The Urbanized Weapon Of The Tank

During this time the Trench fighting is how most wars were fought. Because of this the tank was the most quickly urbanized weapon structure in the history of warfare (History of the tank). The tanks are armored vehicle used in some of the most famous wars World War 1 is an example. It was first invented in 1916 but the British. This vehicle combines mobility and offensive and defensive strategies used in warfare. The vehicle provides safety with huge armor and mobility, with this it provided protection for the crew and the tank. The tank is equipped with a revolving turret and a powerful machine gun. Tanks were first witnessed in world war at the battle of Somme (Tank).

The tank was planned to bring the weapons of missiles and machine guns crossways the chaos of No Man’s Land while on condition that more defense than a simply infantry group could carry. The one and only reason of this weapon was to aid the infantry in creating an infiltration so that the cavalry could take advantage of the German rear (History of the tank). The first tank was called “Little Wille”. The aged tanks in World War 1 were capable of fitting 3 people. It could go no more than 3 miles per hour since the heavy protective covering, plus it could not cross trenches for the reason that of mud and bad circumstances on the soil. Before the tank was built, Leonardo da Vinci’s made a comparable sketch of a tank similar to wagon with armor sustaining it; however Frederick Simms produced a design of what he called a motor-war car (which is now a tank). This motor vehicle had an engine, a bulletproof shell and was armed with 2 maxim firepower’s on circling turret. (Tanks)

Every country had their own type of tanks Great Britain in World War I desired a machine that possibly will crack thru the row of trenches that the Germans were constructing in World War I. By means of gas engines, marine toughen plates and tracks the British built the primarily functioning tanks. They were identifying as tanks in the look forward to Germans thinking they were water tanks. In the summer of 1915 the British experienced their tanks in England. The tanks were hurried into manufacture and were on the battleground of France in September of 1916. The first tanks were slow but they were invulnerable to machine guns and rifles. Just artillery or mechanical breakdown could stop most tanks. the American produced a heavy tank prepared with multiple 6-pounder and five .30-caliber machine guns, it was operated by an 11-man gang, had a highest speed of 6.5 miles per hour, and a range of 50 miles. The Germans invented the A7V it was nothing that nobody had ever seen before. It weighed 30 tons with a squad of eighteen. By the end of the warfare merely fifteen had been built. The A7V would be mixed up in the first tank versus tank battle of the war (History of the tank).

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Tanks were actually only make use of by the French and the British. The Americans did have tanks in addition to Germans but Germans used tanks sometimes but stuck with making chemical warfare. The US largely used tanks as portable missiles given that they would sink in many of the bad soil (mud) of Vietnam. As you can see each country finished their tanks in a different way. (History of the tank)

Many people were affected by the tanks because of money issues and human losses. Taxes were a big part of war because if you have no money you can’t get the supplies to make the product. So citizens were charged very high taxes. Before the war the national debt was on the subject of 842 million. After the war it had increased to 7,980 million and it accounted for of almost all of the payments. A further partially was accounted for though taxation. The loss of human life was incredible; there was a “lost generation” of those who aged 18-25 who have died in the warfare and by means of their deaths had left behind a lot of fatherless children and wife’s that would leave economical and mental scars on British humanity. This effect was felt across all the countries involved in war. The war did not just affect the working. Also there were a massive amount of disabled citizens inside the population as a direct result of the First World War and injuries sustained; these had to be cared for by the government which set up various dedicated organizations for their care. (how were civilians affect by World War 1)

Early I had told you about how tanks were by each country in world war 1 but know I’m going to show the evolvement of the tank in World War 2. This French tank makes the blueprint of tanks which are up to date. Numerous World War 1 tanks were largely similar to the tanks in early World War 2. Cannons were installed in most tanks in World War 2 unlike in World War 1. Mobile Radios were also a new invention inside tanks so that communication would be better and a person didn’t have to stand outside and hold a flag up. 50 ton Tiger tank was the last superior tank made. Bigger tanks=bigger weaponry. The Soviets produced the largest tank gun to destroy the Tiger tank. The US built even bigger cannon so that they were a force to be reckoned with. Steel wasn’t working anymore so they felt that it was time for a new type of armor. With the invention of new armor and bigger guns tank started to get more unstoppable then they ever were. Vietnam was not known for their tank battles. The U.S used a helicopter equipped with missiles to defeat the Soviet tanks. In the 1960 and 1970s tanks increased their demand and added laser sights, night vision to make it even a better weapon to use. Tanks were also modified to produce flames, mobile rocket artillery and combat engineering vehicles for tasks. Specialized self- propelled guns were also developed tank destroyers and assault guns were cheap stripped down tanks carrying heavy guns, offer in a fixed hull mounting. The firepower and low cost of these vehicles made them attractive but as manufacturing techniques improved and larger turret rings mad larger tank guns feasible, the turret gun was recognized as there most effective mounting for the main gun to allow movement in a different direction from firing, enhancing tactical flexibility. (History of military tanks of WW1)

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The USSR, The 23mm VYa, 37mm NS-37 and the NS and many more were all weapons that damaged or destroyed the tank. The VYa was the most used weapon to destroy tanks because it was a gas-operated, belt-fed) chambered for a powerful blast. This was powerful enough for smaller tanks the bigger tanks didn’t hurt as much. The guns in the tapered-bore haves great mobility. Tapered-bore guns are deadly from short ranges; also they fire at very high silence speed. (Williams, 2004)

The importance of the using arms was their production at first they sold more than medium tanks. But in 1943, the demand of powerful tanks grew very high, the light weighed fell behind, since then they have sold less light tanks then they do medium tanks. Tanks were a contributor to the allies win. At the time the tanks were considered to be the main weapon of the. The tank destroyer was believed too specialized to justify in a peacetime force structure. T he US Army concluded that “the medium tank is the best antitank weapon.” Although such a statement may have been true, it ignored the difficulties of designing a tank that could outshoot and defeat all other tanks.

Tanks were a big part of World War 1 and 2. They changed how wars were fought they were used for offense and they were used for defense. Defensively they let soldiers hide behind them and for offense the tank contained weapons to fire at the opposing force. As you found out earlier that it affected many people’s lives economically and physical and mostly physiology because of the deaths. As War were fought in the trenches which is when opposing armies on the Western Front had dug miles of parallel to protect themselves from enemy first. As a result they invented tanks but because of the bad soil it was bad for them to go into it which is a reason why some country’ s didn’t use them and focused on other thing like Machine gun Explosives Airplane Submarine and poison gases. So as toy can see that tanks change war forever and was the center on Europe and the United states.

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“I grow dizzy when I recall that the number of manufactured tanks seems to have been more important to me than the vanished victims of racism.”

Stated by Albert Speer

He lived though it and shows the importance of the tanks everybody wanted them there was all kind and they shaped the change of history forever. Now we don’t use tanks as much as they used to but they still come in handy.

Cited Work

“Tank History – World War I.” – Reliable Security Information. Web. 28 Mar. 2010. <>

“Tank History – World War II.” – Reliable Security Information. Web. 28 Mar. 2010. <>.

“WW2 Weapons and Equipment, Tanks, Aircraft, Rifle, Machine Gun.” History of War Online – World War Two, World War One, Civil War. Web. 28 Mar. 2010. <>.


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