The Smart House Project Information Technology Essay

The Smart House Project was initiated in the early 1980s as a project of the National Research Center of the National Association of Home Builders with the cooperation of a collection of major industrial partners [1].

Within the last 50 years, most urban areas experienced a dramatic increase in the number of rooms, offices and unites in buildings. this has made it difficult to manage the energy loss due to inefficient control of electrical devices running inside these buildings. In addition, it is not practical to rely on users to manually control these devices to save energy, a large number of technologies and sensors have been designed to manage excessive energy consumption. They reduce energy consumption by turning off the electronic devices in the homes based on data given from sensors such as motion detector, temperature sensor and Smoke detector which detect the activities in a certain areas and send signals to the control circuitry which adjusts in output accordingly.


Figure 1.: Smart house overview

Smart Home (SH) technology, whithin its context is a house comprising of smart devices and promises a huge number of possibilities to our future way of life. At the same time, it might influence our living habits.

Currently, a wide range of smart devices are being integrated in the smart homes, this enhanced services can be found in aspects related to the environment, communication, home electronics, security, support systems and health care, and entertainment.

A smart house is a house that has highly advanced automatic systems for lighting, temperature control, fire alarm security, water appliances, and many other functions. Signals are sent through the home’s wiring to switches and outlets that are programmed to operate appliances and electronic devices in every part of the house.

The increase in the number of elderly and disabled people and a decrease in the number of people working in the care sector have resulted in a decrease in the time spent by staff with their customers.

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The focus of this project will be on operational efficiency and excellence of care organizations for the elderly, by prioritizing the use of their employees to care more intimately for the customers and relieving them of other basic duties which can be automated. Another focus will be the separation of living and care. According to Regulations for Alabama Assisted Living Facilities suggests that living and care are to be offered separately[2]. Consequently individuals may choose to live on their own automated homes combined with the delivery of care services on the spot. This also enlarges their freedom of choice out of a number of providers of care services.

Some research has been done on a design of intelligent home based on information fusion. The design used consist of a module for acquiring information, then a control unit based fusion service interfaces multi-functional communication networks, and smart appliances. The goal was to detect and collect information from multiple sources like sensors, Internet, etc, then combine and use these same information to intelligently control the internal and external environments of the home.


For over a century, the smart home has been featured in the science fiction magazines and all types of media. It has always been presented as a house of the future just around the corner. In its earlier version, it has always promised the release of chores through automated technology that think and do things for us. We hardly ever have to worry about mundane chores and can be able to spend our time engaging in leisure activities. Visions of a Smart Home were a factor that influenced the adoption of domestic technologies.

Smart home high-tech vision of modernity native survived over time, although they are not the same. The technology framework of contemporary smart home is different, even if the rhetoric remained the same, illuminating the potential of this by producing scenarios that technology will be able to cope with a future still recent by development of intelligent systems companies worldwide in the field of computer technology.

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Figure 1.: intelligent smart house based on network

Definition of Smart House

A smart Is the house which has highly advanced automatic system for all electrical aspect including lightings, temperature control,multimedia and provide security in other words Smart houses are houses that equipped with variety of technological tools that automate and enhance living.

Function and features

Some functions and features of a smart house are discussed bellow

To make living more comfortable

Usually to conserve of power and energy efficient

Use of rewnable energy tech such as solar panel or home wind turbines that permits the production of energy.

Wireless control via wifi

Mobile control via SHAL application

Notification via SMS in case of fire outbreak


In recent years demands are focused on serving disabled and elderly people, as they need automated control of all the electrical aspects of their home, including light, temperature and water systems. Quick responses and alert systems of smart devices installed in this homes can help save lifes.

Energy is being wasted all around our planet there is an increase in the demand of fuel which leads to depletion of natural resoures, insufficient deliver of power and ultimately harm to the eniviroment. Some of this energy is wasted in our houses thus the need of a smart house.


In determining the purpose and direction of this project, there are several objectives that need to be accomplished in developing smart house via LabVIEW. The project aims to achieve the following objectives:

To designe an auomatic LabVIEW system to monitor and control house water,Temperture and other electrical devices.

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To control the parameters mentioned above through PC , smart phone and Automatically.

To understand and consider three factors of safty life time modelling for smart house system.

Conceptual Frame Work

Control though

Smart phone (Android)

Wireless modemC:UsersMrhbiDesktoplightbulb.gif

Monitoring and control


Temperature Sensor

DATA Acquisition


Light Sensors

Control Fan

Control internal Lights

Smoke and Fire sensor

Fire Alarm

Level Sensor

Control water pump


The project is limited to monitor and control four electronic aspects inside the house, these aspects are internal light, temperature using fan, water level and fire alarm system. Uses specific environmental sensors namely MQ2 for smoke, LM35 for atmosphere temperature and water level sensor. Controlling and monitoring these devices would be limited within the area of the house using main PC,and limited to the area of the internet LAN inside the house when being controlling through smart phone application.


This thesis is divided in to a total of five (5) chapters, which provides very clear understanding of automatic LabVIEW system.

Chapter 01: [Introduction]: This chapter discussed about the project background, problem statement, objectives and scope of the project.

Chapter 02: [Literature Review]: This chapter consists of reviews of Smart Houses and methods followed to construct it, applications and background of the previous work from different journals and papers.

Chapter 03: [Methodology]: The project development Software is discussed in this chapter with techniques and methods used, also the process of LabVIEW.

Chapter 04: [Results and Discussion]: This chapter shows the project results, of controlling and monitoring system that is built using LabVIEW software.

Chapter 05: [Conclusion]: This chapter concludes the overall project with future recommendations.

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