Use Of Electronic Communication Devices Education Essay

scope of Study

Teaching of composition is so important because through the writing can be assessed level of a students ability to think and communicate their ideas. However, despite the authors writing skills and essential to meet the requirements of todays life, the pattern of teaching and learning provided in schools with low leading to the achievement of these goals. Available teaching patterns over the household production or fact in writing activities was limited. Fill and given the fact that teachers often lead to a focus on specific questions. Intellectual development and maturity of the students were not given attention. Jamaluddin and Zamri study (1999), found that students’ perception of essay writing is positive but in the form of teaching patterns or characteristic of a rather disappointing way the students. According to another teacher they are not helping them to do the writing. Opportunity to discuss with the teacher and classmates are very limited. Suasanasebegini prevent the proliferation of mind in language learning is becoming increasingly tedious. Use of Internet applications provide new platforms or new innovations to teachers to attract students to read and gather information. Based on a study conducted by Descy (1998), there are four advantages of using the website in delivering teaching and learning:

I. Transmission of information to be easily and allows students who need the information to copy and save it.

II. The materials offered through the website easy to be updated based on the current development.

III. Materials provided to the students can be controlled through specific password

iv. Software using the website does not require a specific platform. Users can use a normal computer based applications windows.

The facilities provided by computer technology and the Internet, giving students the opportunity to obtain information easily and can also store the information for reference purposes. The use of computers and the Internet for teaching and learning also provides a flexible environment. Students can stay in touch with teachers and friends in the form of simultaneous (synchronous) and delayed (Asynchronous) through space conversation (chat) or electronic mail (e-mail). This means that they have the space to communicate with anyone with ease. Virtual discussions help students exchange ideas comfortably without the constraints of time and space. In a computer database can store a variety of information that can be easily achieved by students at any time and wherever they are, whether in or outside the classroom. Facilities achievement of this information can help students prepare for their writing. Information available on the Internet consists of specific information of a general nature and information. This situation provides an opportunity for students to make the selection of appropriate information to the literature. Information can be accessed through a computer terminal without the need to waste time to go to the library (Collin 1996). This statement is supported by the results from the study Kuang-Wu (2000), who found that in order to obtain information requires a long time in the traditional manner. The development of Internet technology has transformed the teaching and learning model existing (Kuang-Wu, 2000). Students are no longer only receive information from teachers and text books, but can make a wide selection of sources via the Internet. Acquisition of such information through the virtual world can be characterized as largest bookstore until Gandhi (2001), categorization as a virtual library. Based on discussions related to the Internet in teaching and learning languages, especially in essay writing is expected to be able to solve problems in search of information. Students will be more prepared to write and manipulate contents more organized and more mature, complete with descriptions and examples of appropriate. However these benefits are maximized Internet use based on their perception of the Internet itself. A study was conducted to identify the students’ perception of the use of Internet in essay writing.

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Student perceptions and Internet.

Greany (2002), has made a study of Spanish classes using a combination of technologies among which is the use of the Internet. The findings of this study have reported that the use of technology in language learning there are many benefits. Among the benefits is an increase in motivation, increased self-concept, able to bring the concept of student-centered learning, active learning patterns, expressed highly skilled students and enhance memory. Besides learning using multimedia technology facilitates the low (weak) understanding of a concept description and compilation of factual information. In addition to produce students who are confident of their own learning. Development and existence of the Internet in the classroom affect student achievement in their studies. Research on computer aided learning (Toriskie 1999) in an experimental study of students’ attitudes to reading and writing in the subject of geography and history as well as typing skills of students using computers and the Internet, Internet shows a positive impact on the attitude of students in geography and history. He also found that family income backgrounds either high or low income have a positive attitude towards the use of Internet. These findings make clear that the use of the Internet for teaching and learning provide a fun atmosphere and increase the interest to learn. Additionally, Warschauer (1999), explained by using the Internet in teaching and learning, students are more motivated than using common method. According to him also increased students’ motivation in learning writing. Integration of various media such as visual, audio, graphics, clear and attractive presentation of information through the Internet can attend to students and be a magnet for surfing the Internet for information. In the teaching of writing essays, students are flocking to see the real thing than just listening to an explanation of teachers. Teaching of composition and situations require accurate picture to improve student understanding and interest. Internet can provide this real-life situations through simulations and demonstrations that can be done through the application of multimedia in the Internet. Brook (1997), explained in addition to cost savings, the demonstration can be brought into the classroom safely

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Study Warschauer (1996) has identified three factors that increase the motivation resulting from the use of technology to facilitate communication and also to learning. Aspects of communication facility explained that students can connect with friends in real situations. Students can freely communicate and not feel trapped, not isolated and they are not afraid or worried to connect via the Internet with a friend (Gray and Xiaoli, 2001). Here students can freely discuss, speak one’s mind and ask whether fellow students or teachers. Relationships that occur in this virtual creating a cozy atmosphere and did not feel ashamed. Learning aspect was elaborated on the belief that learning of computer control whether to learn faster

In addition to the more independent learning patterns that are free from censure, and teachers can write a more creative outcome of the various resources that can be done through the Internet. Reports from studies Salabery (2001) found the development of technology in teaching can improve students attitude towards learning in and outside the classroom. Study Sutherland (2002), found that students who use the Internet to make appropriate reading and learning styles. These factors also influence the interest and motivate them to continue to read and improve academic achievement. Some researchers have also found that Internet technology has been able to improve their writing (Warschauer, 1996; Beavios, 1998). According Beavios, students who use the Internet in more smoothly writing project found in the conversation and be able to use complex sentences and more open in thought. However, what the issues are the extent of the individual student to adapt and accept new tools such as Internet technology is dependent on the concept of self-efficacy have on a student. Self efficacy related to one’s belief in its ability to perform a given task (Bandura, 1977). Either one will work on the tasks given are subject to the effects of its reliance on a tool used to help achieve an objective.

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According to Gist (1987), self-efficacy is also expected to affect the determination and strength in doing the work and be able to show the interest and the level of difficulty selected to do something. Individuals with high self efficacy according to Oliver and Shapiro (1993), have a high chance to succeed in doing something that does work. In view Torkzadeh and Dyke (2002), the notion of self-efficacy is very useful to be the basis for measuring the development of individual self-acceptance and measure an individual’s ability in the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in essay writing. Notion of self-efficacy theory is also very important because it can help better understand why people use computers or the Internet, ready to use the computer, select computer projects that have a difficult objective, continue to repair themselves in using a computer and have a high probability rate of success. For students with high self efficacy, they simply accept and can confidently use the Internet in learning. Whether a person will continue to use the Internet and continue to provide assignments are based on a strong belief in the impact of Internet use are provided in or out of the classroom. Development of information technology can change students’ perception of the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in the classroom. These changes depend on the attitudes, motivation, self-efficacy and interest in the Internet. If a student can receive kehadirian Internet technology with an open mind, the process of teaching and learning in the classroom will be more active and means of gathering information from a variety of disciplines to be simple and clear. The style of writing students will also be more creative and interesting. Thus the presence of the Internet will be the repository of solutions to improve and enhance the achievement of students

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