The Philippine Is Rich In Natural Resources

Current environmental laws consist of P.D No.984 entitled pollution control law that declaring policy to prevent, abate and control pollution of water, air and land for the more effective utilization of the resources of this country. The government was the one in charge to determine the location, magnitude, extent, severity, causes, effects and other pertinent information regarding pollution of the water, air and land resources of the country, and to issue orders or decisions to compel compliance with the provisions of the decree. The commission was the one who give issue, renew, or deny permits, under such conditions as it may determine to be reasonable, for the prevention and abatement of pollution, for the discharge of sewage, industrial waste, or for the installation or operation of sewage works and industrial disposal system. The commission, by rules and regulations, may require subdivisions, condominium, hospitals, public buildings and other similar human settlements to put up appropriate central sewage system and sewage treatment works, except that no permits shall be required of any new sewage works or changes to or extensions of existing works that discharge only domestic or sanitary wastes from a single residential building provided with septic tanks or their equivalent. The Commission may impose reasonable fees and charges for the issuance or renewal of all permits herein required

For Presidential Decree 984 otherwise known as the Pollution Control Decree of 1978 is a national policy aimed to prevent, abate and control pollution of water, air and land for the more effective utilization of the resources of this country. In this Decree of 1978, the commission may conduct scientific experiments, investigations and research to discover economical and practical methods of preventing water, air and land pollution. Also, the commission may cooperate with any public or private agency in the conduct of such experiments, investigations and research for given any international, national or other public or private agency for water, air and land pollution control activities, surveys or program. The commission may secure such services as it, necessary from other agencies of the National Government, and they make arrangements for the compensation of such service. The commission may also employ and compensate, within appropriations available therefore, such consultants, experts, and advisers, or assistants on a full or part time basis, coming from the government or private entities ,to carry out the provisions of this decree and may prescribe their powers, duties and responsibilities. Under the P.D 1152 this is the policy for the various aspects of environmental management such as air and water quality management, natural source development, land and waste management. It provides a program to environmental protection and management, with reference to policies and standards of noise, air quality, water quality, classification of water and waste management. the P.D 1152 this is the policy for the various aspects of environmental management such as air and water quality management, natural source development, land and waste management. And for the R.A 1990 also known as the Toxic Substance and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 regulating the important, use, movement, treatment and disposal of toxic chemicals and Hazardous and nuclear waste in the Philippines. Under P.D 856 Sanitation code for the solid waste management in his area of production can be places the responsibility in the local government units.

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Hotel and Tourism Management is affected by the current environmental laws in the Philippines, in previous effective wastewater treatment can prevent serious illness among guests and staff members, and limit the number of serious complaints from guests who become infected

after drinking or swimming in polluted waters. It will also reduce the chance of cancellations from potential guests. Now, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Minimize wastewater discharge by reducing water use. Use biodegradable detergents and cleaning agents that are compatible with the wastewater treatment technology. Recycle paper products from the office for wrapping other items. Reuse treated graywater for washing floors, flushing toilets and irrigating gardens and golf courses. Separate waste at the source, rather than having to go through all the trash after it is collected. For example, provide containers for recyclables in guest rooms and compost bins in

kitchen work areas. Because of the Environmental laws that government provide, Hotel and Tourism Management can provide also the best service to the hospitality industry which they are not allowed to built a business without permitted of the government. Under the decree of 1978 they have the commissions to cooperate with any public or private agency in the conduct of such experiments, investigations and research for given any international, national or other public or private agency for water, air and land pollution control activities, surveys or program. This is for the safety of the guest or tourist which is for the benefit of others.

Hotel and Tourism Management can help improve the current environmental situation in the Philippines Environmental responsibility makes ecological sense, because keeping the environment pristine means that tourists will come to appreciate and enjoy the natural beauty of the location of your business. Increasingly, environmental responsibility also makes financial sense. Gone are the days when “going green” necessarily meant making large investments in expensive technology. Simple waste segregation, for example, can drastically reduce an island resort’s expenses in transporting garbage off the island. Encouraging guests to follow simple steps, such as turning off lights and recycling water, could mean saving thousands on a resort’s water bill. . Encourage staff to become involved in volunteer projects such as beach clean-ups and awareness campaigns. Educate guests as to how they can make a positive contribution to local biodiversity conservation efforts. Every business aims for long-term feasibility, and tourism based enterprises are no exception. A prime tourist attraction is a place that is full of life and abundance, a place where visitors can relax and feel that all is right with the world-a place they would pay hard-earned money to see and experience. Whether it means keeping the surroundings clean, making sure there is abundant water and electricity to use, or assuring guests of a nature experience they will not forget, maintaining a tourist destination means sustaining the life around it, and carrying out responsible operations that will make such sustenance possible. It takes only a few simple steps, the involvement and commitment of the people concerned, and a few adjustments in existing working and management systems to make environmental awareness a habit. It’s a habit that is good for the soul, good for the community, good for Mother Nature-and happily, also good for business. Hotel and Tourism Management can improve the current situation of the environment in the Philippines by guiding the guest or tourist to become more efficient. Hotel and Tourism Management can help through orient the guest or tourist for them to know or understand the preservation of environment. To educate others, encouraging that environment is important. The conservation can enhance a place’s reputation among guests, other individuals and groups concerned about the environment. Supporting conservation efforts can generate positive publicity and improve relationships with local people and organizations. Hotel and Tourism Management can help improve the current situation in the Philippines by promoting the environment to become more clean and green, preserves the generation as the inspiration of mother nature. Hotel and Tourism Management can help the environment situation as a role model to our industry, to promote to others the need of our environment and for our everyday life.

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