The Most Beautiful Woman In Town English Literature Essay

Her name was Cass. She was the youngest of 54 sisters and the most beautiful one. She knew her beauty and the effect this one had. But she was also interesting, smart, creative etc. She was so beautiful; she could have every man she wanted. But she wanted more than just looks, so she used to pick the ugliest mans around. She had no parents and she ended up at a convent, where she was very unhappy. And when she left the convent she went to a bar and met this man.

Probably the ugliest man in town, and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

With her long black hair and spectacular body. Every woman envied her; and all man envy him because she had chosen him. The ugliest man around, not the most handsome one or the richest.

But this was because she was looking for a person, a personality. Not physics. Because man only saw her outside, they didn’t care if she was the smartest one or the most creative one. They all wanted just sex.

And she wanted spirit, a talk, a relationship. So she chose him. After a while they saw each other many times. They made love and then they were both happy. But people claimed she was insane.

And maybe she was. But what she wanted was to be loved by who she was, not because of her beauty. She wanted to take away her beauty so people could se her intern beauty.

Beauty is a gift, and it is a curse too. At the end she killed herself. She couldn’t find what she was looking for. So she cut her throat.

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At 20 years old. The most beautiful woman in town was dead. She died because of her beauty.

Six inches

This was odd to read, he met her at a work party, he thought Sara was beautiful, but no one else did, everyone was away from her. After he asked they told him that she was a witch and that she has disappeared 2 other guys. They simply disappeared.

He didn’t care and kept talking to her.

They left together that night and after a month they were married. She was a great cook. So he began to win a little bit of weight and three months after they got married she was getting annoyed by his size.

So one time she told him he was so fat and that he wasn’t size appropriate so she put him on a diet. No carbs, no chips, no nothing! Except for beer. He didn’t allow that.

He began to lose weight more and more. And he was very happy with it, he felt good and people were noticing how good he looked. But then he was too thin, his bones were starting to show in his face. But the shook was when he started to shrink.

He told his wife he was shrinking and she said that was silly but he really was. Then he was 6 inches. And she used him as a sex advice. But then he killed her with a hat pin.

He escaped and he began to grow back to his normal size, he had killed the witch, he was growing thanks to food, he ate cat’s food to grow and have more strength. He went to a supermarket where he lived for a while and ate the food there which helped him to grow. Then he stole money from there and left to Hollywood and lived happy?

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Life and death in the charity ward

He found himself in an ambulance with a bunch of other people. He was vomiting blood. Blood not from a cut, but blood from the insides, the dark heavy blood we see in the horror movies. So close to death, and close to other people dying

When he got to the hospital he was in a room full of other ill man. The man next to him started talking about a guy. This man was strong looking yet fat. He was kind of delusional. He kept vomiting blood. He felt on the floor, he felt like he was dying, the technician was an asshole and instead of helping he was arguing. A nurse helped him up but he was to week to do that.

Then they changed him into another room full of people dying. And I really hope people is not like that in hospitals but the nurses and doctors were talking shit about him right on his face and calling him names.

he needed blood but he didn’t have any blood credit. So they didn’t give him blood.

Instead, they offered him a priest. To die. Awesome hu?.

I only liked the first one.

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