The Walt Disney Company Business Essay

diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with several businesses: Media network, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products, and Interactive Media. In 1923, the successful entertained company is recognized worldwide, and conceived in 1923, Walt Disney is very innovative in the entertainment industry as the brand grew it gained power from the brand created. Disney organization is embedded with diverse workforce and focus on the importance and the welfare of employees to achieve great performance.

Employee Training and Development

All organization must manage their resources such as money, equipment, information,

and people. Employee training and development is very important in every organization because employees need to learn new and different things within the organization. Changes in Technology are requiring new skills in the workplace and employees need to be proactive with the changes. Management at Walt Disney has gain tremendous recognition in the way they management their employees and their organization behavior aspect. Managers and Executives

are offer training in leadership development courses that will help to promote better leaders. Curriculum is developed to engage leaders to show their true potential and progress in their careers and to build their capabilities. In engaging in these leadership development courses, it will help executive and managers to help other employees to gain self confidence, and know where they belong in the company. The leadership development program helps internal executives to a mentor to other employee; give back to the organization what they have learned. Walt Disney offer development to everyone across the board, employees are able to access the instructor-led and online opportunities to develop themselves personally and professionally. The company has invested in learning for their employees by developing a global learning technology-enabled platform. With these tools in place, employees are able to gain access to online learning and communication via online courses and virtual classroom any time they choose. Training and development helps employees to advance themselves and be able to gain better communication, critical and creative thinking, project management, time management, technical and artistic skills development, cultural awareness, diversity, ethics, safety, career development and wellness (Corporate Responsibility Report, 2008).

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Different Approaches for Employees Learning and development

The different approaches for employee learning and development offers to employees by

Walt Disney organization can be recognized as the systematic approach to training. The systematic approach is considered to be a High-Leverage Training Strategy that refers to a planned effort by the company to facilitate employees learning of job-related competencies. Under this approach there are several training that is conducted, that include needs assessment, design of the learning environment, consideration of employee readiness for training, and transfer —of-training ((Noe, Raymond, John Hollenbeck, et al., 2010, p. 273-337). Thus, the opportunities that employees and leaders gained from the courses introduced to them, the company employees were able to build individualized learning plan that can pull from resources of more than 10,000 online and print reference materials, targeted instructor-led classes, performance support systems, guest speakers, mentors, coaches and much more (Corporate Responsibility Report, 2008).

Management Succession Plan of Walt Disney

Retiring baby boomers are taking with them the knowledge they have acquired over the

years, often leaving less experience employees to provide services and also, changes in technology are requiring new skills. Walt Disney have made provision such has success plan program to groom generation Xers employees who may have the knowledge and experience of technology to be able to inherit the vacant positions that have been left by retirees. Walt Disney provide management succession program that employees to gain insight time-testes Disney strategies and tactics for improving business results through exceptional leadership. Newly leaders will learn and experience the details of the Disney Leadership Excellence Model and how to familiarize it to improve result within their own organization. As a result, the management succession program benefitted all Disney employees due to the fact that they were able to give back what they learned in the form of developing and communicating their leadership vision, establish and maintain effective systems an structures to meet goals, apply the strategies use to foster individual responsibility across the organization, inspire commitment and leadership development in others, and implement action plan to align with the vision, goals and continued development of the organization (Disney Institute).

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Career Opportunities of the Disney Organization Motivation

Based on reading from the Walt Disney Company, career opportunities has motivated

me given that Disney as created a working environment that engages all employees that they are all leaders and that they are determined and willing to develop leadership quality by having their employees believe in themselves and that their own behavior and vision drives the creation of work environment. Also, open communication is the key to all organization, and Disney has made it possible to help engage employees by having regular questions and answers segments in town hall meetings, executives coffees and employees forums. Employees are able to ask questions of senior executives without censorship or repercussions. All these opportunities are important values for working with any organization.


In conclusion, Walt Disney is a very innovative entertainment industry and has gain

power from around the world. Their focuses are not just their consumers and audiences but they consider their employees’ plays a very important role in the organization. Disney values are indeed driven by the human elements of their business and they are highly keen in their standard quality, ethics and social responsibility. At Walt Disney, their mission to foster safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces whether in any of their subsidiaries and divisions are truly displayed.

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