The Skills Of A Quantity Surveyor Construction Essay

The purpose of this question is to explain the reason of tendering contractors being invited to a site visit during the tendering period. The tendering period in a construction project is a very important event. After tender clients will be able to choose the most suitable contractor to the upcoming project.

As we all know contractors play a very vital role in a construction project, so it is important to provide useful details about the project and give them a clear idea about the upcoming project before they participate to a tender process.

This question explains the details that contractors hoping to obtain during the site visit and I have given a brief idea about the tendering process and involvements of the contractors in a construction project.

What is a tender process

When a purchasing body such as local authority wishes to appoint a third party to deliver a specific service under the terms of contract or a procurement process is called a tendering process.

The meaning of a procurement defined as the purchase of services or materials from a third party that is delivered under the terms of a legally binding contract.

The procurement process is followed by a purchasing body will involve issuing an invitation to tender inviting all interested parties to tender or bid for the project.

Tendering is a process of bidding for the delivery of materials or services under the term of a contract which involves preparing a written tender to demonstrate the capability as a potential supplier of meeting the purchasing body’s requirements.

Involvement of a Contractor

The contractor needs to contribute to the design phase and continue to advise on the design during the construction period. In the same time where projects were less complex design and built systems were being adopted for both building and civil engineering projects. In order to respond to these different needs, contractors have develop a wider range of construction management. Contractors must accepted the responsibility for producing detailed drawings and cost effective production techniques.

Partnership between clients and contractors provide the benefit of more open relationship based on trust and cooperation. Contractors can influence the design for civil engineering work significantly and often submit tendering with a alternative bids, which can offer substantial savings to a client.

(Estimating and tendering for construction work-Brook M. 2004)

Purpose of contractors visiting the site on the tender period

Contractors have a key role to play in the entire project. As well as contractors are most at risk of injury and ill health.

Therefore contractors must have a very clear idea about the upcoming project in order to supply their service to the project.

All parties such as clients, contractors in a project need to consider what information should be passed between them and agree appropriate ways to make sure this is done. They need to exchange clear information about the risk arising from their operations including relevant health and safety rules and procedures.

With this exchange of information should include details of any risks that other parties could not reasonably be expected to know about. This information must be specific to work the purpose of the site visit will be to share and give information required to the contractor on the upcoming project.

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Information and advantages that contractors hope to obtain from the site visit

Information regarding resources, organization and facilities in the project.

All the contractors will get the opportunity to go through the important documentation. For example site plane, architects plan, structural plan, legal documents ect-

Obtain and negotiate proposal cost and pricing information with the client.

Information on transportation and local roads conditions to the site.

The client could provide necessary notes about the site and as well as contractors will be able to make their own notes about the site.

Information on preparing health and safety policies at the site.

Obtain the number of skilled workers and labours need to the site.

The contractors will be able to observe about the site features such as site environmental futures and also the surrounding buildings.

By going to the site contractors will be able to get an idea about available spaces and restrictions for the site.

Contractors will get an idea on managing the site such as access to the site, entrance, exit and traffic controllers.

Information regarding security requirements managing and protecting the materials I the site. Therefore the contractors will be able to make an initial plan on security.

Contractors can gather important information by speaking to locals around the site.

If there are any queries about the project consultants will be able to clarify and provide help to the contractors.

Details on needed technical equipments and materials to the site.

Contractors will be able convince clients about the ability of their construction organization and also they can provide their achievements and certificates of their organization and prove that they are suitable for the project.

Possible effects from the visit on the resultant tender

Organizing a site visit for the contractors could have many advantages on the tender. The clients will be able to give a clear idea about the site and the upcoming project to the contractors. Therefore the tendering process will be much accurate and efficient. All the contractors will have a great knowledge about the project before they prepare for the tender.

The contractors that cannot effort the project will be able to leave the tender.

Moreover the clients could pick the most suitable contractor to the project.

The tendering process will be done in less time, therefore it makes easier to concentrate on other important works going with the project.


In this question I have mainly gone through the details and benefits that a contractor will be able to get from a site visit during the tender of the particular project.

First of all I have mentioned about the tender process and the involvement of a contractor.

Then I have described the purpose of contractors visiting the site during the tender period. Furthermore I have listed the advantages and the possible details that contractors are hoping to obtain from the visit.

Finally I have described the points that the site visit can affect the tender.

Question (b)


The purpose of this question is to explain the benefits of a quantity surveyor to a site in the city centre of Glasgow. A quantity surveyor has to write a report to an American client to covens his appointment and he has to give reasons of his value for the project. In this report he highlights the benefits and main duties of using a QS to the site.

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This report is made to give the American client a clear idea about the value of a quantity surveyor even in a small project, and convince the client to give a place in the site.


Who is a Quantity Surveyor

A Quantity Surveyor (QS) is a proficient in the construction industry, mostly concerned about bills and building cost.

The profession is one that provides a qualification gained following formal education, specific training and experience that provides a general set of skills that are then applied to a diverse variety of problems Predominantly these relate to costs and contracts on construction projects.

There are around 75,000 professional QSs working in the UK.


In this job QS needs to have great math’s skills to manage budgets. Moreover they would also need to be methodical and organised in an approach.

In order to become QS you would need a degree in quantity surveying or you will need a qualification accredited by the Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to qualify as a chartered quantity surveyor.

Quantity Surveyors work in

Industrial and housing sites

Roads, rails and water ways

Commercial and retail development

Other construction projects

Skills of a Quantity Surveyor

Should have an excellent understanding on construction materials and methods.

A creative approach to solving problems related to construction.

Excellent communication skills.

Excellent interpersonal skills.

Ability to stay calm and approach deadlines.

An organized and methodical approach to tasks.

Good level of IT skills.

Ability to manage financial details.

Commitment to the job and a willingness to work long hours.

Excellent math skills.

Quantity surveyors responsibilities and duties

Preparing tender and contract documents, including bills of quantities with the architect and/or the client.

Making and analyzing costing for tenders.

Ensuring that materials to be used during construction match up to environmental guidelines.

Staying up-to-date on new standards in construction, property and surveying

Analyzing outcomes and writing detailed progress reports

Assisting in establishing a client’s requirements and undertaking feasibility studies

Undertaking costs analysis for repair and maintenance project work

Advising on procurement strategy

Identifying, analyzing and developing responses to commercial risks

Valuing completed work and arranging payments

Maintaining awareness of the different building contracts in current use

Understanding the implications of health and safety regulations.

Advising on the maintenance costs of specific buildings

Providing post-occupancy advice, facilities management services and life cycle costing advice

Assisting clients in locating and accessing additional and alternative sources of funds

Enabling clients to initiate construction projects

Making and maintaining financial records

Representing the client if and when disputes arise

negotiating costs and working with vendors to draw up bids for contracts

advising the client on any legal or contractual issues that arise during the project


Some other key roles that quantity surveyor can do in an office block project.

Contracts and procurement

Tasks include recording and monitoring variations to the contract in the office site, and finding the costs involved. In order to complete this I should have a good knowledge of different types of contracts and the demands of each. The amount of time I spend on this can vary from a week working on an interim valuation to a couple of hours a day updating a list of variations

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Monitoring profit and loss

This is another important duty from a QS. This involves compiling monthly reports to show the progress of a project. Tasks include recording costs incurred and future costs, producing summaries showing monies coming in and going out, being aware of risks, and reporting on factors likely to affect profitability. I will need to organize record keeping, understand cost control and monitoring, and make decisions that affect profit and loss. Cost reports can take two to three days to produce. This time depends on the experiences of the QS.

Client liaison

I will need to attend meetings with clients and advise them on any commercial issues that arise and also I should have good communication skills so that I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of different options, and the confidence to advise the client in a professional manner. Throughout a project I will often meet with the client either every week or every fortnight and these meetings will last for between one and three hours.

Benefits by employing a Quantity Surveyor to the project

Quantity surveyor is a very important proficient in the present construction industry. Even in small construction projects QS s role has being very useful. A quantity surveyor plays an integral part in the construction process of commercial property. Work can ultimately impact the total cost of a construction project. Moreover a QS can observe and monitor the costs of the project, to keep the project on cost and budget. Furthermore a QS is able to ensure the most cost effective strategies for any changes to the design.

Using an experienced and skilled quantity surveyor will not only allow you to have an accurate projection of the costs involved in a construction project, but also allow you to have an effective cost strategist on your team to help lower costs with ideas, substitutions and experienced advice.

The Quantity Surveyor is the financial consultant of the construction industry and his training and experience qualify him to advise on cost and contractual arrangements and to prepare tender procurements and contract documents.  And also the quantity surveyor acts in conjunction with the architect, consulting engineers, other professional consultant and contractor to safeguard the client’s interest.

Furthermore, Maximum value of money, expert advice and an end result of successful financial management of the project could be some other advantages of employing a quantity surveyor.


In this question I have mainly mentioned about the advantages of a quantity surveyor to a construction project. First of all I have described the definition of a quantity surveyor and the skills that a quantity surveyor have.

Then I have pointed out the duties and responsibilities of a quantity surveyor. Furthermore I have described some of the main roles of a QS with examples.

Finally I have gone through the benefits that an employer can get by using a quantity surveyor to a project.

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