Virginia Woolf | A Modernist Perspective

Virginia Woolf’s novels incorporate the quintessential elements of the modern experience. I will explore the literary expression of these characteristics in relation to three of Woolf’s novels: Mrs Dalloway, The Waves and To the Light House. Firstly, I will analyse the modernist perspective in relation to form, narrative technique, structural dynamic, gender etc. I will also investigate Woolf’s materialization of time and how its constant reflections on the past incorporate a manifestation with the progression of actuality. I will also deconstruct the thematic ideologies envisioned in Woolf’s texts and relate them to the exhibition of contemporary being. This part of the dissertation will focus centrally on the technical and modernist aspects of Woolf’s writings

The second part of the thesis will conceptualize the sociological and political background of Woolf’s narratives. I will unravel the historical constructions and implications of her compositions. I will explore the concrete reality and the space that occupies the fictional fabrications of her novels. I will analyse Woolf’s encapsulation of the city as a medium that shapes and conceptualizes aesthetic experience. I will explore her representations of the urban landscape and social environment and relate them to the theoretical investigations promulgated by critical interpretations of the metropolis. I will also analyze Woolf’s exhibition of the city as a transitionary space in which sociological models are deconstructed and materialized.

3) Structure

Introduction: Woolf as the quintessential modernist.

This particular chapter will explore the general interpretations and influences of the modernist writer. It will offer an overview and introduction of Woolf’s works. I will explore Woolf’s idiosyncratic depictions of reality and how this complex process became the central preoccupations of the 19th century modernist writer. I will also deconstruct the radical innovations of the modernist experience and how these cultural, political, economical and historical productions destabilized the conventional constructs of actuality.

Chapter 1: “Past as a continuous presence, literary experiments with time: the experience of linear temporality and contemporary being in Virginia Woolf’s novels.”

In this chapter I will analyze the influential dynamic of the past and how its materialization can formulate contemporary moments of temporality. I will particularly examine Mrs Dalloway. I will investigate the modernist production and representations of psychological and impersonal time. This chapter will incorporate a variety of critical theorist such as Henri Bergson and how his theoretical implications and materializations of time had consequential implications on the modernist aesthetic.

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Chapter 2: “Experimental perspectives: the exploration of modern representations of the unconscious in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves.”

This chapter will incorporate an exploration of the subjective experience presented in Woolf’s narrative. I will investigate the exposition of Woolf’s “stream of consciousness” technique and its consequential implications on the aspects and productions of the modernist experience.

Chapter 3: Historical representations: a panoramic view of class and social structure in Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway

I will explore the social dynamic of Woolf’s novels in this third chapter. I hope to encapsulate an entire perspective and viewpoint of the social world of Woolf’s narratives. I will explore the social relationships that are represented in the text in particular in Mrs Dalloway.

Chapter 4: The City as an aesthetic experience: metropolitan modernity in Woolf’s novels.

In this chapter I will incorporate an intense investigation on the depiction of the urban landscape displayed in Woolf’s novels. I will uncover the aesthetic perspectives of the metropolis and consider its dynamic as a fluctuating and transformative space. I will also examine the different forms in which she presents the city as an aesthetic, irresolute and wavering experience.

Chapter 5: “A feminist critique: understanding Woolf’s perspective.”

This particular chapter will offer an exploration on Woolf’s representations and constructions of gender relations. I will also investigate the depictions of gender stereotypes in relation to class division and structure.

Working Bibliography

Ayers, David, Modernism: A Short Introduction. Blackwell, 2004. Print.

Black, N. Virginia Woolf as feminist. Cornell University Press, 2004

Bradbury, Malcolm & James McFarlane, eds. Modernism: 1830-1930. Penguin, 1976. Print.

Bridge, Gary & Sophie Watson. The Blackwell City Reader. Blackwell, 2002. Print.

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Briggs, J. Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Print.

Brooker, Peter. Geographies of Modernism. Routledge, 2005. Print.

Coverley, Merlin, London Writing. Pocket Essentials, 2005. Print.

Cuddy-Keane, Melba, Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual, and the Public Sphere. Cambridge UP,


De Certeau. Michel, The Practice of Everyday Life. California UP, 1988. Print.

DeBord, Guy, The Society of the Spectacle. Rebel Press, 1992. Print.

Dettmar, Kevin. Rereading the new: a backward glance at modernism. University of

Michigan Press, 1992. Print

Eysteinsson, Astradur. The Concept of Modernism. Cornell UP, 1990. Print.

Faulkner, Peter, Modernism. Routledge, 1990. Print.

Froula, Christine, Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde: War, Civilization,

Modernity . Columbia UP, 2005. Print.

Goldman, J. The feminist aesthetics of Virginia Woolf: modernism, post-impressionism and the politics of the visual. University Press, 2001. Print.

Goldman, Jane, Modernism, 1910-1945: Image to Apocalypse. Palgrave, 2003.Print.

Goldman, Jane, The Cambridge Introduction to Virginia Woolf .Cambridge U P, 2006. Print.

Hanson, Clare, Virginia Woolf . Macmillan, 1994. Print

Humm, M. Modernist women and visual cultures: Virginia Woolf, Vanessa Bell, photography, and cinema. Rutgers University Press, 2003. Print.

Kern, Stephen, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918. Harvard UP, 1983. Print.

Kolocotroni, Vassili et al (eds), Modernism: An Anthology. Edinburgh UP, 1998. Print.

Lee, Hermione, Virginia Woolf . Chatto and Windus, 1996. Print.

Lee, Hermoine. The novels of Virginia Woolf. Taylor & Francis, 1977. Print.

Lefebvre, Henri, The Production of Space. Blackwell, 1991. Print.

Levenson, Michael, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Modernism. Cambridge UP, 1998.

Matz, Jesse. The modern novel: a short introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. Print.

Nicholls, Peter, Modernisms: A Literary Guide. Macmillan, 1995. Print.

Olsen, Donald J., The City as a Work of Art .Yale UP, 1986. Print.

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Rainey, Lawrence, Modernism: An Anthology . Blackwell, 2005.Print.

Scott, Bonnie Kime.,ed. The Gender of Modernism: A Critical Anthology . Indiana UP, 1990. Print.

Squier, Susan Merrill, Virginia Woolf and London: The Sexual Politics of the City. North

Carolina UP, 1985. Print.

Stevenson, R. Modernist fiction: an introduction. University Press of Kentucky, 1992. Print.

Weston, Richard, Modernism. Phaidon, 1996.Print.

Whitworth, Michael. H. Virginia Woolf. Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.

Williams, Raymond, The Politics of Modernism. Verso, 1989. Print.

Wilson, Jean Moorcroft, Virginia Woolf: Life and London. Woolf, 1987. Print.

Wolfreys, Julian, Writing London: Materiality, Memory, Spectrality, Vol.2. Palgrave, 2004. Print.

Woolf, Virginia. To the lighthouse. Oxford University Press, 2006. Print.

Woolf, Virginia. Mrs Dalloway. Penguin

Woolf, Virginia. The Waves. Collectors library, 2003.

Zwerdling, Alex. Virginia Woolf and the Real World.University of California Press, 1987. Print.


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Banfield, Ann. “Time Passes: Virginia Woolf, Post-Impressionism, and Cambridge Time” Poetics Today, 24. 3, Theory and History of Narrative (2003): 471-516

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Paul Tolliver Brown “Relativity, Quantum Physics, and Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse” Journal of Modern LiteratureHYPERLINK “”, 32.3. (2HYPERLINK “”009):39-62

Pawlowski, Merry M. “Virginia Woolf’s Veil: The Feminist Intellectual and the Organization

of Public Space” MFS Modern Fiction StudiesHYPERLINK “”, 53. 4. (HYPERLINK “”2007): 722-751.

Seshagiri, Urmila. “Orienting Virginia Woolf: Race, Aesthetics, and Politics in To the

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Taylor, Chloe “.Kristevan Themes in Virginia WoolfHYPERLINK “”‘HYPERLINK “”s HYPERLINK “””HYPERLINK “”The WavesHYPERLINK “”” . Journal of Modern Literature, 29.3 (2006): 57-77

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