getting success and prifits .

Human resources forms one the most important role in any organisation. It’s very crucial that an organisation has the best possible human resources or simply employees so as to generate productive results for the organisation.

In this report I have mentioned and explained the major activities that take place in my organization. Secondly, the human resources planning and developments, the two imoportant models of the human resource models and their significance.

Finally i have mentioned the effective of monitoring of the human resources and the improvements that can be done in my organization for the effective human resources.



For any organization/company, to be successful in all its functions and departments must depend on one department which is key role for all the departments and in other words it’s like a back bone for the company/organization, it’s nothing but the “HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT” department. Everyone thinks that human resource management is only for recruitment, selection, training, and promotions in any company, but it’s a myth. The actual and authentic fact is that it is the HRM department which manages and controls everything in an organization, as “EDWARD FLIPPOS” says that “Personnel management” is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, procurement and the separation of the human resources to the objectives are accomplished.”

And we all know that personnel management is nothing but the human resource management.

Before going to present the tasks I just want to define “HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT”.

First of all Human resource management is an approach to the management of the people, and we know that human resources are the biggest asset for a company and their effective management is the key to the success of the company/organization.

Definition of Human resource management:

“Human resource management” is defined as it is the part of the management that is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship into an effective organization”

The company/organization that I have selected for the purpose of this assignment is


For any company to be successful in its activities and also in its growth, human resource management plays a very major role as it is that part of the department which handles all the activities of each and every employee and employers in an organization, starting from recruiting to the well being of both the employers and employees.

When comes to this company, the company follows three main principles which helped a lot for it’s successful working of the staff and also for the company.

They are:

The company believes that human resources are the important assets of the company and also it is the key for the success of the company.

The success can be achieved only if the personnel policies and procedures are linked with the objectives and goals of the organization.

Finally, the HRM of this company is concerned with the integration- getting all the members of the organization involved and working together for the achieving of its goals.


TASK 1.A: Personal Management and HR Management

For any company, to be successful there must be activities or functions in all departments for its success in the business. Like wise, in the human resource management department also there are a number of activities going on continuously, as it the only department which is concerned with the well being of the workers and also for the smooth going of the company with out any obstacles and disturbances.

First of all HRM is concerned with the people, as every organization is made up of people acquiring their skills and improving their performance by giving training so that all the goals can be effectively achieved in the organization.

The three main activities that occur in the Tesco Direct Company are:





These are the four major activities that take place in my company, as my company is employee oriented and worker friendly, it always tries to use the human resources more effectively and efficiently. And these activities helps a lot for the company by satisfying both the employees needs and achieving the company targets and strategic


Now I want to present briefly about the activities that does in the organization/company so as to maintain balance between the employee and the management of the company.

1) Acquisition:

First of all acquisition begins with the planning and getting the human resources for the company. That means it includes how many employees/ workers are needed and where can they get the human resource. Now this is done by the process of



Training at the beginning of the job.

Socialization of the employees.

This is the main process and steps for acquisition of the human resources in my organization to get the human resources when required.

2) Motivation:

“Motivation” plays a major role for any individual/employee, as in order to satisfy the human needs there is need to use the motivation techniques so that not only the employees are satisfied and also the company get the work/tasks to be done by the employees.

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Motivation activity mainly involves:

a) Job satisfaction.

b) Performance appraisal.

c) By using behavioural and structural techniques for the work to be done.

d) By giving bonus and more salaries for the employees.

e) By asking the suggestions/ideas if required.

Like wise, the employees are motivated so that the company can reach its strategic objectives and goals more effectively and can attain more profits and development for the company.

3) Maintenance:

Maintaining the human resources is very important for the company as it is very important to create the working conditions that make the employees to work more effectively and making them to work as if is their own company and making them to be committed for the company I all the up’s and down’s of the company.

4) Development:

The development activity mainly involves in the training of the employees, management development and the career development of the employees, as it is very important to make the employees more sophisticated and more advanced in terms of technological skills that why this activities makes them to know and learn more so that more knowledge can be gained by the employees.

Thus these are the three main and major activities of the HRM in the Tesco Direct Company, as this company is using the human resources more productively and effectively.


TASK1.B: Recruitment, selection and retention

Secondly here I want to present the main objectives of these activities, as with out any objectives there won’t be activities or functions, and the effectiveness in achieving these objectives.

The main and foremost objective of the human resource management is to have highly committed, talented, flexible, eligible and talented workers.

1) The main objective of the “Acquisition” activity is to get the talented, eligible employees to the company, as it is very important to get the skilled employees rather than the normal ones. In addition to that the company needs the committed employees; it should not be like working to the company but like working for the company. Secondly, the company must have enough staff when required urgently, so these are the objectives of this activity, and all objectives must need for the effective working of the human resources.

This objective can be achieved by making the recruitment system and selection process more productively and by making the job analysis which mainly involves job description, job specification and job analysis. This can be evaluated by by the effective working of the staff and the workers in the organization.

2) The main objective of the “Motivation” activity is to get the work done effectively and efficiently by the employees so that the company gets more profits and market share by their work. This can be done by giving performance appraisals, more salaries etc. “Motivation” plays a major role as it makes a very large difference in the effective working of the employees. Secondly, to get involved in the work, to get more productive results from the employees, to get more performance, for the job satisfaction of the employees etc. Thus these are the objectives that are expected from this activity for the company.

This objective can be evaluated by the response of the staff to the tasks given by the management, as whether the staff is working with commitment or not, and also by taking the feed back from the employees about the treating of the employees by the management.

3) Maintenance:

The main objective of this activity is to maintain the well being, maintaining the human relations of the employees who help the employees to work more effectively with out any obstacles and also to make the working conditions easier.

In other words the main objectives are to maintain:

Employee health and safety.

Grievances and labour relations.

Employee commitment.

Equal opportunities for the employees.


This objective can be evaluated by taking the feedback from the employees and also by the results that the company achieved from the objectives that they had, as the management is doing well for the workers or not.

Thus these are the objectives and the evaluation of the effectiveness in achieving these objectives in the company.


TASK 1.C: Discuss the significance of two HRM models

The HRM models that I want to present the significance of these are:

1) Harvard model:

The Harvard model mainly focuses on the employees and it is mainly employee oriented, as it gives more importance to the human resources. This model clearly says that we can’t compare the human resources and other resources in the same way as human resources have feelings. Secondly it says that “employees are the significant stake holders in the organization, as they have their own needs and concerns along with other groups like people, share holders.

This model mainly outlines four policies that show its significance.

Human resource flows- recruitment, selection, training, placement, promotion, and appraisal.

Reward system- motivation, benefits, initiatives etc.

Employee influence-delegated levels of authority, responsibilities, power.

Work system-design of work and alignment of the workers.

By these policies we can know the significance of the Harvard model as it is mainly focused on the well being and care of the human resources, rather than management.

2) Matching model:

The matching model is also called as the “Michigan model”, and this model is quite opposite to the Harvard model. This model has less humanistic edge, holding the human resources as like other resources and it is also called as the hard model of HRM. Secondly, this model limits the role of the HR in the functions of the organization and under emphasises the importance of the societal and other factors.

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The significance of this model lies in its hardness towards the human resources and it is work oriented rather than employee oriented. In other words it can be said that this model has less human values, sentiments, and feeling toward the employees.

Thus these are the two models of the HRM and its significance.


TASK 2.A: Examine three HR planning and development methods that occur in an organisation of your choice:

For any organization, there must be planning and development of the human resources as human resources are the really asset of any organization. As defined by Bulla and Scott(1994) it is ‘the process of ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements’. Human resource planning is based on the belief that people are an organization’s most important startegic resource.

Before going to present the hp planning methods, i just want to prersent the main aims of the hr planning.

The aims of the hr planning are:

To attract and retain the number of people required with the appropriate skills, expertise and competencies.

To anticipate the problems of potential surpluses od deficiots of people.

To develop a well trained and flexible workforce, thus contributing to the organization’s ability to adapt to anm uncertain and changing environment.

Human resource planning methods:

1) Human resource planning methods that occur in my organization are:

Relative to the human resource requirements, organizations should know where it is getting and how they are going to get it. They are:

a) Recruitment.

b) Selection.

c) Socialization of employees.

a) Recruitment:

For any company recruitment is necessary, for getting the works to be done. As my company is a leading retail company, it requires more staff and human resouces, as it needs to keep the staff ready so that the company can use them when ever more human resources is required.

My company recruits the human resources in various ways. Now I want to present the ways of recruiting the human resources that my company will do in order to get human resources.

1) Advertising:

My company will do advertising for human resouces in two ways. Firstly advertisements will be place in the media read only by the particular groups. Secondly, more information about the company, job, and the job specification will be included in the ad to permit self screening.

2) Employment agencies:

My company thinks that additional screening can be affected by through the utilization of the employment agencies both private and public.


3) Employee referrals:

My company gives value to the word and honesty of the employees working in the organization. So, friends and relatives of present employees are also a good source from which employees can be drawn. In addition to that, my company gives bonus, prizes for any referrals that are hired when more staff is required urgently.

4) Casual applicants:

TESCO DIRECT Company gives importance to the unsolicited applicants, both at the gate and through mail.

And other ways of recruitment also include labour unions, schools, colleges, institutions etc.

b) Selection:

In my organization, selection involves choosing the person best suited for a given job from a pool of candidates, resulting from the recruitment process

is should be like an Attempt to get a “fit” between what the applicant can and wants to do, and what the organization needs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) and Fitting the person to the right job is called ‘Placement.’

The selection process in my company typically consists of eight steps: 1. Initial screening interview 2. Completion of the application form 3. Employment tests 4. Comprehensive interview 5. Background investigation 6. Conditional job offer 7. Medical/physical exam 8. Permanent job offer. This will be the selection process in my company as TESCO DIRECT Retail Company is large company, it needs effective employees, so that why the company has an effective selection process.

c) Socialization of employees:

My company gives more importance to the socialization of the employees, and it is basically moulding people to internalise the systems and practises of the organization.

It includes giving proper orientation to the new employees on socializing norms to shape their behaviour and actions in line with the philosophy and culture of the organization.

Socialization process mainly has four stages for my company.

Stage1:Pre-arrival stage.

Stage 2: Encounter stage.

Stage 3: Metamorphosis stage.

Stage 4: Outcomes.

Thus these are the different human resource planning methods that occur in my organization which lead to the effective human resources that helps for effective running of the organization.


Human resource Development Methods:

Along with the planning of human resources, their development is also very important as if employee is worth full, then company can get more profits.

Human resource development mainly comprises the procedures and processes that purposely seeks to provide learning to enhance the skills, knowledge and capability of people, teams and the organization so that there is a change in action to achieve the desired outcomes.

Secondly, Human resource development in the organization context is a process by which the employees of an organization are helped in a continuous and planned way to:

1) Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles;

2) Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner potential for their own and/or organisational development purposes

3)Develop an organisational culture in which supervisor-subordinate relationship teamwork and collaboration among sub-unites are strong’s and contribute to the professional well being, motivation and pride of employees

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In my organization, human resouce development is done in two styles.

They are:

Autocratic style.

Permissive style.

My company follws these two styles for the development of the human resources. Now i want to present these two styles briefly one by one.

Autocratic style:

In this type of development, it mainly involves the following strategies like


Lesson demonstartion.


Programm instructions.

Permissive style:

In this type of development method, it mainly involves the

Question answer



Group discussion.

Role playing.

Brain storming.

Independent study.

This these are the types of the development methods in my organization. As human resources play a major role in my organization these type of developments are required in my organization in order to do business effectively and profitably.


TASK 2.B: Evaluate the effectiveness of each of the methods in achieving organisational objectives:

For achieving the organizational goals, there is need for the effective evaluation, the evaluation actually shows where we are and how much more we need to do.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of human resource planning methods:

As the human resource planning plays a very major role in the effcetiveness of the outcomes of the organization. So there is a need for evaluation of the human resource planning methods.

Human resource planning can be evaluated in two criteria’s:

They are:

Process criteria.

Output criteria.

Process criteria: it should be like how well the things are done, in other words, its like the distinction between the efficiency and the effectiveness- that is doing the things in terms of what you do (efficiency) rather than doing the right things in terms of results you achieve (effectiveness).

In other words, how effectively the recruitment is working and what are the standards they are following while recruiting the employees and how they are behaving with the new employees, with all these the effectiveness of the human resource can be evaluated.

Out put criteria: it is the impact made by the process on organizational and operational performance that is the effectiveness of the end result.

In other words, by the performance shown by the employees can also show the effectiveness of the hr planning, how they are recruiting the employees and finally how much effective the employees are working to meet the organizational goals.

Thus these are the ways, that my company evaluates the effectiveness of human resource planning can be evaluated.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the human resource development methods:

My company gives importance to the development of the human resource, so there is need for the evaluation of effective the human resource development is going on,

In my organization, human resource development can be evaluated in terms of goal attainment, by the output of the tasks that they have done, and how effectively they are getting the results.

In other words it can be evaluated in terms of

Profit related indices



Perceptual measures of goal attainment.

By the above factors, my company mainly evaluates the effectiveness of how the human resource is doing and working.

Thus these are the ways of evaluating the effectiveness of human resource methods in achieving organizational objectives.


TASK 3.: For the Organisation chosen in task 2, critically analyse how HR performance is monitored. How effective is this? How can it be improved?

For any company, there is a need for how the human resources are working, how is their performance. So there is need for monitoring their performance.

Before going to present how the Human resource performance is monitored, I want to present about the performance.

“Performance” is the one which has both behaviour and result, as behaviour emanates the result.

Performance management:

It is the one which creates the culture in which organizational and individual learning are a continuous process.

It provides the means for integration or learning and work, so that everyone learns from the success and challenges inherent in day to day activities.

In TESCO DIRECT, the performance of the human resources can be monitored at different levels.

The systematic collection and feedback of performance data on an individual or group derived from a number of the stakeholders on their performance.

In this one, my company, first produce this one and then implements it.

1) It first defines what the objectives are so that it can observe what exactly is expected from the staff and how they are working and what are the goals and objectives they have to be achieved.

2) Who will be receiving the feedback and who will handover the feedback and whether the feedback should be made anonymous

3) The overall performance management by this method is done by the way of survey in the organization, by their progress that they have done, by seeing their past records that how they have performed, questionnaires, and ratings. And then the data processing is finally handed over for feedback and then for the action to be taken on the basis of feedback.




For any company, human resource department is the very important and the vital one, as it is the which give the man power for the organization, as we all know that with out man power no business can run.

And secondly, for the effective running of the human resources, there is a need for implementing and following the above planning methods, development methods, and finally, as in order to monitor effectively, any company must do the above activities to increase its productivity which finally attains more profits and talented human resources.


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