The Impact Of How Organisational Structure

The organisational structure has a great influence on the people working for the organisation. The way the employees are organized and dealt with, has a noticeable influence on each employee of the organisation. If the organisation has a strong leadership, it helps other people working for it to get motivated and to be influenced by the works of leader and they eventually get boosted. This leads to the betterment of organisation and promotes more people to work for the organisation. Leadership has a direct influence on the organization, with the leadership style the organization can be moulded in the direction which is best suited for it. The surveys and researches done so far have proved that the attitude of an employee to the organization is dependent on the structure of organization. If the individual is happy with his job and show positive attitude towards the job the organization is more likely to be get benefited from it, if the employee has a negative impact then preferably the organization gets suffer (CITEHR 2005).

The organization consists of people with different nature and aptitude. Each person has its own skills and knowledge, so he is capable of handling stuff in his own way. The organization impacts the person in a way that he has to manage himself according to the needs of the organization. The person has to mould his skills to suit the requirements. Many factors are included which strengthens or weakens the ability of people working in an organization. The main factors included are adaptability; this is that how much a person can get adapted to the working environment he is going through. Then comes the social values; this explains the values which are to be maintained in order to continue the friendly employee to employer and employee to employee relation respectively (SACHING 2009). Through this the risk of conflicts can be minimised.

Analyse how Organisational culture plays a vital role in employees’ efficiency and effectiveness.

Efficiency is the time taken to do some particular task. The efficiency is when you complete your task in the minimum time. Whereas effectiveness is the height of results achieved from tasks. This is actually the actions of employees which brings about the results and helps the organization getting effective results (CHRON 2012).

The organization has a great influence on both the efficiency and effectiveness of the employee. The culture of an organization particularly helps in constructing an efficient employee and it can harm the efficiency of an employee as well. So basically it has a great influence. The organizations with proper planned structures and stabled culture are more likely to bring about a positive change in their employees. If the organization has a setup which includes proper trainings, sit-ups with the manager and discussions about the relevant matter, then no doubt the organization is going to bring about efficient workers. For example the company has got and Entrepreneur resource planning ERP system installed in place, this helps employees getting in touch with each other and they can access each other directly wherever they are eventually saving time and making their work efficient.

Similarly if the organization wants the best result it needs to have an effective planning of actions need to be performed in order to achieve those results. The factors that can improve the effectiveness of the employee are through having a proper individual’s performance review over a specific period of time. This will help the organization figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of the employees, which should be recorded and monitored on preceding tasks. The other way to improve effectiveness is through organizing tests and tasks for employees, the results will clearly show the level of effectiveness the organization can gain from that employee that can be changed later with training in the field where employees lack, if things like these are in place then organizational culture is really improving the employee skills and will eventually get benefited.

So this shows that the organization culture has indeed a great influence on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the employees working for it (CHRON 2012).

Understand approaches to managing the differences between individuals that impact on their performance at work

Employees’ behaviour at work is highly influenced by personal differences. Explain.

Employees in an organization work as a team and bring about changes to the organizations. Every employee has its special character and the behaviour it possesses. Some lacks in some capabilities and others have access of some capabilities, so they make up a good team with difference in their aptitude with which they approach the tasks. The personal differences help each other in getting motivated and bring in employees the power to compete and excel in their fields. It does have a negative influence as well sometimes that employees can take one with abilities as their rival rather than following him they can just get to the worse of developing personal grudges against him.

Organizations have people from different sectors and these bring about the people with different life styles and different working styles as well. To counter these differences employees work in a way so that they can manage with each and every person in the working area. The ones that are unable to manage starts getting irritated each other and may develop hatred as well. But mostly organization trained the people with fewer abilities to follow the ones with abilities to get the most out of them. This is because companies want to have a growing structure rather than destructive approach.

Employees may sometimes come from different ethical backgrounds that practices things which are of bad influence to the other employees. This brings about personal rivalry in the work place. Then sometime people with different ideas trigger each other against them if the seniors listen more to one employees ideas rather than listening to all equally. So this difference in treatment can also influence the employees. Some people are in habitual to change while some are not, if the organization brings about some changes to the way it is working this is seen to be an act of decreasing the employees ability to coup up with the change as he may not like changes to the way he works.

What methods management would require tackling the issues related to personal behaviour of employees at work? Support your answer with relevant organisational citation.

The personal behaviour of the employees can be tackled with the following ways. The organizations should carry out the audits and equality test and check for the results through surveys that how the employees respond to each the question they have asked. Also try giving flexible hours of work so they can relax and can get fresh start when they want. Implement a strategy which stops the people from getting to personal or give them only right to talk about work issues and not of the personal stuff when they are in the work place.

Companies such as McDonald’s and also others such as HSBC bank and all have their own specific terms and conditions. In fact every organization has these terms which they ask from their employees to agree to it before signing for the job. This ensures that the personal rivalries and behaviour that is ignorant should not be used in the premises. To tackle such conditions the organizations should train managers and staff so they can handle the situation without creating any more stress. People sometimes makes mistake and manager should be there to tackle that as well as it is the responsibility of the manager to see to it that all the processes are in place and are running fine.

The organizations should try things like friendly gathering or socializing team members so that they get to familiarize each other in a better way and can understand personal differences of each other. This method can bring the work force together and can make them realize the importance of working in a team with enthusiasm and respect. The respect factor is most important as it allows the understanding of both the position of one another in the organization as well as it is better to know on the human front as well. So these are the methods to tackle the people behaviour in work place.

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Understand the organisational factors that impact on people performance

What is leadership? How many types of leaderships are there; and how these styles effect on individuals and teams work performance?

Leadership is basically managing a group of individuals to accomplish a particular task. Leadership can be of basic school level for making simple science projects and it can be of government level for running a developed state. So all group tasks involves leadership but of different types. The recent leadership studies and theories give description of the leaders through their traits. This also includes use of power to achieve an objective. In this description the leaders are figured out as autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic and charismatic (ALA 2010).


Autocratic is the kind of leadership which involves one man taking decision for the entire group. These decisions are kept to the leader only and the other team members only get orders by the leader to do what they are assigned to do. The main decisions are all centralized and only leader has the authority to govern the team as he wants. This is taken as one of the good leadership style because one person has to make every decision which is efficient and it provides motivation to the person as well (WIKIPEDIA 2012).


Bureaucratic is almost of the same kind like autocratic but it relies mostly on making policies and bringing out objectives and strategies as described in the policy that has been made. These leaders work as dictated in the policy, which has all points mentioned and written properly. So it’s a direct message to the other members that they need to follow what has been told them and they cannot make any changes to it. This type of leadership sometimes demotivates the people in the group as if some point is harsh or strong which members resist following blindly (ALA 2010).


Democratic is in which all members get chance to put forward their decisions. It is not only dependent on the leader’s decision but the leader asks the members about the issue and they suggest solutions which are then dealt with to get the best possible results. This democratic leadership is also referred as shared leadership which is because of the distributed decision making power rather than centralized decision making power. So this type of leadership motivates team workers as their suggestions are considered as well (WIKIPEDIA 2012).


This is considered to be the best and the successful leadership. This brings on the creativity and allows bringing new and innovative ideas in practice. These types of leaders have long sightedness and a vision which let them govern the group with enthusiasm and motivation. This leadership is based on the personality of the leader and one compete another to come in front, so this brings on the chances for the most efficient person to come as a leader of the other hence bringing strength in the organization. The members get influenced and bring about positive results in the organization (ALA 2010).

These are the given ways of leadership and everyone has its own influence on the members and the performance of the team is affected differently in all of these types as mentioned above in the respective leadership style.

Explain the benefits of flexible working practices to individuals and organisations.

Flexible working practices have so many benefits to both the individuals and the organizations. Through flexible working the individuals get convenience, as they can work at the time which is most suitable to them. The flexible working allows people to work in different places together, as you can give time to other activities as well. Organizations on the other hand also get benefits from these flexible working practices as they can ask for the staff at the time when they require the most work. Also this allows reducing costs in form of wages of individuals and also reduces the wastage of time people will have in organization when they have no work. Most organizations prefer people who work part times as this helps them getting fresh labour after few working hours and more individuals can get employment through this. The budget also goes down from this technique.

Flexible working also brings about convenience in a way that people can work from their homes and can still be the part of the organization. The terms which come under flexible working practices mainly are job-sharing, flexi-time, career breaks, term time working and compressed hours. These all terms are of benefits to organizations and individuals both, individuals can make use of their time properly and organizations can reduce their budget from these practices (FRESH 2009). Flex time is a term used to define the time which is fixed for people of a state to do their job. Like for many countries it is 9 am to 5 pm at which the most of the people go to work and rest of the time they can utilize in whatever activity they like, which can be getting entertained with family or working for some other organization as a part time to get more earning. These all are considered the practices which can be classified under the flexible working practices.

Using motivational theories assess how the working environment impacts on people performance.

There are so many motivational theories, which assess the working environment on people performance. These include:

Instinct Theory of Motivation:

This theory suggests that people in an organization is trained to behave in certain special ways which are required for the organization. This theory is based on the fact that people already possess some qualities which are evolutionary and those are needed to be polished and changed in a way to suit one’s own requirements.

Incentive Theory of Motivation:

The theory suggests that people are given motivation by letting them know that they will be rewarded for doing the good work. The impact this have on people is in a way that the for the reward the people try working at their best and in this way organizations get best results out of their employees.

Drive Theory of Motivation:

This theory is about the motivation of people in a way that people are motivated to do some particular actions which helps reducing tensions that are the reason of some unfulfilled needs. This theory is basically relying on biological component, like hunger and thirst. So this motivation is all about peoples psychological needs.

Arousal Theory of Motivation:

This theory shows that the people motivates by certain actions which brings in them a certain level of arousal that they can manage by increasing or decreasing as well. The organization can bring in its employees an arousal that motivates them to work at their best.

Humanistic Theory of Motivation:

This theory suggests that the people already have in them strong cognitive abilities to do different actions. This describes about people getting motivated to perform actions which fulfil their needs first the basics ones and then the other important needs. Basic needs as hunger thirst and all and other needs of living well in the world so they gets motivated to do work.



Organisational ethical practices highly influence employees’ motivation level. Make an assessment with relevant application on McDonalds.

Organizational ethical practices do influence the employee’s motivational level. McDonald’s have some basic code of conducts which the employees need to follow in order to maintain a good and healthy environment in the work place. The employee’s responsibilities involve treating everyone equally at the work place. Managers and supervisors have their own place so treat them with respect and provide them with whatever service they ask for. This ethical practice promotes respect as well as the ability to produce efficient results. Also in McDonald’s the employee is not allowed to harass the other employee, it is the responsibility of everyone to make sure that the environment remains calm and friendly. No one should abuse one another and no one is eligible to say about other person’s appearance or abuse other in anyway.

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The employees are considered to be the ambassadors of the company and they are expected to work and behave as such to make sure the organization is getting benefitted from this. These practices and responsibilities allow the employees to get motivated and work in a friendly and well managed way. So that no one feels offensive and degraded from each other. Everyone is placed at the same level and receives equal importance this ensures that the people working in the organization gets what their right is and no one will be treated badly.

During training every employee has given special instructions, so they are told not to use any of company’s assets for personal use. Also the computers should not be used for personal reasons. The employee has got the responsibility not to harm the company reputation in any case so he is eligible to consider the organization as its own. This ethics of McDonald’s help the business grow and produce quality service with the motivation of employees that they give (EHOW 2012).

Evaluate how organisations use their corporate social responsibility agenda to motivate employees.

Corporate social responsibilities, CSR is a policy with which organization looks towards its bindings with the law, ethical standards and different international norms. It is a process to bring about encouragement in a positive way to the company through the practices that defines the basics of the company. This policy helps the employees get motivated and work accordingly to bring about the positive change. CSR helps identifying the company aim and mission and helps also in providing their customers with good experience. This policy contains all the possible and feasible structured points to enhance business out of scope and can bring about the best results.

This agenda signifies the treatment of the company with employees, consumers and stakeholders so in a way it helps in the dealing with the different links attached to a company. The benefit it has on the company is very much impressive and attracts the employees with providing them motivation of working hard and up to some noticeable standards. CSR has different approaches and they are all for the organization to provide good services. One approach is incorporating CSR directly in the business strategy. This is all about fair trading and this gives company an edge.

Another approach is the increase in corporate responsibilities. This brings about CSV, which is creating shared value, this model illustrated that the corporate wellbeing and social welfare depends on each other. Companies make sure to make a policy which motivates employees and enhance business structure as well. This is how they can organize a strategy that helps them working on the defined pattern. Employees motivation are most important as this is the only possible way of getting profitable business if the employee will not be satisfied then he will not be able to work up to the mark to produce sufficient results (WIKIPEDIA 2012).

Understand methods for developing human resources

Apply Maslow’s theory of motivation to develop people in any organisation (or organisation of your choice).

Maslow’s theory of motivation suggests that people gets motivated according to their needs. Maslow divided the needs of people in pyramidal structure starting from the basic needs which makes the base of the pyramid. He suggested that basic need of a person such as food, water, sleep, and homeostasis are the ones which should be satisfied to make him motivate to work for his satisfaction and so on to fulfil other needs.

HSBC is a bank which has a strategy of motivating its employee with the rewards. The first thing that comes up is the basic needs of the employee which is fulfils through the wages they get and can live, eat and sleep well. Others can be achieved as the employee’s shows interest in the organization and motivated him to get the best possible work which brings about the promotions and all. The Maslow’s theory divides the structure on 5 parts, which are physiological, safety, love/belongings, Esteem, and self-actualization. These are the stages through which a person develops motivation and work hard.

Human resources are the main thing which companies need to fulfil; this is so with the HSBC they look towards their employees as well as their clients. If they satisfies the employees this in turn results in the satisfaction of the employees. Give people their basic needs, safety of life and way to live a friendly life in a healthy environment and this will help them get motivated to do their work with interest and satisfaction. If these d-needs as Maslow called it the deficiency needs will not be fulfilled the person cannot be able to work for the organization and will change it by getting negative influence from it. Human brain works in a way that it can relatively generates the all or multiple level of pyramid hierarchy at the same time. So this can motivate to the highest level when the needs be fulfilled at the same time (WIKIPEDIA 2012).

Explain the different uses of coaching and mentoring in organisations.

Coaching and mentoring is a technique used to make both the clients and the people involved make use of their full potential. Coaching is where a person trains the other to make them work best to its potential. The coaching can bring about the abilities which a person lacks. Whereas mentoring is also considered to be of the same kind that is guiding a junior to work in your position or to get him the skills that can make him work ahead.

In an organization these techniques are used in many ways such as by questioning the client you can bring about the desired structure of the product he is looking for and you can then identify solutions from approaching the query. Also organizations apply techniques which included one to one training. This helps getting face to face understanding of each other. This also encourages people to practice in the field of competence where they feel reluctant and then come up with better performance, this can be achieved by the practice and only practice makes a man perfect.

Coaching and mentoring provides employee’s skills where they lack and help them make their deficiencies into their strengths. With coaching one can achieve the goal which he is capable of achieving but is lacking behind due to some minor irresponsibility. These techniques help covering up those gaps and organization gets benefits with the employees they train for specific purposes. One thing which needs to be kept in mind is that the individual should achieve it in a positive way and develop skills rather than getting dependent on the coach or the mentor. If this will happen the individual will get a negative influence and that will be a disadvantage to the organization. These are the uses which an organization can have from techniques like this (WALES 2012).

By investing large amount of money in employees training and development programmes, organisations strategically meet corporate objectives. Analyse comparative benefits (individual and organisational) of T&D programmes within organisations.

These training and development programmes are very much important to the organization betterment and success. The organization needs to spend money in these programmes in order to achieve corporative benefits. The outcome indeed will be greater than the spending. As if they will spend on training staff the trained staff will yield out better performance which is the basic requirement of the organization. If an organization does not spend on the training and development of the company they definitely cannot make progress and this will stop them from going forward in the competitive world.

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The large organizations such as banks have their staffed trained on regular basis so that to avoid any of the lacking which the employees may possess. In this way spending funds on training can make them get high benefits over the end, which can be clearly visible in the revenue that generates. The benefits which the organization gets are in many different forms. These can be either in the form of good client to employee relationship which helps encouraging more clients to get involved in the service that are offered by the company. Also they can get benefits from the other competitors in having trained staff which knows everything and is up to date with the latest development and technology.

The T&D programme makes the basis of the organization growth. Funding this is the major spending of many companies. As to gain something you need to spend something and this is from where they can gain the ultimate high performance. Without training the organization cannot make better decisions. The benefits also includes advanced used of ERP systems, trained personnel to operate it, high productivity, time can be saved as results and procedures will be more efficient. Advanced gadgets can be used rather than old traditional ways. For example in banks instead of queuing up and wait for your turn you can go and deposit amount directly in the pay-in machine, which saves time.

The employee gets confidence through these trainings and feels more confidence when they talk to the customers and the other fellow members of the organization. People might take it as a difficult task and a responsibility other than their job to get this training and hesitates to attend and get the training, but they can be made reluctant by offering extra incentives so that they can come and get the training without any reluctance and hesitance. Managers should get the special training which is different than of the other employees. All staff members need to be trained at specific levels and then they should be given a task to see whether they can fulfil it.

These benefits are long termed benefits as the company not only makes profit at the front face to face communication but the technology they are learning can bring them so much to know for the future use as well. Companies can enhance and expand their businesses out of the countries and can multiply with the advanced and developed procedure they have to follow. These are the benefits which they can avail from T&D, so it is good to spend on such process.

Be able to review how people are managed within organisations

People management strategies.

The strategy which involves management of people in an organization is known as people management strategy. this strategy enables an organization to work for better results by managing people according to their skills and requirements. The company has to look to this that the individual which is chosen for a job is best suitable for that place if not he should be given other responsibilities. In this way the company allows to get the room for making progress. These strategies need to be in placed as to avoid any circumstances of situation which will arise due to mismanagement of people or human resources. So people management strategies must be in place within developed organizations.

Impact on people of management strategies used.

The individuals do take impact from these strategies. These impacts can be identified such as if the individual is placed in the position which is best suited for him he definitely would work best to his aptitude as that position is best suited for him. His skills will replenish more in that place and he will eventually get the best outcome for the organization, which at the end going to make profit out of it. Also management strategies help people remain under influence of a leadership as the employee knows that he has to follow these specific procedures which is defined by the higher management so all the points and duties are made clear to the employees. In this way all the work gets handled perfectly without any hap hazards.

Sometimes people get a negative impact as well and think that they have the potential of working in a higher place and they have been given a wrong position to work at in such a situation they get demotivated towards their work and sometime can produce losses to the organizations as well. In these kinds of scenarios management needs to handle them with the tests on the basis where everyone is given equal rights and whoever succeeds will get the position and will be able to work at it.

Through these strategies people feels a sense of responsibilities on their shoulders and they think of themselves as the stakeholders and work like as they are working for themselves and are making profit for their own good not for the company. This thinking should be in the employee mind so that the potential they have can be bring out and the organizations can make it work in the best possible way. These can be the impacts which people mostly gain from the management strategies when it gets implemented on them.

Recommend strategies to support high levels of performance.

Implementation of right strategy helps an organization from getting out of financial crises or any kind of crises they are facing. The strategies which support high performance includes two way communications, this is the communication between the employee and the manager or the CEO. If the communication gap will be low and the meetings or lectures will be done on regular basis this will help the employee get to know the strategy of the company’s stakeholders and through this they can put their potential to work in a better way.

The other strategy could be strengthening employs engagement to work; this can be achieved by giving training in a field where he lacks and by also making him understand the situation through which the company is going in order to make him work accordingly to achieve the targeted results. The employee can be motivated and engaged more towards work if he will receive incentives and rewards for doing the job he is responsible for. In such situations the company’s sets up a strategy of getting this much targeted clients in return the employee get reward for doing his job well.

The strategy which is most important is that the managers and leaders should have the skills and knowledge of dragging the situations out of the uncertainty. This is very important, for example if an organization is getting towards the verge of destruction the manager should have skills so to avoid the loss and can be able to manage to the extend where the company has to face the minimum loss. This strategy can help enable the performance level which can in any case save the organization from having a down fall. All the responsibilities finally come to the shoulders of the manager so this is the position which should be offered to the highly competent individual who has the courage to face all even and odds. These are the strategies which can bring about high level of performance from individuals and from the management as well (PACONSULTING 2012).

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