Uses Of Computers In Different Sectors Information Technology Essay

The use of computers has expanded itself and has helped every part of a functioning society. Without computers, simple, everyday tasks would be impossible to perform. As the world continues to grow, the demand for computers to continue basic function has, in accordance, increased. There are a myriad reasons/uses computers have, however in this report, the use of computers in education, business, and hospitals will be discussed.

Computers in Education

Schools everywhere have computers in order to provide information and material for students to learn from. Pen and paper have quickly been replaced by computers as students learn to type, submit, and read assignments. Teachers, as well, use computers to demonstrate new teaching methods.

Teaching. Education has drastically changed since the computer was first introduced to the classroom. The creation of the computer lab has improved teaching significantly. Teachers can now teach lessons in a more visual manner by three techniques:




Students learn quicker when they are given visual representation of the material, however, this method of teaching cannot be achieved without the help of computers.

Research. Another advantage computers give to students is the ability to access information from the Internet. With the endless amount of knowledge on the Internet, students can easily surf relevant websites and acquire useful information – “such form of receiving education is considered to be more effective than only learning from text books prescribed by the authorities” (S., Charlie). Therefore, a student’s ability to have access to a computer and the Internet provides a positive learning environment to academically grow.

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Distance Learning. Often, students find difficulty in learning if they are located too far away from the classroom. Computers have provided a solution by offering distance learning. When student and teacher are cities, states, or nations apart, online course programs makes communication and learning much easier than having to travel long distances. Furthermore, enrollment online into big universities eliminates paper usage and is occasionally a more organized alternative than pen and paper.

Computers in Business

Similar to education, computers have changed the way businesses work as well. To improve productivity and quality, professional businesses must use computers to manage data and store information. To stay organized, businesses use three methods that can only be achieved through the use of computers:

Accounts/payroll management

Database management

Software development.

Accounts/Payroll Management. In order to keep a controlled environment to work in, businesses are required to document sales, purchases, invoices, and financial employment records for employees. This information can help in computing profits and budgets a business must keep in order to stay in-business. The computer can perform all of these tasks along with helping employees calculate and manage information.

Database Management. Similar to account management, database management must be stored securely in a computer in order for business to run smoothly. Filing, recording, managing, and retrieving data are a few things computers are required to perform. Without the ability to easily access information, businesses would have issues sorting out data and finishing tasks.

Software Development. Without software such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Excel, storing useful information/data would be impossible. The pen-paper method could work; however, businesses could not maintain organization and would not work as diligently as a computer could. Computer engineers combine processes and code software programs through a computer so that they can sell their products (software). Simply put, software would not exist if computers were unavailable for use.

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Computers in Hospitals

Doctors have the overwhelming responsibility to treat patients and help them fully recover from whatever they may suffer from. Without computers, doctors would have difficulty treating patients, storing medical records, and monitoring health.

Medical Data. Everyday, massive amounts of data, including prescriptions, medications, and medical billing data, are collected and stored in databases to aid doctors/medical employees keep record of each patient’s needs. These databases, known as Electronic Medical Records (EMR), cannot be accessed without a computer. Without this information, doctors would be unable to keep up with the detail/medical history that each patient brings, and thus, increase the possibility of endangering lives.

Medical Imaging. Computers are also used for medical imaging, or in other words, perform tasks that relate to the human body. Some examples of medical imaging range from simple blood tests to complex things like CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds. Computers have been adopted to make more accurate procedures and experiments when entering/exploring the human body. Computers offer a safer and more advanced approach to medical imaging.

Medical Examination. In a hospital, the amount of patients occasionally outnumbers the amount of medical staff. Therefore, computers are needed to monitor the progress of patients in place of medical personnel. In some cases, doctors and surgeons use computers to help them treat ill patients. An example of this is a heartbeat monitor that watches the rate at which a patient’s heart is beating to insure they are still alive.


In conclusion, computers have significantly changed the way society works and performs certain tasks. Several examples of this can be seen in education, business, and hospitals. Simple, daily everyday jobs would be impossible to complete without the aid of computers. Computers can bring about imagination, creation, and life within every individual and sprout new opportunities for a better future.

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S., Charlie. “Use Of Computers In Education.” Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 24 Aug. 2010. 25 Nov. 2010. <>.

Rampur, Stephen. “Computers in Business.” Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 29 Oct. 2010. 25 Nov. 2010. <>.

K, Scholasticus. “Uses of Computers in Hospitals.” Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 27 Aug. 2010. 25 Nov. 2010. <>.

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