The Truth About Area 51

Area 51 is a United States Air Force base that is a detachment of Edwards Air Force base. Area 51 is secluded from the public and no one is allowed there without permission from the United States government. Area 51 is located in Nevada eighty-three miles away from Las Vegas. There are many people who have many conspiracies about Area 51 and what actually happens inside of the base. In Area 51 there is no extraterrestrial activity.

Area 51 is located in the United States of America near the west coast in Nevada, The CIA gave out the location of Area 51 due to it being against the law for them not to. The CIA was forced to give out where area 51 was because of the Freedom of Information law. The law allows members of the public to access records of governmental agencies. “Area 51, about 83 miles northwest of Las Vegas, is synonymous in popular culture with government secrecy, and many have theorized that it holds the answer to one of the greatest questions plaguing mankind: Are we really alone in the universe?” (Koran 1). Area 51 is in Nevada but it is far away from the most popular city in the state Las Vegas most likely to keep it away from the public so that they do not interfere with anything going on in or around the base. The government had to give out documents about Area 51 because of it being the law in the United States. “The documents made repeated references to Area 51 and detailed how it was selected as a testing area by the CIA, the U.S. Air Force and defense contractor Lockheed because of its remote location. They even included a map that confirmed its exact location” (Kiger 1). The documents that the government has released about Area 51 explained that the CIA used it as a testing center and where it was on a map. The have been assumptions made that the government tried to clone extraterrestrials, but the government has denied it. People have assumed that Area 51 is where aliens will be if they are on Earth and they believe that that’s where the moon landing was actually filmed. “T’s the most famous military institution in the world that doesn’t officially exist. If it did, it would be found about 80 miles outside Las Vegas in Nevada’s high desert,” (Jackson 1) Area 51 is far away from the public because of the government not wanting anyone to be around it. Area 51 is in an interesting location because the government using an air force base and not making a different base and hiding it better than they did.

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There are people who believe in Area 51 that there is extraterrestrial activity, meaning they believe that there are aliens inside of Area 51. “Some theorize that the aliens are actually the ones running the show and that their goal is to create a human-alien hybrid” (Dark Government 1) People think that Area 51 is actually ran by aliens and the government is hiding the fact that the aliens are working on something that the public doesn’t know about. There are people who think that government officials at Area 51 salvage alien technology from UFOs and use it for their own personal use. People think that there are pilots who take alien’s technology and use it for their own advantage against the aliens and then take the rest of the alien technology and use it to study. There are some people who have come up with the theory that aliens are allowed to abduct anyone they want to. People who think that aliens are allowed to abduct people so that they can do tests on them whenever they want are being ridiculous. There is a theory that theorists came up with that says aliens are trying to create a hybrid creatures because they are unable to reproduce on their own. People are thinking that aliens can’t reproduce their own species anymore, so they are attempting to use humans to help with that.

“In the 1990s, declassified documents said that the object recovered at Roswell was actually a balloon created for a surveillance program called Project Mogul. The weather balloon story was a cover for this secret project. Of course, UFO believers say that the spy balloon story is also a cover, and that the Army really did recover an alien craft.” (Strickland 1).

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People believe from the Roswell crash documents that the government released that the story the government gave the public is fake and that the government recovered an alien craft and are hiding it from the public. There was an alleged alien spaceship that crashed at Roswell, New Mexico and there are theories that the government met extraterrestrials from the spaceship and were able to use alien technology. If someone saw the alleged spaceship crash, then they surely would’ve seen aliens too if it was actually a spaceship. There are theories saying that the government have met with aliens and have studied alien technology. There are many people who believe that there are aliens at Area 51 and that they are running the show.

Some people have seen a UFO over Washington State. The wasa press release that stated the government “had recovered the remains of an unidentified flying object.” ( 1). The army retracted the statement very quickly most likely because they didn’t want the public to be informed about the UFO. The army claimed that it was just a weather balloon. UFO sightings aren’t necessarily aliens, they are government aircrafts that are being tested and are seen by people. Even though there have been representatives from the Air Force that have denied that aliens have anything to do with Area 51 that just makes people come up with even crazier conspiracy theories. The existence of aliens are Area 51 have been denied multiple times but people won’t believe it because they don’t trust the government. “Major Bolden also admitted that Area 51 existed, but said the US government was not hiding alien life there.” (Knapton 1) Major Bolden is the head of NASA and he would know if there’s alien life more than anyone else. “Hundreds of pages describe the genesis of the Nevada site that was home to the government’s spy plane program for decades. The documents do not, however, mention aliens.” (Bump 1) Area 51 has been the government’s area to hold their planes. But they deny the fact of there being aliens. “Veterans are talking, and-surprise! Surprise!-they aren’t telling any tales of space aliens or UFOs:” (Orac 1) There are people who have worked at Area 51 and they aren’t mentioning aliens.

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There are a few things people don’t understand about UFO conspiracy theories. If there are aliens, why would they come to Earth out of all places?

Why would aliens come to Earth out of everywhere they could go in the universe.

It is very surprising that an interview with an extraterrestrial thing is happening in the dark. While the narrator (Victor) mentions that the room has been kept dark on purpose for the comfort of the aliens, but that does not explain the reason behind the darkness. The alien didn’t look to be too sensitive to the torch beams at the end of the video though. (Jones 1)

The interview was in the dark, so no one could see the alien. This makes people believe that the alien was a costume with someone in it or with no one in it at all.

The United States Air Force base Area 51 is a detachment from the Edwards Air Force base in Nevada. Area 51 is far away from the public because the government does not want anyone near it. The government will stop anyone that’s approaching the base before they can get to it. There are trucks that drive around the perimeter of the base. There are people who believe there is extraterrestrial activity in Area 51 and there are others who believe there is no extraterrestrial activity inside of Area 51. There is no extraterrestrial activity inside of Area 51.

Works Cited

Aliens Everything You Want to Know. Accessed 4 Jan. 2017.

The Atlantic. 13 Aug. 2013, Accessed 22 Dec. 2016.

DarkGovernment, Accessed 20 Dec. 2016.

How Stuff Works. HowStuffWorks, Accessed 20 Dec. 2016.

Jacobsen, Annie. “Untitled post.” LA Times, Accessed 20 Dec. 2016.

Knapton, Sarah. “Untitled post.” The Telegraph, 19 June 2015, Accessed 20 Dec. 2016.

Koran, Laura. “Untitled post.” CNN, 16 Aug. 2013, Accessed 22 Dec. 2016.

Orac. Weblog post. ScienceBlogs, 1 Apr. 2010, Accessed 4 Jan. 2017.

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