The Violence And Conflict Of Romeo And Juliet English Literature Essay

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play about two families that hate each other, the Capulet’s and the Montague’s. At a party, held by the Capulet’s, Juliet meets and falls in love with the Montague’s son, Romeo. They can’t be together because of the conflict between their families, and consequently, they both die because of their love. Although the play mainly deals with love, there are also many other themes, for example, violence and conflict. The prologue informs us that the violence in the play happens as a result of an ‘ancient grudge’ between the two families, which leads to the tragic deaths. The impact of violence between the two families also leads to Verona’s citizens being caught up in violent behaviour, “Civil blood, makes civil hand unclean”, this implies that the theme of violence and conflict affects everyone. This essay will discuss whether violence and conflict is central to Romeo and Juliet. The essay will analyse three different scenes in the play, Act 1 scene 1, Act 3 scene 1 and Act 3 scene.

In Act 1 Scene 1 the third civil brawl begins by Gregory and Sampson, servants of Capulets, biting there thumb at the Montague servants Abraham and Balthasar. This is an example of public conflict as the citizens of Verona are involved in this brawl. Gregory and Sampson were comically insulting each other, “My naked weapon is out”, when they come across the Montague servants. This civil brawl happens in a public place in Verona. Abraham and Balthasar lose their temper and swords are drawn to fight. This conflict begins from a rude gesture, “do you bite your thumb at us sir?” to the Montague servants. Gregory and Sampson choose to continue conflict as they are taking honour for their family and are standing up to them, “Let us take the law of our sides”. Tybalt joins the scene and start to fight and continue the conflict. Tybalt attempts to pick out a fight on Benvolio who is Romeo’s cousin, “Talk of peace! I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montague’s, and thee. Tybalt likes to start fights and create violence. Tybalt wants to carry on the violence from the threat of Gregory and Sampson, the rude gesture. Benvolio attempts to stop the fight and bring peace between both families, he believes violence is not the way to settle things, “I do but keep the peace, put up thy swords”. Benvolio is the peacekeeper who doesn’t believe in violence and therefore, tries to stop any kind violence and conflict between the families. Violence and conflict in central to Romeo and Juliet because a fight has broken out onto the streets by a rude gesture, on the other hand violence and conflict may not be central to Romeo and Juliet because Benvolio tried to keep peace within the two families.

Lord Montague and Lord Capulet are the head of their family and house. They dislike each other because of an, “ancient grudge”, which nobody remembers. The Prince describes the grudge as an, “airy word” or something small made up for a reason to fight. In this scene Lord Capulet and Montague have come to see the situation when they meet each other, and want to start conflict. Lord Montague says, “Thou villain Capulet! Hold me not, let me go”, and Lord Capulet says, “Give me my long sword”. Therefore this shows even the parents will fight each other as well as the children and cousins. Conflict and Violence is widespread in this scene because the citizens become involved and continue conflict, “Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike! Beat them down”. This demonstrates that violence and conflict is central to Romeo and Juliet because the brawl has affected the citizens of Verona to have violent behaviour.

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The Prince warns both Capulet and Montague if there is another conflict between the families in the public places of Verona the consequence will be death. There have been 3 past civil brawls between the families, so this will be there final warning, “You shall pay the forfeit of the peace”. This scene is very important because the Prince gave a warning of any further conflict, death will pay the price. Therefore this makes the families cautious for their actions and they have been warned about the consequence for any further conflict caused.

In Act 3 Scene 1 Tybalt comes looking for Romeo as he had gate crashed his uncle’s mask party by entering the Lord Capulet’s mansion uninvited to see Rosaline. Tybalt insults Romeo, “thou art a villain”, this is a great insult because he is a noble man. He then tries to start a fight, “turn and draw” Tybalt wants to continue conflict for gate crashing his uncle’s party. Romeo tries to keep peace because he has married Juliet and is now family with Tybalt, “Dearly as my own be satisfied”, Romeo cannot kill Tybalt because it would be an injustice to Juliet. Mercutio’s is a hot tempered person who always wants to fight; this is linked to his name which is similar to Mercury a volatile liquid. Mercutio chooses to continue conflict with Tybalt because he had insulted him when he came, “Here comes my man” this suggests that Romeo is Tybalt’s servant. Mercutio plays around with words that Tybalt speaks and makes him very angry, “Consort! What, dost thou make us minstrels?”

The second scene results in the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt through violence and conflict, which takes place on a public street in Verona soon after Romeo gets married to Juliet. Benvolio tries to avoid the fight and warn them not to fight in a public place because of the prince’s consequences, “We talk here in the public haunt of men, withdraw unto some private place”. This shows us that Benvolio is a peace keeper and does not want violence and conflict between the families. This threat demonstrates that, “public brawling” has occurred before, and he sees public conflict as a real problem. Benvolio knows that the weather is very hot and people lose their tempers really quickly so he wants to get off the streets to avoid trouble because he knows this may lead to brawls and deaths.

Another type of conflict that’s represented in the play is verbal conflict. Mercutio and Tybalt are in the mood to fight and want to continue conflict in public when Mercutio says, “Tybalt you rat catcher will you walk?”, and Tybalt replies, “what wouldst thou have with me?” Mercutio plays with the words that Tybalt speaks therefore he wants to kill him. Mercutio is willing to fight and wont move went Benvolio told him to, “I will not budge for no mans pleasure”. He refuses to leave the streets just to avoid the Capulets and is willing to fight if provoked. They draw their swords and fight. Romeo comes in between them and Mercutio is stabbed and he dies. Mercutio curses both houses for his death as he believes Romeo was also involved of the death of Mercutio. This is another example of verbal conflict, “A plague o both your houses”. Mercutio curses both houses as Romeo and Tybalt are responsible for his death. Mercutio’s curse may cause conflict in the future because Mercutio cursed his own friends as well as his enemy. This curse could have addressed the ending of the play with the result of Romeo and Tybalt dying.

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When Romeo sees his friend dying his mood changes from being peacekeeper to assassins, “This begins the woe, others must end”. From this point he says everything will change it is the beginning of the end. He wants to kill Tybalt because he killed his friend Mercutio therefore, the only thing on his mind is to kill Tybalt, conflict becomes greater in the play because Romeo has a mind of fury and anger. This demonstrates that violence and conflict is central to Romeo and Juliet because innocent Romeo has become a killer, the theme of violence has increased.

Romeo kills Tybalt with great anger, and he believes he has the fury of Mercutio, “And the fire eyed fury be my conduct”. This suggests that the killing was aggressive and bloody because he thinks that Mercutio’s soul is still here because he just died, “That late thou gavest me for Mercutio’s soul”. Therefore, he believes that Mercutio will help kill Tybalt and Tybalt will join Mercutio in heaven, “Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him”, to keep Mercutio company.

Romeo went through loyalty conflict because he must choose whether to be a loyal husband to Juliet or a loyal friend to Mercutio, “My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt”. Romeo is in a dilemma whether to be loyal to Mercutio or Juliet. This also represents inner conflict because it’s a tough decision that he must take. Mercutio is stabbed when Romeo grabs him. Romeo kills Tybalt, therefore Romeo has been disloyal to both people. As a result of the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt, Romeo is banished from Verona to stay in Mantua. The consequence is terrible for Romeo because he cannot be with Juliet anymore. The Prince is responsible for keeping the peace in the city and his sentence on Romeo is severe because he wants to stop the feud permanently. This scene is important because violence and conflict will decrease because the violent characters have died such as Mercutio and Tybalt, also Romeo has been banished from Verona. This demonstrates that violence and conflict is central to Romeo and Juliet because a further two more charactes have died Tybalt and Mercutio.

In the next scene Act 3 scene 5 Lady Capulet comes into Juliet’s room unexpectedly. Lady Capulet wants to continue the conflict by killing Romeo in Mantua by sending someone there to kill him, “I’ll send to one in Mantua”. This conflict represents the hatred for each other because even though Romeo is banished Lady Capulet wants him killed.

In this next scene Act 3 scene 5 conflict arises between father and daughter. Juliet refuses to marry Paris, and betrays her father’s wish and says she wishes to marry Romeo, “When I do, I swear, it shall be Romeo”. This arises a big conflict because the Capulets hate the Montagues and Juliet want to marry a boy from the Montague household therefore, she is disobeying her father and dishonoured her household. Lord Capulet is confused at this point and dishonours Juliet by calling her, “she”, this suggest that Juliet is now a nobody to Lord Capulet and says she’s unworthy to keep, “Unworthy as she is”. The rage begins when Lord Capulet start to call Juliet names, “Mistress Minion” suggesting that she’s a spoiled brat. Lord Capulet continues conflict by calling her more names, “green sickness carrion” suggesting she’s a lifeless corpse. Lord Capulet is furious and wants to throw Juliet out the house for being dishonourable to him, “Out, you baggage” and says she’s a pale waxy face, “You tallow face”. Violence becomes immense as Lord Capulet feels like striking her, “My fingers itch”. Not so long ago he thought that Juliet was blessed but now he sees her as a curse, “Curse in having her” suggesting she’s a bad luck to the family because there image has been tarnished. Lord Capulet now sees her as a useless person, “Out on her hilding” because she is not doing her duties as his daughter. Juliet has gone against her father to marry his enemy instead of marrying Paris who her father liked. She is a disgrace to the family to like a boy that is an enemy.

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The Nurse inflames the situation further and makes the conflict grater. The Nurse talks on Juliet’s behave and says, “God in heaven bless her” suggesting that Lord Capulet was wrong to say that. This makes Lord Capulet more furious because the nurse is taking Juliet’s side who is defaming his image. Lord Capulet becomes really angry and tells the nurse to shut up and gossip with another old woman, “Smatter with your gossips”.

Lord Capulet’s anger gradually builds up as he speaks as he doesn’t want to listen to anyone. He says a huge speech which summarises Juliet’s betrayal and the consequences of that happening. Lord Capulet will send her to the streets if she doesn’t marry Paris, “Hang, beg, starve, and die, in the streets”. He is so furious he is willing to throw her out the house and let her rot in the streets, and he wouldn’t care. All relationships with Juliet have broken up as she has defamed her family. Lady Capulet leaves her and she is now through with Juliet, “I have done with thee” all relationships have been broken except for the nurse. Although the Nurse tells Juliet to marry Paris because Romeo is banished but Juliet disagrees and says, “amen” if that’s what she thinks. She then breaks relationships with the Nurse and is now all alone. She openly insults the Nurse, “Ancient damnation!” verbal conflict ends their relationship. This is a mixture of public conflict because she can’t be with Romeo as the two families hate each other and inner conflict because she can’t tell her parents the truth.

In conclusion I think that violence and conflict takes a huge role in the play because everything happens through violent actions. Without the theme of violence and conflict the story wouldn’t be interesting because it would have been a romantic story and they live happily ever after, but the theme brings out the tension and suspense in the play and makes it more dramatic for people to read. I think that violence and conflict is central to Romeo and Juliet because this theme is carried out throughout the story. Violence and conflict becomes more wide spread involving a lot of people lead to brawls and deaths. The theme of violence is greater than love because Romeo and Juliet had one romantic night together and they had to separate in the morning before he was caught. This was the only scene demonstrating true love with no conflict or violence, eventually they both died.

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