The process of recruitment in organizations

Recruitment is the process of the organization that seeks applicant for potential employment. This means that in an organisation need to hire a quality employee in order to fit to the job. After recruit the people the organisation have to provide training to the employees in order to motivate the employees and to give the employees more understanding about the job. Furthermore, the organisation has to manage the human resource in order to enhance the productivity and quality of working life. So, quality of working life is growing recognition of the importance of simultaneously enhancing both the value of employees’ psychological experiences at work and employees’ productivity. ( Robert D. Vacchio, 2006, p.377 ). By increase the quality of working life the organisation will increase the productivity.

In the next part of assignment will discuss on the strategies that how ADIDAS manage the human resource.

Strategy of managing human resource refers to the how ADIDAS treat and manage the employees. With the strategies ADIDAS able to maintain the loyal of employees to the ADIDAS and the willingness of employees to do the hard job in order to enhance the productivity of the organisation. Furthermore, employees are the internal customer of ADIDAS. So, ADIDAS need to satisfies the employees before satisfies the external customer. External customers refer to the people that purchase the product produce by ADIDAS. When the internal customers of the organisation satisfies the treatment of the organisation the external customers also will satisfies the product of ADIDAS. The next part of this assignment will discuss the strategies that ADIDAS use.

2.1) Talent management

Talent management refers to retain the employee in the ADIDAS. So, ADIDAS use this strategy to develop the old employees that have the opportunities to their career. By using this strategy ADIDAS able to hold the quality employees stay in the organisation and built up the loyalty of the employees. Besides that, talent management also include recruitment. Recruitment refers to the process of recruit and selecting the qualified new people that in order fit to the job

2.2) Employee-oriented leadership

Employee-oriented leadership refers to the communication between the manager and the subordinates. By using this strategy ADIDAS able to know the employees need and want. This is because this strategy consists of employee feedback system. Employee’s feedback system refers to the satisfaction level of the employees to the job. The employees are the internal customers of the organisation, when the employees satisfy their job the productivity of the organisation will automatically increase. This is because the organisation given a good environment to the employees in order to satisfy the employees and the employees will do the hard job to the organisation to as the repay to the organisation.

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2.3) Remuneration

Remuneration means the salary of the employees get month by month. The salary related to market requirement and performance level. That means ADIDAS set the salary according with market requirement and performance level. The ADIDAS on time pay the salaries in order to give the good reputation of the organisation. When the organisation do not delay paid the salaries to the employees the employees will loyal to the organisation this is because the employees will feel the safety in the organisation to work.

2.4) Bonus

In ADIDAS the remuneration consists of bonus. In ADIDAS the individual performance will related to the remuneration. Bonus means the company pay extra money to the employees to motivate the employees. The main purpose of given bonus is to motivate the employees. Motivation is psychological process giving behaviour purpose and direction (Kreitner,2009, p.369 ). By given the bonus the employees will put more effort and hardship to the job.

2.5) Long-term incentive programmes (LTIP)

This is specialising for senior manager, this is three year plans based on the achievement of financial as well as compliance target. So the senior manager that achieves the long-term target of the company will get the bonus. The bonus was depended on the organisation whether the bonus is money or others benefit.

2.6) Performance management

Performance management is a feedback for the management team. The management team will observe to the employees in order to take care the employees and if the employee does not do well in the jobs the management team will send the employee go to training. Furthermore, certain employee did well in their job will get promoted. So, in this strategy the employee able to learn and get the improvement by giving the benefit and training.

Furthermore, ADIDAS always looking for the potential employees so, ADIDAS will observe the performance of each employees and give the opportunities to get promote. Besides that, ADIDAS also observe the people that innovative and creative. This is because ADIDAS need the peoples that contain the high imagination people to give the idea to produce the design of the product. So ADIDAS will observe about it and pick the people that have the potential skill switch to the creation and innovation team. ADIDAS found that the people who are having different backgrounds, perspectives and skills can make the best team in order to achieve the maximum creation of the design on the product. Before ADIDAS forming the potential employees into a team, ADIDAS will send the employees to training. This is because the team need contains the different imagination, perception and culture. This is because ADIDAS is a global organisation within the different perception can built up a multi-skill team. With this the ADIDAS can manage many of the country culture and habit in order to product suitable product to the public.

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2.7) Work-life balance

Work-life balance is flexible working hour. Flexible time is a scheduling policy in which full-time employees may choose starting and ending times within guideline specified by the organisation ( Raymond A. Noe, Barry Gerhart, Patrick M. Wright, John R. Hollenbeck, 2009, p.106). Every employee’s quality of life should be improved by working to the organisation. So ADIDAS have the responsibility to address flexible working hour. The main purpose of work-life balance is give harmonise of the private and family needs to the employees. So the organisation was think about the benefit of the employees. Furthermore, this strategy able to give the employees a comfortable working hour and with the harmonise family the employees will put more effort in the working hour. As an example the working hour is 8 hours per day. The employees can select their working hour in the day and the lump sum of the working hour 8 hours. If the employee starts working at 11:00AM so the employee leave the organisation in 19:00 PM.


ADIDAS was looking the professional as the members of the families. ADIDAS treat the employees as their families’ members, care about the private sector of the employees. So, ADIDAS able to perform well in the market. ADIDAS doing these because ADIDAS was found that when the employees happy the productivity of the organisation will increase rapidly. As the comment to the ADIDAS, ADIDAS should recruit the people that from others competitor. Recruit the quality people from the competitors can decrease the productivity of the competitor and increase the productivity of own. Recruit the quality peoples from competitors is the good ways to find the potential employees if the organisation was lack of such potential employees.

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Furthermore, the organisation also need to prevent the self employees go the others organisation. For this, ADIDAS was did well this is because ADIDAS consist of flexible of working hour, talent management and performance management. These strategies might build up the loyalty of the employees in order to prevent the employees leave the organisation and work with competitors.


The strategies use by ADIDAS was aim to giving the benefit to the employees and always think of the employees so, the loyalty of the employees will build up automatically. After that, ADIDAS provides a lots of benefits to the employees by the way the employees will be motivated and the case of absenteeism is very low. When the employees interesting to work, the productivity of the organisation will automatically enhanced. When the productivity was increase the profit of the organisation also will increase so the organisation able to pay more to the employees. When the organisation pays more to the employees the employees will be motivated.

Finally, ADIDAS is a very good organisation that works in ADIDAS, the benefits provides by the organisation was attractive to all the employees. So, the benefits not only giving to the employees but also give the public know that ADIDAS such organisation and work with ADIDAS is suck happy and satisfy. There were the ways and style ADIDAS manage the human resource. ADIDAS was known that when good manage in human resource the benefit to the organisation will increase automatically such as productivity. Lastly, ADIDAS is a nice organisation that consists of many benefit to the employees and hopefully ADIDAS can do better in future and the comment would help ADIDAS be a better organisation.


Robert D. Vacchio, publish on 2006, Organisation Behavior: Core Concepts, 6 Th editions, Thomson South-Western, p.377.

Kreitner, publish on 2009, principles of management, eleventh edition, south-westren, p.369.

Raymond A. Noe, Barry Gerhart, Patrick M. Wright, John R. Hollenbeck, publish on 2009, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3th editions, McGraw-Hill, p.106.

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