The Organization Hrm Practices Business Essay

In the present scenario of business, Human Resource Management practices are of great importance and are essential to some extent in order to get success in the global business environment. The most important aspect of Human Resource Management is Strategic HRM which provides implementation of the HR policies effectively in order to meet the requirements of the employees. The HRM practices are applied on the Emiratis airline in the below paragraphs and will also find out the effectiveness of HRM strategies over organization. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to explore the roles of the HRM practices and their implementation in the organization.

About Emirates Airline-

The particular airline is based at Dubai International airport in Dubai. It is also considered as largest airlines in the Middle East. The company also has four out of ten longest non-stop commercial flights from various places to other. Emirates airline is a subordinate of the emirates group that consists of over 50,000 employees and completely works under Government of Dubai. It was originated in the year 1985 after backup provided from some royal family of Dubai.

Emirate is operating over thousands of flights every week across its network of 122 destinations which are situated in around 65 countries. During the mid 1980s, Gulf air cut back its services to Dubai terminals which led to the formation of Emirates in the year 1985. After getting back-up from one of the royal family of Dubai, the next step was to operate independent of the government subsidies apart from the start up money that is required. When it was started, it was headed by ahmed bin saeed al Maktoum, he is also present chairman of the airlines. After that, the airlines expanded both its fleet and its destinations. In October 2008, the operations of emirates were moved to Terminal 3 of Dubai International airport in order to sustain its rapid expansion and growth plans.

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Organization HRM Practices-

There are various kinds of HRM practices being adopted by an organization in order to excel in their field. Some of the major HRM practice adopted by emirates airline are:

Organizational Design-

The emirates airline applied some standardized operating procedures in order to carry out their working, formal chains of command, various rules and regulation. The processes are basically used to shape the structure of the organizations that is to check out how decisions are made, how responsibility are defined and wideness of accountability is also checked.


There is a special kind of criteria set for bringing up fine talent in the aviation industry and particularly in Emirates airline. The recruiting and socializing of new employees in the company is done with the help of mentoring programs, orientation and socializing.

Employee and Organizational Development-

It is considered as best practice out of all HRM practices where desired outcome of development is seen in the form of skill building, team building, conceptual understanding and problem solving. There has been provision of training program to the employees in order to develop their skills and bring out hidden talent in each employee.

Performance Management-

There are various standard formed for the employees in order to maintain their performance throughout the financial year and the feedback is also provided after an employee goes through whole set of standards. The feedback is provided continuously in emirates for example there is performance measurement on the quarterly basis which provides a base for the employees to check on their performance. (Human Resource Management “An Organization’s Tool For Competitive Advantage”, 2012)

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Reward Systems, Benefits and Compliance-

There are various financial incentives provided to the employee, that is based on short term or long term and some of the company also provide their employees with non financial rewards such as some titles, recognition programs or some informal status symbols.

Impact of HRM Practices-

The impact of HRM practices on the organization is very effective in their nature. HRM practices mostly influence the employee skills through the development and acquisition of human capital of a particular firm. The recruitment procedures provides an opportunity of a large pool of qualified applicants having pair with reliable and suitable selection regimen with substantial influence over the kind of skills which a new employee possess. HRM practices could also affect employee motivation through encouraging them to work harder and smartly. It is important to note that goof behavior of employees is necessary for better performance of organization and in which HRM practices can effect each employee’s motivation and behavior. HRM practices is also related with the two dimensions of its performance where firstly superior HRM practices make increment in the discretionary effort of employees and secondly if the returns comes from the investments in superior HRM practices exceeds true cost, then it will lead to lower employee turnover and greater efficiency. (HUSELID, 1995)

Relation between Practices and Strategies of Emirates-

These practices are followed at every level in Emirates as the chairman of the company; there are various rules and regulations made by him. The employee recruitment procedure is of most importance in the company like Emirates which follows a tough guideline to recruit an employee. The rewards which are given to employees in the company are of two kinds financial and non-financial whereas the HRM practices also consists of these kinds of rewards. The performance is analyzed on the regular basis in the company which also shows that practices are aligned to strategies of the company.

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There are few recommendations for the HR department of Emirates for playing a bigger strategic role. Some of the recommendations are-

The reward system which is provided should analytical as the performance should be analyzed and then reward should be presented to an individual.

There should be formation of a panel that should take care of an individual performance and this panel should operate at large level and should also cover most of employees.

The recruitment procedure should be made analytical where the actual talent of a candidate is judged.


This project was based on the HRM practices where the practices discussed were important from the company’s point of view. It is also examined whether the practices could be applied on the strategies of the emirates or not. The practices also discussed the overview of the effect it provides on the organization.

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