The Recruitment and selection process contributions

In a global market that is constantly changing, human resources are becoming a scarce commodity because of the mobility of labour among other competing variables. Organizations have to respond swiftly and accurately to attract and retain the best fit to do the job. It is also imperative that strategists of the Human Resource (HR) department institute a well-defined recruitment policy that is deeply embedded in the culture of the organization that will attract those candidates with the requisite skill-sets that will steer the organization to success.

Choosing the wrong candidate or rejecting the right candidate will increase cost to the organization and will have a long lasting impact on the organization’s image and competitive advantage. (Reference) It is against this background that the researcher seeks to find out what role recruitment and selection play in organizations and how it impact on the organizations’ strategic priorities and competitiveness.

Defining Strategic Priorities

It is said that if you do not know where we are going any road will take you there. As such, for an organization to be successful, it is of utmost importance that the relevant strategies are employ to will drive the company to success. Vadim Kotelnikov posited that strategic priorities are a broad term which is commonly used to describe any thinking that foresees the future or bigger picture of the organizations. He further added that this is how an organization positions itself towards the market in which it operates and it competes. Generally speaking it is the blueprint that an organization formulates to gain a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals.

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On the other hand Cuff Bowman and Veronique Ambrosini (1997) defined strategic priorities as a set of decisions that are strongly adopted, embraced, understood and practiced by the relevant management personnel which forms or is a part of the organization policy. These priorities are the driving force behind the organization’s vision and will ultimately impact the success of any organization.

The function of recruitment and selection

Recruitment and selection is one of or arguably the single most important function in the Human Resource department. This department is the door that all employees walk, through recruitment and selection, to enter the organization. Some organizations strategic priorities are on production, advertising, marketing, sales and most recently, many organizations are convinced that recruitment and selection is the tool to use to give them the competitive edge to be a marker leader over their rivals.

Giving other writer’s views of recruitment and selection

Claire Gubbins et al (2006) stated that the importance of recruitment and selection is growing in many organisations as a result of strategic priorities. They also believed that constant changes in job market increase competition for labour. The researcher agreed with their view as it relates to recruitment and selection as strategic priorities once the organization implement a clear policy in relation to recruitment and selection and the users adhere to it then this could be a recipe for organization competiveness. It also true that constant changes in job market and increase in competition for labour. One of the main objectives for most organizations is to stay ahead of their competitors to control most of the market shares. As the market changes demand for the right skills is a necessity to out performs their rivals. Hence recruitment and selection is the strategic tool that will captain to sail the organization to growth and success.

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It is said that action speaks louder than words. The researcher thought that it was critical to carry out a research on an organization to see the practicality of recruitment and selection and if or how it contributes to the strategic priorities and competitiveness of an organisation. A well crafted Policy Manual outlining how recruitment and selection are used to gain competitive advantage is one thing but putting the processes into action on the other hand is definitely the deciding factor. This is where an organization can truly say whether or not recruitment and selection contribute to the strategic priorities and competitiveness of an organisation.

Critically looking at this topic, the researcher thought it would be prudent to look at how recruitment and selection is perceived by a well established organization. The organization under review is Starbucks. ChinatownConnection (2007) stated that Starbucks coffee is one of the top names in the coffee industry, producing high-class beans, brewing accessories and building coffee shops worldwide. The Center for Management Research (ICMR) reported that Starbucks was placed second in January 2005 among other large companies in the Fortune “Best Companies to Work For” based on the findings from a survey. It is said that the company’s success is as a result its human resources management policies that is deeply embedded in the company’s work culture. Howard Schultz, chairman and chief global strategist (2002), said “The relationship we have with our people and the culture of our company is our most sustainable competitive advantage.” Based on the findings presented the researcher seek how or if recruitment and selection contributed to the strategic priorities and competitiveness of an organisation.

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The researcher will:

Examine Starbucks’ Mission Statement

Discuss Starbucks recruitment and selection process.

Evaluate how recruitment and selection process is perceived by the organization.

Assess if recruitment and selection is used as a strategic tool and its impact on the company’s success.

Discuss how recruitment and selection may contribute to success or failure based on the findings from Starbucks

Discuss the implications of recruitment and selection if the process is not followed.

Assess Starbucks strengths or weaknesses in relation to recruitment and selection and prove whether or not it was done based on the company’s strategic priorities.

Discus how an organization’s existing recruitment and selection processes strengthen or weaken its competitive advantage

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