The Recycling Of Electronic Waste Environmental Sciences Essay

Can you imagine today’s society without computers? Our use of electronic products has grown substantially and will continue to evolve. As the demand for new and more advanced technology increases, so does the amount of outdated personal computers (PC). However, where do our unwanted computers end up? Yes, computers are convenient when they are functioning, but once they have run their course, then what? Should we just toss them in the trash bin? The optimal alternative is computer recycling. Recycling is beneficial to our environment and humanity by helping conserve energy and reduce landfill space, such as the large landfills in China. Also, computers contain hundreds of chemicals which can migrate into our environment, recycling helps by creating less toxic chemical emissions.

Conserving energy is not an easy task since our society is plugged in on a daily basis. Computers are necessary for work, school, shopping, communicating with others, etc. The average desktop computer uses up to 60 to 250 watts of energy when in use. Analog, outdated computers use cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors. The picture in a CRT monitor isn’t as sharp and typically uses up more energy than a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). A CRT monitor can use up to 80 watts of energy; while an LCD will use much less at 35 watts. In addition, outdated PC’s rely on older processors which consume large amounts of energy. However, there is an afterlife for these dinosaurs. Dell made headline news when Michael Dell announced his company would begin to recycle computer hardware for free — even if the consumer would not be purchasing anything new from them. (Dell Inc. does the right thing, 2006) Dell offered consumers the option of recycling their PC’s at no cost to them by simply going to their website, printing out a prepaid shipping label in order to return their desktops, laptops, printers and/or ink cartridges. After doing so, Dell would be sending out a service to pick up the equipment. Like Dell, many other manufacturers are beginning to acknowledge computers contain many recyclable parts and are de-manufacturing. De-manufacturing is the process by which computers and other electronic equipment are refurbished or broken down to their basic parts. By doing this, manufacturers help conserve energy and raw materials needed to manufacture new computers and electronic equipment. These parts are then reused in upgrading other computers. (Computer recycling guidance, 2007) PC recyclers know that not all parts are recyclable and therefore breakdown each component to maximize recyclability. “When computers are disassembled as part of our de-manufacturing program, various components are removed for recycling or reuse.” (Computer recycling guidance, 2007) “Re-usable materials include ferrous (iron-based) and non-ferrous metals, glass and various types of plastic.” (Computer recycling, 2009) These parts include the heat sink, which keeps the PC processor cool, is made of 95% aluminum, 4% polypropylene plastic (fan) and 1% mixed metal. The power supply unit is made of an 85% steel case and a 15% printed circuit board. The PC’s hard drive is where all of the computers files are stored; this is made of 80% aluminum, 15% steel and 5% circuit board. The motherboard, which is the computers platform, consists of a circuit board. The compact disk (CD) drive and case is made up of 50% ferrous metal and 50% plastic resin; while the floppy drive is composed of 95% metal (ferrous and non-ferrous) and 5% circuit board. A large portion of metal comes from the computer case which is 90% steel and 10% ABS or resin plastic (typically – varies from model to model). The CRT monitor (CRT TUBE) is 95% glass and 5% ferrous metal. 90% fiberglass or plastic, 5% non-ferrous metal and 5% other recyclable materials (diodes, etc.) make up the monitor circuit board. The monitor yoke is 75% copper, 10% ferrous metal and 15% plastic (could be recycled, but particles are made too small by the refining process). The monitor case and base are made up of 98% plastic and 2% ferrous metal (screws, etc). 99% plastic resin with PVC and copper cabling make up the keyboard; while 90% plastic 5% circuit board 5% cable (can be recovered) make up the mouse. The degaussing wire used throughout the computer is composed of 95% copper wire and 5% PVC plastic tape. Cables/wires are made of 90% PVC plastic, 5% copper and 5% steel. Holding all of these parts together are various screws which are 100% ferrous metal. (Computer recycling, 2009) Yes, the aforementioned list is detailed and extensive, but it is important to know that although recycling all these parts helps conserve energy, it also helps reduce landfill space.

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With technology evolving so quickly, we are bombarded by the latest and greatest electronics. We’re constantly upgrading from one computer to next; however, there are simple steps we can take in order to maintain our computers working faster, longer. Keeping your computer cool (below 90 degrees) and dust-free the cooling fan from sucking dust and eventually clogging the computer. Clogged ventilation will cause your PC to overheat. If this happens it may burn out and be damaged severely or even rendered unrepairable. Food and drinks should never be placed near a computer. Keeping them far away will prevent an accident from occuring. Any liquid spilled onto your computer will cause electrical damage. In case of an outage, you should always have your PC plugged into a surge protector. Not only does it protect your hardware, but it eliminates wasting energy by the standby power which most computers draw even while they are off. Regularly checking the space available on your hard drive will keep new software or graphic files from eating up your surplus. Most importantly, be certain to upgrade your anti-virus protection and anti-spyware programs. Preventive maintenance is key to keeping our computers out of landfills longer. “Experts estimate that consumers replaced or retired more than 300 million computers over the past decade, and the recycling industry estimates that about 1 billion computers will become potential scrap by 2010.” (Greener computers, 2007) In 2000, 4.6 million tonnes of electronic waste (e-waste) made their way to U.S. landfills and this number continues to increase. (New war on waste, 2008) Currently, there are more than 10 million computers dumped in landfills yearly. (What to do with tech trash?, 2010) Seeing the need for change, many states and countries are banning computers and TVs from landfills and are asking the government for their support in the matter. The federal government only prohibits large-scale electronic dumping; which means that groups tossing more than 220 pounds of electronic waste a month must recycle. However, residents and small businesses can, and do, pile old computers into landfills. According to the National Safety Council, only 11 percent of computers get recycled, and small-time consumers alone add 10 million computers to landfills every year. (What to do with tech trash?, 2010) Sadly, e-waste is one of the fastestes growing types of waste which was clear to governments in the United Kingdom, Japan and some U.S. states in 1990. Seeking a resolution, they set up e-waste recycling systems and began exporting their e-waste to developing countries. These countries laws were inadequate in protecting workers and the environment. More often than not, the laws were not enforced. Also, it was much cheaper to recycle waste in developing countries such as China rather than the U.S. pay for the cost of glass-to-glass recycling of computer monitors. “E-waste is routinely exported by developed countries to developing ones, often in violation of the international law.” (Lynam, 2009) Africa and Asia are the primary countries being utilized for e-dumpping. However, in 2005, there were inspections of 18 European seaports. Inspectors found 47% to be illegal e-waste. In 2003, the United Kingdom illegally shipped 23,000 metric tonnes of undeclared electronic waste to eastern countries such as, China and India, also Africa. The U.S. collects recycled material and ships 50-80 % of the waste to China. China banned e-waste exportation in 2000, unfortunately, the law is not working and e-waste continually arrives in Guiya of Guangdong Province, which is China’s main e-waste scrapping centre. As e-waste importing grew in Asia, so did the demand for it. Asian scrap yards discovered valuable substances such as nickle, copper, silicon, gold and iron could be salvaged during the recycling process. But what about the unrecycable materials? Many of these developing countries did not and do not have hazardous waste facilities. After the e-waste problems of these developed countries were shipped to developing countries where laws to protect workers and the environment were and are inadequate or not enforced, too many of these developing countries discovered their landfills are now plagued with massive amounts of toxins.

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With profit in mind, some computer manufacturers intentionally produce their products for a short life span and use materials and processes that deter recycling efforts. Toxic e-waste continues to accumulate and is having negative effects on our environment. “Currently, less than 10 percent of e-waste produced is reused or recycled. This means that the majority of the e-waste is disposed of in landfills, where it can eventually create health problems through human exposure.” (S 510: Electronic waste recycling promotion and consumer protection act, 2006) Designed to process toxins and waste, the essential components of a landfill are the bottom liner system, cells (old and new), storm water drainage system, leachate collection system, methane collection system, and covering or cap. Each of these has its function within the landfill. What separates trash and subsequent leachate from groundwater is the bottom liner system. The cells store the trash within the landfill. Rainfall is collected by the storm water drainage system. The leachate collection system collects the water which has percolated through the landfill itself and absorbs contaminating substances. Methane gas which is formed during the breakdown of trash is collected by the methane collection system. The top of the landfill is sealed off by the cap. (S 510: Electronic waste recycling promotion and consumer protection act, 2006) Computers release toxins during their production, use, but most of all, when they have been disposed of in our landfills. Crushed or incinerated e-waste release contaminants, such as chromium, into the air and groundwater. Even with aforementioned systems in place, a leakage in the lining can occur which can cause toxins to evaporate off of the leachate ponds or they might pool at the bottom of the landfill and then be pumped out into a nearby pond. (Environmental facts, 2007) Other toxins which are released into our environment from e-waste are lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, etc. Lead is found in cathode ray tubes and solder. Just one CRT monitor can contain between 4 and 8 pounds of lead. Between 1997 and 2004, 315 million computers became obsolete. This accounted for 1.2 billion pounds of lead being released into the environment through improper disposal in landfills. “Lead is one of the most abundant toxic byproducts of e-waste and has many well-documented detrimental human health effects.” (S 510: Electronic waste recycling promotion and consumer protection act, 2006) Drinking lead contaminated water can cause brain and nervous system damage. The greatest negative health effect is on children. Hearing, behavior and learning problems have been associated to children exposed to lead. Lead exposed adults may have high blood pressure. They can develop memory, concentration and reproductive problems. Environmental organism’s behavioral changes after being exposed to lead lower its chances of reproduction because of physical malformations due to exposure. Also having a negative effect on our bodies is cadmium. Found in the circuit boards and semi-conductors of computers, cadmium accumulates in our bodies and poisons the kidneys. Even more damaging is chromium, which damages DNA. Exposure to chromium can cause asthma and respiratory problems. Also, exposure to chromium can cause perforated eardrums, discoloration of the teeth, skin irritation, kidney and liver damage, upper abdominal pain, and pulmonary congestion. Once chromium lodges into tissues, it may lead to cancerous growth in the lungs, kidneys, and intestines because they are especially vulnerable. (Environmental facts, 2007) There are studies reporting premature senility as a factor of chromium. Chromium harms our environment by negatively affecting the population of salmon and amphibians in our aquatic ecosystems. Worst yet, chromium IV has been known to cause cancer when inhaled. Out of all these toxins mercury can be deadly. Computers contain mercury in their switches and housing. Unlike inhalable chromium, vapors from mercury contaminate the atmosphere and rainfall then causes them to precipitate into the ground. Once in the soil, the processed mercury by bacteria becomes methyl mercury. The new form of mercury is then collected in animals’ fatty tissues. Methyl mercury’s effects are dependent on the amount of exposure. Effects can range from mild to severe. Humans exposed to mercury are unaware they were exposed. Most exposures occur through eating shellfish and fish. Pregnant women should not eat potentially contaminated fish. Doing so may harm the developing fetus since fetuses and infants are most affected by mercury toxins. These toxins have a negative effect on the nervous system. Impaired neurological development affects cognitive abilities, memory, attention, language, and fine motor and spatial skills. Symptoms include insomnia, tremors, headaches, emotional changes, changes in nerve responses, performance deficits on tests of cognitive function and disturbances in sensations. (Environmental facts, 2007) With high exposure, mercury can cause respiratory failure, affect the kidneys and cause death. In wildlife, methyl mercury can be mortal, significantly reduce fertility, and slow growth and development. These are just some of the toxins released into our environment, there are more! By opting not to recycle, we are opting on not only damaging our environment to an irreparable state, but killing ourselves. Why wouldn’t we want to recycle?

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In conclusion, there isn’t a Federal mandate to recycle e-waste. However, there are many states which have instituted mandatory electronics recovery programs. These programs were put in place by individuals of “green” states who care enough about themselves and their environment to put a stop to excess e-waste. One thousand or more municipalities offer computer and electronics collections as part of household hazardous waste collections, special events, or other arrangements. In addition, public and private organizations have emerged that accept computers and other electronics for recycling. They are working on ways to make recycling of electronic waste much more convenient. Depending on where you live and the amount of equipment you have, the best recycling option might be a county recycling drop-off center, TV repair shop, charitable organization, electronics recycling company, or even your local electronics retailer, which might collect used products and send them to a recycler. (Where can I donate or recycle my old computer and other electronic products?, 2010) Computers can and should be recycled! Recycling unwanted computers is the optimal alternative. If we all do our part and recycle, we can conserve energy, reduce landfill space, and create less toxic chemical emissions. Less electronic waste (e-waste) equals more of our planet saved! Recycling is an excellent and economical way of ultimately achieving this goal. Let’s do our part!

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