The Malaysian Egovernment Msc Flagship Application

My E.G Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and plays the role as services provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. Visit the MyEg ( web site and discuss on the plus and minus point of the website.

Suggest your opinion on how to overcome the minus point that you have mention in question 1 to improve the MyEg services

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Governments in the region of the world are implementation electronic government. In every area of the world from upward countries to developed ones state and local governments are putting critical information online, automating once unwieldy processes and interacting electronically with their citizens.

E-Government shortly known for electronic government, also known as e-gov, digital government, online government, or connected government is digital contact between a government and citizens (G2C), government and businesses/commerce/ecommerce (G2B), and between government agencies (G2G), Government-to-Religious Movements/Church (G2R), Government-to-Households (G2H). There digital communication consists of governance, information and communication technology (ICT), business process re-engineering (BPR), and e-citizen at all levels of government city, state/Provence, national, and international

For question 1 it as is talk about My E.G Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and plays the role as services provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. It said to Visit the MyEg ( web site to find on the plus and minus point of the website. Furthermore question is discussed about how to overcome the minus point to mention in the question 1 to improve the MyEg services.

Question 1

My E.G Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and plays the role as services provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. Visit the MyEg ( web site and discuss on the plus and minus point of the website.

Explanation of question1

My E.G. Services Berhad

My E.G. Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application. The task as a Service Provider for the E-Services factor basically provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses.

Through the portal, it offers the Malaysian public a single point of contact between the Government and the citizens it serves. This portal enable Malaysians to energetically cooperate with various agencies within the Federal, State and the Local Government machinery providing services range from information searches to licence applications.

To make available the services which involve physical incidence/interaction, MyEG has set up Approved Test Taking Sites located throughout the country. We believe that through this approach, we can develop the relationship and quality of interaction between the Government of Malaysia and its citizen.

E Government Overview

The Electronic Government scheme was launched to direct the country into the Information Age. It will improve how the government progress internally, as well as how it delivers services to the citizens of Malaysia. It seeks to develop the convenience, accessibility and value of relations within citizens and businesses. Furthermore, it makes develop information flows and processes within government to recover the speed and quality of policy development, organization and enforcement.

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To increase speed the objectives of Vision 2020, a pathway has already been defined through seven modern Flagship Applications. These applications are engineered to start the MSC scheme and create a multimedia heaven for inventive producers and users of multimedia technology. For local and foreign companies work with several government agencies to increase the socio-economic development of Malaysia. The Multimedia Super Corridor offers a Malaysian scheme for the Information Age. The Flagship Applications are:

Electronic Government

Multipurpose Card

Smart School


R&D Clusters


Technopreneur Development

E Government

The visualization of Electronic Government is an idea for government, businesses and community working together for the advantage of Malaysia and all of its society. The visualization focuses on in effect and professionally delivering services from the government to the citizens of Malaysia enable the government to develop into more reactive to the needs of its citizens.

The 7 pilot projects of the Electronic Government Flagship Application are as follows;

Project Monitoring System (SPP II)

Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)

Generic Office Environment (GOE)

Electronic Procurement (EP)

Electronic Services (E-Services)

Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX)


Plus and minus point of the E Government website

The My E.G. Services Berhad wants to give enhanced government service at less cost so it can be a better place to live and do business. Electronic government (e-government) is a great, forward-thinking way for business to do this. By using e-government, citizens and companies can more easily do business with My Government and get what they need to make smart, conversant decisions.

A website does not reach the full population, but only the part of it that has access to the web. It is specially a difficulty in increasing countries, where access to the internet is still often limited to a very small part of the population. Websites should thus be consider as substitute means of communication, and traditional methods of exchanging information should also be offered and maintain, at least until they become unnecessary as was recently the case with the telegraph.


To citizens

More Convenience

Every person expects more military services online. If don´t want to wait in a online for an hour to expend five minutes at a counter. We can save the time and power by putting those service on the Internet. It don´t have to ignore work to do during business government hours and can do business anytime have we want, anywhere.

Better Customer Service

The rarely require help with usual transactions. E-government lets agencies focus on things that usually require help with. These include:

Explaining complex policies 

Translating English for people who don´t speak it well

Providing assistance for disabled or otherwise challenged people

Providing up-to-date news.

More Information Access

Not all decision matter is made between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. during a weekday. If it is looking for a house, we may want information about an area during a weekend. E-government gives 24-hour access to this and other information.

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By using the Internet also makes decision the information easier. By using a usual look and feel, it can know where to find particular types of information on a Web page, such as contact information. 


If have a question and you don´t know which agency to ask, use the new and enhanced search function.  The search function will find state Web pages that have information about the question. It can look throughout just those Web sites to get the answers.

To business

Lower Costs

E-government saves companies money. Whenever the human resources must drive to a government office or wait in a line, it loses dynamic time from them. Lost productivity is washed-out money. If the staffs need more than one trip, then each trip is spent money. Having services on the Internet gets relieve of the driving time and time spent waiting in a line. 

To the state

Decreased Cost

State Web sites will be managed by a substance executive tool.  This tool will make easier to make changes on the agency Web pages.  It is in revolve, reduces the time and energy required to keep agency Web pages up-to-date.


E-Government series also upgraded hardware and software required to create and update state Web sites.  It decrease licensing fees and increases the facility of the state to continue the Web sites. 


Furthermore, E-Government series is providing a great Web tool to part the most universal agency.  It means that agencies no longer have to find their own answers to their online needs.  Improvement be done once when it is available to all agencies.  It reduces costs for the state and for the taxpayer.


Agencies could have extra requirements to be meeting by the platform. It provides the information and skills to generate applications.  An application is developed for one agency others will be able to use. It allocation reduces costs for the state and for the taxpayer.

Increased Efficiency

Online transactions are more rapidly than face-to-face transactions. Paper handing out is automatic, reducing time and the risk of religious errors. It allow state agencies to focus on provide better service for the customer.


Question 2

2. Suggest your opinion on how to overcome the minus point that you have mention in question 1 to improve the MyEg services

Explanation of question 2

To overcome the minus point that have mention in question 1 to improve the MyEg services is refer to many different plus and minus point things of the website. Therefore, be sure to found a obvious idea for My Eg services. The reason of government is to more the shared goals of a people. Consequently, commence the setting up of progression by establishing a broad vision of e-government that is shared by all stakeholders (citizens, businesses, officials, civil society groups and others). The wide idea should flow from the large goals or concerns of a people. Here are too many probable reasons and goals for e-government. However, there are wide categories of goals that are generally pursued by societies, including for example:

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• improving services to citizens;

• improving the productivity (and efficiency) of government agencies;

• strengthening the legal system and law enforcement;

• promoting priority economic sectors;

• improving the quality of life for disadvantaged communities; and

• strengthening good governance and broadening public participation.

Contained by each sort, different objectives might appear. It known this, each society’s visualization is supposed to also be accompanied by a short list of main concern areas for the e-government program..A different people, however, strength focus its objective on increasing itself into the business hub in its county. Its e-government idea might then highlight facilitating commerce and services for businesses online. Possibly improving the investment regime or tax system could be priority sectors in this container

How should plan and manage E-government.

Efficient organization is essential for the success of e-government, as it is for all government or business operations. Individual able to distribute a project on time and within budget, manage effectively among government agencies and oversee private segment partners all depends on able management. Before moving forward with an e-government project, set up management mechanisms at both the national/state level and the project level.

Consider establishing e-government teams within government. MyEg services initiatives classically involve large commitments of resources, planning and personnel. There are very complicated to control without defined teams to manage the e-government process from start to finish. For example, e-government activities within a area should be institutionalized to make sure long-term strength and support of the new standard. Such as teams must be provided enough budget, human resources and administrative support to carry out their duties.

Ensure the project management team has sufficient authority. Without authority from political leaders, the officials responsible for e-government completion cannot ensure plans are carried out. Formal legal authority to oversee e-government implementation is also needed. Consider creating a central e-government agency within a ministry or as an independent body. Create teams responsible for project success at both the political level and project management level.


As a conclusion, first question on the assignment can be consider as easy to do and give us a lot of understanding because by finding about a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and discuss about the role of service provider for the E-Services and although it talk about to visit the MyEg website link to discuss on the plus and minus point of the website.

The first question and second question provides many acknowledgements to the students because by doing the question, student is learning about that allows the user to login to the MyEg website to know more about this website like driving license renewal, auto insurance renewal, road tax renewal, road tax delivery status, LDL application, PDRM summon alert, TOPUP prepaid account, maid permit renewal and road tax receipt.

By doing the assignment, students can realize E-government played an important role in technology world. For those that always support and help us in this assignment, we want to say thank you very much.



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