Why Positive Thinkers Get Powerful Results Review English Literature Essay

Author Norman Vincent Peale was born in Bowersville, Ohio, on May 31, 1898. He was chosen into the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1922 and served as a pastor in a multiplicity of churches in the eastern United States for a long time of a decade. In 1932, he emotionally involved the Dutch Reformed Church and became the pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church, a post he held for more than fifty years. He died on Christmas Eve, 1993.

Norman Vincent Peale is well known for his famous book, The Power of Positive Thinking which has sold in the millions. “Why some positive thinkers get powerful results” on the other hand is an enormously useful and helpful because it gives hundreds of examples of how people changed their thinking and attitudes to get positive results in their lives. In fact during reading of the book I used to read one chapter and try to act as per the quintessence of the chapter and I can say with the assurance that steps mentioned in the book are very effective in our practical life. For example: Writing out goals on a card and carrying out the cards in my purse to reinforce my goals. More importantly, these reminders kept me on path daily. He calls this suggestion by the old title of “the shirt pocket technique” suggesting carrying one’s goals around on cards in the shirt pocket.

The author thought that “if you don’t believe in yourself, you don’t much believe in God. He has emphasized that the essence of one’s success depends on his belief in God as well. Belief at the opening of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that will guarantee the success of any business enterprise.” Guidance from God, like other gifts from Him, is received by faith. He says believe that and act for that reason.

In the third chapter, he talks about problem solving and reminds us that “every problem contains the seeds of its own solution.” The author tells us why a person fails to become what he or she could be? It occurs when the person does not give the job or effort the whole mind and does not let the entire self become involved.

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The author has pointed out that a negative word is symbol of negative concept that can be damaging. Moreover he has mentioned that words like”if, can’t and impossible “are the negative words when a person uses in the course of his journey. He advises that these words should be dropped down and covered forever and replaced with cans and possible then success is guaranteed. He tells that as one thinks or images in deep realization, so will one tend to become because “Like attracts like”.

The author talks about the success as a result of good health in chapter nine. He mentions that good health is developed through an amalgamation of insight, belief, in-depth faith and declaration of the re-creative power of the creator. He has quoted Plato’s saying that “Neither should we ever attempt to cure body without curing the soul”. He further suggests that “three basic elements of being i.e. body, mind and soul should be kept in harmony and balance”

On the last page there’s a quote from Thomas A. Edison that sums up the whole message of this book, “If we were to do all we are capable of doing we would literally astonish ourselves.” It is with that spirit that Dr. Peale presents more proof that one’s thoughts establish one’s destiny. A master at teaching people to relate faith in everyday life, Dr. Peale has made another strong case for faith-based living.

There are eleven chapters of the book “Why Some Positive Thinkers Get Powerful Results” by Norman Vincent Peale and every chapter of the book is appealing and thought provoking. The best thing about the book is that it can be read from any chapter because its each chapter contains a fresh idea and an approach which is 100% workable. Every chapter has been explained with daily life experiences of people he met in churches, in lecture halls, friends, common men and high profile people.

The book contains simple principles but these simple and life varying principles show the way to the amazing results in our life. When we read the principles we get them but I must say that these principles when requisite to follow are not easy. For example “Positive Thinking” is a simple principle which can lead to a very authoritative result. Positive thinking is a realistic but solid achieved philosophy. It is achieved by those who are strong in faith, strong in thought and strong in character. Positive thinking is not a coercion rather it is a choice. It depends on strength of the desire to be positive.

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The author Norman Vincent Peale has been serving for a long time in a church as clergyman and therefore he has referred various verses from The Bible in his book for proving and authenticating the point or principle. He might have quoted the verses from The Bible in order to keep reader unbroken with the Christian faith for example: “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27 or “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13. There are many sacred poems and writings in the book but at page no.96 there is one poem written as:

“Silence. Silence.

Heavenly Father.

Kindly father.

My Father.”

See Him as just that.

Then say:

“The great God,

the loving God,

the protecting God.”

Then add:

Jesus Christ,

My Lord and Savior,

is helping me now.”

Keeping that in view such style of writing author may have limited the book reading for people associated with Christianity only because of the fact that believers of other religions may find it otherwise.

In my views the principles quoted in the book are general and simple in form. Every reader of this book without being bigoted to the religious beliefs given in the book can easily relate with his concerned religious beliefs and find many solutions by keeping strong faith in the Creator and in himself.

This book differentiates the positive thinker from a negative thinker. The author sees the positive thinker as a believer and a negative thinker as a disbeliever. And it is the same concept of hope that Islam has provided us long ago. The real success story starts when a positive thinker rises to the occasion when going gets tough instead of giving up when confronted with hardships.

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The reading of this authoritative book which has brought millions on the track of positivity and strong belief is highly recommended. Purpose of the book “Why some positive thinkers get powerful results” would be fulfilled when a reader reads the chapter then visualizes and actualizes the same in his life. When the reader is confident that he has achieved the level then he must move forward to the next chapter.

The author Norman Vincent Peale has written many other books as well but a few like “You can if you think you can”, “Believe in yourself”, “The amazing results of positive thinking” “A guide to confidence living” and “The positive ways to change your life” are recommended for reading and practice in life.

“We get what we think” because what we think makes a way towards our destiny.


The book basically teaches that how to be a positive individual. To look on the bright side of life and change your future circumstances through positive thoughts. Negative thoughts do always produce negative consequence. If you do the same thing repeatedly, your life will always remain in a static position it will not change. Therefore, if you have lived in a cycle of negative thought for most of your life, now is the time to alter your thought. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale can help you to change the way you think. This book can give you the kick-start you need to start making something good of your life. It can help in many things such as; with depression, ill health, marital problems, goal setting, and new career direction

I recommend this book; The power of Positive Thinking is a book that you can read and learn how to think positively and how to get powerful results.

Product Details:

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Ballantine Books (September 29, 1996)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0449912132

ISBN-13: 978-0449912133

Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.6 x 0.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces

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