The Leadership And Management Skills Business Essay

Several factors reflects the culture of an organisation. Every place of work has its own atmosphere and ambience. Some have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, some busy, some disorganised and cluttered and some are shabby and untidy.

Organisational culture is the system of shared values and beliefs that actively influence the behaviour of members of the organisation (Andrew J. DuBrin, 2011). It is the behaviour and attitude that characterises the workplace and this is usually learnt through each employee’s interaction with one other. However the structure and culture of an organisation affects one another. A strong and appropriate culture helps to form a healthy culture within the organisation.

The culture of an organisation affects the employee in several ways; it affects how people do their jobs, how staffs are motivated; the structure and how employees react to change. The type of culture determines how they have an impact on the employees and the organisation as a whole.

Staff motivation is affected by the organisation’s culture. An organisation culture that respects each employee and their individual achievement tend to motivate the staff more. Whereas in a competitive organisation; some staff will be motivated while others will be demotivated because of the competition.

The way and manner in which employers or leaders train and give instructions to employees and subordinates are also important and impacts greatly on the culture.

An effective culture is a system of informal rules that spell out how employees are behaving most of the time. It also enables people to feel better about what they do, so they are more likely to work harder. It provides a sense of common direction and guidelines for day to day behaviours. The organisational culture also plays a major role in employee retention as people are more likely to stay in an organisation whose culture readily welcomes their input and ideas.

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Organisational objectives is the overall goals, purpose and mission of a business that have been established by its management and communicated to its employees. The organizational objectives of a company typically focus on its long range intentions for operating and its overall business philosophy that can provide useful guidance for employees seeking to please their managers (

Values are beliefs in what is best or good for the organization and what should or ought to

happen. The ‘value set’ of an organization may only be recognized at top level, or it may be

shared throughout the business, in which case it could be described as ‘value-driven’.

The stronger the values the more they will infl uence behaviour. This does not depend upon

their having been articulated. Implicit values that are deeply embedded in the culture of an

organization and are reinforced by the behaviour of management can be highly infl uential,

while espoused values that are idealistic and are not refl ected in managerial behaviour may

have little or no effect. When values are acted on they are called ‘values in use’ (Armstrong, 2009).

Values are important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person’s behavior and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. Some common business values are fairness, innovation and community involvement.

There are a number of skills that leaders and managers can employ to motivate their employees towards the achievement of organisational objectives. Leaders and managers are expected to always motivate employees so that they can develop positive attitude towards their jobs.

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Communication plays a major role on how employees do their jobs. For instance, setting a good example is one way of communicating to people. Employees usually see leaders who lead by example as someone that has their nterest at heart and also one who is always willing to help. Such a leader would easily command the respect, trust and loyalty of his subordinates and would all work towards the achievement of common goals.

A good leader or manager is expected to always improve on their skills in order to inspire employees into higher levels of teamwork. These skills can be acquired through continual study and training. According to researchers, trust and confidence in top leadership is the single most reliable predictor of employee satisfaction in an organisation. Effective communication by the leadership of an organisation is the answer to winning organisational trust and confidence. There is a need to helping employees understand the company’s overall business strategy and how they can contribute positively to achieving the objectives. Sharing information with employees on both how the company is doing and how an employee’s own division is doing makes them feel valued and wanting to do more for the organisation

Making the right decision espacially in the face of challenges goes a long way in helping leaders and managers to achieve. All situations are different and require different approach. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. There is a need to always use good judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, reprimanding an employee who has done wrong at workplace may prove ineffective if not done properly and at the right time.

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Interpersonal Skills: workplaces are now becoming more challenging and lively at the same tme. Many of the new generation employees want to work in an environment where they can improve their own skills as well while working to achieve the aims and objectives of the organisation. There is s need for leaders and managers to continually train and be a mentor to their employees.

Supervisory skills: supervising employees appropriately is one of skills needed by a good leader to have an up to date idea about what is going on around him. Observing employees at work, the actions, dealings and work flow is the first approach to employ adjustments to get better results.

Prepare a detailed notes that:

1.1 Analyse the impact of organisational objectives, values and culture on the leadership and management role

1.2 Evaluate the leadership and management skills required to support achievement of organisational objectives


Organisational objectives

Different organisational visions and aims eg. financial, customer focused, product focused etc; stakeholder requirements eg. profitability, ethical operation, legal compliance; strategic plans; accountability of leaders and managers for organisational objectives; impact of organisational type, purpose, values and culture on leadership and management roles; wider environment requirements affecting organisation

Leadership and management skills

Leadership and management characteristics; skills, competence and knowledge required; behaviours and attitudes associated with effective leadership

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