The Love And Peace English Literature Essay

In 1939 , I had a boyfriend whose name is Jack , a very normal name so I didnt think that would be a so famous one in next days . I love him for he was so brave , clever and strong . He was the sunshine in my life . He’s from a military family , his father was a soldier in World War and was very proud of his military medals . So when Jack and his old brother were very little , they were asked to try their best to study in the United States Military Academy at West Point . However , Jack didn’t want to be a military . He love music and literature ¼Œand dreamed to be a poet one day . We had a happy time in our high school time , and we all knew that when high school finished everything must had an ending .

Sometimes , we would watch a movie in a local cinema . I love the black and white silent film , and I really miss them . I and Jack shared the time with Charlie Chaplin , Mary Pickford , Douglas Fairbanks and other actors’ performance. And we always listened Bellie Holiday and Bessie Smith ‘s disc , both of them had a sadly tone , as they were complain their sadness . The same as Bing Crosby , a famous popular music singer . For music , Jack prefer songs with bright and cheerful rhythm ¼Œlike the songs of Louis Armstrong . In that days , times fly and we had no attention about it .

When Second World War broke out , we all had no idea about it . We still enjoyed fresh air and beautiful sunshine for the Roosevelt government didn’t intend to join the war unless the Axis attack us first . Although we didn’t care , we still feel very sad for the sacrificing people .We didn’t talk about war between us for we all love peace and didn’t want to see the slaughters . Even almost the whole world was under the haze of the war , we still lived in our ways excepted Jack’s father . One day , I was invited to Jack’s family diner . On the table , his father even talked the war with me . He was so excited ¼Œseemed back into the old days when he was still a young man ¼Œand told me his military medals . To be frankly , I didn’t care about that ,but I still tried to listen and understand because I’m really respect him . And I thought it’s possible for him to go to the battle if American join the war and he didn’t get legs hurt in John Pershing commanded the second battle of the Marne .

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When times move in 1940 , after graduate I chose study in a local university I had find a job in Louis restaurant , and Jack volunteered to join the Marines . In that summer , we stayed in different places and he told me everything will be alright when he finished military service , and we would study in the same university and had a same beautiful time like high school . Louis is a small family place with good food , and always be nice to men who miss the taste of family dishes . It’s an easy job for me and the employees here were like a family . Manger aunt Jenny was very patient and kind , in the beginning , she helped me to get familiar to the job as a waitress . It’s not very difficult for me , the things I need to do were provide services for customers dining here and set the table . And the customers didn’t make trouble with you if you always be careful and friendly . I love this lovely job , and I enjoy have a conversation with them .

The wether was getting to cold in the December , the restaurant’s customers were talking about the bad wether and the war . Most of the customers were just care his business , and I was take the customer’s order . Ms.smith rushed in as something happened , and said , the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in the morning . The whole restaurant was get hot , everybody was get very angry , and some guests banged the table and roared , totally about insulting Japanese . I was quiet for yesterday was Jack’s last day in military , so today he’s back , and we made a date tonight .then I remembered the words of Roosevelt’s presidential campaign , he said — ‘ unless the United States is the fist to be offensive ‘ . There was no doubt that the war would come , and American would never stand beyond the war . Jack would go back to the army , that’ what I did’t like to see . I lost all my ideas ¼ŒI couldn’t stand the longest noon in my life . When all my jobs finished , I ran towards the Jack’s house in my fastest speed for I missed him so much , and I couldn’t wait one more minute . I knocked the door , Jack’s mother opened it . She was smiled and asked Jack went down stairs , then she gave a glass of juice and went away . When Jack stood in front of me , I hugged him . He kissed my forehead , and comforted me . I didn’t ask him if he would turn back to army for I had a feeling he had already known the news and from his eyes I saw angry and responsibility . I thought I had get the answer , he would go if the battle and comrades need . Then I left with Jack’s company , he talked with me , but I didn’t hear anything . I knew he loves me and he could do anything for me , but I won’t ask him not to back because I respected his decisions .

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The next day , December 8 , every family had known the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor throw radio , news and crowds in the streets were shouting . Everybody got crazy , even my little brother stay at home in the Monday morning . In the noon , we heard the declaration from Roosevelt , he said it’s a date which will live in infamy . Even I had guessed this result , but I still felt I will lose something . Just that afternoon , Jack left and joined the army . I still worked in the restaurant , but there’s fewer customers than usual . Through the window I saw the streets were full of crowds and conscription ad . I only wanted Jack would stay at the country instead of being sent to other countries and I hoped he would be safe and sound after the war . In the next few days , more and more men were join the war . It’s hard to see some young men on the street . Later , the government asked women to go to the factories . And I heard that the Asia people were avoid to go on the street especially the Japanese , and they were hit by the angry people . I didn’t want to make any conclusion about that , although they were innocent .

The war spread in this country , and I felt sick . I hated the battle , blood full of everywhere . No one loves getting hurt , no one loves death . Even the battle is to the name of the God ¼Œto save us from hell , I still hate it . No evil desire , no war . I didn’t hate the Japanese , German , I hated the endless desire .

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Only a few days later , I heard there’s a hard-fought in Wake Island and almost everyone dead . I was shocked it’s the place where Jack’s forces were . When I heard the news I cried , it’s not only for Jack , it’s for all of lives loose during the war . Everyone who live on the earth , breath the air , drink the water has his right to be here to enjoy his own life . Jack was a good man , the same did others . I lost Jack , and there must was some other girls lost her love . Unless the war stop , there would be more sacrifice .

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