The Role And Responsibilities Of Facilities Managers Information Technology Essay

Facility management include all complex operating activities such as grocery stores, auto shops, sports complexes, jails, office building, hospitals, hotels and all other revenue generating. Facility manager’s job purpose to create an environment that encourages output, is pleasing to clients and consumers, and is efficient. Facility mangers include a wide range of function and support services. All staff, students and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that they work in a manner which is safe to themselves and to others and to comply with relevant requirements of guidance to the national standees and the University of health and safety department. All staff parent or cares volunteers and students are urged to read the nursery health and safety policy and relevant parts in the university health and safety policy.

Facility management:-

According to Alan M.Levitt, “a facility may be a space or an office or suite of offices; a floor or group of floors within a building; a single building or a group of buildings or structures. These structures may be in an urban setting or freestanding in a suburban or rural setting. The structures or buildings may be a part of a complex or office park or campus.”(Disaster Planning and Recovery: A Guide for Facility Professionals.)

Total facilities management:-

Total facilities management include those things which everything needed such as services for living, working, healthcare, education, commercial development, retailing, and transportation and communication undertakings.

According to steven M.Price “facilities professionals are being asked to contain costs while achieving maximum beneficial use- that is, to achieve more withless.”

Some other person describe to facility as a physical place where done business activities. Facility management duty to make plans according to business activity needs and demands .as a good facility management deal with those needs in the best and cost effective ways possible. Which responsibility play by facility managers explain below:-

Observe efficiency of organization

Make sure that the divergent processes, procedures, and standards present in a business complement rather than interfere with one another.

Observe all feature of facility maintenance

Tracking and responding to environmental, health, safety, and security issues.

Ensuring facility compliance with relevant regulatory codes and regulations

Educating the work force about all manner of standards and procedures, from ordering office supplies to acting in the event of a disaster.

The role and responsibilities of facilities managers:-

A facilities manager has a range of responsibilities including overseeing the daily running of a building and reducing its operating costs. In any organization facility manager is responsible for services of management which support business. Facilities mangers manage the continual maintenance of the building, identifying health and safety issues to make sure the building is safe for use and general responsibility for utilities, services and daily logistical management. A facilities manger also responsible for managing catering and cleaning services and utilising space management throughout the building.

Facility managers responsible for directing a maintenance staff.

Facility manager’s duties related to standard maintenance, mailroom, and security activities, he or she may also be responsible for providing engineering and architectural services, hiring subcontractors, maintaining computer and telecommunications systems, and even buying, selling, or leasing real estate or office space.

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The managers are also responsible for considering federal, state and local regulations.

Facility mangers also integrate knowledge workers into dynamic business environment of global competition, technological developments, security threats and changing values.

Scope of facilities management:-

Facilities management describe those core business activities where business are working and provide a good career path with the associated motivation that it brings. Good facilities management always try to introduce new idea and knowledge for improve standard, improve the consumer primary activities and protect the associated investments. Those by the scope of facilities management is wide and varied such activities which are include security, cleaning, maintenance, catering, landscaping, hygiene etc. Today the role and scope of facilities management have changed dramatically

Corporate social responsibity:-

Total corporate social responsibility can be subdivided into four primary criteria-economic, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities. Mark S.Schwartz and Archie B.Carroll, “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Three Domain Approach,” Business Ethics Quarterly 13, no.4 (2003), 503-530; and Archie B.Carroll, “A Three -Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance,” Academy of Management Review 4(1979), 497-505.

These four criteria fit together to form the whole of a company’s social responsiveness. Managers and organizations are involved in several issues at the same time, and a company’s ethical and discretionary responsibilities are increasingly considered as important as an economic and legal issue.

Business ethics are moral principles that guide the way a business behave. Acting in an ethical way involves a distinguishing ‘right’ and wrong and then making the right choice. For example, policy with regard to honesty, health and safety and corrupt practice.

Facilities management also supporting the board to bring aspects critical to the facility management operational activities such as premises, local community and staff welfare. Facilities managers play a vital role to delivery of more facility by a number of stages in the life cycle of a building.

Today, facilities management challenges are integrating the resource with the user needs. Lavy (2008)conclude that facility management not only improve physical performance but also increase the satisfaction that the users feel while staying/working/teaching/learning in that building. It is important for facilities manager to understand the link between the institution aims and objective and the various group in the institution. The interface has to be strong and without it is easy to fail to work in the same direction (Housel, 1997). Therefore, a facility manager have to take account the needs of the users as basis for providing them with a suitable facilities.

Ever growing space requirements with an ever growing unused spaces increase the gap between what is available and what is required. Facility Managers face several challenges in convincing the higher management in getting an approval for an additional building or space.

Health and safety:-

Bio-energy company management system always keeps in mind development of a positive health, safety and environment culture through development of policies and procedures and promotion. They also provide training and monitoring services to the employees and employers which are intended to encourage employees as an integral part of daily operations. All staff, students, visitors, parent/carers would report any health and safety issues promptly to Melissa Leach or Susan Rogers or a senior member of staff in their absence. Health and Safety issues would be discussed and recorded and the relevant agencies would be informed of the concern that has occurred. The Nursery Manager and Deputy Manager also attend the Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the workplace, Risk Assessment training and Manual Handling Risk Assessment.

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Records of training undertaken by staff are kept by the Nursery Manager along with planned dates for future course attendance and refresher courses as needed.

Safety and Security Policy

At Phoenix we aim to make the nursery a safe and secure place for the children, Parent/Carers, Staff and any Visitors who may enter the setting. We aim to make all the children, parent/carers and staff aware of health and safety issues to minimise the hazards and risks to enable them to thrive in a safe and healthy environment.

Melissa and Sue are the members of staff who have undertaken the appropriate training and are responsible for recording risk assessments, updating policies and ensuring others are aware of safety and security issues.

Health and safety policies:-

As a management priority health and safety as an integral part of business

Carried out all activities safe manner

Find hazards and mitigated through formal assessment

Organization fulfil with current health and safety legislation and apply best practice to all its activities

Employees are encouraged to be proactive on health and safety issues

All employees are required to co-operate with organization and their worker in implementing the policy and make sure that their own work is without risk to themselves .

Environment policy:-

improvement in environmental management system by worker training, consultation and involvement in identifying environment impacts etc are the objective of organization.

Environmental impact also analysis in under organization which is involve potential risk of pollution,

Organization always try to cooperation with the applicable local authority and landlords site on relevant issue.

The Company gives due consideration to environmental issues raised by customers and seeks to respond positively to customer-led environmental initiatives.

The Company works closely with those involved in the manufacturing supply chain, in order to achieve best practice in the environmental aspects of material sourcing, product manufacture, disposal and recycling.

All staff, students, visitors, volunteers, Parent/Carers are aware of the location of fire doors and fire exits, and means of escapes from the nursery. Also to know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm call points and instructions for their use. All staff has attended the Universities in house Fire Warden Training. Emergency exit routes are always tidy and free from obstacles. The Fire Siren is tested weekly. The Nursery manager or Deputy Manager to collect the register from the Kitchen. Staff to take responsibility for the children, and to assist them to immediately vacate the nursery, through the safest exit, if possible through the garden and car park.

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Risk Assessment

The majority of the activities that are carried out in the Nursery are generally of low risk in nature and do not require being formally assessed. However if we are planning a trip outside the nursery or are carrying out an activity when the child could be at risk, we would carry out a written risk assessment.

Risk assessments are carried out by Sue Rogers and Melissa Leach and all staff will contribute to these documents. The risk assessments would be carried out on activities, the nursery environment, outside environment, manual handling and outings. They are regularly reviewed, working documents they are displayed in each area of the nursery. Should you have any queries or concerns of your own please feel free to talk to Sue or Melissa. Risk assessments are brought to the attention of all relevant staff and students parent/carers and anyone who is involved in the activity. Risk assessments are reviewed annually. Risk assessments are periodically passed to the Health and Safety Department for checking to ensure that they are suitable and sufficient.

Importance of quality to facilities management:-

As a profession facility management used to strategically provide quality working environment. But it required top level management support and accurate requirements defined by consumers. Today current environment of innovation and increasing completion among suppliers, it is imperative for facilities management service provides to implement quality management. Organization gets success through introducing quality management techniques.

That’s by productivity can be improved and absenteeism reduced by improving the internal environment.

According to Alexander, “it is a total quality approach to sustaining an operational environment and providing support services to meet the strategic needs of an organization.”(1996).


Alder, Steve. “Disaster and Recovery Planning: A Guide for Facility Managers.” Security Management. June 2005.

Brown, Malcolm. “Rulers of the New Frontier.” Management Today. March 1996.

Friday, Stormy. Organization Development for Facility Managers. AMACOM, a Division of the American Management Association, 2003.

Huston, John. “Mastering the Facility.” Buildings. December 1999.

Kruk, Leonard B. “Facilities Planning Supports Changing Office Technologies.” Managing Office Technology. December 1996.

Levitt, Alan M. Disaster Planning and Recovery: A Guide for Facility Professionals. John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Lewis, Bernard T. and Richard P. Payant. The Facility Manager’s Emergency Preparedness Handbook. AMACOM, a Division of the American Management Association, 2003.

O’Brien, Raymond. “Facility Managers Provide Invaluable Services.” Managing Office Technology. September 1995.

Price, Steven M. “Facilities Planning: A Perspective for the Information Age.” IIE Solutions. August 1997.

Sopko, Sandy. “Smaller Staffs and Budgets Boost FM Outsourcing.” The Office. August 1993.

Tuveson, Kit. “Facility Management in the 21st Century.” Managing Office Technology. May 1998.

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