The Story Of And Hour And Eveline

For the present-day society, the equality between men and women is very common and popular theory, for example, Secondary School Place Allocation System. The High Court of Hong Kong ruled, on 22 June 2001, that all three gender-based elements in the Secondary School places Allocation (SSPA) System challenged by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) as being discriminatory are unlawful. “Since the 1978 SSPA system has been the implementation of men and women separately in the allocation, but provided that this has been unknown. Actually, until 1998, have parents dissatisfied with their daughter allocation results than the relatively poor performance of the same school male students, so the complaint to the Equal Opportunities Commission only after investigation ruled in violation of the sex Discrimination Ordinance. The final Education and Manpower Bureau decided in 2002 to men and women combined allocation mode. For the newspaper’s information, it mentioned men and women have different salary in society. Because of social progress, the social status of women gradually improved gradually and men equal and resolve the far away from the ancient traditional patriarchal ideology.

[2]”The Story of an Hour”, by Kate Chopin and the story of “Eveline”, by James Joyce, all these two short story also related to women identity and freedom in their whole life, but the character of the story need to confront with difference deeply. Moreover, these two short stories have presenting same themes but different conflicts to all readers, and two writers used symbolism, irony, characterization…to support her point of view and showing out the emphasis with different ways through the story. [2] “In Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour,” there is much irony.” Mrs. Mallard and Eveline are two women that both lived in the late 1800’s, two of them are also facing their important one in their daily life, Mrs. Mallard is facing Mr. Mallard, and Eveline is facing her father and her companion, Fank. [3] “Eveline” is the story of a young teenager facing a dilemma where she has to choose between living with her father and escaping with Frank, a sailor which she has been courting for some time.” Both of two characters are very similar, because both of them also want to have their own freedom as a woman and being a simple person in their daily life.

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[3]The two stories themes are setting around female who want to break away traditional patriarchal responsibilities. Mrs. Mallard and Eveline are trying to evade the aggressive men in their daily life.

“Free! Body and soul free!” she kept whispering. (Chopin, Para. 14)

Among the real situation, when a woman hears news of her husband’s suddenly death, everyone would be think that the women should be feel panic, threaten and lost about that. This circumstances and results are exactly what readers presumes will be happened to Mrs. Mallard in the story. On the contrary, Mrs. Mallard turns from an unfortunate and unlucky situation into a joyful and happy one.

“Even now, though she was over nineteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger of her father’s violence. She knew it was that had given her the palpitations.” (Joyce Para.9)

The circumstance of “Eveline” has clearly told that Eveline worry and panic about her father. Eveline need to listen and toe under her father, she cannot forsake what he talk and order.

[4] “The Story of an Hour” and “Eveline” has sharing a similar theme called freedom. For the story have a circumstance:

“There stood, facing the o-en window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.” (Chopin Para. 4)

It shows that when Mrs. Mallard went back to her room, her feeling reaction just like other widow’s. At the first, she was very upset about her husband death and her physically and emotionally was feeling exhausted. [4] “The story is ironic because Mrs. Mallard learns her husband was not dead, and instead of exulting her husband’s sudden return she regretted abandoning her moment of freedom.” But, when those thoughts started creeping into her mind that it approved and allowed her to know the freedom that she had gained will be shows in her eyes. Mrs. Mallard was young and pretty, her new life suddenly promising in front of her. That means, no more man autocratic will be happen again. Although her husband was deserve to love in sometimes, but she mentioned that she did not love him at other time. Maybe it means that Mr. Mallard was abuse or clear-headed when it came to be the views of women. Mrs. Mallard is conflicted about her joy for her husband. For “Eveline”, the main character is conflict about she want to leave her home long time already, because she do not want to living with a hard day and she afraid of her father. Because of Eveline’s mother had died, no one will protect her and love her like before, that’s why she wanted to leave at home. But, Fank have promised her will bring her away. In fact, Eveline have thought about leave home directly, she want to leave. When she remembers what her mother told her before, need her take good care with the family. Eveline need to fulfill the desire of her mother’s death, the final decision is to stay at home, will not escape with her love, Fank.

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[5]Finally, Eveline and Mrs. Mallard, both of them are looking forward to their new life; two of them are also wanted to break down the norms of their society. They want to have freedom and build up their women identity, but both of them are failed at the end, they cannot achieve their target at the end of the story.

“When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of the joy that kills.” (Chopin, para20)

The doctor presents that Mrs. Mallard dead, the doctor believe that Mrs. Mallard dies is because she surprise and happiness as her husband still alive. For the fact, all of us know that Mrs. Mallard death is because of she horrified that cannot have more freedom in her future life.

“She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love ore farewell or recognition.”(Joyce, para26)

5″This is the most powerful and important line in the story of Eveline. The line illustrates the reality of her life at home. The reality is that she feels “helpless” and thinks she has to stay and take care of her family and the house.” Eveline have no more propulsion and frame of mind to face others, she feel helpless, she want to have new life with her love, but finally, she have lots of different emotion and consider elements to prevent her final decision.

[6]In conclusion, future life, freedom and women identity are exquisite possessions. The difference of these two main characters is that Eveline is scared of the unknown future deeply; Mrs. Mallard is looking forward to her coming new life. Either is fighting for freedom or identity, their internal conflict is very complex and contradictory. At the end of two short stories, although two main characters had try to broke down the norm and want to get away the social reality, but they can’t. Mrs. Mallard dead and Eveline keep on her life.

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