The resistance of change in an organisation


Change is not an easy factor to go through. Taking in to account that it does not matter if it is a change of rules, space or simple habits. The concept of change involves many other functions. Where the resistance to it, sometimes is hard to adapt or maybe just simple depending the management and organization between one and more individuals, which makes part of an organization structure and affect a whole organization.

Organizational change in inevitable Just like anything in life, in addition to this the evolution of the world markets and cultures. Makes the change something that requires constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able to transform an evaluate different kind of statements that show the importance of organizational change in the develop of a company.

We live in a world in which the nature of organization and the practice, most of people believe that we are in a Constance change. When the difference between theory and practice is completely relevant and plays an important role in management and helps to understand that is a vital in any organization process, which helps to analyze and create structures that help to understand the value of change.

The theory of change.

The theory of change is a strategy or project for achieving large-scale, long-term goals. It identifies the preconditions, pathways and interventions necessary for an initiative’s success in different model, where change makes a huge impact in the evolution of a system organization.

Theories of change and logic models are vital to evaluate success for a number of reasons. According to Burke, Warner and his book (Organization change, theory and practice). Organizations change all the time, each and every day. The change that happens in organizations commonly is unplanned and gradual, affecting or attributing different aspects where planning is a very important tool to apply and makes this much more easy to understand and shows the importance of change and it’s crucial participation in the evolution of a company.

For a better understanding of change, organizations are created and developed, to continue and during the last. But external factors as environment, plays a very important role in the evolution, because those are discontinuous and can cause destruction but can cause creativity as well. To affront this many others levels in managing as a planning and controlling for example, makes change a Constance factor, which decide the future or develop of any kind of system. However change sometimes could be an internal factor. For example, the change of management that brings new rules, methods and a new different path to assume new emerging markets, makes this theory unpredictable for the good of a system.

The paradox of planned organization change.

Sometimes when plan is the right way to follow in an organization not always is the option to assume as crucial for the right entrance of change. However this paradox can be implemented as a one of the most analytics methods to follow for a better and capable knowledge of this.

According to Michael Powel and referring to the new digital technology, was quoted and saying:

” it will be messing and it will be confusing and we will get a lot of it wrong and we’ll have to start over. But that’s the creative process, that’s the evolutionary process”.

(Naples daily news, 2001, p. 6A.)

Mr Powell described change as a very realistic method, where the process is more linear and could be divided by phases, periods or steps and so on. The implementation process is difficult because change the system and of course the way, how the process it was made for, the things don’t work well and people do they own way and in some cases the retaliation and revenge is one of the most common things to affront with many others negative aspects that make more difficult to implement a series of changes.

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Types of organizations change.

To define organizational change as the process to evaluate and reach the desired goals the first thing to have in mind in change is the concept between evolution versus revolution. The process of resistance is very common and shows the variety of circumstances to affront in management; this contrast might be is actually a very important way to think about the different forms that an organizational system can take and the correct evaluation to it.

Organizational change occurs when an organization restructures resources to increase the ability to perform and create effectiveness as the principal method to arrive, similarly, to this the creation of new system of evaluation of a company for the right performance of it.

Targets of changes.

Human resources are for an organization’s most important asset, because include investment in training and modification of manage that motivates the personal for a better understanding and approach of it. In addition to it .Human resources plays a very huge impact in companies develop, because involves moral principles and workforce as a combination for the right develop of any system created to evaluate process in a safe work environment.

Functional resource can be use to maximize the use of present value. Organizations can change the environment, structure and sometimes the culture of creation but technology is the most important thing to preserve. For example technologies that uses self manage work increased productivity and quality for a better develop in terms of time and production, helping to increased the creation of different products

Reducing the use of time and decreasing the value in terms of production. As a result of the right use of change in a company.

A technology capability, that helps to provide new products and changing the existing ones, improving the reliability and quality of goods and services of a company. Organizations might be need the restructuration of technology for a correct develop and achieve the results of a new and developing technology.

Forces for and Resistance to Organizational Change.

Organizations and the process of change requires to face two and very important factors for the correct developed of it, one of those is change and the other is the resistance to change. Resistance to change can occur at the organizational level, group level and individual level. For example, managers should be motivated to initiate change because they are concern with improving their organization effectiveness. However, change can be threat to managers and no managerial personal as well.

Almost every change requires the cooperation, collaboration, and co-ownership of others, even if that change might be beneficial some people just refused because is a natural way to response and affront. the change as fear of the unknown also to lose something of valuable, believing that change is not good for the organization and provide a different kind of elements damaging the right develop of a company in many levels and misunderstand the process of evolution.

Why do people resist changing?

An individual is likely to resist change for three reasons principally: uncertainty, concern over personal loss, and they believe that the change is not in the organization’s best interest. In adtion to this a common example of resistance for change is giving in a normal college. Where the student are suggested and have the obligation to attend because are the rules and when they leave the college they will have to trade the known for the unknown.

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Some examples of resistance in organizations is when the introduction of a new analysing system means that employees will have these new methods. Some employees who are accustomed to their work routines or who have inadequate math and statistics backgrounds may fear that they will be unable to meet the system demands. They may therefore, develop a negative attitude because don’t know how to use it, and prefer to judge before accept any kind of change just for fear and inclusion of different process that makes changes crucial in the develop of a company.

In some case the resistance is fear for the unknown but what happens when change comes with a new structure of elements that become inconvenience for the personal? What do we should do to minimize the impact of resistance? And keep the tolerance and the right balance between employees and employers. How to break that huge wall that separates fear and commitment in the companies?.

Some techniques for reducing resistance to organizational change.

When management sees resistance to change as a dysfunctional, what action as a manager should I take? Several strategies have been suggested for use by managers, but in some cases the change is so extreme that brings a lot of resistance and is not enough to divide and propose steps to come in with new ideas. Is better if including tactics that helps to understand the process of change and find mediation between managers and employees. According to Barbara Senior and Steve Wailes, the resistance of change evaluate the process how the company has been created and proves the management as vital tool for the right develop and creation of strategies that helps to affiance the resistance of change and mediate between many different elements.

One important step to follow in management is the implementation of education and communication, facilitation and support, negotiation and manipulation, co-optation and coercion, these tactics help to summarized and helps us to have a better look of management and understanding in how this tactics help for mediation and confront of a such a wide open variable. That involves techniques and strategies, which help to have a better understanding in the managerial concept.

Tactics and strategies to reduce the resistance in organizational change.

Education and Communication.

Can help to mediate the resistance of change by helping the employees to see the logic process of change. This technique of course helps to minimize the impact of misinformation or poor communication and give the chance to aport new ideas to the system for a better compression and implementation of this. For example the correct use of communication Between agent of change and personal showing elements to improve and the importance for the good of the company but demonstrating the right benefits for the process which normally interact in the productivity and effectiveness of a company.


This tactic involves those individuals directly affected by the purpose of change into the decision making process. This kind of method allows expressing their feelings, increasing the quality of the process and increase employee commitment for final decision. For example, create tools for the evaluation of the process that help to understand better the inclusion of strategies showing the important of evaluation for both sides of views.

Facilitation and support.

Involve helping employees deal with the fear and anxiety, associated with the change effort, this help could be include employee counselling and new skills training for a better use of tactics and facilitation trough the process of change.


Involves a bargain between something value for an agreement to lessen this hard process of change that sometimes can be stressful by both sides. This resistance method can be very useful, when the confrontation comes from a powerful source and shows the importance of negotiation in the process. Additionally, there is the risk that, once a change agent negotiates with one party to avoid resistance, he or she is open to the possibility of being blackmailed by other individuals in positions of power. When misunderstanding and lack of communication, makes part of the process that commonly happens in different types of organization.

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Refers to cover attempts to influence others about the process of change. Sometimes involves twisting and distortion of facts to make the change appear more attractive and comprehensive. One of the common tactics to use is this particular case is creating false rumours is an example of manipulation. According to the international journal of managements reviews the use of manipulation in a change process could be illegal and immoral, because use the misunderstanding as a tool for manipulate and distort the right compression of different factors that helps to use the correct develop of tactics. Minimizing the resistance of change.


In this kind of method it is form by both manipulation and cooptation and it seeks to buy the leaders of the resistance, giving them a key role in the change decision. The last two methods are relatively inexpensive for the organization and are the easy ways to gain the support of adversaries. In addition to this sometimes this method can demonstrate that if they note this, can be sing of tricked or used. Once discovered the agent creditability may drop to cero and in the future might be a sign of confrontation and retaliation.


The coercion tactic can be used to deal with the resistance fact, involves the use of different threats or force against the resisters. According to Stephen Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, different organizational methods as coercion sometimes involves the use of bad recommendations and negative perform evaluation. This method should only be used when speed is of the essence or when the other person themselves has taken to public and damaging actions.

Those methods listed above show the importance of management and the correct use of it. In addition to this tactics, the resistance of change in organization has different approaches that show the incursion of several strategies can be completely illegal and may undetermined change agent’s credibility. Being this stops the improvements in the organization.


Organizations operate in multiple environments, as a temporal, external and internal. They key task for organizations is work through a series of process or steps for mediate the impact of different factor to evaluate. Achieving External adaptation and internal integration. In addition to this, they need to anticipate and give opportunities to eliminate any possible problem or unpredictable surprises.

In conclusion to this change is a very important factor to keep in mind, because if the organization doesn’t have the knowledge to achieving o good process. The company can be affected and damaging the develop of a company. For that reason the implementation of strategies that allow risk evaluation and possible changes must be planned before the execution of any kind of process.

Finally the use of tactics to prevent the resistance of company, while is in changing process is vital for the correct use and future develop. Because, demonstrate that organizational changes are crucial factors that involve the moral as a key to be fair with the others and the correct use of managing for good of an organization.

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