The Role Of A Job Description Business Essay

Job descriptions are the duties and requirements that are necessary for the recruitment of an employee. It is a list of general chores, duties and role of the employee for a specific and general job. Without job description a person cannot perform his role accordingly. In simple words job description is the basic or main responsibilities that an employee is supposed to perform for any organisation or company. Any job description must contain these things

a) A job summary

b) A list of job function

c) Requirements

d) Other information

a) A job summary

A job summary means detail information regarding the general tasks and duties of the job.

b) A list of job functions

It means the list of those functions and duties that an employee needs to perform his duty.

c) Requirements

For different jobs there are different requirements. The job description must contain the specific requirements for the job.

d) Other requirements

If there are any other requirements for a specific job a job description explains those relevant requirements.

There are two types of job descriptions one is known as general job description and the other one is known as specific job description. The difference between both is described as under.

General Job description is a list of general duties and functions that are required for a position. In general job description we will straightway get the knowledge that we need to contact for applying a job and we also do not need to read extra details about the company or the job.

If an ad of a job is short and brief and does not explain any specific duty that a person needs to perform then it comes under general job description. For example if there is an ad that says that a company needs a manager, but does not explains any details regarding the requirement of the job. It comes under general jobs description.

In specific job description the employee needs some specific qualifications or skills to perform his/her job. Sometimes it also explains some extra information regarding benefits, allowances and nature of the job. For example if there is an ad that says company needs a manager who must have computer skills, needs some experience in public dealing and also explains the information regarding pay, tax, working hours, then its comes under specific job description.

The purpose of job description is to have the clear summary of liabilities and tasks. Job description plays a very important role in organizational resource management .It develops an organisation in managing and improving the abilities of the people in the following ways:-

a) It provides the origin of assessing job performance.

b) It explains that what an employer is expecting from his employee in the performance of his duties.

c) By job description the grading and pay systems can be organised honestly and rationally.

If there is any dispute or issue of employer/employee job description provides necessary reference tools for that purpose.

e) Job description describes the necessary reference implements for discipline matters.

f) It describes the clear role of the candidate for the job.

g) It describes the structure, rules and regulations for a company or an organization to guarantee obligatory deeds, liabilities and tasks.

It provides foundation to measure performance of a job.

It provides necessary ideas for development and training.

Job description enables an organization to organise its function in a constant mode and by this way an organisation can increase its effectiveness and success.

Q No: Design a job description reflecting strategies of recruitment team?

A job description explains duties, abilities, efforts and responsibilities, as well as working atmosphere, experience. RGIS is a company that provides inventory services to its customers.

The job that we have selected for discussion is “AUDITORS” of the company.

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RGIS Inventory takers are members of a team that work together to physically count inventory for company’s clients and enter information into RGIS equipment. Inventory to be counted varies from place to place and client to client. The items that needs to be counted are located at different places and various heights. In every store usually Inventory takes 5-6 hours to be done but sometimes it may takes longer than that depends upon the size of the place and numbers of items to be counted. All the auditors are given proper training before starting their jobs, in which they learn how to use the equipment, way of counting, how to work as a team, to give good performance even under pressure, follow company rules, count fast and accurate.

To become an auditor of the company minimum age limit is 18 years. He needs to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure with whole numbers, common fractions and decimals either with the calculator or 10-key audit. If he has some experience working as team in a customer services that would be preferable. He must have proper CRB check. In RGIS every single employee is given an equal opportunity of getting promotion according to their performance during their job.

An auditor needs to be capable of using hand held computers and other inventory tools. He has to establish average per hour count goals along with accuracy and fast speed. He has to follow all the company polices and procedures. He needs to be capable of working in different shifts and different hours, sometime shorter and some time longer. He should be capable of working in different environments such as warehouse, stores etc. He should narrate information clearly and accurately both in writing form and verbally. He must have the ability to fulfil the other duties as ask by the management. While counting, the auditor has to stand for longer hours and needs to be very efficient. Some time he has to work for extended period of time so he also needs to be flexible. He needs to keep balance while counting stock from ladder as during work he has to use ladder and step up to 8 high. As auditor has to go different places for away and nearby so he should be able to travel by car and plane including overnight stays.

This job is suitable for the person who wants to earn some extra money and want to work with flexible hours. The best thing working in RGIS is that you can work hours of your own choice. In RGIS there are different categories of auditors. In the beginning they are recruited as an auditor but if they work hard and devotedly they can reach the highest post of the company. After auditor they become specialist and then an expert. There are two types of counters one is single scanner and the other one is multiple counter. The person who can do both types of count fast and accurate is known as expert. After becoming an expert there are doors open for the auditors to take further training and to apply for the higher post in the company that is supervisor, area manager etc.


Marketing means the procedure to create, communicate, deliver and exchange the offers that are important and valuable for the customers, clients and partners. Marketing is a process through which a company develop its business. Marketing is used to grip, detect and satisfy the customer. To achieve an organizational goal it is very necessary to understand the requirements and demands of the market and to satisfy those demands and requirements. The word marketing suggests that to achieve a target an organization should fulfil the demands of the customers in advance and to satisfy them.

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Operation means the regular actions which are necessary for the running of a business or an organization. Operation converts supply or data inputs into desired result to generate and value the customers.

In concept, it is a modest plan Make clients delay longer, and fewer of them will come back. But real exercise is difficult. The fresh advertising advantage becomes reasons in changing operating developments that rise customer service. The increase in waiting times shakes different market sections inversely, but generally causes a decrease in customer gratification, and therefore, repurchases. Consequently, the marketing creativity has costs, as well as beneficial. Manipulating those prices, though, is far from a simple matter.

Lately, industrial influences have been given much less courtesy than promotion issues as a main part in positive company policy. Though, as early as 1969, Harvard University Professor Wickham Skinner claimed that manufacturing was a “lost connection” in business tactic. He recommended that “directors incline to evade participation in manufacturing strategy creation, and manufacturing managers are unaware of business plan and a function that could be a valued advantage and tool of business policy develops an obligation instead. Hayes and Wheelwright recommend that “there has been a rising gratitude that manufacturing can be a tough modest weapon if armed and achieved correctly, and that a key to doing that is the growth of an intelligible manufacturing strategy. In addition, they claim that modest strategy can only be fruitful when industrial strategy works in concert with the other efficient policies.

A current study by Hanna and Stahl establish that the topmost business companies highlight quality/ consistency and to a smaller grade customer service factors in their company plans. However, these studies were made among big companies. They suppose that trade aspects would be given substantial position in business plan in many corporations since typically the proprietors of small business companies have their background in mechanical extents.

Development in product value and decrease in product price were the two policy features which were mostly designated as the main donors to enhanced firm performance. This result is reinforced by other trainings about the position of strategic factors in trading. In the marketing zone, there was a broader variation between companies with respect to the most important factors, and no specific policies seemed to be strongly favoured.

Numerous studies of the dynamic edge between marketing and operations are found in. Though, most of the previous work has considered the subtleties of the marketing-operations interface using only one product with deterministic requirements. For instance, the above-cited work by Porteus and Whang has measured a single-period model with numerous end-products. The quoted Porteus and Whang model emphases on developing suitable inducements to make the exertions of “selfish” marketing and operations managers result in a worldwide optimum. Neither that model nor the other above-cited models, however, emphasis on connections between different makes and the effect of rivalry.

Marketing estimates of product ingesting and forecasts of the success of imminent marketing policies to trade a product is very vital to operative administration which base product manufacture agendas on marketing estimates and calculations. Though, marketing is an enormously active area and, therefore, a good market model for a specific product group must reflect a wide variety of variables to confirm the best model possible. Heretofore none of the studies or research accepted have adequately carried composed or proposed a combined system which permits for inter-firm collaboration/policymaking between marketing and operative administration using a comprehensive market model which is geared to produce products and permits for numerous contestants, marketing plans, expected customer ingesting, communication with like product brands, and overall market fitness.

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The comparative status of these actions and marketing policy aspects for secure presentation was also verified. The consequences of a numerous reversion study, using real trade development as the reliant on variable, specified that the most creative policy features were developments in service to the customer, enhancements in fresh material excellence and upgrading in preparation. However, these policies seemed to benefit only those firms where a) whole business demand was rising and b) there was significant hi-tech alteration happening in the business. Astonishingly, stress on the marketing strategy issues did not seem to be a main causal issue in sales evolution. Upgrading in service to the customer, though, it is also a procedure feature which may have a significant marketing module as well.

Q No 4: Importance of qualification, sustainability for an organization in job description?

Ans: A job description helps an employee to understand that what performance he needs to show and what are the expectations from him. The job description helps the employee to realise the clear scope of their job and their position in the organisation. For any job qualification is a very important factor. Qualification gives the information about the skills of a candidate. It explains that what necessary education or specific skills are required for a particular job and either a person is eligible for a certain position or not. In modern business period training plays a substantial role. To beat the competitors it is essential not only to equip your staff but also to provide necessary training along with the required needs of time. There are certain reasons to give training to the staff. The fast revolution of technology has influenced the workplace and has made it essential for people to appraise their knowledge and skills. People have to work in different fields and categories which generally demand far more from their extent of specialty. To fulfil the future manpower needs of organisation training is very necessary. Change in management style, for personal development and for the advancement of career training and development is very essential. By training and development an organisation can achieve its target more effectively and more quickly.

For sustainability, employers would have to share an idea to develop a sustainability strategy for the expansion of organization’s budget, employment model, to expand a capital model and to secure funding. Workforce planning is the procedure to consider a company’s current and future employment requirements. If the workforce planning is effective it helps a company to identify and plan how to tackle their current and future workforce challenges and significances. The easiest way for the development of workforce is to find the exact number of people, having precise abilities in the accurate position at the perfect time. The organization should keep into consideration the number of employees but also keep in mind the necessary abilities that are essential for the business. The organization has to increase its manufacturing abilities. There are some examples to show that the abilities and knowledge are essential for job description. If a person is highly educated and has some extra qualification with some specialization degree he would be a preferable candidate for a job. An employee must contain sufficient knowledge to manage transform in an administration and to develop and apply efficient plans. He should be self-appealing and has the competency to work on his own proposals. Good communication power is very necessary as he should be capable of communicating with the executives in different aspects. All these examples show that qualification and sustainability are very important for an organization in job description. Job description helps the person to apply for the exact position in the organization and also helps the organization to choose the appropriate person for the required position.


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