What Is Ict Infrastructure Information Technology Essay

The Network Design include the process to design a topology, to synthesize a network and to create this network. This process sometimes changes for the needs of the network and services. The Network planning and design are created to meet the needs of users.

Network software is used to share important information among computers.

Networking Hardware is the equipment used to build the network and includes routers, access points, switches, hubs, network interface cards, gateways, cables, modems and other materials and devices.

The Computer Network Systems and Telecommunications use communication protocols to describe digital message formats and rules for exchanging them. These Protocols include signaling, authentication and error detection and correction capabilities.

Network Security is the specialist area and a part of networking and includes the policies and provisions adopted by the network administrator. This is achieved by Firewalls and user’s authentication.

Networking hardware ,8 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_hardware>.

Network planning and design, 29 September 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_planning_and_design >.

Network security, 9 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_security>.

Communications protocol ,12 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_protocols>.

What are the main characteristics that an organisation may require from a network and infrastructure design?

– Redundant number of network nodes, including servers, routers, terminals

– The infrastructure depends upon the organisation requirements and characteristics such as the building or area that the network must cover, the amount of data that needs to be stored, the nature of the communication (wired / wireless / hybrid), the need for mobility of the users’ terminals

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– The financial cost that the organisation can afford. Parameters like the skills of the staff that will use the final network, the number of technical staff for the IT support, the dynamicity degree of the system design (how often the network will need to be updated, expanded, changed) and the required network lifetime

Networking hardware ,8 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_hardware>.

Network planning and design, 29 September 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_planning_and_design >.

Define a service.

Web services are mostly application programming interfaces (API) or Web APIs and have access via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system hosting the services.

Web service ,7 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_service>.

What is service level management?

Service-level management is the management and the monitoring of the QoS ( Quality of Service) of an entity’s key performance indicators (KPIs). Service level management used ton compare actual performance with pre-defined expectations, determine appropriate actions, and produce meaningful reports.

Service level agreement ,7 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_level_agreement>.

How does it differ from traditional network management and administration?

Network management include the methods, procedures, activities and tools for the operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of networked systems.

Network administration is a modern professional job for the maintenance of computer software and hardware that consisting a computer network. Usually includes deploying, configuring, maintaining and monitoring active network equipment and network devices, for example routers, hubs, and switches. A related role is that of the network specialist, or network analyst, who concentrates on network design and security.

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Network management, 4 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_management>.

Network administrator , 11 October 2010 , accessed 12 October 2010, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_administrator>.

List the main tasks in service level management.

IT Service Catalogue:

Standard IT services to customers in clear and familiar terms.

Provides a central channel through which the end users can request typical IT services.

Operating Level Agreements (OLAs):

Communicate and document the agreed-upon expectations of dependent IT services.

Are agreed between IT teams.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

Communicate and document the agreed-upon expectations of business-facing IT services.

Are agreed between business and IT representatives.

Underpinning Contract (UC):

Ensures the contract between suppliers, third parties, and the organization.

Communicates and documents the agreed-upon expectations between the suppliers, third parties, and the organization

Service Level Management , April 25, 2008 , accessed 12 October 2010, <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc543312.aspx>.

Network Manager – Job Specification

Research and write a job specification for a network manager for the company in the case study provided.

• Identify the following:-

o Responsibilities

o Skills

o Person specification

e.g. leadership, customer orientation, customer relationship skills, team working skills

o Identify desirable and essential skills, present them in a matrix.

Network managers are professionals for designing, creating and administering computer network systems in an organisation or between organisations. They manage a company’s in-house network support teams, or work for an IT consultancy firm and deal with different costumers (clients).

Network managers deal with different types of network systems:

LANs (Local area networks) – connecting workstations within an office, building or limited area.

MANs (Metropolitan area networks) – linking networks citywide or across a region.

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WANs (Wide area networks) – linking national or international networks.

GANs (Global area networks) – combining networks over an unlimited geographical area.

Also a Network Manager needs to have knowledge about:

Problem-solving skills

Negotiating skills

Communication and presentation skills

Ability to take responsibility and be decisive

Ability to work within a team

Planning and organisational skills

Project management skills

Ability to work under pressure and to deadlines

Ability to work within a budget.

Network manager’s key responsibilities are to make sure that an organisation’s computer system has the capability to meet its business needs and is secure. The main duties of a Network manager include:

Analysing and evaluating a client’s network requirements.

Designing and testing plans that meet those requirements.

Making sure network plans are compatible with other computer systems.

Supervising technical staff.

Implementing network security measures.

Planning preventative maintenance schedules.

Monitoring and reporting on network performance and usage.

Managing network growth and development.

Network managers work closely with other IT professionals and business managers to make sure systems work efficiently.

Network Manager , accessed 13 October 2010, <http://www.skillstrain-jobs.co.uk/network-manager.html>.

Network Manager – Skills and Knowledge, 2010, accessed 13 October 2010, <https://nextstep.direct.gov.uk/PlanningYourCareer/JobProfiles/JobProfile1217/Pages/Skills.aspx>.

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