The Story Of The Boys From Brazil English Literature Essay

The story begins when three men, meet each other in San Paulo, in 1974. They have rented a room for a conference. They also invited six other men which are aged mid-fifties.

Sr. Mengele has given the order to kill 94 men on different days in the next 2,5 years: The first will be on October 16, 1974, and the last on April 23 1977. These murders are in the interest of the Aryan race. Every man on the conference has a German nationality, but they get a new identity. Dr. Mengele told them that they are traveling representatives. For the murders they will receive diamonds.

Of the six men Schwimmer is going to England ( 13 murders), Farnbach to Sweden (14 murders), Traunstreiner to Norway ( 10 murders) and Denmark ( 6 murders), Kleist goes to the Netherlands ( 8 murders) and northern Germany ( 8 murders), Mundt goes to southern Germany ( 8 murders) and Austria ( 9 murders) and at last Hesse goes to the U.S.A ( 12 murders) and Canada( 6 murders).

The 94 who need to be killed are all around the 65 years old, and have as occupation civil servant. They just may murder these men and not their families. It must look like a accident or a natural death, and not like murder. The whole was recorder by a recorder.. A co-worker placed this, against a payment from Barry Koehler, a 23-year-old North-American, the co-worker gives the recorder later to him. One of the maids make a slip and the 3 men searched for Barry because they knew that Barry was behind al thus. Barry did this all, because he would like to work for Liebermann, a Nazi-hunter, but Liebermann doesn’t wanted him and therefore he gets further by himself. Barry called Liebermann to tell him about the conversation on the congress, but at that time, while he is talking with Liebermann, storms three men into his house and murder him.

Liebermann doesn’t know if he should believe what he heard, but he still requests to the British journalist Sydney. he knows Sydney very well, he wants the newspaper articles since 16 October (on which the first man would be murdered) in which men from around the 65 years on an unnatural way have gone dead. Liebermann gets after a few days an envelope with 40 articles which 11 agreed in terms of their age and occupation. Liebermann goes to one of the families of the deceased men, Mrs. Döring in Essen, to see how Döring exactly died. Liebermann speaks with Karla, Mrs. Döring, and her son Erich. After these conversations Liebermann thinks that Döring isn’t murdered by the men of Mengele. He also decided to go to Mrs. Curry to check out if her husband perhaps have been killed. Also this woman has a son and when he comes downstairs he thinks it was Mrs. Dörings son, but he was astonished that it was Mrs. Curry’s son. The sons were almost identical to each other. They have both a sharp nose, dark hear and blue eyes, they are pale and 13 years old. Also in the two families the fathers both worked as civil servants and around the 65 years, and the wife’s are much younger than them, they were 42 years.

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Liebermann finds out that more families have the same agreements. Liebermann finds out from Mrs. Curry that her son is adopted from the adoption centre rush-gaddis-Adoption agency, where Frieda Maloney worked from 1960 till 1963. Parents could get only a child here when the mothers aged more than if they 45, and the fathers must aged around the 52 years. Liebermann want to talk with Maloney, but she is in jail, because she had committed mass murder in the Second World War. Liebermann goes to the prison to visit Maloney, and he may talk an half hour with her. Maloney’s telling that they get the job in 1960. She must detecting men which where born between the 1908 and 1912, and women which must been born between 1931 and 1935. The man must been civil servant , both parents had to be white and Christians with a North European background.

Maloney has in three years time 45 people with these characteristics. All adopted baby’s were boys with black and blue eyes and they came from Brazil.

Frieda Maloney cooperated, because they would report her by the police , because she fled from Germany because she did all those mass murder. She didn’t know where the babies came from and she also didn’t that they where clones. She knew from a number of the parents still the names , one of them was Wheelock. Liebermann still mentions a couple of names and so he finds out that these families gets their baby’s 4 weeks after each other., the four fathers gets also four weeks behind each other killed. So Liebermann know who is the next who’s getting murdered, and this will be murdered Mr. Wheelock is.

All six men, recalled by Colonel Seibert, which has a higher rank than Mengele, because he believes that Liebermann knows too much, and this could be very dangerous. Mengele doesn’t know anything about this, and he is very mad. He wants Liebermann and the rest of all the men on the list murder by himself. He called the secretary of Liebermann with the excuse that he is the father of the murdered Barry Koehler and so he is know now that Liebermann went to a hotel in Washington. Liebermann has now a appointment with biology-Professor Nürnberger. He knows now what Mengele really wants. Mengele would like to make new Hitlers by cloning. The children have all the same genes as Hitler, but they grow up just like Hitler. It would be exactly a Hitler-clone. Mengele wishes that the clones have exactly the same education as Hitler has had. This means, a father who is civil servant and which, if he is 65 years, dies. And they must have a mother who is around the 42 years old. Only in this way, there would be a second Hitler created.

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Liebermann would go to Washington, but he goes first to the Office of the Young Jewish Defenders which is under the leadership of Rabbi Gorin. Liebermann asked for help to protect Wheelock Fortunately he didn’t went to Washington, because Mengele is waiting her for him to kill him. Liebermann would like to speak with Wheelock to explain to him that he is in danger. Wheelock is not afraid because he raises watchdogs. Mengele called the secretary of Liebermann again to ask where Liebermann stays. She tells him that Liebermann is going to visit Wheelock and she tells him the time Mengele is going by himself to Wheelock, acts that he is Liebermann and he shoot Wheelock. Mengele is waiting in the House of Wheelock, this is possible because Wheelock’s son is going to school and Wheelock’s women is working. When Liebermann arrives, Mengele acts that he is Wheelock. Liebermann finds out that he isn’t Wheelock but Mengele. Mengele held Liebermann under fire and tells him first, of his brilliant plan, before he kills Liebermann. Liebermann hears the watchdogs behind the door. He is trying to run to the door and tries to open it. That’s possible, but he is life-threatening affected by four bullets. The dogs storms in, because Liebermann opened the door. Mengele shoot one dog death and stand all around him. The son of Wheelock, Robbert went home. Mengele explains the little boy that he is adopted and that he can be a perfect leader, because he is a Hitler clone, he has a piece of skin, and a half a liter of blood from Hitler, but the boy doesn’t believes him. He lets the dogs bite him, and Mengele dies.

Liebermann went to the hospital. When Mengele lays death on the ground, Liebermann took the list with 94 names from Mengele’s jacket. Gorin Rabbi of the Jewish organization wishes all boys gets killed, because they all can be the new Hitler, but Liebermann doesn’t want this and he flushes the list by toilet. The dogs of Wheelock were killed by the police. The police couldn’t identify who was murdered, because the face was completely maimed, and his passport was also under a falls name. The book ends when one of the 94 boys draws a man on a large platform state and that this man has a large public which welcomed him. Perhaps this will be a new Hitler???

2.Explain the title.

The title of the book is: The boys from Brazil. The title called so because there are 94 cloned boys. Which were cloned to be like Hitler. All of these boys came from Brazil. Parents who adopted those boys where blank Christians from a North European background. Because the boys which have been adopted came from Brazil, they called the book the Boys from brazil.

3. What is the theme of the book and why?

The theme of the book is the fair for a new Hitler, how people abused cloning, and murder. Because Dr. Mengele would like to clone boys just like Hitler. Their Father must also die when he is 65, so Dr. Mengele kills all those men. He doesn’t want a world without Hitler, so he decided to make a new Hitler.

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4. Which genre does the book belong to and why?

The cover of the book says it’s a thriller, but there are also lots of detective-scenes in the book. It could also be a psychological drama because they describe a lot of thoughts and the feelings of the persons. The book was thrilling, and also a lots of detective-scenes, perhaps when Liebermann is wants to solute the murders.

5. Which of the characters could you identify with best and why?

I think I could identify me with Mr. Lieberman the best, because he wants to stop the murdering and he doesn’t want a new Hitler or a new world with Hitler.

6. Chose a quotation from the book which is exemplary to the book, and explain why you have chosen this quotation.

”The boys are exact genetic duplicates of him” I chose this quotation because it says a bit about what the boys of Brazil. They’re clones of Hitler. And Dr. Mengele wants to make a new Hitler.

7. Choose a scene from the beginning, the middle and towards the end of the book you liked best/ least/ impressed you most/ disappointed you. And explain why?

Begin: I like the part at the conference in San Paolo least. The men which want to kill 94 men had a conference in San Paolo. This part explains to the reader where and who they are going to kill. I liked this part least because it was a bit long- winded to me. And I didn’t understand it at the beginning. But after I read more pages I understand it much better.

Middle: The part where Liebermann investigates the murders I like best. He goes to different families to investigates why the men are murdered, and he finds out that the children came all from Brazil, and looked almost the same. He wants to know why these boys looked almost identical, and why the men which had been killed had the same age, and all the woman had also the same age. He went to Frieda Maloney and he finds out that dr. Mengele wants to create a new Hitler. I liked this part best because this was a bit of a detective-part.

End: The scene where Dr. Mengele goes to the house of Wheelock impressed me the most. Dr. Mengele wants to kill Liebermann by himself, and he know that he is underway to the house from Wheelock. But before Liebermann arrives there Dr. Mengele acts like him and shoots Wheelock. Then he tried to murder Liebermann. But Liebermann pulls the door open en the dogs from Wheelock stormed in. Dr. Mengele shot one, but when the son of Wheelock came home he gives the dogs the order to kill Dr. Mengele. This part impressed me the most because it was really trilling, this part was really exiting to read.

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