The Industrialisation And Globalisation Of The World Economy

Due to the industrialisation and globalisation the world’s economy became as a single market where the business can be done across the world this made edge to edge competition among the organisations. Due to the huge competition and necessity to expand globally made the organisations to make them self strong and specialised by concentrating on external and internal aspects like recruiting highly skilled employees, giving advanced training to employees, introducing advanced technologies etc…. and changing their dimensions according to the changes of the worlds markets.

Employees are very important to an organisation. The success of an organisation depends on the skills and ability its human resources. Human resources are the major/ important determinant of the company performance over the long term (Ronald R.Sims, 2002, p.1). “My company value is zero (0) from 6 pm to 9 am because there will be no employee” (Narayana murthy, CEO ). According to Budhwar and Debrah(1984) in an organisation human resource is the easiest resource which can manage easily and same way human resources are the toughest resources to manage.

According to Grandhi Malikarujna rao (2008) if u manage, utilize and control the human resources of an organisation then 90% of the organisation is succeed.

About company:

Vodafone is the first UK’s mobile company which made call at past midnight on 1st January 1985. 1/3 of the new customers are connecting to Vodafone. In 1982 the Recal Telecomms (Division of Recal Electronics group) renamed as “Vodafone” having less than 50 employees in one building. Now it is operating in 27 countries across 5 Continents, 186.8 million customers and 33 partner networks. Sir John Bond is Chairman and Vittorio Colao is Chief Executive of Vodafone. (Home page, History, Meet the Board)


The long term goal of the company is to be a leader in mobile communication by enriching customer’s lives, helping people, business and communities across the globe to get connected.

Team Building:

This is a fairly general term that is used in a number of different ways. It can cover either what you are trying to achieve or how you are trying to achieve it – or both! The following cover most of the options:

Team building is developing working relationships.

Team building is improving the performance of the team.

Team building is outdoor activities that challenge the individuals within the team.

Team building is about improving motivation, communication, support and trust within a team.

A Team-wise team building event will be is great fun however they have been developed with several aims in mind:

Working relationships will be developed

People have to work together and by doing so colleagues will develop more effective working relationships with team members who are new to the team and with team members who have been part of the team for some time.

Shared positive experience

The whole day is very memorable, team members will be talking about it for the rest of the year. As such colleagues will share a positive and memorable experience which further develops bonds.

Strengths and talents

Everyone gets fully involved in the day and their are lots of different roles so team workers will see their colleagues in a whole new light and will have a greater understanding of their strengths and talents.

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Everything during the team building day clearly requires teamwork and as such team members will leave with a greater awareness of how teams work and how to make them work better.


Staff enjoy the day and feel that the company cares about them.

According to Brill (1976, p.10) “that work which is done by a group of people who possess individual expertise, who are responsible for making individual decisions, who hold a common purpose and who meet together to communicate, share and consolidate knowledge from which plans are made, future decisions are influenced, and actions determined”.

According to Cannon-bowers “A team is set of two or more individuals who interact interdependently and adoptively toward a common goal or objective. In addition, team members have specific roles or functions and the span of memberships is limited”

Vodafone employees spread in different locations has to interact in a multicultural environment with employees from diverse cultural and geographical backgrounds employee training from the core part of facilitating process of living the employees to a common organisational culture.

Stages of Team Building:


When a new team forms, the team members are new they don’t know with each, they don’t know the tasks what to do, what are punishments and rewards if the tasks are performed and not performed so the team leader should arrange the meeting (group meeting) and make clear about the goal of forming team, individual tasks, rules and regulations, rewards and punishments.


If any problems arise in the team, the leader should bring all the members together by dialogues and make them to work towards the goal and objectives of the group forming. This the crucial part which effects the team performance if the team members does not have proper co-operation then the team leader should arrange meeting(group meeting) as early as possible and make the team perform well.


In this stage team leader reduces his tasks himself and encourages the team members to take over load ( more tasks). He spends more time individually with each member and reviews their performances and motivates them to achieve the goals.


Team leader should make the team members to perform well in order to achieve goal. Team leader should encourage the team members to complete their individual tasks within the time.


This is the lost stage where the performance of the team and individual is analyzed, rewarding for the best performers in team and splitting/ separating the team officially.

Learning and development in Vodafone:

Learning and development is centred on quality excellence and efficiency. The main focus area is to develop the existing human capital (human resources) in line with the ever changing face of the industry and make the employees a more stable and most motivated work force with more opportunities for growth and development within the company using the latest development in learning technology. The company recognises the importance of on the job learning obtain through different assignments which are Taylor made to suit interest and provide an opportunity to develop the skills for preparing them for new roles with in Vodafone.

Interaction with group in Vodafone: The annual people survey where the employees interact formally through performance dialogues with line managers from the bases employee engagement programs in Vodafone.

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The relationship between employee feedback and informal performance is co-related .the focus is on improving situations where employees are performing poorly. One of the main concerns is to use feedback strategies that improve the areas of poor performance and to evaluate negative feedback received by the company. This involves processing the feedback between the employee and the supervisor and identifies areas of improvement .From the employee perspective the process is motivated to maintain a positive self esteem for the supervisor and rooted in the reluctance to give any negative feedback (James .R. Larson, JR 1969). The various initiatives are targeted at improving informal and formal communication in the company. As part of working in the group people Work as a group through team meetings and interaction with group managers. All employees interact with others using the internet site using it for formal engagements and through online discussions and engagements as well as through blogs and wikis .online team rooms facilitate information transfer with subsidiaries with email news bulletin and Internal TV Channel.

Conflict management

Organizational managers do not view management conflict as strategic as managing information ,but this is changing gradually and the current view is to manage information and human resource and align it with financial systems .normally the conflict management is dealt with on two fronts ,one is emotional and one is strategic were it is aligned with the total business goals of the company .relationship conflict is concerned with the idea of addressing interpersonal incompatibilities and involves reducing tension within the group and solving personal issues and settling annoyance and frustration which can act as negative factors in a company ‘s growth. A company like Vodafone with several subsidiaries should have a centralises system in conflict management and should be treated as a strategic issue rather than one which is solved emotionally and out of the book. This can go a long way in creating a congenial environment for emotional and intellectual growth.

Internal communication within the group

Every organization looks out for effective means to communicate within the group and the key to success lies in effective communication within the organization. A change in management can distort communication channels within the organization. The example of this can be seen in the takeover of Hutchison Essar in March 2007. The sudden change in management has displaced communication channels in its Indian subsidiary. The solution was not to distort the existing in the newly acquired company. The model the company adopted has similarities to the research paper published by (Tony Proctor 2003)

Leadership within Vodafone

Organizational culture has to age and has progressed to be critical in defining the work culture in the company .unbiased approach and fairness has to be key aspects that govern the policy in an organization. Large organization’s like Vodafone face coordination problems in different levels in the organization. The three core areas were management in contemporary organizations face problems are the issues related to transformational management .the leadership has to facilitate the performance of collective tasking in the organization. Some research like (Garry Yuki 2002) suggests that managing and leadership should be treated separately .in publically listed companies there is an increased influence to satisfy the expectations of stakeholders.

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The contemporary roles of leaders have change, long gone are the notions of military leaders who use to win battles .the current role of leaders have changed and the ability of managers is there ability to turnaround failing organizations into successfully managed profitable ventures. The contemporary example can be the turnaround of automobile Giant Chrysler Corporation under the charismatic leadership of Lee Iacocca (Fried .E.Feidler 1996). For an organization like Vodafone there has to be synergy of various styles of leadership like:

Emergent leadership

The behavior of persons within the group and their ability to perform as a group is crucial in defining successful process of building leaders in the organization. Knowledge acquisition by first line managers is equally important and much research has successfully established it helps to lever ones core competencies and achieve competitive advantages. There is another factor which surrounds this which says about the co-relation of leadership and job satisfaction. (John .D.Politics 2001). An emergent leader is mostly situational and does not possess any serious traits of a leader. The ability to accomplish goals within a specified time defines the Emergent leaders. There are mostly selected out of intuitions rather than any pre planned strategy. The other theory is centred on effectiveness where effective is measures by conducted assessment of previous work and similarities between suitable traits and the leader is analyzed. The assessment even though is formally assessed is not fully standardized and uniform, which therefore can have variations is implementation. The core centre of this theory is that it is centred around the concept that those who are socially adept and bright are more set to be prospective leaders in the future.

Succession management policy

Vodafone a global company were succession planning has to be carried out at different levels. And it has to be relevant and engineered to suit. The most important aspect is to cater to the gap between the is planned and what is achieved. The focus should be on how leaders can be relevant and reengineered to remain relevant and make it suitable to suit the organization. The changing expectations of the society and accelerated changes in business leadership .the workplace is becoming increasingly diverse and every effort has to made to see that women ,minorities ,ethnicities has to be taken care of in the Global context.



Naomi I. Brill (1976). Teamwork: working together in the Human Services. Toronto: Lippincott. P5-11.

Ronald R. Sims (2002)Organizational success through effective human resources management. p1-5.

Pawan S.Budhwar and Yaw.Debrah (1984). Human Resource Management in Developing Countries. 3rd ed. Londan: Routledge.


Janis A. Cannon-Bowers and Eduardo Salas . (1998). Team Performance and Training in Complex Environments: Recent Findings from Applied Research. • Current Directions in Psychological Science. 7 (3), 83-87.

Osama Abudayyeh. (1994). Partnering: A Team Building Approach to Quality Construction Management. Journal of Management in Engineering. 10 (6), p26-29. (Source:

News Papers

Interview with Narayanamurthy (Founder of Infosys)by eenadu Business Desk.

Interview with Grandhi Malikarjuna Rao (Chairman of GMR Group)by eenadu Business Desk. “″&HYPERLINK “″reccount=11

websites accessed on 4/3/2010

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