Totalitarian Leaders: Italy and Spain

 Totalitarian Leaders: Italy and Spain

The leader of parliamentary Benito Mussolini and Spain’s leader is Francisco Franco.

Italy has a rich history and Spain has an extraordinary artistic classic architecture. In World War 1 Italy has been allied with Germany and Spain enjoyed neutrality, when the depression started Italy was at crisis majority and Spain is starting to slide into a full-blown economic depression. The lifestyle Italy has is a consumer segmentation and Spain’s official language is Spanish,also called Castilian,and it is the first language of over 72% of the population. (eyeonSpain). Paolo Gentiloni is Italy’s prime minister and Spain’s prime minister is Mariano Rajoy. Italy in WW2 remained neutral (with the constant of Hitler), but it also declared war on France and Britain on June 10, 1940. Spain in WW2 was governed by a military dictatorship,but despite Franco’s own pro-Axis leanings and debt of gratitude to Mussolini and Hitler,the government was divided between Germanophiles and Anglophiles. When the war started,Juan Beigbeder Atienza,an Anglophile was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Italy and Spain share similar lifestyles, religious values and cultural heritages. In the 1920s and 1930s, a worldwide economic depression caused many people to lose faith in democracy and capitalism. Extreme ideals arose. Communists celebrated what they saw as the failure of capitalism.

Benito was an italian WW1 veteran, he also led the fascists on a march on Rome,and King Emmanuel III, who had little faith in Italy’s parliamentary government. General Francisco is named head of the rebel Nationalist government in Spain. He also was a career soldier who rose through the ranks until the mid-1930s. When Italy gain popular support it seemed to be slipping into chaos. Spain had their food and cultural are also large factors affecting its popularity level. Rebuilding the economy in Italy. Mussolini jingoistic fascist party allied itself with the equally fascist regime of Adolf Hitler in Germany. Spain produces large crops of wheat, barley, vegetables, tomatoes, olives, sugar beets ,citrus fruit,grapes, and cork.

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It is Italy’s Benito Mussolini who founded the fascist ideology. Mussolini sought to recreate the Great Roman Empire by use of a totalitarian rule and feeding of the fear of communism. In 1939, Hitler and Mussolini signed the Pact of Steel forming an alliance which is known as the Axis powers during WWII. Benito Mussolini’s self-confessed “thirst for military glory” battled his acute intelligence, psychological acumen, and political shrewdness for control over his military policies. (History. com). On July 18, 1936, the Spanish Civil War begins as a revolt by right-wing Spanish military officers in Spanish Morocco and spreads to mainland Spain. (History. com). In July,1936,Franco joined the military uprising that precipitated the Spanish Civil War. Francisco took command of the most powerful segment and led it back to Spain. Italy’s political geography has been conditioned by this rugged landscape. With few direct roads between them, and with passage from one point to another traditionally difficult, Italy’s towns and cities have a history of self-sufficiency, independence, and mutual mistrust. Visitors today remark on how unlike the town is from the one next to it,one marked differences is the cuisine and dialect that is the difference between Italy and the town next to it.

Franco, however, firmly maintained his position of power, even after the assassination of Carrero Blanco in 1973. Although close to the Axis powers and despite their pressure, Franco kept Spain a nonbelligerent in World War II. He dismissed (1942) his vigorously pro-Axis minister and principal collaborator, Ramón Serrano Súñer. After the war Franco maneuvered to establish favorable relations with the United States and its allies. He further reduced the power of the Falange and erected the facade of a liberalized regime. During the next 10 years Franco enhanced his military reputation in a variety of commands and became identified politically with the conservative nationalist position. In 1934 he was appointed chief of the general staff by the rightist government, and he suppressed the uprising of the miners in Asturias. When the Popular Front came to power (Feb. , 1936), he was made military governor of the Canary Islands, a significant demotion. The similarities lifestyles of Italy are a consumer segmentation section in the report breaks down the Italy’s consumers by specific age groups. Spain’s similarities-religion plays a very important role in their lives. Italy is a nation embracing all creeds and religious where the relationships between state and church is regulated. Spain’s religious values are Catholic Christianity is by far the largest religion in Spain. Depression in Italy is the crisis majority influenced political and economical aspects in Italy. Spain is sliding into a full-blown economic depression with unemployment approaching levels.

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Works Cited

“Francisco Franco. . ” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. US: Columbia UP, 2016. 1. History Reference Center. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

Hettinger, Laura. “”France, Italy, and Spain: Culturally Similar Nations, Yet Drastically ” by Laura Hettinger. ” DigitalCommonsUConn. University of Connecticut Library, 1 May 2008. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

“Italy. ” Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 6 Dec. 2016. school. eb. com/levels/high/article/Italy/106448#27009. toc. Accessed 22 Mar. 2017.

“Living in Spain. ” Living in Spain Resources. Eye on Spain, 2017. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

Shen, Catherine. “Guided History. ” Guided History The Aftermath of WWI The Rise of Fascism in Germany and Italy Comments. Boston University, 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.


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