Types and Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility


corporate social responsibility- Corporate social responsibility means the business training that includes advantages of the society. A business Corporate Social responsibility can be involve a varied range of policies, from giving missing a share of the organization that may profits to the charity to the applying “greener” business operations.

There are so many categories of the Corporate Social Responsibility that business are using them.

ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS- The main attention of the Corporate Social Responsibility is environment. Any organization took a step to doing a business this may considered both good for the organization and also for the society.

VOLUNTEERING- Presence of volunteer proceedings tells a lot about a organization honesty. By doing a good act without guessing anything in return, organization are able to definite their concern for personal issues and support for the company.

ETHICAL LABOR PRACTICES- By giving their employees a good treating organization are doing their Corporate Social Responsibility. That’s really true for the business that companies work in the international locations with the labor laws.

Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming very famous regarding the organizations, companies thinks this is the best way to operate their business and create a equal cost for the business and society.


STRAWMEN THEORY- Strawmen is a corporate form of an argument that is an casual mistake which is related on the impression of  refusing an opponent argument ,by refusing the argument that is not good and present by the opponent. The important of strawmen is escaping or disagree the liabilities and legal responsibility. This theory should  not be disordered with the real legal concept of the strawperson.

JUST THEORY- Just theory means justice theory which is refers to freedom and fairness are not equally exclusive. Justice organization leads to determine that for the justice to be truly. Everybody must be followed the same rules and regulation under the law. if every individual were stripped of their rights or their social status and make them equal and they have choice to pick a system that give equal rights to everyone ,what their religion, class or gender.

RIGHT THEORY- Right theory means that it manage the things we cannot do against the person, because they are the owners of the moral rights. If you have the right things so you have the guard.  Right theories are the best theory which include the rules that we should always observe regardless of circumstances. Furthermore it will be obeyed the chance of doing so perform. So when it means that the other norms not be followed by the others or by ourselves in the future.

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Best practice of corporate social responsibilities


Westpack is the very famous bank in new Zealand and they have really good reputation and they maintain their position in the market very well. They provide the good customer services to their customers. In corporate social responsibility Westpack  sponsor the rescue helicopters. Their contribution amongst the CSR is nearby $4.99 millions. As we seen 93,000 new Zealanders have take participate in the managing the money and support them financial since 2009.Gained leadership stage westpack new Zealand from 43.1% to 44.2% and they get awarded YWCA pay awards. Their employees donated  to the new Zealand blood service and they saves 987 lives.


Vodafone is the best mobile organization in the world they have huge amount of customers and great service. They care for the new Zealand and new Zealanders they take the best responsibility for the community and safety of the environment.  Through the mobile network Vodafone looks on the length of the country across rural and urban locations. This network maintain the energy and build electronic waste. They planting trees for the good environment of the nation. Vodafone made better global climate change. Mobile recycling is one of our key environmental initiatives. They use technology to help the customers reduce their carbon footprint.


ASB is a leading provider of financial services in the new Zealand, they invest 1.4 million for the personal business and the rural customers. Their main focus is to build good relationship with the customers. ASB volunteering the people they manage and spend thousand of hours to give knowledge to the schools and community groups. They supports the st john ambulance in all over the new Zealand and give payroll to people so they can make good contribution for the st john. they support coastguard Auckland and promoted water safely the annual may day appeal. ASB provided Auckland district health board with a new BERA phone that is a brand new hearing screening service for the newborn.

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ANZ social corporate responsibility are they provide the best opportunity for the individual. They sponsorship the new Zealand cricket team since 1999, they are the main sponsors of the cricket team and ANZ international series. they sponsor the new Zealand Olympic and commonwealth games. they maintain the ANZ Olympic school system which give advantages to the schools. ANZ improves the financial education of the new Zealand with the assist of money minded program. It helps to grow the financial skills, and ANZ staff donate one working day from each a year to assist the community.


Corporate social responsible for the countdown is they give free fruit for the kids, when kids visit their store so the provide fruits for them. Across all the charity partners $3.5 million food has donate to the families those needed the food. From the last year salvation army food bank get more than $2 millions of food donated from the countdown. And from their customers food rescue system. They have been funded to the countdown kids hospital from the several years. So many of the children get the benefits and are alive because of Social corporate responsibility.


ROLE MODELING- This is the best strategies for the organization to maintain their position in the market. Others workers gain a lot of the knowledge from the role modeling, to motivate the team you need to seeing yourself as role model, leaders must opened the door to the individual so they can learn and gain knowledge for their better future.

For example- Apple company have the best leader steve jobs mostly individual want to be like steve because of his work and he is the role model of many individual.

HIRE THE RIGHT PEOPLE- For an organization this the first rule to hire the right and good individual for the company, so you can gain the business and get a good position in the market. If a individual is the same culture is in the organization so that’s the advantage for that person to working in that company.

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For example- If the organization can give opportunity to different types of the individual that’s the good beneficial for the organization.

EMPOWER AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS- Communication helps to improve the business  and empowering helps to think the better decision. A good foundation of any successful organization is the people and their good source of the knowledge for the better future of the company. When the employees are attending the meeting of the company and give their suggestion and make the decision  so they contribute the success of the organization.

For example- If the leader of the organization give chance to the employees to give their suggestion for the company will be beneficial for the company.

IMPROVISATION- Stage is must important to do something in a business and to be a successful in a business, if a leader practiced improvisation the more good performance you give at work it improves the work you will be more confident at work and you will creates some new ideas for your business.


  • Respecting everyone in the organization
  • Good reputation
  • Making your own decision
  • Giving pros and cons
  • Take responsibility
  • Respect the chain of command

Example-Bill gates the director of the Microsoft organization giving his income in the charity this is the best example for the respect.

RECOMMENDATION- Right theory is the best theory because every individual have the rights to do something and every people have the equal rights so this is the best to open a new business in the market.

with the help of role modeling, hire the best individual, empower, improvisation and respect in future the business will be better.

CONCLUSION- By looking on all the points the right theory is best if you want to open a business gives good result for the company and with the help of the strategies the organization earn good in the business and have a bright future.

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