Thursday Afternoon And I Had Just Pulled English Literature Essay

It was hard being a single mother. Kevins father had passed suddenly when Kevin was fifteen and in the three years since the accident I had tried to become more of a friend to my son. It wasn’t always easy but he was a good kid and I loved him a lot.

I pulled into the empty driveway, parked the car, and made my way inside. The house was silent as a tomb. It looked like Kevin was still on his way back from school. I kicked off my shoes and decided to go change into something a bit more comfortable.

As I made my way down the hall towards my room I had no idea I was setting off a chain of events that would change my life forever.

I stepped through the doorway to my room and froze in my tracks. Lying on my bed before me was my son, Kevin. He was completely naked on top of the covers; one hand was wrapped around his long hard cock -stroking it rapidly- while the other held a pair of my panties over his mouth and nose. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be completely lost to the world.

I immediately knew I should just turn around and quietly made my way out of the room but I was unable to move. My feet felt like lead weights. I was frozen… mesmerized -and somewhat aroused – by the scene playing out in front of me.

I had only been watching for a few moments but it seemed like an eternity. Eventually Kevin began to moan loudly and thrust his hips wildly, his hand pumping his cock harder and faster as he reached climax.

My eyes bulged when I heard him shout, “Oh god, oh mommy. I love how you fuck me mommy! I’m going to cum.”

His muscles tensed, his body went rigid and I watched wide-eyes as semen flew from his cock onto his stomach and chest.

“OHHH GOD MOMMY! I’m cumming! I’m pumping your pussy full of hot cum!,” he grunted, talking to himself.

“Oh my,” I stammered, shocked at the realization that it was me that my step-son was fantasizing about.

I quickly covered my mouth with my hands but it was too late; the second the words passed my lips his eyes flew open and he stared up at me with a look of pure horror on his face. He jumped up from the bed, semen still shooting from the tip of his rigid member, and tried to cover himself. He tried to cover his still-spurting cock with his hands and hurried to the doorway.

“I’m sorry,” he stammered as he dashed past me.

I stood in the doorway transfixed as he scurried down the hall, cum running down his stomach and dripping from between his fingers. My face burned with embarrassment and I couldn’t help but stare at his bare ass as he fled down the hall and into his room.

I slowly began to regain my senses and I called out to him, “Kevin, it’s okay, it’s uh…” I trailed off. I realized that I really didn’t have any idea what I should say.

I made my way into the room, sat on the bed, and took a moment to gather my thoughts, struggling to process what I had just seen. I was still blushing and felt a strange tingling in my stomach; I had to admit to myself, seeing my son naked in front of me, watching him stroke his big cock and call out my name had gotten me very aroused.

The panties that had been on his face sat on the bed beside me and I brushed them to the floor.

I had not been with a man since Kevin’s father had died. I loved my husband and his sudden passing was emotionally crushing. Even after give years I didn’t think I was ready to put myself out there and I was sure Kevin would react negatively if I brought a strange man home.

I quickly changed out of my work clothes and walked down the hall towards the living room. As I passed Kevin’s door, I called out to him, “Kev… Kevin… I’m going to order a pizza for dinner; do you want me to get it from anywhere in particular?”

A long silence and just as I was about to turn and head to the kitchen I head a muffled, “I uh, I don’t care… order from wherever, its fine.”

I felt awful, I was obviously never supposed to have seen him in such a vulnerable position and Kevin was extremely embarrassed.

The Pizza arrived quickly and I called to Kevin, “Food’s here Kev, come grab a slice.”

My heart sank when he made his way into the kitchen. His eyes were glued to the floor, unable to meet my own, and he quickly mumbled another nervous apology as he sat down at the table. We ate together in awkward silence and I tried to start making conversation with him but all I got were short, one-word responses.

After we ate Kevin got up quickly and went right back to his room. I didn’t know what to do; I was becoming concerned that what had happened would leave him emotionally scarred and leave a permanent awkwardness between us. I was able to coax him out of his room to come watch a movie with me but the whole time I could feel the awkwardness hanging between us.

“I’m going to go get some sleep, mom.” Kevin said, “Goodnight.”

“Good night, Kev,” I told him.

I spent the next few hours mulling the situation over in my head. I was still very concerned. Lying in bed that night I found myself unable to sleep and decided that I couldn’t let things between us continue to stay so awkward. I got out of bed, put on a long t-shirt to cover myself, and made my way to his door.

I knocked gently, “Kev, honey? Can I come in and talk to you for a bit?”

There was a long pause and I thought he might be asleep. Finally he said, “Yeah, mom, come in.”

He was laying in bed with his back turned to me. The covers hung around his waist and the first thing I noticed was that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. My eyes scanned the rippling muscles of his back and shoulders and I found myself wondering if he slept in the nude. I quickly pushed that inappropriate thought from my mind and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I leaned over my son and gently brush his hair with my fingers, the same way I did when he was just a little boy.

“Kevin,” I said, “it’s ok, honey. You don’t have to be embarrassed. Everyone does it, honey. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I know, mom” he told me, turning around but still unable to meet my eyes, “But you, uh… you came in while I was. And you saw me naked, mom.”

I watched as my son slowly looked up. His gaze ran along my exposed legs, lingering as it reached my thighs. After a moment his gaze continued towards me breasts and I heard his breath quicken. I felt my own nipples harden as my son gazed at my tits. The thin t-shirt I was wearing covered them but it was tight enough to make my nipples stand out through the fabric, something he must have noticed immediately.

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I blushed in the darkness and told him, “Really Kevin, its okay. I should have said something before I came in the house… It’s not that big of a deal.”

As I got up I noticed his how his gaze followed the sway of my breasts. I turned and made my way to the door and when I looked back I noticed that he was staring intently at my ass.

“Good night son, I love you.”

“I know, mom. I love you too,” he said quietly as I closed the door and went back to bed.


The next day things didn’t seem to be any better; despite our talk Kevin was very quiet and withdrawn and nothing like his usual self. He spent almost the entire day in his room, only coming out to get something to eat or drink. That night I was determined to clear the air and I returned to his room before I went to bed.

“Kevin, it’s important for us to get over this,” I explained, “I told you last night that everyone masturbates. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, honey. And besides it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before. Your dad and I used to give you baths when you were younger.”

“That’s not the same thing,” he said, face red with embarrassment, “besides it was a really long time ago and I’m a man now… you shouldn’t see me like that.”

“I guess you’re right honey, you are a man now and it is a bit different. However, don’t forget that your mother has seen a penis or two in her day.” I said reassuringly, “it’s not like I haven’t seen it all before, honey.”

I looked over at Kevin to see if anything I was saying was sinking in only to find his gaze glued once again to my breasts. I also noticed he had a very pronounced bulge under the covers. I felt that tingle in my stomach and a slight moistness between my legs as I realized that this was just feeding his fantasies further.

I took a steadying breath and put a hand to his chest, I could feel the rapid beat of his heart. I began to gently stroke his chest and hair.

“Masturbation is a natural part of life, Kev. Everyone does it. I think… I think the best thing to do right now is get this whole topic out in the open.” I said as I gently reached down, pulled back the covers, exposing his throbbing cock.

“MOM? Mom, what the hell?” he exclaimed, hands quickly moving to cover his cock.

“I’m going help you masturbate just this once, Kevin, to show you that it’s ok and that there is no reason for you to be embarrassed. ” I met his gaze and said, “Now let me have a look down there, baby.”

When his cock came into view I felt the heat and wetness in my panties growing. I took my son’s hand in my own and placed it around the thick shaft. With his hand beneath my own I began to slowly move up and down along the shaft before letting go.

“That’s it Kev, keep stroking it. I know it feels good. Just keep stroking for mommy” For the first time in two days he met my eyes and I smiled down at him, “See, baby. I told you it was okay. It feels so good, doesn’t it?”

For minutes we sat together in his bed as he gripped his cock and masturbated in front of me. Soon he began started stroking more urgently, his hips thrusting forward to meet his hand. Suddenly he tensed up and removed his hand from his throbbing member.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I asked, confused.

He blushed, “I was… I felt like I was going to… umm. You know.”

“That’s the whole point, isn’t it? To pump that big thick piece of meat until you shoot your hot cum everywhere?” I said as I reached down and wrapped my fingers around my son’s hard cock.

I started caressing the length of his shaft slowly and asked, “How does it feel, baby?”

He was at a loss for and could only let out a small mewling noise to signal his pleasure. His ass clenched tight and his hips were bucking wildly as I began to jerk up and down, faster and faster.

“I want you to cum for me, baby,” I whispered.

That pushed him over the edge; hearing his own mother, the woman he had been fantasizing about for some time, begging him to cum. His hips bucked wildly and I continued to stroke his swelling shaft faster and faster.

“Oh god, mommy! I’m going to cum,” he exclaimed.

I used my free hand to massage and caress his balls as I pumped his thick shaft. I felt his body tense and a deep moan escaped his lips as his bulls began to pulse wildly in my hand.

“I’m cumming, mommy! Ohh, oh god! It feels so good mommy! Ohhh!” he cried.

“Yes baby, cum for mommy. I want to see your hot cum shoot from your big cock. Show mommy how much cum you have for her!” I yelled, feverish with lust.

Thick sprays of cum shot from the bulbous head of his dick and he writhed on the bed as I felt his cock spurt six, seven, eight times. As he recovered from his orgasm I kept on stroking his shaft, milking every last drop from his body.

“Well, Kev? That wasn’t so bad, was it? I told you there was no reason to feel embarrassed,” I smiled, looked down at his rapidly deflating penis.

Some semen was still dribbling from the head and most of his cum was pooling along his stomach. Standing up to leave I could feel his eyes drinking in the sight of me -staring at my long legs, my heavy breasts, and hard nipples- and I could feel the wetness of my own excitement throbbing between my legs..

I gave him a quick wink and said, “Goodnight, baby. Make sure you clean this little mess up!”

He beamed up at me, “Thanks Mom… for… for everything.”


My mind was ablaze as I made my way back to my own bedroom; shutting the door behind me I climbed into bed and peeled off my shirt. Feelings of lust and desire were swimming though my head and my hand quickly found its way into my soaked panties. I’d gotten my son off and now it was my turn, I thought to myself.

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I was able to easily slide two fingers between my well lubricating lips -they were soaked, running my juices- and began rubbing my aching clit with my thumb. My mind was flooded with picture of Kevin, big cock in hand, spurting loads of cum everywhere. It had been so long since I had touched a man’s body and Kevin had awoken my dormant desires.

I rubbed and pinched at my sensitive button, faster and faster, as I felt my climax approach. Warmth radiated from my sex and I gasped as the first waves of pleasure began to wrack my eager body. I had not been this turned on in years and my body shuddered and quaked as my orgasm lit up every nerve in my body.

I was awash in a sea of pure bliss and the only thing keeping me grounded to reality was my son’s name, Kevin. Kevin. I needed him now. I wanted him. I lusted for him as I came for what felt like ages and then, as the pleasure subsided, I curled up tightly in my bed and slept, dreaming of my son.


When I woke for breakfast the next morning everything seemed to have gone back to normal. Kevin came in for breakfast and seemed to be his old, talkative self. He was nice and cheerful and acted like there was no awkwardness hanging between us.

“A job well done,” I told myself, “a bit unorthodox, perhaps, but it worked!” I said goodbye to Kevin and went shopping.

It was the long weekend and all the stores were packed. What should have been a few hours of shopping kept me away from home until late into the evening. I returned home just as it was getting dark and made my way inside.

“Kev, honey, I’m home,” I called out.

He didn’t answer and I figured he had gone out with some friends. I made my way towards my room, hoping to get out of my work clothes but when I walked through the door I felt a major case of déjà-vu; Kevin was once again lying on my bed, naked with cock in hand and my panties over his face.

This time, however, he caught my eye as I walked in the room and I could see that they were burning with desire. He lay before me and continued his deliberate stroking; I tried to speak but no words could get past my lips.

Finally, Kevin broke the silence, “Hi mom. You said was ok if I did this, right?”

I looked down at his large, throbbing cock and stammered, “I, uhh… I suppose you’re right. I uhh, I did tell you it was ok… It’s just that usually this is something you do in private.”

He smiled at my flustered explanation and asked, “Mom, would you be interested in helping me out again?”

“I don’t think I should, baby,” I replied, “Besides, you seem to have things well in hand.”

I stood there and watched as my son’s hand jerked his thick cock. I noticed that he was completely focused on me while he pounded away and I felt flattered and excited. I watched as his gaze shifted between my face and my breasts, drinking up the sight of me.

We sat in the room for several minutes, frozen in our respective positions, until Jeff let out a loud gasp and his entire body flexed tightly. Cum began to shoot from his cock, landing all over and stomach and chest. Shot after shot of hot semen flew from his cock and eventually his pace slowed and his penis finished jerking. He peeled his hand from his softening rod and I watched as the last of his cum oozed from the tip.

“I’ll uh, I’ll go get you a towel,” I said. “So you can get cleaned up.”

I quickly grabbed a small towel from the bathroom and ran it under the sink. I hurried back to the bed, sat down next to Kevin and gently wiped the cum from his body.

“Oh Kev, you’re such a messy boy!” I teased, “Making mommy clean up after you at your age!”

We both had a quick laugh and I began to wipe his cock with the washcloth. I gently held his member with one hand as I cleaned his balls and shaft.

“Thanks mom,” he said.

“You’re welcome, baby.” I replied, “Now go get dressed; I need to change and get dinner ready soon.”


This became our nightly ritual for the next few days. We were both becoming more and more comfortable with these encounters and I would find myself sitting on the bed beside him, stroking his chest as he masturbated to climax.

One night he looked at me and said, “Mom, why don’t you get out your nice work clothes… so I don’t accidentally make a mess on them when I, you know.”

I looked at Kevin and asked in a playful tone, “Oh? You think that would be for the best, do you?”

He smiled at me, “Better to be safe, mom. Never know what might happen.”

His eyes widened as he watched me slide out of my clothing. Kicking my skirts aside, I stood before my son in nothing more than my laced black bra and black panties. I could feel the wetness between my legs begin to grow as my handsome son gawked at my beautiful body.

“Oh mom, you’re so sexy,” Kevin panted, “But what about your bra and panties? They look really expensive and I don’t want to make a mess on them. Maybe you should take them off too.”

Alarm bells went off in my head telling me that this was going way too far but my body acted on its own accord. My hands moved deftly to the back of my bra and my fingers quickly unhooked the clasp. I threw the bra into the corner, freeing my breasts.

My heavy breasts were now completely exposed to my own son and his attention was instantly drawn to my small, pink nipples. I felt my nipples start to become even more erect under his lusty gaze as he stared transfixed at the sight of my large breasts.

“Wow,” Kevin stammered. “Mom! They’re incredible.”

Next, my hands moved to my panties; I bent forward slightly and gave him an eyeful of cleavage as I gently tugged my panties down to my ankles. Kevin’s eyes were lit up and he looked like a kid on Christmas; he couldn’t decide if he should be gawking at my swaying tits or at my newly revealed pussy.

I dropped my panties to the floor and stepped past them; I was standing at the side of the bed -feet slightly apart- and gave Kevin the perfect view of my neatly trimmed bush and glistening pussy lips.

I had never seen any man so completely overcome with lust, it gave me butterflies. I sat next to Kevin allowing him to drink in an unobstructed view of my hard nipples. He reached over and began to gently caress my tits, pinching the nipples and driving me wild.

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I leaned close and whispered in his ear, “Make yourself cum,”

He quickly began to pump his hard shaft as his eyes drank in my nakedness. His face was a mask of complete lust and desire and it made my pussy so wet. Within minutes he was grunting and jerking his cock with urgency.

“I’m going to cum,” he gasped and I watched as he pointed his thick cock towards me.

“Hey, be careful where you aim that big monster!” I exclaimed.

The first splashes of cum landed on my tits and stomach before he could pull away; he finished the last few shots on his own belly. I knew he had done it on purposes but I didn’t care. It had been years since I had felt hot cum soak my body and I was extremely turned on by it.

I looked down at my breasts covered in ropes of my son’s cum. I reached down and scooped as much of it up as I could with my fingers and began to lick them clean. Kevin’s eyes nearly popped out of his head as he watched me swallow up his cum from my enormous breasts. It had been so long since I last tasted semen and I savored the taste.

“I guess we should clean you up as well,” I said.

This time I didn’t go to the bathroom to get a towel. Instead I simply kneeled down on the bed -my breast dangling- and began to lick the ropes of cum off my son`s muscular stomach and chest. He groaned as he watched my tongue lapping up his cum.

I licked my way down toward his cock while his hands continued to play with my nipples. I felt him reach one hand down between my legs to rub my pussy. I moaned and spread my thighs further to give Kevin better access to my sex. Two fingers slipped past my lips and began to explore my wet cunt. I moaned as he began to gently rub my clit as he penetrated me.

I was happy to discover his cock was immediately back at full attention so soon after cumming. I licked and teased the big head and then slowly began to engulf his entire length. I snaked my tongue around the shaft, collecting any residual cum, swallowing it eagerly.

“Ooh, mommy. Oh it feels so good! Suck my cock, mommy. Your mouth is so warm!” Kevin yelled.

I was finding it hard to concentrate with his fingers working my pussy and clit so expertly. I felt my hips begin to thrust back against his hand and he quickened his pace; rubbing my clit faster and faster as his fingers plunged into my warm depth.

I had to release his cock and tell him, “I’m so close to cumming Kev, baby. Please don’t stop! Make mommy cum!”

He kept at it, rubbing my clit with renewed vigour that put me over the edge. My body shook with pleasure as an orgasm tore through my mind, sending electricity to every inch of my body. I had not had such a powerful orgasm since Kevin`s father was alive.

“Oh my, Kevin! Oh yes! Kevin, baby, you`re making mommy cum! I`m cumming so hard!” I moaned.

I lay there in complete bliss for several moments. His fingers still played with my pussy but I was almost catatonic after the most mind-blowing orgasm I had experience in years. I slowly regained my composure, catching my breath and steadying myself. I looked over at my son and his still erect cock and knew what I wanted next.

I threw one leg over his body, straddling him. I gripped his cock tightly and directed the tip towards my needy cunt. Slowly, I lowered myself onto his steel rod until I felt the tip rubbing against my swollen lips. As I contemplated my next step I began to have doubts about what I was doing… Kevin was my son and if I did this… If I fucked him, there was no going back.

Before I got the chance to decide I felt him lift his hips and thrust his cock upwards. I gasped as his thick meat slid effortlessly into my well-lubricated pussy. We both let out our own moan of pleasure as his thick cock filled my cunt to the brink. All doubts flew from my mind, I was a creature of complete lust now; I quickly lowered myself, engulfing his entire cock to the base.

“Oh Kev! Oh yes, baby. Fuck me! Fuck your mommy!” I cried out in pleasure.

Each movement of my hips and ass was met with a matching thrust of his own. My son pounded away at my body like a sex god and I was in complete ecstasy. He moaned loudly, “Oh mommy, Oh god, incredible, you are so amazing!”

“I’m going to cum again,baby! Oh god, I`m cumming so soon!” I yelled.

His thrusting and short, shallow gasps made it clear to me that that he was also ready to let loose. Pleasure ran through my body as I climaxed, crying out, “I’m cumming! Oh fuck, Kev! Mommy’s cumming!”

His cock thrust in and out of my quivering cunt into like a jackhammer and I could feel it swell and throb inside me as his orgasm hit.

Kevin let out a deep grunt, “Yes, yes, yes! I`m cumming mommy, I’m filling you up!” I felt him thrust deeply one last time, the head of his cock searching for my womb as he came inside of me.

“Oh god, baby! Fill mommy`s hot cunt with your cum! Let me feel that hot cum inside my pussy! Yes baby! YES!” I screamed.

I felt pulse after pulse as his hot cum splashed into my cunt. His semen filled my pussy and womb until overflowed and it trickled back out onto his shaft and down my ass. When his balls had finally emptied he trembled and collapsed on top of me.

We lay together panting for breath, bodies soaked in sweat and our combined juices. I grabbed his head and gave him a passionate kiss. After a moment in that loving embrace I rolled out from under him and slipped Kevin`s cock back into my mouth. I gently suckled it cleaned of all our juices and when I was finished I let it slip free of my mouth.

“I don`t know about you but I am starving,” I said with a grin, “how about we order some food?”

I turned and left the room, still completely nude. My large tits bouncing, my hips swayed with each step and I could feel my son’s warm cum still oozing out my pussy and down my thighs as I picked up the phone.

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