Training And Development Programme For Coca Cola Commerce Essay

The purpose of this task is to analyze the main Training and Development issues experienced by Coca Cola and to give them possible solutions and best methods to resolve those issues. (Coca Cola, 2010)Furthermore is how Training and Development is used to identify the reliability of the workers to perform more effectively which enhances the business’s performance. Coco Cola has hired Valmax Consultancy which is a permanent and temporary agreement recruiting consultancy which provides recruiting solutions, seeking and offering quality team and offering the workers training to perform in a company.

Current strategy and Organization’s goal

The company has been in continuous efforts to be one of best from the day it started. The company would never want to settle anything less than No1 position, the vision as per Coca Cola is to be the best in the class, just not to fulfill but to exceed the demands of consumers. They are moving with 2020 plan where they look to become world leaders.  The US generates 40% of TCCC’s operating revenues. (Coca Cola, 2012)

Internal context

Coca Cola is a famous product that has been regarded as a “living symbol of Joy, Youth and Prosperity”. Since its beginning in 1886 Coca Cola has obtained momentum making it a worldwide identified product with a profile of more than 3000 beverages. Coca Cola has led the beverages industry growing to other marketplaces accomplishing an oligopoly position with an enormous business creating them the world innovator for carbonate drinks. (Coca Cola, 2010)

External context

Coca Cola has been working on the saying ‘slow and steady wins the race’, side by side retailing to every more of its competitors. With the evolution of being one of the top brands, it is always difficult to sustain with the competitors. Various brands that give tough competition to Coca Cola like PepsiCo,inc. Nestle S.A etc., manufacturing soft drinks and also various other products that makes the competition tough. 200 countries and more than 500 products do have a huge competition to face. (Coca Cola, 2012)

Training and Development Vision

The training strategies in Coca Cola focus on bridging the gap between the organization needs with the consumer needs. The target is to produce quality of labor with various educational, technical and analytical skills among employees. The perspective of Coca Cola is to enhance its training and development in way which does not affect the creativity of the workers, and therefore allows it to create an advantage for the company. (Emerald, 2011)

Training need analysis

Training need analysis is about identifying the training gap between your actual or current performance and your required standards. For Example – If you need to go to A to B you must know what is A and what is B. Valmax Consultancy has identified the required performance standards of Coca Cola i.e. what skills, knowledge and behaviors are needed to do the job effectively for the workers through which employees can do their work differently and in a better way to fulfill the objectives of the company.

Organizational component

Coca Cola needs to make sure that the strategic needs of the company are taken into account. The business training needs are especially arranged to make sure that the company can benefit from the performance enhancement of the workers. (Emerald, 2011)

Operational component

In the needs evaluation a functional research looks to analyze the objectives of the company (short-term and long-term), and the styles that are likely to impact these objectives. Coca Cola needs to make sure that the potency of the company can enhance to be able to improve the functional efficiency. (CIPD, 2012)

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Personal component

This analysis obliviously targets individual workers. A very critical facet of individual research is to decide which necessary KSAs have already been discovered by the potential trainees so that valuable training time is not lost repeating what has already been obtained. (Blanchard and Thacker, 2010)

7S McKinsey framework – (Please refer Appendix 3)

Best Practice Training Methodology

Among the various methods, the company uses techniques like “Training on wheels” an initiative that provided relevant sales managers or staff for retail chain. (Henry, 2008)

Training and Learning Theories

Social learning theory

According to Albert Bandura, the Social learning theory has become the most influential theory of learning and development. He argues that people can learn new information and behavior by watching other people i.e. modeling or observational learning can be used to analyze the employee’s behavior. (Deeming and Johnson, 2009)

C:UsersNIKHILDesktopelaboration theory diagram.jpgSource – Google image 2012

Social learning theory is also the rationale behind using specific training methods for Coca-Cola. A modeling process will be involved in the training program in which employees will be able to learn through the observations. This will be done while having the role plays and workshops to make the social learning successful. Certain requirements and steps will be followed which are as follows:

Attention – The employees need to pay attention to avoid the negative effect of observational learning.

Retention – They must keep the given information in their mind so that they can use it later and act accordingly.

Reproduction – This time the employees will have to perform whatever they have observed.

Motivation – Experiencing these motivators can be highly effective. For example if a student comes in the class on time and he has been rewarded by the tutor so you can get motivation through that and start coming on time. (Blanchard and Thacker, 2010)

Trends in Training

When the Coca Cola started the journey towards being one the best manufacturers for soft drinks, the company did not need much of training to be conducted as the jobs were assigned with respect to the labor available (Emerald, 2011). Later the competition and the business needs did create a requirement where the employees need to be trained in technical skills, business skills and leadership skills. (Henry, 2008)

Training Program structure and Design

The basic structure would be like senior level management team, then the business managers, supervisors and then ground level employees. The hierarchy would mostly remain the same however; it might change with the requirement with the business needs. (Blanchard and Thacker, 2010)


Training audience: Senior level Managers, Top level Executives

Training Objective: Management will be able to evaluate modifying company surroundings and its corresponding results on company. Management will also be able to implement the new possibilities and to find alternatives for possible risks.

Training method: The business leaders have different role play to do when compared. Leaders mainly interact with clients directly or indirectly, understand the requirements of the clients and what resources they can provide for fulfillment of the contract or the business.


Coaching to the business leaders have to be done with a person who have vast experience in the field and probably have seen many companies shaping up on his career. This is just to polish the skills and then provide guidance in decision making and objection handling when making and business decision or a deal. (CIPD, 2011)


Like the business schools meets, every big organization have their own conferences arranged at various business locations. This helps in business leaders interact with other leaders across the globe.

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Training audience: The group will have customer service managers, sales managers, design managers or line managers.

Training Objective: The objective would be to understand the current skills of the managers and help them learn and understand new set of skills that matches business requirements.     

Training method: Role play is something like wearing someone else shoes to understand the depth of the job. This is very much like an actor trying to play a role in a skit. She/he has to shape according to the requirement of the character.

E- Learning: E-learning technology is like bringing world in front of our eyes. This is one of solution for organization to reduce the time for trainings and have employees go through different phases of training by sitting at desk with a computer or in a conference with co-managers. (Jethro, Grace and Thomas, 2012)


Training audience: The target crowd would be like assistant managers, middle level supervisors and co-workers

Training Objective: Objective behind this would be to train the employees to be more efficient in technical skills and with the latest technology. The global leaders would want new innovations to come through that would improve the business strength.

Training method:

Guided discussion and storytelling: This would be more a practical way of leaning the things rather than just be a theoretical way of training that takes through various slides or modules. This helps the employees to come out with the new ideas that can be implemented for business needs.

Trainings can be held in a closed environment like a meeting hall or we can build training rooms in the office premises that could accommodate a group of people with latest equipment. Coca colas and organization have professional training rooms with all infrastructures that can provide complete assistance in training.

Benefits of Training and Development

Thereby, training and development is beneficial not just for the company itself but also to the individual workers. Here, training and development leads to improved success and more positive behavior toward profit alignment, enhance the job abilities and knowledge at all levels of Coca Cola. On the other hand, this training and development program benefits personal workers through helping them make better choices, helping in motivating and achieving self-development and self-confidence, helping an employee to handle stress, disappointment and moving the individual toward personal objectives. (Blanchard and Thacker, 2010)

Learning Outcomes

The greatest aim of this training technique is to create and enhance a lifestyle of company learning at Coca-Cola. It helps to build a future living in the present and working together toward the dreams. E-Learning’s and job training benefits to build leaders among the co-workers. Additional resources are available for the management and can use them when required. 50% of the investment cost in training the employee after being assigned to a role would reduce. This would be most cost effective and efficient methods.

Risk management

Risk management is one of the aspects which cannot be prevented in training strategy. A number of threats are associated with creating this training strategy for Coca Cola. One of the key threats is the workers level of ability to resist change. This can cause level of resistance from employees, as well as the growth of anger among employees (CIPD, 2012).The way to decrease this particular danger is to make sure that an employee participation approach is used, which can decrease the concerns of the employees, while also helping the advancement within the worker. (CIPD, 2012)

Evaluation of the Training

Evaluation is the last level of the training process which helps the company to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program (CIPD, 2012). Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation includes four levels of evaluation which can be used to evaluate the potency of the training of Coca Cola. (Please refer Appendix 2)

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Reaction will be determined as what the members thought of the system, such as material, trainers, features, technique, content, etc. Responses on reaction set of questions will help to ensure against choices based on content of unhappy participant’s. (Omar, 2009)

(Please refer Appendix 1)

Learning assessment involves calculating the level to which concepts, information, techniques, and abilities have been obtained. There are many different actions of learning, such as paper-and-pencil assessments, expertise methods, and job models. (Iqbal, Maharvi, Malik and Khan, 2011).

Behavioral change will be calculated to determine the level to which abilities and knowledge discovered in the system have converted into enhanced behavior on the job.

Evaluation of results includes tracking business enhancement such as cost benefits, work outcome and quality changes. (Kirkpatrick, and Kirkpatrick, 2010)


This training technique is designed with organizational objectives and perspective of Coca-Cola and also the present difficulties they are experiencing. At Coca Cola, we create it a concern to cure their individuals well, help them create and provide them a fulfilling operating life. By offering training and development program, role plays, coaching and feedback, we make sure that everyone who performs in Coca Cola has the sources they need to understand more and develop their professions. And also to have some fun along the way – we want CocaCola to be a good place to work where individuals are motivated to be the best they can be.


Blanchard .P and Thacker .J, 2010. Effective training: Systems, strategies and best practices, 4th ed. New Jersey: Pearson

CIPD, 2011. The coaching climate [online] Available at: [Accessed 21st November 2012]

CIPD, 2012. Evaluating learning and talent development [online] Available at: [Accessed 22nd November2012]

Coca-Cola, 2010. Annual Review: Business Profile [pdf] Available at [Accessed 21st November2012]

Coca-Cola, 2012. Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Company, H.J. Heinz Company, NIKE, Inc. and Procter & Gamble today announced the formation of the Plant PET Technology Collaborative (PTC) [online] Available at: [Accessed 21st November 2012]

Deeming .P and Johnson .L, 2009. An application of bandura’s social learning theory: a new approach to deafblind support groups, Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association (JADARA), Available through: Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, [Accessed 22nd November 2012]

Emerald, 2011. Interview with Robin Gee, Head of Employee Engagement for Coca-Cola Refreshments, Development and Learning in Organizations, 25 (3) Available through: Emerald Insight [Accessed 21st November 2012]

Jethro .O, Grace .A and Thomas .A, 2012. E-Learning and Its Effects on Teaching and Learning in a Global Age, International Journal Of Academic Research In Business & Social Sciences, 2(1), Available at: Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, [Accessed 22nd November 2012]

Iqbal .M, Maharvi .M, Malik .S and Khan .M, 2011. An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Characteristics and Formative Evaluation of Training, International Business Research, 4(1), Available through: Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. [Accessed 22nd November 2012]

McKinsey Quarterly, 2008. Making talent a strategic priority: The War for Talent never ended. Executives must constantly rethink the way their companies plan to attract, motivate, and retain employees. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21st November 2012]

Omar .M, 2009. Training evaluation: a case study of training Iranian health managers. Human resources for health 7(1) Available at: Directory of open access journals [Accessed 22nd November 2012]

Henry, A., 2008, Understanding strategic management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kirkpatrick, D. L. and Kirkpatrick, J. D., 2010, Evaluating training programmes, 3rd ed., Accessible Publishing Systems.

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